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    Sunday, March 29, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Me cosplaying Max Caulfield on Animal Crossing!

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Me cosplaying Max Caulfield on Animal Crossing!

    [NO SPOILERS] Me cosplaying Max Caulfield on Animal Crossing!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] There's gonna be a party. - Fanart by Leconcombrerit.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    [No Spoilers] If you want to hear Max sing dreampop, Hannah Telle (voice actress) just released a new single "Colors" form her upcoming 3rd album

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    [No Spoilers] If you want to hear Max sing dreampop, Hannah Telle (voice actress) just released a new single "Colors" form her upcoming 3rd album

    You can stream the song on Hannah's bandcamp: https://hannahtelle.bandcamp.com/track/colors

    Here are also:

    • The first single "Illusions" from the upcoming album (it is planned to be recorded this summer)
    • Her 2nd album Walking Away from the Dream (dreampop)
    • Her 1st album Hollow Glow (indie, singer/songwriter) - here she really sounds like Max

    Hannah Telle, voice of Max, animal lover, musician and neuroscience student

    submitted by /u/Milia_Malae
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    [NO SPOILERS] My new avatar is Hella awesome!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    [S2] My thoughts on Life is Strange 2

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    I beat Life is Strange 2 and have had some time to reflect on it. (Also got hella lazy with this) So here are my thoughts. Also, going into the game I knew nothing about S2 apart from the first teaser trailer.

    Was totally expecting E1 to be like it was in S1. Slower paced and with lots of teen drama and whatnot. Was not expecting them to escalate it that way or that fast. Total change of pace from S1 but it set the tone for the themes of S2. Since I played the whole game in a short span this is gonna be a more general overview of S2 as a whole instead of going episode by episode.

    Oh the places you'll see and the time it takes

    I found it interesting how LIS2 went in a different direction from S1 or BTS. Instead of the whole game taking place in one locale it was a change of pace that each episode took place in different locations with your journey going through five different states in Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada and Arizona.

    It really mixed it up in terms of seeing vastly different settings and weather. Also, I was impressed with how the art team did everything from winter forests to desert canyons and really nailed it. The game just looks great visually and each location has an atmosphere that really suited it for that episode.

    A big part of the game is that it is thematically a 'road trip' set up so it will stretch over time. LIS 1 takes place over a week, while LIS 2 starts on October 28 and ends on July 4. This added to the growth of the brothers since they literally have time to grow and reflect which I think in the end they did a good job with. I also liked how they covered everything that happened in between episodes in the journal. Just like with the previous games it really helped with adding backstory and the thoughts of the main character.

    Characters come and then they go

    One of the aspects I liked is how each episode would introduce a new set of characters. I thought this was also a different change of pace from S1 and fit with the theme. In S1 it takes place in one town you get to know all of the characters. However, with S2 you're always on the move. So it makes sense that no one would stay for long. This also helped to emphasize the main point of the game in the end, which is the bond between brothers.

    Also, even though you don't get any deeper dives in characters like S1 I liked the amount of variety that we got with each chapter in terms of characters and how different they were. Plus, it made it cool when you did hear back from certain characters later on like Layla, Brody or Cassidy.

    I also liked how they set up the Diaz family contrast in a way. You really see the different personalities between Esteban, Claire & Stephen and Karen during your time with them. How Esteban is laid back and cool but cares about his family. How Claire & Stephen are more strict and orderly. How Karen is the total opposite of them and just a free spirit who has been trying to find what she wants in life. I also thought the whole moral dilemma of how you act towards Karen as Sean was interesting.

    Cassidy was my favorite side character in the game. She's super sweet and I thought she worked well with Sean. Liked how they made Sean awkward around her and have some self doubt. However, what surprised me was the way they did her whole romance scene. I was honestly just expecting a basic kiss of some kind. Wasn't expecting so much nakedness from a LIS game. More mature then I was expecting.

