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    Thursday, November 14, 2019

    Life Is Strange | [ALL] #JourneysEnd - Replay Discussion for Life Is Strange 2: Episode 3 - Wastelands

    Life Is Strange | [ALL] #JourneysEnd - Replay Discussion for Life Is Strange 2: Episode 3 - Wastelands

    [ALL] #JourneysEnd - Replay Discussion for Life Is Strange 2: Episode 3 - Wastelands

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:00 AM PST

    #JourneysEnd is a coordinated (by Square Enix) global playthrough of Episodes 1 to 4, as well as The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit. Everyone is invited to play, stream, and cry again.

    These replay discussion posts will be a little bit different than an episode release:

    • Spoilers for all Life Is Strange games are allowed
    • Discussion posts will stay up for way shorter
    • Most of us will probably have played the episode already

    This time, we're replaying Life Is Strange 2: Episode 3 - Wastelands!

    Playing the episode again, and knowing what happens in later episodes...

    • ... did your opinion of any of the characters change?
    • ... did any of your choices change?
    • ... did you discover something new you hadn't seen before?

    Some links:

    Bonus giveaway!

    In each of these replay posts we'll be giving away 1 copy of Life Is Strange 2 Collector's Edition, for a total of 5 throughout #JourneysEnd. These are graciously provided by Square Enix. In addition, each winner will also receive a Platinum Award (1 month of Reddit Premium and 700 coins) courtesy of r/LifeIsStrange.

    Here's how to enter the giveaway for the fourth copy and a Platinum Award:

    1. Make a comment as a direct reply to this post
    2. Start your comment with something like "I want to enter!"
    3. In the same comment, add your thoughts after replaying the episode (you could answer our questions above)
    4. The winner will be randomly selected from the direct replies to this post (points don't matter)
    submitted by /u/DuckOfDuckness
    [link] [comments]

    [NO SPOILERS]I Laser The comic issue 9#

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:55 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] LIS comic issue 10 game art variant is a twist on the ionic selfie.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:05 AM PST

    [No Spoilers] Tell Me Why - Announce Trailer

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:38 PM PST

    [No Spoilers] Eh I tried

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:50 AM PST

    [No Spoilers] Chloe, by Me

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 10:11 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Another Gta crossover

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 11:48 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Wolves by karinakelso

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 01:33 PM PST

    [S1] A (sort of) shout out in Pitchfork... Max would be so proud...

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:41 AM PST

    If you look in the first paragraph of this review, and click on the word 'synched' you'll get a (sad) surprise. Of course, when you see who the review is or read just after the link, you'll already know what's up...

    Thought this was cool, especially considering it's a recent review.

    submitted by /u/LostBard72
    [link] [comments]

    [No Spoilers] Does anyone likes John Green's books? Do u think Life is Strange could be a story written by him?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:23 AM PST

    I don't know why but since I played LiS for first time I thought "This could be a history written by John Green.. If he added superpowers to his reallity." Does anyone agree with me?

    Also, also, are there any book that u will suggest to me that fits with Life is Strange's style?

    submitted by /u/Arkham14
    [link] [comments]

    [ALL] I don't know what the fuck this says but I share it anyway.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 02:30 PM PST

    [ALL][S2 E4] LiS2: Good vs. Evil... (and morally grey) part 5; Fly, you Fools!

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:22 PM PST

    ... the E-word, Karen, where we are now and where we go from here.

    You will find the TL;DR of each section as bullet points at the beginning of them.

    (Please note that the imgur links are in-game references to better illustrate the points made. They're usually screenshots from the relevant scene with lines taken from the scripts added to them.)


    • Ep4's Education themes = "Blood is thicker than water" and Perseverance
    • Importance of figurative blood ties and the spilling of Sean's literal blood in the church
    • Sean single-mindedly wants to reunite with Daniel. No setback or obstacle will stop him from achieving it - Perseverance.

