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    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Just... rewind by Paradrawmal

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Just... rewind by Paradrawmal

    [NO SPOILERS] Just... rewind by Paradrawmal

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:18 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe's influence by Dog_Gum

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:09 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] @champagnecatcosplay as max caulfield

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:20 PM PST

    [ALL] Anyone interested in working on a LIS project with me?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:54 AM PST

    So now that season 2 is wrapped up and DOTNOD is busy with other projects it's safe to say the series will be on hold for awhile. That is, if we are lucky enough to get a new season. In the meantime I've decided to invest some time into a passion project I've been thinking about.

    And I could use some help to make it happen. What do I have in mind?

    A unique series of episodes in the style of the series. Essentially an unofficial season. I want to stress before I go further if this project happens it will be one hundred percent free to check out. However, as I'll explain donations will be welcome. Don't worry, if I open up that idea it'll only be if something valuable can be offered in return.

    To simplify things and keep myself from rumbling too much I'll try and summarize this a bit.

    [What do I need?] A writing partner(s) to help develop the story. This will be a passion project so we can take our time on this. You also can contribute as much or as little as you desire. However, the more involved you are the more final say you get. Also, if any money is donated it will be used and split accordingly. I'll explain that side a bit more later on.

    [Is this a game? Fanfic?] So if I wanted to I could just develop the story on my own and post it on Fanfiction.Net. However, I want to make something special with this project. With a story that's above the usual Fanfiction grade (not that there aren't very talented fanfic writers, I just want the story to not be disregarded easily)

    This will be a text based choose your own adventure episodic story. Ideally I'd love to do at least three episodes. However five would be ideal.

    [Concept] I have the concept, main characters, and ending in mind. I'll happily share them to anyone whose seriously interested. Since, well what would be the point otherwise? If you do sign up you can alter the story and characters along with me.

    [Will there be choices and consequences?] Yes! That's one way this will differ from your usual fanfic. With the current lack of funding it's of course restricted to what me and anyone who helps can feasibly do. However, two endings are planned.

    [What do I need to sign up?] A love for the series, decent writing ability and straightforwardness. You don't have to have written a best selling novel, or be available on call 24/7. As long as you're serious enough and upfront about your limitations I welcome you to help, it'll be greatly appreciated.

    [Is music involved?] Music is important to the LIS series. Again. At a basic level there are limitations. But at the very least a Spotify/YouTube playlist with songs that fit the story is more than possible.

    [Rating?] As explicit or innocent as needed. Nothing you wouldn't have in a actual LIS game.

    [Whats the goal here?] To make a decent episodic story in the LIS universe. As a way to help tide us over until season 3 (if we are lucky enough to get it.)

    I've made some tiers to help show what you can expect.

    [Tier One] Completely Free. Text based episodic choose your own adventure. Will be as complex as we can afford but hopefully we will manage a good story. Approximately 1-5 episodes in length depending on how well things go. Donations are welcome however what can be offered in return is limited. I suppose early sneak peaks? More options and maybe some commissioned art to go with it?

    [Tier 2] Dependent on some donations however end product will be free. This version would actually cost money however the end project would still be free after its made. If the characters prove likable then I'll have art commissioned of your choosing. Again, I stress you do not have to pay a cent if you don't want to. This is a pure passion project and the end product will be free. It's just the more money available the more we can do.

    I will also look into having some original music made to go along with it. The cool part about that is since it'll be original music, there'll be no copyright nonsense to attend with.

    [Tier 3] Donation dependent but end project is free. If the project is by some crazy twist this much of a success and we get enough donations (I'm so sorry if that sounds egotistical or greedy at all) we'll look into it being a legit game, albeit a very simple one. Still text based (I'm trying to be realistic here) but this will move up from google docs level and into download and play level.

    Imagine those old school text adventure games. Something that's simple, but would count as an actual game. If this route were to happen we may have to change the name? This Tier would be free to play so hopefully not. If we get this far I'll make sure I plan ahead.

    [Tier 4] An actual game on steam. Yes, like, an actual game you'd pay for (fairly priced of course) I'm putting this Tier on because it'll be a miracle if Tier one happens. So as of now this is just for fun to see what you guys would think.

    A kickstarter would be in order. So the donations would be expanded upon accordingly. If this happened the final name would obviously have to change to avoid legal trouble. Thankfully, since it's an original story we shouldn't have to change too much

    The gameplay would be third person? I don't know, like I said this is just a fun what if tier? If we did garner enough interest to warrant a kickstarter it wouldn't happen until we knew our limitations. Original music. Voice acting (by me and hopefully a few other people). And as much gameplay as we can manage.

