• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 1, 2019

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] I'm the ghost in the back of your head by ConstsAndVars

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] I'm the ghost in the back of your head by ConstsAndVars

    [NO SPOILERS] I'm the ghost in the back of your head by ConstsAndVars

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:18 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Spray Paint + Thrift Store Board = Hella

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:44 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Quick drypoint etch I made of the cliff

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:15 PM PST

    [S1 E5] anything after the credits?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:40 AM PST

    So I sacrificed the bay and I went back in collectable mode to see the other choice.

    I did get the cutscene all the way to the butterfly and a smile but that's it, no credits.

    I just wanted to check that this was all to see, and that there isn't a post credits thing or something. I likely won't start a totally fresh file to make new choices for a few weeks.


    submitted by /u/OFFICIALMichi
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    [NO SPOILERS] Am I crazy or Saki from Tsuredure Children looks a lot like Max ?! Any thoughts ?!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:43 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Thrift Store Board + Spray Paint = Hella

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:55 PM PST

    [ALL] Just my opinion but I don't like LIS2's voice acting and dialogue

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:53 AM PST

    Just my totally honest opinion. No disrespect to the people involved in making the game, I LOVED before the storm and the first LIS, but this game has so far left me bitter and disappointed. Ep1 is ok, but honestly not that great especially when it comes to setting up the story... Ep2 is worse for so many reasons and 3 and 4 are a bit better but ultimately the game has awful dialogue so far, bad voice acting, and a really uninteresting story with forgettable characters that you can't get attached to. Good ideas on paper, poor execution. This is a franchise about super powers and we don't even get to use them... The locations are good but it's all too much crammed in too quickly to really enjoy anything or get to know the people and before you know it you're 3 months ahead after a time jump and have to read Sean's diary for about an hour before properly beginning episode 3. And Daniel just gets more and more annoying to the point that I actually don't care what happens to him in the end. I really hope ep5 will put things right but I doubt it.
    Now I get that I'll get plenty of hate for this. But seriously, does anyone actually think that LIS2 is better than BTS or LIS1? If so why? Please help me fall back in love with this franchise because LIS2 has killed it for me for so many reasons. I don't have any emotional attachment to the characters. And I wish they would include Max as a cameo (or Max AND Chloe as a cameo) based on our choice when we started the game about whether we saved arcadia bay or not.

    The game is beautiful, and I don't actually "hate it", but I just don't feel the same connection to the characters or their story like I did in the earlier games and it's all down to the poor voice acting and weak dialogue for me. I feel like the only thing that will save this game is if an older Max appears and does a rewind of Daniel's death or something and then dies in the process to save Sean's brother.... ugh

    tldr; I hate that I hate this game so far because I love LIS...

    submitted by /u/magicman12344321
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    [NO SPOILERS] Warren :)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:25 PM PST

    [S2] I made one last video before episode 5 releases!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:56 AM PST

    [ALL] Any way to avoid (spoilers) - LIS2 EP2

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:05 AM PST

    When the cops show up to their grandparent's house... is there any way to avoid that?

    Two things (that I've seen) can make it happen - Calling Lyla - Logging on to Facebook

    I clicked log on thinking it meant to just turn on the computer, not log into his personal Facebook account lol. If I didn't do this and I also didn't call Lyla, would the cop still show up? What happens if he doesn't show up?

    I'm tempted to go back in my save and redo that but if it's inevitable then there's no point. Someone help me out here lol

    submitted by /u/Noobface_
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    [No Spoilers] Request for mondo-esque or minimalistic LiS Poster Art

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 02:22 PM PST

    Hey all. I'm looking for some LiS 1 art that's very subtle, like the kind you'd have to already know it's from LiS to know that's what it is. Additionally something similar to what you might find as a Mondo poster if at all possible (bunch here).


    Some examples that fall into the style I'm looking for:

    Last of Us (actual mondo)

    There Will Be Blood (actual mondo)

    LiS_1 (sans logo)

    LiS_2 (sans logo)

    LiS_3 (not very subtle, but mondo-like)


    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/AEIUyo
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    [NO SPOILERS] Why is DontNod neglecting Max and Chloe?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:12 AM PST

    I really don't understand why they don't make more games with these two. I mean, let's be real here, not that many people actually care about the Diaz brothers. They're boring, uninteresting, and LiS 2 as a whole just isn't something that's easy to get emotionally invested in. I think the disappointment of them refusing to continue the story we actually love outweighed most people's love for the new game.

    They could give us a game where we play as Rachel. It's been four years and we still barely know her. They could give us a game where we play as Max living in Seattle. It's been four years and we still know nothing about her time there or the autism she suffers from. The comic book is good, but imagining how badass it would be in a game simply reminds me of the company's neglect and puts a huge damper on it.

    This is what everyone wants and DontNod is just throwing money away by not giving it to us.

    submitted by /u/maxchloerachel
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