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    Monday, February 3, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Life is Goose by Catsigma

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Life is Goose by Catsigma

    [NO SPOILERS] Life is Goose by Catsigma

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:21 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] On You Feet, Chloe! by ChrisEvenhuis

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:54 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Made it with a mall photo booth,very proud

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 06:55 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Sean’s hoodie just arrived

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:37 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Just arrived and love it.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:35 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Don't Look So Upset by PersonaRush

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:01 AM PST

    [No Spoilers] So its golden hour and the sun just happened to capture my tattoo perfectly ♡

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:34 PM PST

    [CS][S1] The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit is going to stick with me for a long time.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:32 AM PST

    I finished all of LiS2+CS about a week ago, and while the game proper was good, the most substantial part, for me, was the Captain Spirit side-game.

    As a former abuse victim, that game was just so raw and unexpected for me. I went in expecting a fun little side game, but had heard it was sad, so I expected Chris to have cancer or something. I spent a long time exploring his room, playing with toys, and checking out every little thing, as I always do with LiS games. All the while, Charles is calling me down to breakfast, and I think little of it. When he snapped, growling "You'd better come when I call you or I'll-", the mood changed entirely. I'm sure it was similar for everyone else who saw it, but it really changed the game for me from that moment. From then on, every action I took was about not making Charles mad again. Especially from the unspoken words surrounding the bruise on Chris's arm.

    I found myself tiptoeing around the house, second guessing playing with the toy by the coffee table in case it was too loud, declining to call Dad while playing with the phone in case he got mad at me for interrupting the game. I didn't even walk near the TV for fear of being yelled at. I worried about the consequences of leaving one thing out of place while going into areas I shouldn't have been in, and cursed at the game for not allowing me to set things back the way they were. My first playthrough, I only completed 3 out of 8 objectives, as a result.

    My second playthrough was much more confident. I completed all the objectives and aced the conversation with the neighbors, only to see the game end the same way. Seeing the game end the same, and realizing nothing I did was good enough? Fuck, that was so real.

    I've never felt like that playing a game before. I usually see my protagonist as somewhat disposable, since there's always a checkpoint to load, or a chance to try again, with the unspoken element of plot-armor weighing heavily into the chances of surviving any given thing. It's not quite like that in LiS games, though. Sure, you can always play again, and Max had near-infinite redos of most things, but your first experience of the game will always be how you weren't able to save Kate because you didn't know her well enough, or getting Chloe killed because you didn't move fast enough. Further, in The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, there are no rewind powers. There's no going back except by restarting the game. I was genuinely so worried that I was going to put Chris through more harm at his father's hands, and I really, really didn't want him to suffer like that.

    It was, in short, really intense. I'm not sure if another game will ever effect me as heavily as that one did. Games are art, and The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit is a prime example.

    What was your first playthrough like? I'm curious to know.

    submitted by /u/kittysub
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    [NO SPOILERS] Ambitious LIS story project I'm beginning to work on, Need help on deciding where to start.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 10:38 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I'm new to the whole Reddit thing but I decided to give it a shot. Anyways I'm here to share with you all my upcoming LIS Story project that I've decided to work on. Before I start, Let me give some context first. I along with many others were greatly disappointed with BTS, all the plotholes, Rachel, and the non believable story were all complete turn offs to me. And for those reasons and many more, I don't consider the game canon. And for years I hoped a fanfiction or something official from Square Enix or DontNod would scratch that itch and tell a complete satisfying Max and Chloe Story but unfortunately that never happened. So now let me introduce you to what I plan to do. I'm planning on working on a complete Max and Chloe story that fits in seamlessly with the original LIS and Connects into LIS 2. I have 4 stories that I will be working on that will all connect into one big Complete Max and Chloe story. Now I'll go into detail about each of them.

    Max Prequel: So in order to tell the story I want to tell, I need to make a prequel involving Max during her years in Seattle. Basically the story will revolve around Max and her struggles dealing with her social issues and her struggles trying to fit in. How she struggles without Chloe and how she tries to move on but she just can't. You'll also see the reasons why Max never contacts Chloe and much more.

