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    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] A small "fan art" I made a few months ago, thought it would be nice to post it here, tell me what you think !

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] A small "fan art" I made a few months ago, thought it would be nice to post it here, tell me what you think !

    [NO SPOILERS] A small "fan art" I made a few months ago, thought it would be nice to post it here, tell me what you think !

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:27 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Choose Your Fighter. - Fanart by Asr91s.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:34 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] The Storm by PiusAlien (Ouroboros-verse)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:41 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe portrait by Daneejiji

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:02 PM PST

    [S2 E5] New Chloe model / New map level ^^

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:02 AM PST

    [S2] Sean, Finn and Cass at the beach

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:41 PM PST

    [S1] Update 1.9 released for iOS, but I’m puzzled by something I noticed in the version notes.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:36 AM PST

    [S1] Finished LiS episode 4...

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:29 PM PST

    My previous post is here:


    Oh my god

    I am glad that I got the opportunity to return to the familiar, somewhat toxic world, in which Chloe is alive and well.

    Watching William picking up the call, finding his car keys and leave the house knowing he will never come back, was the most emotional moment I have ever experienced in a game/film/book.

    I consider myself relatively not emotionally sensitive, and never have any stories provoked my tears. I totally lost it on that scene, watching William go on a trip with no return yet knowing I cannot, would not, do anything to stop him for a better life for Chloe and myself.

    The end of episode 4 was another huge wave of emotions for me: I did not expect to see what I saw in Nathan's basement; I did not expect the such trivial truth about the death of Rachel; I did not expect that bullet in Chloe's head; and I did not, in the slightest, expect to see Mr Jefferson's face at the junkyard.

    I am totally speechless now, at the end of episode 4. It was all so sudden and so surprising that I could not believe what had just happened. Chloe's just gone within the blink of an eye, and honestly, I have no idea what could happen in episode 5.

    I have a blind faith that I will be able to bring back Chloe, but that might just be because life would have no more meaning without her; despite the fact that I'm not even sure whether I'll be able to survive the incident.

    I also feel so ashamed for failing to convince Victoria, looking at the choices statistics at the end. She was a nice person after all, I was brutally stupid not being able to convince her of what is about to happen.

    Anyway, I might chill for a day or two and reflect on what has just happened, before I start the final episode.

    Thank you all for reading this ;)

    submitted by /u/johnny-generalissimo
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    [ALL] Nathan.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:00 PM PST

    I have a this habit of analyzing people, and I honestly think that's why I love LIS so much; So much depth.

    Anyway, I can't be the only person that thinks he isn't quite a "bad guy". Don't get me wrong, he did some really BAD things.. (I should add here that I heavily entertain the theory that he didn't kill Rachel, and that there's a chance that Jefferson did. You'll have to look up that theory) but he's also sick and it kills me that things could have gone so differently for him, even as late as in BTS, if there had been some sort of intervention.... not that I think that should be cannon.. defeats the purpose of the game haha

    Also, I can't be the only one who thinks there needed to be more to find out about Nathan... one of the most complex characters imo and yet I feel like there weren't enough real looks into his past, just a lot of tiny hints. It almost felt like they were building up to something bigger with him... but nope. And I get that that may have just been to make the fact that it was actually Jefferson a bigger shock but still.

    submitted by /u/tallglassofanxiety
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    [S1] is it even possible to enter a photo in the everyday heroes contest in game?Like just curious

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:53 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Is LIS2 on the Disk?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:08 AM PST

    Was thinking of buying Life is Strange 2 on disc, but was wondering if it is actually on there or do I have to download the whole thing? Aka, are they as bad as Telltale.

    submitted by /u/IFS84
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    [S2] What.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:41 AM PST

    [ALL] I knew you and me where the same by Dorianpavus

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:14 PM PST

    [ALL] Life is Strange is NOT about Shipping

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 09:41 PM PST

    I'll preface this with, again, this is not an attack on anyone. I'm not doing too well these days, and writing about Life is Strange and stuff helps me not think about the bad shit going on in my life. So if we could keep any of the harassing arguments down to a bare minimum for this discussion, I would be grateful.

