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    Friday, May 1, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [No Spoilers] One of my favorite moments from Before the Storm!

    Life Is Strange | [No Spoilers] One of my favorite moments from Before the Storm!

    [No Spoilers] One of my favorite moments from Before the Storm!

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Max portrait by SundaeSunday11

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] "So... You want a hit or not" by EvYLB

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    [ALL] Even sunlight can cast shadows by Aquarism

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] is Chloe a player?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Sean Diaz by Paul Larized

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    [ALL] It's time for me to leave behind BtS and continue my journey through Max's eyes.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Arcadia Bay Cemetry

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    [ALL] Life Is Strange: Before The Storm - Should I get the pack with the bonus episode?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:44 AM PDT


    I first was introduced to Life Is Strange when I watched my sister play parts of the first one a few years ago, I watched her play most of it and the ending.

    I recently played Life Is Strange 2, I wasn't really into the series that much before I started it, but I was bored with isolation and thought it would keep me busy. I finished the second one (and the Captain Spirit demo) in three or four days, and absolutely loved them both! Since I finished those, I really missed the feel of playing so I decided to play the first game properly by myself on my own console and make my own decisions. I'm currently playing now and loving it (trying to take my time so it lasts).

    I always see people taking about Before The Storm on here and saying it is there favourite so I decided after I finish the first one I'll play Before The Storm (I know I've done it in a strange order but oh well) I just want some advice on whether to get the pack which includes the bonus episode?

    Because I've played everything else I thought it would probably be a good idea that I do get the bonus episode but if it's going to be really short and irrelevant then maybe I shouldn't? What did you guys think of it? Was it worth it? Any advice or opinions on it would be greatly appreciated.


    submitted by /u/llwors
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    [ALL] Life Is Strange Series Survey

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    Hello, Life Is Strange community. I have made a survey about the games, asking about things like how you discovered the games, your favorite characters, why you love the games, stuff like that. If you want to fill it out, you can do that here:

    Life Is Strange Series Survey

    I will warn you though, it is kinda long :p

    Please ignore questions pertaining to a game if you have not played that game yet. If you find any of the questions too personal, feel free to skip them.

    submitted by /u/ConorOberstFan
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    [S1] Potential solution for the ending

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    Couldn't Max just go back in time, save Chloe again, and then tell as many people as she could about the incoming storm? Not everyone would believe her of course, but you can make Max convince the homeless lady at the Two Whales to leave and people like Samuel and maybe Joyce would probably listen.

    submitted by /u/danielwastaken
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    [NO SPOILERS] every time max rewinds, what happens?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    I was wondering about this, so every time max rewinds, is she creating an alternate reality every time? Because the proper original timeline is before she rewinds for the first time in the bathroom. And then every rewind after that, she's changing time and space right?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/lara10432
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    [ALL] Just completed LIS:BTS and farewell

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    I completed BTS yesterday but played farewell today since i wanted to save the game for one more day.

    And damn the ending messed me up.I was already trying to get over after playing episode 3 and the post credit scene of it. I heard Farewell would be difficult to take but i was still not ready for it.

    After playing LIS1,BTS feels so sad even its sweet moments because you know what will happen eventually in S1.Also BTS makes the story of LIS1 alot better,honestly these both games are so perfectly made for each other, they really did a good job with BTS.

    And the soundtrack like always was perfect appropriate and well timed.

    I guess im not the only who liked BTS more and found it more emotional than S1 and i love S1!

    TLDR, completed BTS and im sad now and idk how i would get over it and the fact that LIS story is completed.

    Also whats your favourite soundtrack from the game?

    submitted by /u/lastdyingbreed_01
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    [ALL] LiS question about the ending scenes

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I have a question that I need a simple yes or no to, maybe with a bit of explanation? Basically, in the ending, on the cliff, are Max and Chloe living in an alternate reality? Since in the original reality, Chloe is shot by Jefferson?