    Chloe Prequel: So like I said above, I was not happy with Before The Storm's story and portrayel of characters and the many plotholes the game introduced. I'll be working on my own Chloe Prequel that will be very different from BTS but blends in seamlessly with the original LIS. It'll have a much more believable and consistent story. Rachel will also be more consistent and you'll see a more believable and natural friendship between her and Chloe. You'll see how Chloe naturally progresses into the person she becomes in the original game. How she deals with Max being gone and how hard she tries to forget Max and replace her with Rachel. How she really feels about Max and how much Max means to her. You'll see how her relationship with her mother deteriorates over time and how she grows to hate David. They're will be more but that's pretty much all the basic stuff that'll be in the story.

    Chloe's perspective during the original game: So once again, to tell the story I want to tell I need to show Chloe's POV during pivotal parts of the original game. This won't be a rehash of LIS 1 but will add more to the game. You'll see what Chloe was doing offscreen and during the beginning of episode 4 while Max was in the AU. You'll also see Chloe's thoughts during important moments between her and Max. The goal here is to enhance the original game by showing Chloe's side of things and because it's important to the overall story I want to tell.

    A sequel that connects into LIS 2: Now the big and important part that will show what Max and Chloe did after the destruction of Arcadia Bay and how they get through it. I don't want to spoil much but this will connect both LIS games and will show how Max and Chloe get to how they are at the end of LIS 2 and you'll see how Chloe and David make peace. That's all I'll say about the sequel.

    Anyways that's the project that I'll be working on. You won't have to worry about any plotholes or characters acting out of character. My number 1 priority is to ensure consistency. My goal here is to tell a complete Max and Chloe story with a happy ending and to give Pricefield fans the story they deserve.

    So now I ask, what story do you guys want first, the Max Prequel or the Chloe Prequel? The Prequels have to be told first before the others because both Prequels are important to the overall story. I can't promise that I'll be able to finish all stories because it'll be a huge task but I'll try my hardest to finish everything. Anyways let me know which Prequel you'll like to see first. I'm very excited to begin writing this story and can't wait to see it finished and complete.

    submitted by /u/Sil3ntGoon
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    [S1] Just finished episode 3 of LiS 1...

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:50 PM PST


    I cannot describe in words how much I love this game!

    The bitter sweet feeling at then end, having changed the lives of almost everyone around me for the good yet everything I'm familiar with doesn't work the same way anymore. Seeing Chloe in a wheel chair at the end really hit me, made me wanna question whether or not it was worth changing the past.

    I love how the game portrays the butterfly effect; of how the death of 1 person can change the world in such a drastic way. I kinda regret now for not taking pics of making the fireplace mark in the past, trying to hide the keys so desperately.

    I'm curious to hear what happened in your first play through!

    P.s. I have not played episodes 4 and 5, try not to spoil it :)

    submitted by /u/johnny-generalissimo
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    [NO SPOILERS] (Episode 2, Rules) Just another fanart..

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 10:39 PM PST

    [S2] Good|Evil by Soltia

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:44 AM PST

    [S2 E5] Are Sean and Daniel criminals in BB?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 02:06 PM PST

    [S1] My next cover is dropping soon

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:01 PM PST

    My next cover will be tommorow so be ready for that. This cover has taken me waaaayyyy too long to do but im doing it for your entertainment xD ill see everybody then! 😁 Corey.T

    submitted by /u/CoreyT234
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    [S1 E4] Had first Life Is Strange related dreams last night