    Shipping I'd say is present in pretty much every fandom, with everyone throwing together the pairings they like the most. But in the end, it's just another part of fandom. Life is Strange's fandom, however, out of all the fandoms I've ever been in or seen might be the most toxic when it comes to shipping to the point where no one actually cares about the games, characters, or even the actual canon relationship between characters. I think shipping has become detrimental to even talking about Life is Strange or any of the games in whole. Why? Because if you bring up any actual arguments for or against the canon relationships in Life is Strange, you will no doubt be hit with a tirade of people telling you you're wrong.

    A primary example of this is a recent post I wrote on the Life is Strange comic, which was originally marketed as Max and Chloe's journey after the first game. When the second arc hit, the comic mostly revolved around the relationship between these two new versions of Rachel and Chloe. I criticized this as fanservice. Sole fanservice with no real reason to be part of the plot. Even if this was just blind Max and LA!Chloe fanservice, I wouldn't have liked it. Why? Because this is not the Chloe we know or really care about. This Rachel isn't the interesting Laura Palmer of the first game. They are entirely new characters wearing the skins of Chloe and Rachel. Not only that, but just all of the overall issues I had with concepts and storytelling and characters were brushed off by quite a few people. Why? Because they said I didn't like Amberprice, therefore I was biased and my criticisms were meaningless. To brush off any argument simply because of a ship is not good. And this is very much something that persists five years later in this fandom.

    Character relationships and how they work are extremely important in the original game. Chloe, being hardcoded as borderline, and Max having severe anxiety makes relationships have a point. How people talk with each other, think of each other, and overall interact with one another is integral to what makes Life is Strange so different from other games that are like it. Playing as Max, you do have those tiers of relationships. You have Chloe at the tip top, someone who Max knows and understands so well that she can say anything to her. Below her, you have people like Joyce or Kate, people who Max considers close but doesn't tell everything to. Then below them you got Warren. Below him you have the other students at Blackwell and people who just live in Arcadia Bay. The game seems so alive with all these people inhabiting the town, and realistically you have these relationships in tiers. How close are people to you? Are they Chloe, someone you tell everything? Or are they like a Brooke or Victoria? Someone you only really know barely, and your conversations are not really personal? Those relationship levels are extremely realistic. Like for me, I have the people in my life that I do trust with a lot, and people I don't trust with a lot.

    Like I said, most people reduce things down to ships nowadays without really thinking about the characters themselves. Which is really weird. Yes, I know most people will ship anyone with anything, including a rabbit with a plant. However, it gets so toxic when it comes to ships in general that it's hard to bring up actual tangible arguments about what a character does wrong. Now before you say I'm just blindly hating on any ship that isn't Pricefield, hear me out. This is not about Pricefield, it's about Max and Chloe as characters.

    You gotta preface this stuff with, nobody is perfect in these games. Everyone fucks up somehow. But some people fuck up more than others or they're just really static and boring as characters. People like Max and Chloe because that is the main relationship of the first game. Their growth as people are completely tied to each other's stories. Max fucked up in the past, yes. She wasn't malicious in doing so or trying to get something by doing it. It just happened in general. It's something Chloe hates a lot originally, but we also see that she understands why it happens. It's hard to be there for someone when they lose a loved one like that, and the only real way you can be there is over the phone. We know William's death and having to move right then and there fucked up Max too. Chloe doesn't want to accept this was just a matter of bad things happening all at once, but by the time Max is back in her life she doesn't really hesitate to say "Get in, Max!" Chloe is extremely attached to her dad, and all his belongings. Giving Max his camera is a total show of forgiveness that Chloe gives to Max for what happened. And likewise, Max dedicates herself to trying to make up for lost time and what happened. People like this relationship because it's not only realistic, but healthy. It's why I like this relationship, because it is the focal point of the game.