    And also, whichever ending Max chooses, they are both in alternate realities aren't they? Because if Max sacrifices Chloe, in the bathroom scene, you can see those orange walls, and whenever you see them, it means Max is in the past, hence another reality? Or is it not a different reality as she's just going back to the past? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/lara10432
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    [NO SPOILERS] How did Life Is Strange 2 really sell?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    I've heard lots of people talk about Life Is Strange 2 being a flop, not making money, etc, so I wanted to see for my self how it actually sold. Now, we all know Life Is Strange 2 didn't sell near close to the original, but how close did it sell to Before The Storm? How much money did it make?

    So first I looked at the budgets for each game. This is the hardest part because basically no budget information is avaliable for BTS or LiS2. However, the budget estimate for LiS1 is between 4 to 6 million dollars, so for the purpose of this, we will assume it is 5 million dollars.

    Now when we look at the copies sold, again that information is only avaliable for LiS1. However, I have a formula to figure that out.

    We know LiS1 sold around 3 million copies, and from scouting the net I have found that it has about 144059 reviews, including from metacritic, steam, and xbox and playstation stores, and the app store. That is approximately 4.8% of the copies sold.

    Assuming this is true for both BTS and LiS2, we can figure out how much they sold as well.

    Before the Storm has about 37213 reviews across all platforms, and more than half come from Steam, and interestingly enough about 12,000 come from mobile devices.

    Applying this formula (assuming 4.8% of the people who bought the game reviewed it) Before the Storm has sold approximately 775271 copies.

    Life Is Strange 2 across all platforms has about 12472 reviews, which similar to the other games, mostly come from Steam. Applying this formula will find LiS2 sold approximately 259835 copies.

    However, we're not done yet. We still have to figure out how much money each game made, and to do that we multiply the copies sold by price of the game. Of course, this doesn't factor in sales, which all of the games do all the time, espescially the original.

    For Life Is Strange 1, 3 million copies at 20 dollars per copy is 60 million dollars, meaning the original Life Is Strange made about 12 times it's budget in profit.

    For Before The Storm 775271 copies at 20 dollars per copy is 15,505,400 dollars. Of course we don't know the budget of Before The Storm, but it is probably a little more than the original.

    For Life Is Strange 2, it's a little different, as the game is twice the price. 259835 copies at 40 dollars per copy is 10,393,334 dollars. Again we don't know the budget, but it is likely a bit higher than the original.

    Obviously these formulas don't factor in sales, time the game has been out, the fact that episode 1 of LiS1 is free, or people who only bought some episodes of the game and reviewed it. It's also very important to point out that console games usually sell better than pc games, but pc games get way more reviews. All 3 LiS games have more than 25 times the amount of reviews on steam as anywere else (except BTS on mobile). These numbers are likely nowhere near the exact numbers, but are probably similar to the real proportions between them. BTS likely has sold over 1 million copies, and LiS2 over 500,000. But these are the closest stats we have. What can we conclude from this?

    Conclusion: Life Is Strange 1 is a crazy fucking juggernaut that by all means exceeds expectations. Before The Storm made decent money and was relatively successful. LiS2 made good money, but likely did not (or has not yet) exceeded double the profit as the budget.

    So why did Life Is Strange 2 make less money? Here are some of my theories:

    Gender Interests: Narrative games and games with female protagionsts are both things that attract female audiences (LiS1 and BTS). Whereas the narrative aspect of LiS2 is a bigger preference for female audiences, however the male protagionsts is a bigger preference for male audiences, meaning LiS2 doesn't focus purely on one audience.

    Marketing: This is the biggest offender. While LiS1 and BTS weren't marketed very well either they were for sure marketed better than LiS2. Think about it, the only ways someone who is not a fan of the series could find out about the game is by a recommendation, watching a trailer (which they are unlikely to watch unless they are already interested in narrative games) seeing it on YouTube(which they are unlikely to watch anyway if they aren't interested in narrative games) or seeing an ad for it(which are very uncommon).

    Long wait between episodes: While LiS1 and BTS made you wait, LiS2's wait between episodes likely increased chances of losing interest, or forgetting all together.