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 12:30 AM PST

    So last night I had at least a couple of LiS-related dreams, one right after the other, and in both cases I was Max Caulfield. The first dream was set firmly in the alternate timeline with Chloe in the wheelchair, and, as one might expect, it was not exactly a happy dream, especially since in the dream Chloe was not...awake (either in a very deep sleep, a coma, or...you know. Accepted request.), but still "my" Max, not so willing to leave her yet, went to lie on the bed and gave her one last embrace, not quite wanting to let her go yet (I'm assuming from memory that it was main!Max--I definitely felt like I was "our" Max, and not sucked-into-the-Vortex-Club!Max. What added to the heavy graveness of the dream was the fact that both of Chloe's parents were there, silent, and definitely grieving, so I presume alt!Chloe had taken her last breath. :'( On the other hand, I remember one of Max's last thoughts being "I want her to wake up to someone she loves holding her." The Pricefield feels was strong with this one.)

    I momentarily woke up for a second irl, just to hate my brain for making me so sad that I woke up, and then went back to sleep hoping for a happier dream, or at least one where Chloe was alive and okay, rather than paralysed and quite likely dead. Thankfully, my dream gremlins in my brain were nicer the second time around.

    This second dream rewound me even farther back in time, into Max and Chloe's childhood (I'm thinking like up to several months before Max moved away to Seattle), and once again, "I" was Max, at first alone without Chloe and on a beach taking photos, wandering up and down until I eventually found a hidden "Secret Location" with images of a pirate hat and all that jazz on a board (wall? Maybe one of those seawalls or whatever), and I/Max was so excited by it I'd dashed back to fetch Chloe to show her the new perfect location to play at pirates. True to the spirit of LiS, when the dream ended, Chloe and Max still running full tilt, wind in our hair and the prospect of being pirates on the horizon, I was left with feelings of nostalgia intermingled with sadness.

    I'm not sure if I've ever had a dream where I was Chloe Price, but I'm sure that's going to happen one day. I just hope it's a dream where she's in a good place, or at least has Max at her side. Chloe deserves all the happiness in the world after all the shit she's been through.

    I'm definitely interested to hear about others' LiS-related dreams. Do any of you dream more often about Max or Chloe (or are Max or Chloe), if you dream about them at all?

    submitted by /u/Plutos_Giant_Heart
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    [ALL] The Life is Strange Comic: A Horrible Misfire and a Slap in the Face

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:18 PM PST

    I was relatively excited at the idea of an official Life is Strange comic. The marketing for it was relatively simple, it's a story that continues the adventures of Max and Chloe after the Sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending. At the time, me and many other people I knew at the time, were excited for an official continuation of that ending. It seemed like a proper way to give some closure to that ending because the in-game ending was so lackluster. The art looked good and the first issue, when it was released, seemed promising. It was originally going to be a four-issue miniseries, until the first issue sold out at a production level. This would result in a second printing of the first issue and make the series from limited to ongoing. Originally, I was extremely excited. This would give us more time to dive into the kind of emotional area where Max and Chloe are after the Storm and how they together are holding up. This series could have easily dealt with and been about the drama around the fallout of the Storm, and it's honestly what a lot of people and myself ended up thinking. Then issue four came out and it fucked everything up. The issue, for me, was so horrible that I actually dropped out of Life is Strange for a few months and it was a reason I didn't touch Life is Strange 2 for a while as well. That issue is a slap in the face to everyone who bought the comic originally. Now l'll talk about why from issue four's ending and onward is just... horrid?

    A run down of the plot for those who haven't read or need a refresher. The first arc, Dust, deals with Max and Chloe returning to Arcadia Bay a year after the Storm. As they get there, Max starts like shifting through different realities for no real reason. She goes from the world like Sacrifice Chloe to other odd worlds such as a world where she was in the car with William for some reason and died in the car accident too. It's interesting, but Max holds on through these shifts and always ends back up in Chloe's arms. After all, Max would never abandon Chloe again, right? Wrong. Max ends up, body and soul, leaving Chloe forever as she's whisked away to another universe where the rest of the comic takes place. This world? It is a world where Rachel is alive. Okay, I don't like Rachel, but it's interesting and I'd like to see where it goes.