    Ep4 sees a change in the circumstances of our two brothers. For the first time on our journey, they are separated for a long period of time and only get reunited at the very end of the episode. In the previous post I suggested Responsibility to be Ep4's theme, which I couldn't find any evidence for. Ironically though, that same post's title, "(Blood is) thicker than water", could be seen as one of the themes of the episode. While I used that title last time to show how the troubled family situations of the drifters forced them to find a new, "alternative" family in each other, Ep4 actually enforces the positive meaning of the proverb. It's Jacob who cares for his sister's well-being more than any consequences that he might have to face after taking her to a hospital; it's also Karen who after 8 years of silence takes action and drives to Nevada to help her sons however she can. But most importantly, it is Sean who goes through hell to reach Daniel in Haven Point and to release him from the clutches of the "Reverend Mother".

    In regards to the final scene at the church, consider the importance of blood in the following way. The emphasis in LiS2 has always been on the figurative meaning of blood ties being the strongest connection between Sean and Daniel as brothers. It takes the spilling of Sean's literal blood after getting hit by Nicholas multiple times that breaks Lisbeth's control over Daniel. Sean's willingness to give any sacrifice, even his own life, shows the importance of family for Sean and reinforces it for Daniel as a lesson to take away from Ep4.

    I'd like to suggest a 2nd theme of raising a child in Ep4 though: Perseverance. "Blood is thicker than water" answers the why Sean embarks on this journey, but there's also the question of how. In a way, the trailer of the episode itself asked that question, "How far would you go to find your brother?". It's no coincidence that Sean spends what feels like 30% of the episode lying on the ground beaten. Lying on the ground itself isn't a problem, but for one to move forward, one has to get back up on one's feet (cue song: Chumbawamba - Tubthumping). And there certainly isn't a shortage of obstacles to overcome for Sean: a painful eye socket missing its contents, an act of humiliation/violence in the Nevada desert, dealing with the distance and the heat to get to Haven Point, or just something as banal as burying a grudge with your estranged mother to rescue your little brother. Sean perseveres through all of this only because he single-mindedly has one goal: reuniting with Daniel and getting him out of the cult. Whether or not Daniel fully understands all of Sean's sacrifices is up to debate, but the player experiencing it first-hand emphasises Perseverance as a lesson to be learned in Ep4.


    • Continued belief that Karen no longer follows the Christian faith but Wicca instead
    • Good vs. Evil and Wicca as a good thematic fit overall; Karen lives with "like-minded" people in AZ - a coven?
    • Karen mentions her interest in stargazing. This, and astrology as a whole, plays an important part in Wicca and could subsequently become part of Ep5
    • On the theme of family, Karen serves as the villainous counterpart to the hero Esteban
    • Ep4 provides her side of the story and tries to portray her in a more positive light --> Ep4 shows the "Good" in the villain; Ep5 shows the "Evil" in the hero?

    Over 3 episodes Karen's character was built up through her personal belongings lying around or stories told by Sean, Claire and Stephen. She was always looming in the background. That's why I always had great expectations for our meeting with Karen. So, when she finally appeared in Ep4, I was intrigued to see how it would turn out. The outcome had me disappointed - in a good way.

    In her conversation with Sean, Karen explains her reason for leaving the Diaz's behind. She was "never meant to be a mother", thought she'd get used to it and explained how traditional institutions and social norms made her feel trapped. In a way I understand Karen and sympathise with her, but I had always hoped for a great reason that would redeem her somehow; something better than what we got. But I think that's the point. We're playing as Sean after all. Instead of getting an "acceptable" reason (if there even is such a thing) for Karen walking out, we have a selfish mother who left for her own well-being regardless of how that would affect her kids. The entire conversation left me feeling... empty. Her words, regardless of how honest they were, felt empty and I think Sean might feel the same.

    Of course he is angry with Karen for leaving, but at the same time, in one of the dialogue branches, he reminisces about the happy times he had with her when she was still around, and he knows full well that right now he needs Karen's help to get Daniel out of the cult. All of these conflicting emotions make it hard to figure out what the relationship between the two will be in the future and could use further exploration in Ep5.