    Not been out for as long: This is definitely not a big thing, but still could be a factor. LiS1 and BTS have both been complete for multiple years, LiS2 has only had about 6 months since the final episode.

    So, what do you think about these stats? Do any of them surprise you? How well do you think LiS3 would sell if it ever came out?

    submitted by /u/ConorOberstFan
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    Life Is Strange - Survey About The Series

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    Hello, Life Is Strange community. I have made a survey about the games, asking about things like how you discovered the games, your favorite characters, why you love the games, stuff like that. If you want to fill it out, you can do that here:

    Life Is Strange Series Survey

    I will warn you though, it is kinda long :p

    Please ignore questions pertaining to a game if you have not played that game yet. If you find any of the questions too personal, feel free to skip them.

    submitted by /u/ConorOberstFan
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    [ALL] Life Is Strange Series Survey

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    Hello, Life Is Strange community. I have made a survey about the games, asking about things like how you discovered the games, your favorite characters, why you love the games, stuff like that. If you want to fill it out, you can do that here:

    Life Is Strange Series Survey

    I will warn you though, it is kinda long :p

    Please ignore questions pertaining to a game if you have not played that game yet. If you find any of the questions too personal, feel free to skip them.

    submitted by /u/ConorOberstFan
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    [ALL] Life Is Strange Series Survey

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    Hello, Life Is Strange community. I have made a survey about the games, asking about things like how you discovered the games, your favorite characters, why you love the games, stuff like that. If you want to fill it out, you can do that here:

    Life Is Strange Series Survey

    I will warn you though, it is kinda long :p

    Please ignore questions pertaining to a game if you have not played that game yet. If you find any of the questions too personal, feel free to skip them.

    submitted by /u/ConorOberstFan
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    [S1] [S2] Blue and Green. - Fanart by Muushbi.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    [S1][BtS] PSA: Posting a certain type of fan-art is definitely a spoiler and should probably be marked as such.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Posting [S1][BtS]Max and Chloe or Rachel and Chloe in romantic situations, gazing affectionately into each other's eyes, kissing, or otherwise is definitely a massive spoiler to someone who hasn't played at least S1, and should probably be marked. The existence of those situations in their respective games is a massive emotional pull for S1 especially, and anyone getting spoiled on it is definitely missing out on getting to experience a wonderful part of the series for the first time while playing. I'm surprised by how rampant this is here. You might argue that these games have been out a while now, so 'How could it really be a spoiler at this point?' but we're meant to tag all spoilers regardless of which game they come from. It seems strange to me that fan-art seems to be the exception.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

    Edit: Comments may contain unmarked spoilers. Don't read on if you haven't finished S1 or BtS.

    submitted by /u/kittysub
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    [NO SPOILERS] The LiS and BtS soundtrack is perfect

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    So I've come across the soundtracks after sometime and i realized how perfectly they fit in both games, their themes, the history, the ambient and of course how they reflect the lives of Max and Chloe. And it does makes an amazing job in "Interpreting" all the feelings of both of them about whats going on and how they see Arcadia Bay and their situation.

    But what is most amazing about it, is how well in the first game you can reflect Max with Chloe through it, i don't really know how to explain it but you can feel yourself in their skin, all the tension, all the mysteries about the storm and Rachel disappearence and the so tragic nostalgic feeling Arcadia Bay gives you along with it's characters.

    And in BtS the soundtrack is so Chloe too, it helps you to feel the mood of what she's going through and all of her feelings, like what she feels for Rachel, all of the anger and sadness she has for the loss of her dad, etc. What I'm trying to say is how thankful I am for this game and the music in it, i really enjoy all the emotion putted into all of this and more than nothing the nostalgia that gives you once you listen to it.

    I don't know if someone will read all of this (I think its a mess sorry ) and i don't think i explained myself that well, but i do hope that you understand what i tried to say, in conclusion I really love this game and the soundtrack its amazing.

    submitted by /u/phijoon
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