    So I'm summary what's going on right now?

    A very simple text based adventure that won't cost you a cent. All I ask is anyone interested who can write contact me and we can plan further. If we manage to finish this thing I'll happily release it for free.

    Any other tier will be dependent on donations so I can actually, pay people not just for excess work but for helping me out. As of now no money is invested or been made since none really needs to be. It'd help, but this project is currently simple enough to be sustained for free.

    Let me know if you're interested and we can discuss things further.

    I will be posting this in one other LIS sub and maybe a writing a sub to garner more interest. However, I will not spam anything.

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/alexmason32
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    [ALL] Life is Strange: Tier List Discussion

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:06 AM PST

    You know I never did any tier lists ever. Just never have. But I was watching the sauce boss himself rank frogs on a tier list, and I wondered if there were any for Life is Strange. Sure enough there were, so I did a couple of the ones I thought were interesting and thought I'd share them along with why I put them where they are. This will contain spoilers, and of course you're free to share your own tier lists as well and how you feel. Not all of these will be extremely detailed explanations, but if you like what you do see and want to hear those thoughts expounded upon, let me know I can start writing up more full essays and character dives.

    Life is Strange Character Tier List

    For some reason no Joyce...

    So of course in the S-Tier I put Max and Chloe. What else is there to say about them other than that their relationship is one of the best fictional character dynamics I've ever seen. With realistic growth behind them, and each with the own deep and detailed character arcs that relate heavily to both the overall story and themes of the game, it's hard not to say they are the best characters in the franchise. I could go on forever, but just read any of my other posts about them.

    In the A-Tier I put David and Kate, and I would have put Joyce here too if the person who made this had remembered. I spent a while trying to figure out where to put David, but I don't really consider his character arc complete in the first game, so I felt forced to go and think about the finale of his character progression in LiS 2. A deeply complex character David is, and I've talked at length about how his military career affecting his own teenage attitude is how he thinks. He doesn't really think too much about how he treats Chloe, because the stern military attitude worked for him. He doesn't see that Chloe's actions are caused by mental illness and horrible abandonment issues that get worse the more David's abusive actions weigh down on her. Of course, I don't think he's abusive or a bad person. He is simply too paranoid for his own good, and doesn't know how to be a parent. Tragedy is what helps David grow as a person. In the end his paranoia set him at innocents like Max and Kate, but he knew there was something going on with Nathan. And without his paranoia, the truth would have never come out. Tragedy of the storm allows him to put his past behind him, accept the horrible actions he performed, and reaches out for forgiveness and growth. And it helps him.

    As for Kate, while she isn't the most complex character in the game, I feel her smaller arc in the game was extremely relatable for a lot of people who have depression or have been bullied. And to do it so raw is important. There are no punches pulled, if you fuck up, Kate dies. And you can't turn time back even though you can reset the game. And with suicide among young people going up every year, it's important to show the realism in how people react. Kate dies, and the people who pushed her to this are acting like the grieving victims, which is something which grossly happens in real life.

    I would have put Joyce here too, because she is a good mom deep down and fuck it makes me wish my mom wasn't horrid all the time to me.

    B-Tier has a bunch more people so I'll just go down the list real quick for the less important ones. Samuel. I like him. He's cryptic and can see through people at a glance. I'm a fan of those kind of characters. Dana and Juliet have some really good scenes and stuff too. Juliet of course being in the Vortex Club, but also writing about how terrible and toxic it has gotten as elitism has grown. Dana has her own small storyline about moving on from popularity after she got her pregnancy terminated. She had to come to terms with how she allowed it to happen and terminating so she could live her own life. It's her body. Her choice. And I like how she's able to properly abandon popularity in a way because she prefers to hang out with Trevor and his friends.

    Rachel, despite all the stuff I do say, is an extremely complex and interesting character in the first game. She, as I've said, is the Laura Palmer of the game. Her light and dark side is a focal point of understanding her and whether or not she is a good person who made bad choices or a girl who used others as stepping stones in her desperate attempts to escape Arcadia Bay. I do think BtS nuked the things that made her interesting because apparently the writers were just like "What if she just loved Chloe back right away?" Victoria is here because while I think she is great, her potential was nuked for whatever reason. I liked the idea of Victoria being the queen bee at Blackwell, while having ZERO self confidence to the point where she built a false persona and bullies the people she is jealous of to feel better about herself. Episode two's ending showed Vic crying at the end, showing remorse, but then episode three kind of throws that away as she attempts to get in Jefferson's pants. We see she's kind of a weeb too and likes selfies, things she shares with no one else out of fear of social rejection. So tons of potential that's nuked for no real reason.