    Next, I'd like to link Karen to the theory of Good vs. Evil. Sean's character is very much defined by the importance of family for him. This is most likely the result of Esteban's caring nature and his emphasis on family. Esteban is Sean's hero after all - Super-Papito. Is it too far-fetched to think of Karen as the exact opposite when it comes to the theme of family? Ever since Karen left the Diaz's 8 years ago, Sean started harbouring resentment for his mother, rejecting the idea of contacting her through episodes 1-3. So much damage was done by her absence that he still feels raw, making her a super-villain in his eyes. Two sides of the same coin: Good and Evil, Light and Dark, Day and Night, Esteban and Karen.

    So, that's the Good and Evil, but where do we find the (morally) grey? For this I would like to reiterate another theory I proposed in part 3 of my posts - Karen is a witch of the Wiccan faith. Ep4 reinforced my belief in her conversion to Wicca for a number of reasons:

    The first of which is Karen's necklace. A gemstone of purple colour similar to the amethyst she had back in Beaver Creek. Gemstones and crystals in Wicca are said to have spiritual and magical properties that support the wearer and their individual needs/identity. When looking at the amethyst in Karen's old room, Sean dismissed it as "new-age bullshit", similar to how neo-pagan religions are oftentimes dismissed as being nonsense. The fact she's wearing a small amethyst now, shows that this kind of stone still holds meaning to her and wasn't just a teenage phase she grew out of.

    Two of Karen's lines could also be seen as an indicator for abandoning the Christian faith. "Ask my mom and dad. They wanted me to follow their rules, their faith". If it was only the rules she had problems with, she wouldn't have added "their faith", which to me indicates that she has distanced herself not only from her parents but also her Christian upbringing. The other line is in the church with Lisbeth where Karen gets scolded for being a terrible mother leaving her children behind. Karen replies with "Isn't your God all about forgiveness?". Again: not any God, or (the) God, or our God, but your God. Arguably, she just wants to highlight Lisbeth's hypocrisy in this moment, but I also want to think of it as another indicator for her conversion to Wicca. It would also serve as a hint to the "like-minded people" she mentioned.

    Astrology (observation of the moon and the sun in particular) is of special importance to Wiccans too, so I want to at least mention it. The following comments could just be made in passing without any major significance, but Karen did mention she knows a thing or two about stargazing and did so with Esteban back in the days. We also had the eclipse glasses we found in her room that at least hint at an interest in these themes that could recur in Ep5 (more on this later).

    The last point concerning Wicca has to do with the importance of the two deities, the Goddess and the God, who are represented by the Moon and the Sun respectively. Following is an abridged version of the closing statement from my Wicca-post:

    Both deities in Wicca, the (Triple) Goddess and the God, are on opposing sides, working together and are found united as the inside and outside of all things. They each have their domain over which they rule and have certain characteristics associated with them. The Goddess is associated with the feminine and spiritual (another site I found, stated creativity here as well), and the God is associated with the physical and volatile...

    ... Let them work together and we have perfect harmony; separate them and balance is in danger. There is not only Good, there is also Evil. There is Black, and there is White. In all of us. In everything. But we can't acknowledge only one thing, because that side would overwhelm the other and potentially be harmful. Instead, we have to accept both sides and see that the decisions we make in LiS2 are so wonderfully grey

    (I'm oversimplifying here for the sake of brevity) At the heart of Wiccan belief is the idea of balance, similar to the Yin and Yang of Chinese philosophy. Where Christianity generally advocates for Good and Evil as two distinct entities and a clear favourite (God-Devil, Paradise-Hell, Virtue-Sin), Wicca embraces both sides equally and sees them as a necessity of life. The elimination of one side of the scales, regardless of what that might represent, would disturb the balance and be bad. And this balance is something that can be observed everywhere around us - in the universe, in nature, even within ourselves.

    It's funny and the following interpretation might be off, but I also see some parallels between Karen's and Sean's situations with notable key differences. See, Karen ran away from Seattle, away from her family, leaving 2 boys, a husband and the responsibilities she had for them behind; a carefully made decision informed by her desire for self-fulfilment over the months leading up to the departure.