    One reading of the rest of the issues later

    Never mind. Upon reading the rest of the issues, it becomes increasingly clear that the writer, Emma Vieceli, has a certain sort of... character favoritism towards Rachel. I think this could have been interesting to dive into, a world where Rachel is still alive and possibly Chloe is unaware of the things Rachel had been doing. Unfortunately, this comic portrays both Rachel and Chloe as extremely out of character. I know it's an alternate timeline and everything, but they barely act like how you'd expect a Chloe or Rachel to act in a story. All negative traits that Rachel had that made her interesting are gone. She is a perfect angel who legitimately can do no wrong. She has no real character except she is the perfect girlfriend for Chloe and always will be infinitely better than Max. Emma also goes out of her way to make Max hate herself. Not hate herself for leaving Chloe, but hate herself for saving Chloe over the town. She eventually starts to hate herself for both too, btw. If you hate Max and wanna see her suffer, though, this comic is definitely for you. The LA!Chloe barely acts like Chloe though. Any sense that she has mental and emotional problems are gone. She is perfectly adjusted and shows no real signs of anything, despite the fact that she has the blue hair which indicates that William still died in this reality. She's stale as a character and only really exists to talk about how wonderful Rachel is, and how there's no way anyone could be better than Rachel.

    It is a very hard read just based on those couple of changes. What we thought would be a story about Max and Chloe healing from the Storm became a very badly written, in my opinion, fanfiction-tier AU where Rachel is alive and perfect and never actually did anything horrible behind Chloe's back. I still hold my theory that Emma is a person who played Before the Storm first, and she hated Max so much and loved Rachel so much that it kind of spills over into the comic. There are reasons though, beyond these characters and the sort of false marketing, that I think this comic is written badly.

    A common praise is that Emma captures the characters perfectly, and she only really has to write Max now because LA!Rachel and Chloe are both OCs essentially. They are a perfect sterile version of what people want Amberprice to be and not what the relationship actually was. And in a bubble, if you wanna make an Amberprice comic. Fine. Have it be set in the years between BtS and LiS. But to put it here in this comic, marketed as a continuation of Max and Chloe's story is not good.

    I know a lot of people love this comic. I don't really understand why, but I know they do. I think a lot of it though, from what I've seen, is related to Rachel and Amberprice. And I'm not here to start a ship war or flame war or anything. I'd rather avoid that, but to have that in a comic like this and the way it was marketed for over a year via previews seems bad. Originally, on her Twitter, Emma said that issue four was going to be the last appearance of the original Chloe and that there would be no more references to her and that the LA!World would basically be the new permanent LiS timeline. I think she got some blowback for that decision from Square, because we know by current issues the new plotline is trying to get Max home to her original reality. How though would she get back? Well, a brand new character of course.

    Let's welcome Tristan, or Tris, to the party. He is... a very bland plot device. I like him more than Warren, but that's not saying much. There's not much going on for Tris except he's able to turn invisible, which eventually is not actually him turning invisible but him kind of phasing through to different realities but he's only able to do so for a few moments. Originally Emma implied the universe sucked Max away because she saved Chloe, but then Tris is introduced and it makes it seem like him turning invisible for the first time lines up with Max arriving in the LA!World. Originally, I honestly believe he was going to basically be a new replacement love interest for Max in the LA!World until Square stepped in and said to Emma that she couldn't do that.

    When it comes to licensing media for things like toys, TV shows, movies or comics the license holder has to approve any extreme decisions you make. They don't want the licensee to misrepresent their IP, so Emma probably has to run her storylines and scripts through someone at Titan Comics and someone at Square. I believe, honestly, that the reason the comic doesn't make any sense right now is because of them telling Emma she has to make the comic about Max and Chloe because that's how they marketed it originally. If this is true, it'd make sense why the storm doesn't make sense. Emma now has to basically write her entire Amberprice fanfiction with the endgoal of Max getting home to Chloe. This is just a theory though. I don't know why Emma went back on what she initially said on Twitter, but she has gone back on it.