    I liked how they handled the sex scene between the two of them. It's not really something I can recall being handled this way in a game before. In most games I've played with sex scenes your character is a badass in some way and it's not really important regarding if they've done it before or not. Only time I can recall is in Dragon Origins since one of the characters you can romance mentions they're a virgin. However, it's a bit different when your the player character in a realistic setting like LIS. It was just sweet and handled the right way and I dunno as a guy it was nice to see that kind of portrayal and how the topic was handled.

    References to the past (LIS 1)

    This whole section will be marked as spoilers for people who might have played S2 but not S1. Also, the choice I picked for S2 related to S1's ending was saved Arcadia Bay in case people anyone wants to play out the difference choice themselves in S2.

    I really liked the throwback to seeing Arcadia Bay in E1 during the scene with Brody. Seeing the lighthouse again was awesome. Was totally not expecting to see David again, let alone in Away of all places. I was so surprised by it I found myself doubting it was actually him for a minute. It was cool to talk to him and see how he has changed. (stopped drinking, got divorced, become more relaxed relativity speaking) The phone called you can listen to between him and Joyce regarding Nathan was interesting. Gotta say though, it was weird hearing Chloe's name and seeing the picture of her on the fridge in a different game knowing her fate.

    What is family and the bond between brothers

    As I mentioned before characters only stick around for an episode or two since the main focus of the game is on the relationship between Sean and Daniel. The bond between brothers and all the trials and tribulations that come with that based on their situation while on the run. This is also changed in a way by the fact that LIS 2 has no really overarching antagonists like LIS 1.

    The closest you get is Reverend Lizabeth in E4. The antagonist in a way is more of the "shadow police" as since you are on the run the whole game your choices would be influenced more by protecting Daniel and deciding if certain actions will be too risky or not in terms of getting caught, like we deciding to keep or throw away your phone.

    Since the game has a road trip vibe with you being on the move so much it makes sense that you meet people once and you are likely to never see them again. The experiences and meetings Sean and Daniel have are much more transient. So with such a constantly shifting side cast, Daniel becomes the character that embodies the effects of your choices, which impacts the brothers' relationship and how Daniel acts. In a way Sean has to kind of struggle to straddle the line between being Daniel's older brother while also acting as his new father figure in a way. He has to be the one to now guide and train Daniel.

    In this way LIS 2's primary theme is family and how they can change and morph more so then choices. Beyond the brothers I think that each episode of the game has the theme of family in it with each one focusing on a different family so to speak.

    (This is all me spit balling so...) E1 is immediate family and friends, E2 is grandparents and new friends. It also shows a transition in a way since Sean and Daniel have to follow their grandparents rules back in a 'traditional family structure' while Sean is starting to try to become more of a father figure in a way with setting his own rules for Daniel and training him. E3 is about unconventional family and (optional) romance. E4 goes into the role of a mother (Karen and Lizbeth) as well as family in religion/cults. E5 is about a family trying to come back together and the family a small community can have.

    The ending

    In the end at the border I decided to surrender. I just thought that enough blood as been shed. Why risk getting Sean and Daniel killed to cross a border to a country they have never been to. Where they have no idea what is waiting. If they did succeed how many cops would they have to go through and possibly kill? How many families would that affect? I felt bad enough about killing that cougar and not saving Finn. As Sean said something to the effect of, it's not who we are.

    I liked how they showed a recap of what happened to Daniel in the end all the way through 2033. Also, having cutscenes at the end to show the aftermath when Sean gets out of jail. I feel like they really learned from S1 in terms of giving a proper ending with a summary like this compared to the Bae ending where you just drive off with no aftermath context.

    The final ending scene with Sean and Daniel revisting the forest from E1 was a really nice tie in and showed how far they have come. Got to be honest, at the scene where they were around the fire at night and Sean started crying I was on the verge of crying myself. Just thinking about the journey and all the shit they had gone through. That Sean made a sacrifice and Daniel ended up being able to live a normal life. It just made me think about shit I guess. It just worked really well.