    The other main pairing people flock to is Amberprice, that of Rachel and Chloe. This relationship ends up being the focal point of the prequel, Before the Storm. The issue with this ship is that, more often than not, people base this ship completely around the prequel while ignoring what happens in the main game. Lest we forget people were actually upset and angry that Before the Storm didn't have some super duper secret ending where the first game doesn't happen. This is where things start to get a bit more toxic. This is the part where people blindly ignore a character and their flaws in order to create a perfect relationship, while demonizing a character in the other ship. Now I've written enough about the Before the Storm and Rachel Amber as a character. Rachel ends up having the flaw of being written into a game where she acts completely different from how the first game portrays her. There's so many character contradictions in Before the Storm, that it does make it seem like a non-canon entry. Rachel went from being this person who was just Chloe's friend, but knew Chloe loved her, to this girl who suddenly equivalently loves Chloe as much as Chloe does her in the course of a few hours. This portrayal created and launched this so-called Amberlegion. Not to get back into that, but those days during Before the Storm's release kind of created the toxic shipping environment we're in now. Personally, I think the Chloe and Rachel relationship had problems. The first game says that pretty much that Rachel knew Chloe loved her and didn't love her back like that. But even though the game says that, there are people who are going to blindly defend every part of that character while harassing and ripping down those who don't like it. This created the standard where we are now. Instead of trying to have real conversations about these relationships, it's more about "MAX IS A FUCKING HORRIBLE BITCH, CHLOE DESERVES RACHEL MORE THAN ANYTTHING!!!!!1111" or "GOD CHLOE IS SO ANNOYING AND SELFISH, WARREN IS THE MOST UPSTAND GUY HOW CAN PEOPLE NOT LIKE HIM BUT LOVE THAT ANNOYING C*NT CHLOE?!?!"

    That's kind of where we are now. We can't have discussions that don't get extremely heated in the end before devolving into just arguing, this is something a lot of us, including me, are guilty of. We like certain pairings because maybe we relate to them a little bit. Like I personally think character pairings like Rachel and Chloe or Max and Warren don't work because they were never meant to work like that. I mean you're personally free to like whatever ship you want, no one is stopping you. But if people do get upset over flawed reasoning for why you like something such as Max and Nathan for example, you should be prepared for why people don't like that. You pair someone up with someone who harasses and abuses them, you're opening yourself up to people who have been in abusive relationships like that and don't like the idea of you pushing this ship and saying how great it is, because it makes you seem like you support domestic abuse.

    Ships are everywhere in fandom. There's no escaping it, but in 2020 going forward, I would love for people to just kind of critically look at the relationships you like and whether or not they truly are good or bad. If you like those ships because they help you cope, but you realize that one of those two people are not good, valid. I personally don't think those are the best coping methods, but I myself am guilty of bad coping methods so who am I to talk. But I wanted to just kind of talk about this blind hatred in shipping wars. Like I can't criticize Before the Storm or the comic now because people will just assume I have a major bias against Rachel and Amberprice. Meanwhile it's also hard to criticize the original game, because of the Amberlegion. Not liking aspects of the game is hard because the Amberlegion blindly hated everything about it because Rachel is dead. You can't bring up honest criticisms without being smashed over the head because the rabid Rachel fans that played BtS first blindly criticized everything about it, thus if you don't 1000% properly articulate your thoughts and criticisms, you'll be labeled that type of fan and therefore your opinion doesn't matter because you're biased. And if you're unable to put your biases aside, you miss out on the good. For example, because fans and critics couldn't put their biases aside for something like Halloween III: Season of the Witch, we're stuck with the neverending adventures of Michael Myers. That movie is genuinely good and creepy, but because people at the time couldn't put away their biased hate of the movie because Michael Myers wasn't in it resulted in the franchise becoming permanently stuck in its way.

    Yes, I don't like Rachel Amber in the way that she would "work" in a relationship with Chloe. Same with characters like Warren or anyone else. Because I think the entire first game builds that relationship so perfectly, that ignoring the entire game because you like Warren's one dimensional personality, that it pisses me off when it does come to people being like "Grahamfield is the greatest ship to have ever existed in the history of media!" People's preferences in shipping now has made people lose sight of what the original game and its messages were about. If you like Warren and hate Chloe, you can ignore all of the things in the game because you think Warren is the best in town while ignoring the negative. Same goes for Rachel or whatever other ship. Ships will exist no matter what, I know that, but don't make shit up about the characters. Don't give them history that doesn't exist, like the people who have told me in the past that Warren was originally meant to be in Chloe's place in the game. Life is Strange, for me, was never about ships. For me it was solely about the relationship, the actual relationship, between Max and Chloe and how powerful it is. And yes, I'm guilty of getting annoyed and angry when I see weird art that's like Max and Nathan or Chloe having some sort of tryst with Damon, Frank, Nathan, and Jefferson. It sours my taste for people who might have some actual reasons for shipping characters like Kate and Victoria, Brooke and Warren, or Dana and Juliet. There's actual substance for people to get enjoyment out of those relationships. But when you ignore the bad things that happen, and rewrite characters and overall history in general to make your ship work while harassing other people is when it becomes a problem. Life is Strange is not about ships. It's about human relationships. And yes, Max and Chloe's relationship going from friendship to romantic is the growth that they have.