    Back to the plot and the writing. It's not good. A lot of it seems like BtS level artificial drama. By that I mean the comic creates drama for the sake of drama. It's not for the good of the story, it's just to create drama. For example, the second arc, Waves, takes place three years later. WHAT? Yes, that's right. Max has spent more time in this fake reality with LA!Rachel and Chloe than she has with her own Chloe, whom she still depressingly longs for. Like I said prior, there is a lot of Max self-hatred in this comic. It happens every issue and it reeks of creating artificial drama for Max. Personally, it's like hasn't Max suffered enough? Was the week from hell in Life is Strange not good enough, that we need an entire comic dedicated to Max suffering for one reason or another? A lot of the plot is split into two. One will be Max doing something and hating herself and the other will be Rachel and Chloe having cute romantic moments. Eventually Tris is introduced and Chloe gets jealous that Max is talking to him more than she is him about her problems, because Max can't tell Chloe about her problems because they're related to her powers and other Chloe. Then there's some more drama and Tris gets shot by some drug dealers, and Max uses her powers for the first time in three years to save him.

    You might be like "Uh oh, Max just stopped someone who just died from dying." You might think there'd be consequences for preventing his death like the Storm. Well no, you'd be wrong. Max gets kidnapped by the drug dealers instead and she nearly gets murdered by them. Tris uses his powers to sneak in to save her, but she's really saved by the arrival of... you guessed it! Rachel Amber shows up and livestreams the drug dealers and they run off, saving Max from death. The arc ends with Max telling Chloe and Rachel the truth.

    The third arc is just as bad. Rachel gets like a minute amount of conflict as she focuses heavily on her dead counterpart, but Max has to sit there and calm her that she's different. The third arc develops the idea that Tris is responsible for accidentally bringing Max to his world when he turned invisible for the first time. With this in mind, Max asks him to send her home using his powers. He eventually practices using them on the beach to witness OG!Chloe for a few moments. Max eventually decides that she's going to go home so Chloe doesn't have to wait any longer. This doesn't really sit well with LA!Rachel and Chloe who are reluctant to let Max go. Meanwhile, Rachel is getting a medal of valor from the city for saving Max. The scene is worthless, by the way. It adds nothing to the story or Rachel's character in any way. It is simply there to prop Rachel up on this pedestal even further. There's some stuff going on with Rachel and Chloe, with Chloe exploring using art or whatever for the High Seas band which were a group of OCs that Max and Chloe knew in the original world. But in the overall scheme of things, it seems kind of pointless with Max and Tris trying to get to the original world. The last issue that we have right now is a trip of Max and Tris using a combination of their powers to go through the transect to get home. Unfortunately, because Emma doesn't wanna give up on Amberprice yet, the entire issue gets nothing done because Max ends up back in LA!World and Tris gets to the original world. We do get to see that Chloe isn't really handling Max being gone well in the original world, but she's slowly just waiting for Max to come home. But she's not because Max is back in Emma's AU world. It's frustrating because the entire plot of this arc was Max trying to go home, and to have her back in LA!World ends up REEKING of artificial drama, as I've said plenty of times. Emma wants even more time for Rachel and Chloe, so we have to keep sticking with the idea that Max can't go home.

    You might be wondering why I care. You might be wondering why I give a shit about this comic I don't really like and is non-canon, yet I keep reading it. And it's because, in a perfect world, I'd like to read about Max and Chloe's healing adventures and growing closer as time marches on. Within twelve issues, we've achieved NOTHING. Life is Strange 2 Episode Five gives better closure on the Sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending within the few minutes you talk to David about it. It's because people wanted that closure, they wanted to see if Max and Chloe made it into a better life because the original ending is so lackluster and doesn't have much to it. The comic starts off like that but it devolves into having to introduce new concepts every issue in order to make that idea of Max being sucked into a new world make sense. And now there's really no way for Max to get home since Tris is now in the original world. We're stuck here but we know Emma is gonna introduce more and more and more new concepts to prolong how long Max is stuck here. And I just wanna know if Max gets back to Chloe. That's why I keep reading.