    Final thoughts (TL;DR part I guess)

    Parts of E1 and E2 started off a bit slow at time but then again S1 had that a bit as well. I thought it really picked up with E3 (which was my favorite one) and then E4 and E5 were both good. All three of these episodes really nailed it ending wise imo. The environments and art was really good and visually nice to look at, especially the opening shots of E5. Also, they nailed the song selection again during the game. My favorites are I Found A Way and Banquet.

    Daniel during the first three episode could be cool or really get on my nerves but then again your playing as the older brother in stressful situations dealing with a 9 year old with superpowers. So it makes sense he would act out. I felt that they did a really great job with him in E5 being more mature after what went down in E4. I also really grew to like Sean. It was cool to see him go from typical teenager to a kinda badass survivor (the eyepatch look surprising worked) over the course of the game.

    I also really liked how the choices that you made in the game affected both characters. It was an interesting element that added even more to your decisions knowing they would also end up changing how Daniel acted. I also thought it was interesting in a way to make the character with superpowers be someone you can't control directly as the player unlike in S1 with Max.

    My only really complaints (mostly little things) I guess was that the game made you steal the yoyo in the Christmas market scene if you didn't have the money and didn't want to reveal your identity to the vendor. Also, that Sean has so much money in E3 but never buys a burner phone like Brody told him he should do in E1. In E4 scene after you escape the hospital I felt was a great chance to have some music playing when Sean was driving that they didn't do for some reason. Also, in E5 the whole jail scene with the immigrants and the citizens border patrol just felt off to me for some reason.

    In terms of regrets I wish I would have not let Daniel kill the cougar, not let Chris get hit by the car, done something to save Finn and contacted Layla at least once during the game.

    Final Verdict: Not as good as LIS (though it ended up being my 4th favorite game of the last decade so that's not really an insult) or BTS but I still really enjoyed the characters and journey. 8.5/10

    If anyone wants to ask me any general questions or what I thought of more specific moments or whatever I'd be glad to answer.

    submitted by /u/SilveryDeath
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    [ALL] What Do Eliot's Poems Actually Mean? [BTS]

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Yeah, I know the game says that Eliot's poems are talking about Chole but what do they actually mean. Could someone decipher all of them and tell me line by line what each one means because I am horrendous at poetry.

    Also, if Chole didn't tell you he was talking about her how could you tell? To me it was way too discrete to seem like he was talking about her or anyone. I just thought his poetry sucked and had no meaning.

    submitted by /u/Shana6464
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    [No Spoilers] lol Chloe-san, you have a nose.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] The Week That Never Was Chapter 10

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    HI yallz i just published a new chapter for my fanfiction series surrounding the first game after a long long long time away

    Hopefully, you guys can give it a read and let me know what you think! Cheers!


    submitted by /u/zuliboy
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    [S1] my thoughts about the endings.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 03:55 AM PDT

    yesterday i just finished life is strange season 1 (i know i'm very late to the party...) and it was simply amazing! the world around you felt so realistic and full of life, and i especially liked the fact that you can interact with almost everybody and everything, from changing Warren's grade to warning Alyssa, everything felt immersive and i felt like i had influence on the world around me. but then came the endings and as emotional the endings are they just felt not satisfying, because no matter which ending you choose all of the choices you made during the week don't matter because it's either the tornado kills most of the people you interacted with, or if you choose to sacrifice Chloe then the whole week resets deleting all of your choices. but then i thought about what if instead of letting the player choose the ending he wants, the ending will be chosen for him based on the players actions during the game : stick up to Chloe and don't befriend other students?- of course you choose to save Chloe over people you don't have any connection with, befriend other students and mostly ignore Chloe?- it makes more sense for max to choose for the greater good. this way your interactions with the world around do make a different and do actually matter, and besides it actually makes more sense because let's say you do a playthrough in which you do the opposite of everything Chloe wants you to do- you don't take the blame for the pot, you take David's side, you don't steal the handicapped fund etc... then wouldn't make sense for max to choose Chloe over Arcadia bay. anyway those are just my thoughts, maybe i'm wrong, but what do you think?