    C-Tier I put the less memorable characters. I don't have much to say about them, but I do not hate them. They're just kind of the other students at Blackwell. Although I do feel bad for Brooke. Madly in love with Warren, only for him to treat her like shit. Oh Brooke, you deserved better.

    D-Tier, which was the lowest on this list, goes to the fab four of this game. The four shitlords who make up the worst of the worst. While I do think Jefferson and Nathan are pretty complex, they're still horrible people who did horrible things to innocent girls. Warren is boring and a shithead. He's got it in his head that he deserves Max's attention for being such a good friend, to the point where he doesn't even care about someone like Brooke. Even though Brooke genuinely likes him and wants to hang around with him, Warren would rather concern himself with the girl who obviously isn't into him. Wells I put here because while he has more going on for him than say Warren, he's still a shit head who allows Nathan to do as he pleases and run wild in exchange for hush/bribe money from Sean Prescott. People say it's for the school, but come on the dude is keeping school funds in envelopes in his desk? Not putting it into the overall school funds? Weird. And then he drinks and skulks about the campus in the middle of the night because he knows he's a sellout.

    Life is Strange 2 Character Tier List

    There's so many people here...

    I was gonna go over this in detail, but there's so many LiS 2 character to rank that I decided to just leave it at this. If you're interested in knowing why a certain character is where? I will explain in detail. Also that's David on the S-Tier, but the think cut his face off. Brody does get that solid A-Tier though, shout out to my main man Brody out there doing some good.

    Life is Strange 2 Sean and Daniel Haircut Tier List

    No I'm not a fan of mohawks.

    A little bit more of a ridiculous one, I just kind of went off of which hairs don't look absolutely stupid. So I think my S-Tier is pretty good, I do enjoy the more longish but not overly long styles for the two brothers. I feel like the longer the hair becomes it gets a little too out of hand. Buzzcuts just aren't my thing, so those do end up in the A-Tier because Sean looks fine with it I'm just not a fan of the style in general. B-Tier the most obvious is Lone Wolf Daniel, and he's looking way too edgy out here guys I know that's the point but damn. C-Tier is just I don't like the way the hair is kind parted? I don't like it. And D-Tier is obvious. I don't like mohawks, I think they are a completely ridiculous hairstyle even in the context of where they come from. Though out stupiding the mohawk is Daniel's bowl haircut from episode four. I legitimately laughed when I saw this at first, like oh my god Daniel looks horrible with whatever Lisbeth and the cult are doing. It's not even a good kind of bowl, and you know your hair is horrible when Coconut Head from Ned's Declassified looks more dignified.

    Life is Strange Before the Storm Character Tier List

    Fun fact: Last tier I made, but I didn't see it until I was about to post this post.

    Contention, thy name is BtS. More characters to rank and I'd kinda be going over things forever like I would with LiS 2. So generic run down.

    S-Tier obviously contains the entire Price family unit. I love them, and even though Chloe is pretty toned down here, I still enjoy her and seeing through her eyes. William being the maybe dream maybe ghost guide I love and Joyce is always good, I loved when she sides with Chloe during the expulsion backtalk. Steph and Mikey obvious are S-Tier, they're great character and every moment with them is always fun. Max I wasn't sure where to put her because she technically isn't part of the main game, but since Farewell is technically BtS, it was fair game to put her in S-Tire. Although her parents moving on the DAY OF THE FUNERAL is F-Tier for sure.

    A-Tier is just Skip and a dog. Not much to say. I like Skip, he sticks it to them fascists. And doggo is doggo. He just needs some love.

    B-Tier is most of the supporting people who are around Blackwell. Nothing to say too badly about any of them, but I do like Drew's development. I think him playing DnD in the end with Mikey, Steph, and Chloe shows how much he does care for his brother. It's really sweet. Samuel and Dana I just like them, nothing too much to say about them. They serve the same purpose here as before. Overly dramatic drama department heads? Love em. It's dumb but I love that kinda character.

    C-Tier has Frank. He's completely different from the first game and he's the only thing keeping Chloe and death at bay in this game so he gets a pass right down the middle. Not much to say about Hayden or Justin. Sera and Rose are just kind of there? I feel bad for both of them, but at the same time... eh? Sera is marginally more interesting, but at the same time doesn't do much.

    D-Tier has Samantha. She is just the kind of stereotypical Nathan stan. But when he does assault and break her ribs, I do feel bad that she kind of got duped into being his defender and I'm happy when she decides to just stop with him. Evan I just barely remember in the game. But he's not a prick or anything, so he just kinda sits here in D-Tier.