    Sean also ran away from Seattle. The difference is, he ran away for family. When he regained consciousness after the Seattle-incident he only had seconds to decide on the "best" course of action; to do as his hero, his father, would have done - stick with his brother, care for him, Wolf Pack... Oowoooooooooo. Running away also meant that at this very moment Sean gave up being a regular teenager and had to take on all the responsibility for the journey, his actions and, of course, Daniel. In a sense he became a dad.

    In short: Karen and Sean both ran away from home, but while the reasons for them were based on family, their motivations were inverted. I see Sean's decision to run being heavily influenced by his mother's abandonment and his father's teachings.

    One last thought on the character of Karen: I argued that, from Sean's understanding of the value of family, she takes the role of villain if you compare her to the hero Esteban. Ep4 presents us with her side of the story, why she left, what she was hoping for and that it was the hardest decision to make because she loved Esteban and the boys dearly. Ep4 attempted to and, to some extent, succeded in painting her in a better light compared to what we had learned about her in the previous episodes. Like I said, Wicca teaches that there's Good and Evil in all of us - so, if Ep4 tried to show us the "Good" in the villain, wouldn't it be interesting to explore the "Evil" in the hero...?

    Where are we now? Where do we go from here?

    • Historically, LiS games come full circle... sooo, Seattle?
    • Ep5 starts in Karen's community in/close to Sedona, AZ
    • 3 dates of importance in mid-August 2017 could give us a time frame: Perseid meteor shower, Sean's birthday, solar eclipse
    • The boys reach Puerto Lobos, their dreams and expectations get shattered
    • Esteban's (potential) back story in Mexico breaks the appearance of perfection. This causes self-reflection from Sean.
    • Daniel gets critically injured. No safety to be found for him out in Puerto Lobos. With nowhere else to go, Sean takes Daniel back to Seattle.
    • Visiting Esteban's grave
    • Court-Theory: how exactly will it end? No idea, but achievements and plenty of lines are hinting at a return to Seattle.

    What you're about to read is how I would like parts of Ep5 to turn out. All of which is based on my understanding of LiS2's themes, events and dialogue of previous episodes, the achievements and the Court Theory by u/SerratedCucumberz.

    Our LiS games have a tendency of coming full circle:

    • LiS1- starts with the vision of the storm at the lighthouse ---> ends with the final decision right next to the lighthouse
    • LiS BtS- starts with the concert at the old mill ---> makes us return to the burned-down mill at the end, before joining Rachel to make our decision
    • LiS2- starts with a normal day in Seattle that within seconds turns upside down ---> Seattle???

    But first things first - Where are we now?

    Episodes 3 and 4 kicked off with a flashback and a dream respectively. I'd like Ep5 to start with a flashback too - the day after Karen left. Sean waking up in the morning expecting breakfast, only to be met with silence when he's calling out "Mom? Moooom?" would be a powerful moment. It would serve as a reminder of what Karen did and also affect our interactions with her when we take control, since we're likely to be at Karen's place in Arizona.

    Where exactly is that? I have fully adopted the view of this comment by u/Venom4You suggesting that Karen lives in Sedona, AZ because the "New Age Capital" fits the whole Wicca idea nicely. As I mentioned earlier, Karen said she found "like-minded people", which could be an indicator for living with other Wiccans in a coven in or close to Sedona where the boys find temporary shelter. This raises another question: how secluded or remote is this community? Assuming Agent Flores told us the truth, it would mean that the FBI wasn't able to track Karen down. This could be an indicator for living life off the radar, outside of society. I was also considering that Karen may have taken on a new identity, explaining why the FBI wasn't able to find her. Her preference for low-tech, such as the phone, and the tape blocking the camera of the borrowed tablet could support the desire for anonymity. Either way, a remote place in Arizona is probably best for the brothers to lay low for a while. On top of that, the surrounding nature would also make for another breathtaking location (Arizona got pretty much confirmed by the recently released Ep5 teaser). The beauty of Arizona's mesas could be enhanced by the time in which Ep5 takes place...