    submitted by /u/BlackMetal_dsbm
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    [NO SPOILERS] I'm making a Roblox accessory in Blender. Seem familiar?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    [ALL] Controversial Opinion: I didn’t really like Chloe

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    I didn't really like Chloe throughout the game. Not as a love interest, not even really as a friend. The constant guilt trips imposed on Max was one reason. She was always talking about how Max left her for Seattle and she had no one, as if it was really her choice to leave when she was so young. Max could have kept in touch more I suppose, but everyone knows these things get hard and like she apologized for it ten times over. Also, when Max didn't take the blame for smoking the weed, and didn't come out of the closet, Chloe got all mad at her because she let her stepdad catch her. Like what did she really expect Max to do? The thing with Kate Marsh bothered me as well. Chloe got angry with Max because she was going to pick up Kate's phone call. Chloe has to realize that she has other friends, not just her, and picking up a phone call for 2 minutes is not an unreasonable thing to do. In fact, anytime Max did anything for someone other than Chloe, she had some smart comment about it. Anytime she did anything seen as wrong, it would just be another thing Chloe would guilt trip her for the rest of the game. Throughout the game, I much preferred Warren as a love interest and appreciated all the ways he stuck his neck out for Max. Even if they didn't have a strong love, it was really obvious that Warren really cared about her and she valued him as a friend, if anything.


    I'm only bringing up warren here because of the fact that warren and Chloe were both portrayed as possible love interests to Max, although warrens storyline wasn't developed as much understandably because it wasn't his story. He's anything but perfect, but I did enjoy his lighthearted storyline compared to the general plot.

    Also, I understand Chloe had a shitty life and that's why she behaved the way she did. But that doesn't excuse certain actions toward Max. I'm sure all of us can sympathize with the loss of a close family member. I similarly lost my father as a young teenager. She clearly relied on Max a lot at the time, and even when she came back, but you would think that that reliance would translate into a little more care and understanding for the one friend who's there for her now. She doesn't see anyone's point of view except her own.

    Lastly this doesn't have anything to do with the post really, but I'm curious as to what people's reasons were to either save Chloe or save Arcadia Bay?

    submitted by /u/kool_and_pregnant
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    [NO SPOILERS] Why is LiS2's file size so huge?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    The complete season takes up a whopping 81.35 GB, and it's not a very graphically intense game. It's the second biggest game on my PS4, after Final Fantasy 15, which is 110 GB with all DLC installed. It's bigger than both Arkham Knight (73.48 GB) and Spider-Man (72.60 GB) as well, both with all DLC installed too.

    Any explanation as to why this game is so massive?

    submitted by /u/TheTommohawkTom
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    [NO SPOILERS] Before the Storm first time playthrough stream! ��

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    Hello again LIS community, the stream saga continues! My friend and I going to be continuing our live-stream series Life is Stream over at our channel twitch.tv/tabbyfineline at 7pm PST! With an emotional finish to the first LIS game, we're ready to dive into Before the Storm this evening! I posted here the last few days when we streamed LIS1 and had a lovely response followed by discussion with folks about the game so I thought I'd let ya'll know we were continuing the series! We'd love it if anyone wanted to drop by and say hello and maybe follow if you enjoy the content! This time neither of us has played the game before and I'm so excited to finally see Chloe and Rachel's story!

    Just a warning, we do cuss because we're adults so watch out for that! Hope to see you there! :3

    Link to Stream!

    submitted by /u/Zincpaws
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    [NO SPOILERS] Should play first LIS1 or LIS:BtS?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    I just bought both full games and was wondering which one should I play first to get the best experience

    submitted by /u/CrackWhorePepe
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