    E-Tier has some of the muscle men from the first episode, who I just don't remember and they're more just background filler than actual people. I put James down here, because he's a fucking prick and he's going way over the top with this whole conspiracy to kill Sera, but I put him here because he is so overly cartoonish that I actually enjoyed that part of him as a character. Victoria is here because she is pointless. She adds nothing to the game except snark and lacks any real personality. Finally, Rachel is down here. I think Rachel goes here because she is just... not written well as I've said in previous posts I've put up. At one minute she's sobbing, the next she's screaming, the next she's blindly in love with Chloe, the next she's letting Chloe get herself expelled so she can be in the play, the next she's getting drunk, the next she's escalating situations with Damon after attacking him with a wooden plank, next she's kind of manipulating Chloe in public with the play while giving her a reward for being a good little girl, etc etc. Making her jump around the entire moral compass doesn't make her morally grey. It makes her badly written.

    F-Tier is just exactly what you'd expect. Eliot, need I say more? Dude's a self entitled creepy future r*pist stalker who wants to murder Chloe if she rejects his advances. Damon goes down here because he's just a sociopath. Trucker man and random guy from episode one I don't really remember too well are here. Wells is here for the same reason as before. Nathan is here again, this time because they try to portray him as sympathetic while simultaneously having him assault Samantha and break her ribs. Combined with this is our first introduction to Sean Prescott. Nothing to say. Abusive prick who made Nathan into the horrible person he ends up becoming.

    Life is Strange Game Tier List

    Nothing here but us games.

    Simple, cause there's only four games to rank. Life is Strange and Captain Spirit, in my opinion, are top tier those two are the best of the best. I feel the feels in both of those games to an extreme degree. I think Captain Spirit could have been grouped with Life is Strange 2, but since it is being treated as its own story, I think it does well with what it is especially for a free download. Life is Strange 2 gets the B-Tier because while I think it really makes it at the end, I still believe the first three episodes as a whole are kind of a slog, with the exception of the ending of Episode Three. I felt like there were things happening that got me tensed and involved. BtS I fought on where to put it, C or D-Tier? In the end I felt as though there were enough good parts like the side stuff and music and most of Farewell to put it in C-Tier. Speaking of...

    Life is Strange Episodes Tier List

    Lot cleaner without the Tiermaker logo blocking the entire corner.

    Yeah this one is a bit more obvious but expansive through putting the episodes in their own categories. For S-Tier the first four episodes of LiS are all stand out episodes I love all of them extremely dearly. Captain Spirit shares this because of what I said above, but playing through the eyes of a child and wonderment of playing imaginary again is fantastic. All with the drama of dealing with your own problems like your deeply depressed and alcoholic father and your superhero identity's main nemesis being the road where your mom was killed. It's extremely good and I recommend Captain Spirit no matter what, regardless of your interest in Life is Strange 2. It's free. Why not? Finally, we have Wolves. I absolutely thought this was a banger of an episode. It ties up everything you want, gives you four endings that are all complete with none feeling like the other had more work put into it, and overall just giving a sense of scale to the decisions you made through the game. Good work.

    For the A-Tier I can say that Polarized is great, and the nightmare exploration of Max's psyche and he feelings about Chloe are awesome. Jumping and abusing the time travel mechanic to manipulate events like this are awesome. Though the final choice causes so much contention, that I had to put it in the A-Tier. Farewell is great too, but the ending choice is such a torture porn that I pushed it down. Again it's that kind of sense of young fun with your best friend. They're older than Chris is in Captain Spirit, but you still get that sense of being an extremely young teen in the mid-late 2000s. Faith also goes here too because I thought it was pretty good. I like a lot of the interactions in this, and the risks and lengths Sean is willing to go to save Daniel. It does falter a bit because the ending for the penultimate episode is just like the first two. And the racists who beat the shit out of Sean seem meaningless, especially in the face of the vigilantes in Wolves. Characters though like Jacob are ones I really really enjoyed as well. I think Karen is extremely great too. She is given this aura of having just left for no reason, but when confronted with the reality of it I really do enjoy the fact that she does come forward to step up for Sean in this time of need. You know she wasn't built to be a parent. She adores her family, but in the long run would she have hurt the family more than helped them? Her stepping up and connecting with the boys here and in Wolves are some of the best moments in the game. It really solidifies the overall themes of family.