    When does Ep5 take place?

    All of the episodes saw a time skip between each other, usually about 1 or 2 months. I don't see Ep5 being any different and this is where the observation of celestial bodies could play a special role. There is a time frame in mid-August of 2017 that in my opinion would fit our final episode nicely. Three dates stand out:

    As a result of the Earth passing through the meteor shower every year, a great amount of falling stars is visible during the night and early dawn of 12 Aug. The picture of Ep5's first achievement could represent one such falling star and therefore set the stage for the episode. It would also make for an incredible visual experience. Picture a stargazing Sean, Daniel and/or Karen on top of one of the surrounding rock formations of Sedona, just "shutting up and letting the universe do its own thing" while falling stars are lighting up the night sky.

    Sean's birthday could happen anywhere really, but I'd like it to be in Puerto Lobos. For the solar eclipse we would find ourselves back in Seattle again. But I'm getting ahead of myself here. Arizona...

    Where do we go from here?

    Looking into the crystal ball, this is where it gets foggy. Starting the episode off in Arizona isn't much of a revelation, given that we knew that Karen and the boys left Haven Point in her car. Ep4's post-credit stinger also showed us that we'll get to the US-Mexican border - and of course we would, because our goal has always been Puerto Lobos. For the rest of the journey there isn't any evidence of how/if we'll get to our destination though, so speculation abound.

    In any case, LiS2 is a road trip and therefore the brothers will have to leave Arizona behind - and also Karen. I don't see her accompanying the boys to Puerto Lobos, or even the border for that matter. She's done being a mother. She was adamant about this in Ep4. I don't think the time spent with her sons until the departure will change that. Accepting the role as Mother again would simply mean fooling herself again: "Making your own choices doesn't mean you can never fool yourself, Sean.". This was the most important line for me in Ep4 and could potentially carry even greater meaning at a later stage in Ep5 (more on this when we reach Puerto Lobos).

    While Karen may not join her sons on the road ahead, I think she could at least make it easier for them. I'm suggesting that she gives the boys her rusty old car, some additional jerrycans filled with petrol, provisions and plenty of Chock-O-Crisps so that they can travel from Sedona down to the Mexican border. Maybe the "She Wolf" achievement could be Karen's parting gift in the form of a gemstone (similar to the amethyst)? According to google maps the quickest route to the border from Sedona would take just over 4 hours, and about 6 if you wanted to avoid a big city like Phoenix. (pointless side-note: the longer route might take them through Prescott, AZ... yikes)

    At this point we have to remind ourselves that trying to cross the border at regular points (with or without customs check) remains a risk for the boys. The FBI would've broadened their search with Sean having escaped custody, stolen a car and whatever happened in Haven Point. A young adult with an eyepatch and a 10-year-old stand out like a sore thumb in any kind of traffic/border control. It would be in their best interest to take every precaution to get into Mexico unnoticed, which is why a remote part of the border in the desert serves as the best entry point.

    This leaves us with the question of how to cross the border. In my opinion, the easiest way would be using Daniel's power to make the car and its passengers levitate and fly over the wall. We even had some potential foreshadowing for this. In Ep3's flashback, Daniel's room is littered with references to pilots, flying and spaceships. We can go back even further to Captain Spirit to find 2 events that allude to it. Chris uses his power (of imagination) to transform a regular, old pickup in the driveway into his mighty spaceship, only to crash-land on a foreign planet. The other instance fits just as well. The very first moments of Captain Spirit show Chris using his "power" to make his spaceship toy with two passengers aboard float. If the colours are an indicator for the passengers' identity, then the red for Daniel and yellow-orangey for Sean fit rather well (credit to u/p2010t's comment for pointing out the colours of the toys referencing LiS2's characters). Even Chris's playful monologue fits well if you imagine a situation of Sean and Daniel reaching "the planet" aka Puerto Lobos and then fleeing it. Both flying references in CS characterise the planet they land on as hostile. This doesn't bode well...

    Puerto Lobos

    I think the boys will always reach Puerto Lobos but there is a lot to unpack here on a lot of different levels.

