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    Saturday, March 28, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Choices and consequences by Paper-Umbrella

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Choices and consequences by Paper-Umbrella

    [NO SPOILERS] Choices and consequences by Paper-Umbrella

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    [No Spoilers] Just started playing life is strange because my brother forced me to play it ��I just realised how very emotional it is �� LOVE IT SO FAR

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 02:18 AM PDT

    [S1] Life Is Animal Crossing.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    [S2 E5] The boy kicked out at the world. - Fanart by Leconcombrerit.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] I feel empty after finishing the game.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    I finished the game about 4 weeks ago now, and I still can't get over it. It made me feel empty, I don't know how to cope with it. Now I just finished BtS and it just got even worse?? How long did it take before you guys got over it? And how did you cope with it?

    Also, I haven't played LiS 2 yet.

    submitted by /u/Eu4-ria
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    [NO SPOILERS] thought y'all might like this

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] before the storm cosplay help

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    I wanna do a cosplay of Chloe in before the storm. I wanna particularly do the tarot tower outfit from episode 2. My biggest trouble is with the jacket because it's like a varsity jacket but I can't find any that look like the one. Any tips would be great.

    (I'm a male btw)

    submitted by /u/aYd3n22
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    [NO SPOILERS] Please contribute to Tunefind's page for BtS

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:47 PM PDT

    Tunefind is a site where you can look up movies, TV shows, and games to find out what music was in them. They didn't have a page for LIS:BtS until today, after I contacted them in order to ask them to add it. They created a page and added several songs but the songs are out of order, so please help me out by putting them into chronological order, and adding songs that are missing. I added some songs myself today, but I haven't finished playing the game, so maybe someone who has finished playing it can finish this project.

    Please don't respond to this post with any spoilers but please note that track names at that site might contain spoilers.


    submitted by /u/Drew_Neilson
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    [No Spoilers] Any Fanfiction suggestions?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    I recently got into the lis fandom I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions? I'd love some stuff with Max, Chloe and Rachel being a trio or anything along those lines

    submitted by /u/annaml2002
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    [S2 E5] The Lone Wolf Ending...

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    Is so freaking tragic. I didn't get it on my playthrough (I got the redemption ending with Lyla), but I just couldn't help but literally bawl after watching it on YouTube.

    Just the thought of Daniel having to drive the car all alone to Puertos Lobos with his dead brother in the truck killed me. The thought of him having been at Puerto Lobos as a young child with no money, surrounded by dangers devastated me even more. He was forced to lug alongside him his childhood guilt, and his pent up anger toward authority, as they killed the only person who truly understood him: Sean.

    And then there was the bulletin board slideshow -- that absolutely killed me. You could see how quickly he was forced to lose his innocence with all the robberies and violence he went through. He had no moral guidance, as he was forced to coast by on his childhood instinct.

    Still, there were shreds of his childhood remaining; the images of the pinned up Choco Crisps; the drawn-on hundred dollar bills; the jubilant photos with wrestling stars.

    To top it all off was the final scene, with the teardrop tattoo under Daniel's eye. It was a permanent reminder of the path Daniel had unfortunately taken, a reminder that he was forced to transition into a murderous lifestyle.

    At the end of the day, this ending was all about loss. The losses of his father, Sean, they amounted to nothing that they would've stood for. This murderous, killing version of Daniel was not the one that they lived for, that they would've wanted. All of the pain that they had gone through had amounted to nothing.

    Sorry if this seemed a little ranty, but I just needed to get some of my thoughts out after that incredible ending. What do you guys think about the Lone Wolf ending? Do you think that there were any worse endings?

    submitted by /u/lifeishellastrange01
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    [All] Season 1 & BtS - Who I realized is to blame for the hurt, traumas, and what the true ending should be for redemption.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    I used to think Chloe Price was the one to blame for everything, but after Before The Storm & the Bonus Episode, I realized she was just hurt. Max is kind of the one to blame for everything.

    If Chloe didn't feel the need for a friendship in Rachel Amber, she wouldn't have been so desperate to please or get involved. Chloe losing her dad was circumstance, but if Max was there, or kept in contact at least, Chloe would have maybe been a lot better off emotionally. You can see her heart break after her dads funeral & when Max just left her a recorded tape.

    I subscribe to the belief that Rachel Amber was actually pretty genuine and NOT manipulative. I think after what happened in Before The Storm, no matter the outcome, that's what got her into drugs. Whether it be knowing what her dad did, or knowing she could never see her mom. Knowing her mom was a junkie. She decided to get more into the corrupt bunch in Blackwell Academy. I know that Chloe's friend tried to warn her about Rachel, but I think that was kinda BS. I could be wrong, but it's obvious Rachel didn't know Frank during BtS.

    I think what happened is she tried to reach out to Frank after all was said and done to maybe get to know her mom better. I think he was there for her & they fell in love behind Chloes back. The story depicts a lot of wrong decisions due to internal hurt. I also think if Rachel wanted heroine from Frank, if he loved her enough, he would have warned her, but still turned her on to it.

    If Max had just been a better friend to Chloe, maybe none of this would have happened?

    Then if you played Season 2 you'd have seen David Madsen move on, and become more humble. He lost his wife during the Arcadia Bay storm (I chose to save Chloe). Another thing caused by Max. A lot of the hurt is all stemming from Max, her abilities, and lack of initiative in relationships.

    After BTS, I see the only logical redemption is to save Chloe Price in Life is Strange. Constantly rewinding and getting involved with Chloe is a more dramatic representation of their friendship, abandonment and distance. If you choose to kill Chloe, you as Max, are perpetuating your previous relationship with Chloe of being close friends and then bailing on her and ignoring her. The only true redemption is to save her.


    submitted by /u/TheOneAndBoldly
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    [NO SPOILERS] Everyday we stray further from god's light.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Final episode of a first time play-through stream! ��

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    Hey lovely LIS community, it's me again! My friend and I going to be continuing our live-stream of Life is Stream over at our channel twitch.tv/tabbyfineline at 9pm PST! We're on episode 5, it's the final countdown now!!! I posted here the last few days when we streamed the other episodes and got a positive response so I thought I'd let ya'll know we were continuing to play! We'd love it if anyone wanted to drop by and say hello and maybe follow if you enjoy the content! My friend who is controlling the game has never played before so it's pretty great 😄 Just a warning, we do cuss because we're adults so watch out for that! Hope to see you there! We're starting now! :)

    Link to Stream!

    submitted by /u/Zincpaws
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    [ALL] Something I thought of and I was wondering if anyone had tried it.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    After Nathen shoots Chloe the second time while max is trying to stop him, I know he says something like "What did I do?" Does he do anything else, like run out the door or something, or does it just force you to rewind before you get to see anything else. Also can you actually walk out from behind the stall or are you prevented from doing that?

    I've never thought of this through my play through because I usually (like most people) stick to trying to push the fire alarm so I was curious.

    submitted by /u/valorine
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