    This comic really only appeals to those hardcore Amberprice fans, in my opinion. There's nothing to really enjoy about this comic from the perspective of someone who likes Pricefield as well as someone who just wants a decent Life is Strange story. Emma keeps inventing new things to make the comic work instead of just staying within the constraints of the original game. And that's not good storytelling. When you change things too much you risk alienating the people who originally wanted to buy the comic. People who just played Life is Strange in passing will buy and read it and not see much wrong with it, but from the perspective of someone who loves Life is Strange a lot it goes against a lot of what we did in the first game.

    If the comic tried to stay more faithful to the feel of the original game, but retained the elements of the alternate world, I'd be a bit more fine. But having the time skip be so long, having no real conflict for Rachel and reducing her character down to just perfection incarnate, along with Tris just kind of existing as a plot device makes me not like it. A lot of what happens in arcs two and three seem extremely slice of life-y. So you have to wonder why we couldn't have that with just Max, Chloe, and their new band friends? And it falls to Emma wanting to make the story more about Rachel, who the game was never really about. She served the Laura Palmer purpose in Life is Strange. A disappearance/murder who pushes the story along. It seems more like Before the Storm than it does the original game, and I think a lot of us can agree that the original game is a lot better than the prequel. The comic certainly has Max, but it seems like the entire story and relationships revolves around Rachel. Like, that's fine if you wanna do like some sort of BtS and LiS mid-quel but it doesn't work here because it reeks of being forced down your throat. It reeks of Emma saying "I want Rachel in this comic and I want to focus on Amberprice, but with no real problems with them." So that's what she did. It doesn't feel like the continuation of Max and Chloe's story, which is my major problem. It seems more like Amberprice fanfiction. A continuation of Rachel and Chloe's adventures with Max in as a second thought in the background with an emo kid.

    You don't have to agree with me. If you like the comic for whatever reason and it gives you joy, fine. I don't wanna argue, I just wanted to bring my own thoughts because a lot of people here seem to love the comic a lot and I wanted to bring my own thoughts to why the comics aren't well liked by some people. It seems like Emma got the go-ahead to make the series on going and she took it as a way to make the comic into her own Rachel Amber spin off series. Having the next arc be labeled as Partners in Time hurts because that was a term of endearment that Chloe said to Max on the rails. It's important to that relationship, just like how playing pirates as kids has nothing to do with Rachel, yet one of the comic covers shows Rachel as a pirate too. It doesn't have much to do with Rachel, but whether we like it or not, that's what the comic is now. It is about Rachel with Max as a side character. And I'm not a fan of that because of what I originally hoped for. Sure, Life is Strange 2 kinda heals the wounds but also at the same time the comic is the only currently releasing piece of Life is Strange media to look forward to. No releases of art books or scores to look forward to. Just more Rachel. And you can like Rachel, fine, but a lot of people wanted to see how Max and Chloe took the storm. And that's not what we got.

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [NO SPOILERS] Polaroid 600 camera on eBay at $6USD for all you cosplayers out there

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:42 PM PST

    [All] struggling to connect with LiS: Before the Storm

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 05:15 PM PST

    I platinumed Life is Strange on PS4, loved all the choices I made but I find it hard to go through Before the Storm due to we knew the fates of certain characters. Felt it better if we keep Chloe's past vague. Currently just past the part where Chloe step dad drops her to school.

    Will there be enough twist to keep me entertained?

    submitted by /u/Sakaixx
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    [NO SPOILERS] Life is Strange Comic all fonts types

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:02 PM PST


    I would like to translate 'Life is Strange Comic' into Hungarian and need some help with fonts.

    Can anyone tell me all the fonts that are in the comic?

    Oh ... and could you send me a link where possible to download it for free?

    Thanks for answers!

    submitted by /u/Cyb3rW0lf24
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