    Let's start with our expectations. We can all agree that our information on Puerto Lobos is very vague, to say the least. We have a postcard of the town in Ep1 and occasional mentions of Sean who remembers that Esteban had fond memories of it and owned a "plot of land" there; a house even. Do other members of the family live there? - Maybe... Maybe?!? For all we know, the last contact Esteban had with his family in Mexico was over 17 years ago, because I don't recall a mention of an exchange of letters or a phonecall with our abuelita or tío Carlos. Both brothers have never been there, so we're lacking first-hand memories too. Frankly, all we have at this point is:

    • a "plot of land" with a hypothetical shelter
    • hypothetical family members who may not even know about the brothers' existence
    • provided that these family members are still alive and didn't move somewhere else

    My point is, if everything about Puerto Lobos is shrouded in uncertainty, then why are we here? Esteban.

    Esteban's death triggered the journey. Esteban's nostalgic memories of this place called Puerto Lobos served as the only viable destination immediately after that fateful moment in Seattle. Esteban's teachings of morals and family is so deeply ingrained in the brothers that an unknown and distant location is preferred over being arrested and potentially separated. Esteban gave the boys a home and security that they cherished which, after their father's death, Sean thought he would find in Puerto Lobos. But what if they don't find it there?

    That's why I'd like for 3 things to happen in Puerto Lobos:

    1. Let the brothers reach Puerto Lobos on Sean's birthday. It would be a day of significance, of growth and reflection. Give us a scene of Sean flicking backwards through his journal, eventually reminding the player of page 1 and the fact that this journal was Esteban's gift for Sean exactly 1 year ago. Let Sean re-trace the steps of their journey, realising that all the hardships the boys endured over the year were the result of a pipe dream. Make Sean realise that running away from Seattle was a mistake made in the moment and under dire circumstances. Make him realise that all he wanted to do is live up to the expectations of his dead Super-Dad. Make him realise that...
    2. ... Nobody's perfect, not even our Jesus-like character Esteban. Give Esteban some kind of flaw! Introduce someone who knows "Papito" from back in the days in Mexico. Let this person tell us how Esteban fucked up big time and ran away to the US to avoid taking Responsibility (Ep5's theme of Education). Showing us the "evil" side of the super-hero could make Sean reflect on his own choices and how they've affected not only him, but Daniel in particular, because the truth is...
    3. ... Daniel isn't safe. He never was for the entirety of this journey. I'd "like" to see one last moment of peril for Daniel, maybe caused by an excessive use of his power, pushing him to the brink of death. In this scenario, Sean would no longer be able to fool himself into thinking that he and Daniel can stay on the run forever or that Puerto Lobos would provide for them. Remember Karen's words: "Making your own choices doesn't mean you can never fool yourself, Sean.". A near-death experience for Daniel in the "safe haven" Puerto Lobos could no longer be ignored by Sean and would shake him to the core. I doubt he would be able to justify dealing with menacing cougars, gun-toting drug traffickers or brainwashing cult leaders any longer and this would pave the way for the return to Seattle.

    There and Back Again - Seattle

    The two remaining collectibles are #5 and #6. As pointed out by p2010t in their comment, "Dead Man's Bones" could be an indicator for return and dealing with the death of Esteban and Officer Matthews. A memorable way to play this scene out would be a visit to Esteban's final resting place. Claire told us that there was a service held for him, so if we got to see Sean and Daniel visiting their father's grave, it would surely make for an emotional scene. I could also see the solar eclipse happen here, but I'm not sure. Either way, the boys arrive some time before the solar eclipse on 21st of August.