    B-Tier is has the rest of Life is Strange 2. I think those episodes are pretty okay, but at the same time they all feel like a bit of a slog. I can appreciate the first episode a bit more now than I did when I played it and I was wondering where to put it. C-Tier? I decided B-Tier fit best because we did get my main man Brody and Daniel's emotional meltdown when he finds out Esteban is dead. Rules goes here too. I really enjoyed the stuff with Chris and their grandparents had an interesting dynamic with Claire hating Karen while Stephen understands why she did what she did, but is too passive to argue with Claire about it. Wasteland is again in that same vein of it slogs, but it picks up towards the end. I do enjoy running to stop Finn and Daniel from doing something stupid, and I do like the fact that Jacob carries over into the next episode. And yes, even Awake gets to be in the B-Tier. I think it's perfectly adequate. It's the only episode that's properly paced from a narrative perspective. However, the characters of Chloe and Rachel? Just as horribly paced as they are in the other two episodes.

    The last two episodes just kind of fall at the bottom for me. Brave New World is better than Hell is Empty, but both episodes just are not that good in my opinion. I've talked at length about BtS, so I'm not gonna go any deeper than Hell is Empty is horribly written and horribly paced. You can't insert all of your twists and turns in one episode, it makes it feel rushed and horribly paced.

    Now I hope you enjoyed my tier list discussion, just to kind of centralize how I feel about all these characters. You can actually take part and make your own Tier Lists here! It's a lot of fun to think about and rank these characters. I wanted to go more indepth for my LiS 2 choices, but there's just so many and I'd be here forever talking about each person. So LiS 2 is this. Ask in the comments, and I'll reply with an individual character response. Have fun making your own tiers!

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [NO SPOILERS] Before the Storm - Can’t play Episodes 2 and 3

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:48 AM PST

    So I downloaded the Before the Storm deluxe edition and I can play episode 1, but when I go to play episodes 2 and 3 it says 'purchase/install', so I press OK and then it says that I can't download it because I already bought the deluxe edition. This is very frustrating and I was wondering if anyone knew how to resolve this. I play on PS4 if that helps, thanks.

    submitted by /u/luiem
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    [NO SPOILERS] How would you briefly describe what LiS is to a friend?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 05:51 AM PST

    I've got a shelf dedicated to LiS in my dorm with the collector's editions, comics etc. and I sometimes get asked about it. How would you briefly describe what LiS is without getting too deep into it?

    submitted by /u/SmallsMW
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    [S2 E3] How do you prevent anyone from getting hurt?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:11 AM PST

    Obviously you have to let Daniel use his powers to stop Finn from getting killed, but how do you prevent Cass from getting a crushed lung and hypoxia?

    submitted by /u/Peanutpapa
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    [NO SPOILERS] Help - cannot get Episode 4 trophy

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:02 AM PST

    I completed the entire game collecting everything you needed to but noticed that I did not unlock the "Archivist" trophy for getting all optional collectibles in Episode 4, despite getting each trophy for those items. I tried replaying the episode, grabbing everything again but it didn't work. Any suggestions? Anyone experience a trophy bug like this before?

    submitted by /u/Ianeian
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    [NO SPOILERS] Finally I got my Lila's sweater!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:33 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] You guys asked for a digital version of my fan art so there you go ! If you're interested in a sticker version please DM me !

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:40 AM PST

    [S2 E3] just finished

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:48 PM PST

    What the FUCK. The ending just... FUCKED me. Jesus Christ that was incredible and I wish I did it better and Finn didn't die and where's Daniel and what the preview of E4 mean and is Sean okay? And Cassidy? Did Merril die? I am so fucked up, this game is amazing.

    also please don't answer the questions I'm gonna try to figure it out first

    submitted by /u/iRepliToU
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    [All] Need post-bae fanfiction suggestions! I enjoy darker, anterior or more "realistic" ones.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:37 PM PST

    Hello everyone (and Pricefielders especially)!

    In the last two weeks I have been on a angsty post-bae (aka. after "Sacrifice Arcadia Bay") fanfiction binge. There are some marvelous pieces that I already enjoyed:

    • All Wounds by Destiny_Smasher - loved the incredible concepts, twists and some truly emotionally crushing unforgettable moments (like Max and Kate in the reality of euthanasia)
    • Blue Moon series by OpheliaMarina - touching, sad but also extremely cute! Ophelia is a master of writing Max-Chloe dialogue. (Yes, I have read her amazing no grave can hold my body down.)
    • Play Crack the Sky by maiquieti & TomorrowHeart - thrilling and extremely tight in the literary qualities. Amazing piece!

    I am currently eyeing Shorefront by Shigan, but I need more "Max & Chloe dealing with emotions" in my veins! Do you have any suggestions you think I may enjoy, based on what I described? Thank you all you lovely people!

    submitted by /u/Milia_Malae
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