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [No Spoilers] Chloe's voice is just imprinted into my mind now. I can't disassociate it no matter the context.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 07:45 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] does it?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 08:43 PM PST

    Does LIS1 and BTS give you that feeling... you know the one that you can't quite describe but you feel it heavy in your soul?

    Cuz same.

    submitted by /u/tallglassofanxiety
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    [NO SPOILERS] Does anyone know where I can get a CD/Digital Soundtrack of Life is Strange 2?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Hello r/lifeisstrange !

    I have the CD soundtrack to the first LIS and BTS thanks to the limited editions, but haven't seen a physical CD version of the LIS 2 Soundtrack. Does anyone know where I can get one? The digital version works too! I know that the collector's edition has a vinyl soundtrack, but I don't have a record player :/

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Landon_Hughes
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    [All] Purchased these from an Etsy seller for the anniversary. Totally pleased!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 03:40 PM PST

    [All] Blackwell: An idea for a Life is Strange AU that I've been considering for quite some time

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 06:38 PM PST

    I've had this idea I've been mulling over for some time. I'm a little concerned, however, that certain aspects of this story wouldn't be well received by the fanbase. So, I figured I post a few of them here to test the waters.

    First of all, this AU is going to be a crossover, but I can't reveal what it's crossing over with at this time. The world of Life is Strange collides with a myriad of other universes, creating a new world in which the residents of Arcadia Bay are living very different lives.

    In this series, Max, Chloe, and the other students of Blackwell will be a bit younger. Max, Kate, Warren, etc. will be in their freshman year instead of their senior year while Chloe, Rachel, and Steph would be in their sophomore year.

    Max is adopted by the Price family after her parents are both killed in an accident. In order to pay for the added expenses of having a second child in the house, William gets a higher paying job that results in him not being around as much. This causes a rift between him and Chloe, which leads to Chloe becoming the rebel we all know and love.

    Warren, who I realize is a somewhat polarizing character among the fandom, will be a little different and hopefully more tolerable to his detractors in this AU. Max and Warren have been friends since middle school. Warren has feelings for Max, but because of their close friendship, he's afraid to act on them.

    Warren and Nathan have been best friends since early childhood, but their friendship turns toxic by the time they start high school. Warren knows that Nathan is mentally ill and feels obligated to look out for him. Max, however, worries that Nathan is dangerous and wishes that Warren would stop hanging out with him.

    Marijuana has been legalized in Oregon since Life is Strange came out, so Frank now runs a pot shop. Or, at least, he wants to. He may still be operating out of his RV in the beginning and eventually try to go legit.

    Since William is still alive, David obviously wouldn't be Chloe's "step-douche" in this AU. He is, however, still a security guard at Blackwell, or eventually becomes one, and still butts heads with a certain blue-haired rebel on a regular basis.

    I fully intend to have Rachel be a part of this series, although I haven't entirely decided what role she'll play. I'm thinking that Chloe and Rachel would become friends much sooner in this AU, like maybe middle school or even earlier than that.

    Mark Jefferson will not be a part of this story. I never understood what his motivations were aside from being a sick bastard or why Sean Prescott was apparently providing the resources for his twisted project. Besides, the moment he appears everyone will know who the villian is. I don't think I could get away with making him anything else.

    submitted by /u/AmazingSparkman
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    [ALL] S2 Ep5

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:59 AM PST

    How could Sean use his account on the laptop of his mother without getting tracked? In ep2 he got tracked becau of it

    submitted by /u/chocolategurrl
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