    The last achievement "Boundaries" is another hobo sign and hints at being imprisoned. After the boys have said their goodbyes to Esteban in the graveyard, it is time for Sean to turn himself in. I have come to accept the Court Theory to be the most likely finale for a number of reasons:

    • Agent Flores's return - In Ep4's hospital scene Agent Flores interrogates us about what happened at the weed farm. Not only does this conversation end with the wolf symbol telling us that it will affect Sean later on, but it is also listed in the choice comparison at the end of the episode. Why would it matter then if we said it was Finn, Sean or everyone who came up with the idea to rob the place? I didn't see anything in Ep4 following the interrogation that indicated its relevance, not even the conversation with Finn when we climbed down the scaffolding; which means that it'll have to come up in Ep5, right? Also, the interrogation was only between Agent Flores and Sean... no one else. So she would have to return in Ep5 to remind us of our previous statements and if she's a set fixture in Ep5 that can only mean that we're back with the FBI or at court (so I'd like to think).
    • Returning to Seattle and meeting previous characters - The court theory suggested the return of side-characters we met along the journey. This imgur album is a collection of dialogue lines, inner monologue, etc. showing just how often this idea of return was reinforced throughout the entire season. Most of them can be found immediately after the Seattle-incident as a way of talking sense into Sean, but it is noticeable that the idea of return or meeting the other characters again keeps popping up in the following episodes too. Admittedly, a lot of the lines are determinant and may not be achieved in a single playthrough, but they're still in the game and therefore relevant.
    • Good vs. Evil - Cucumber's theory just fits very nicely with the idea of Good vs. Evil (Innocent vs. Guilty). The legal aspect of it is something I know nothing about, which is why I don't dare to predict what the charges or the outcome would be. The prospect of returning side characters, both "Good" (Lyla, Cassidy, the Reynolds?) and "Evil" (Stamper, Merrill, Lisbeth?), who testify for or against Sean could work.

    It could ultimately also be applied to the character of Daniel, depending on how the endings of Ep5 turn out. We've moulded our Daniel over 5 episodes and his morality and relationship with Sean will likely have a great impact on the ending we get. The explanation video of the mechanics in LiS2 confirmed Brotherhood and Morality as the two values at work. If each of them affected our ending depending on a final positive value (+) and/or a negative value (-), the combinations of the endings could look like this: 1) ++ 2) +- 3) -+ 4) -- . [Vampyr spoiler]These variations heavily remind me of how Vampyr's endings were set up. Granted, there is no reason for a connection between the two games other than being developed by Dontnod, but still worth pointing out. 4 Endings in LiS2 could also explain 2 added save slots. 1 save slot for each of the 4 variations and the 5th for you to use however you please. Both LiS1 and BtS did it the same way, just with 3 save slots and 2 ending variations (ignoring the Sera-ending, which is just a bonus).

    Feel free to add, take, share, discuss as you see fit and let me know what you think. If there are any questions about some of these aspects I will try my best to answer them.

    submitted by /u/RayOhWells
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    [ALL] Has there been any updates regarding the LIS streaming series ?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 02:39 PM PST

    I remember an article around 3 years ago that they announced a Life Is Strange series coming, but I haven't heard anything about it since then. Has there been any news about it ?

    submitted by /u/LordHyperBreath
    [link] [comments]

    [ALL] Can someone update me on LiS? Why did it take one year to have all the episodes?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 03:08 PM PST

    Hey guys. I've been a HUGE fan of life is strange, life is strange before the storm. Just today I got reminded of its existence after listening to the LiS main menu musical theme and crying (this is the one I'm referring to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxKiACgujs8).

    I then went on Steam to check if there was something new and!! I discovered that LiS 2 has been out since the 26th of september of 2018. I was very excited for it but also a little bit disappointed that I didn't get to play it when it released. However, I later went on wikipedia and realised that not all the episodes have been released yet, and that the fifth and final is being released on the 3rd of december!! Which made me super hyped.

    However, I would like to understand why did it take so long to release all the episodes (seemed kind of weird to me that it took so long), and in general I would like to know if there's something I should know, or any updates in general. Thank you in advance! I love this game more than anything.

    submitted by /u/reginof99
    [link] [comments]

    [S1 E5] What a sticky situation! - Life Is Strange - Episode 5: Polarized gameplay Part #1

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 09:47 PM PST

    [S2 E4] A quick music change I made of E4 Finale, I feel like the song fits LiS2 perfectly.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 03:34 PM PST

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