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    Wednesday, June 30, 2021

    Life Is Strange | [No Spoilers] Here's my fan-cast for a Life is Strange series. I'd love to know what you guys think of my choices.

    Life Is Strange | [No Spoilers] Here's my fan-cast for a Life is Strange series. I'd love to know what you guys think of my choices.

    [No Spoilers] Here's my fan-cast for a Life is Strange series. I'd love to know what you guys think of my choices.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] The blue butterfly by イワミミ

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 07:05 AM PDT

    [ALL] Why I don't think that BTS was useless

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    Sometimes I see on YT many comments saying that BTS was pointless.

    A lot of people wanted to see Rachel's mistakes that led her to the dark room, but we actually saw that, through Sera.

    When James describes to Rachel her mother, he's basically describing all the future mistakes that Rachel will do by taking drugs and by following bad people.

    Plus, I like that they didn't show us why Rachel chose Frank over Chloe: this helped to make her even more mysterious.

    Of course, this is just my POV, and I have no problem with those who had issues with BTS.

    Let me tell you what you think :)

    submitted by /u/Mango424
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    [All] Why the Chloe hate? I don't get it...

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    Hey! I am really new to the LiS fanbase, I just finished playing the first game for the first time a couple of weeks ago and have been kinda obsessing over Pricefield ever since, watching a ton of fanvids and theories. I didn't realize how controversial Chloe was in the fandom until I was watching Girlfriend Reviews recently stream the game on Twitch and was pissed/ranting about Chloe what seemed like the entire time, and then I ended up stumbling on a few videos on youtube that also were on the side of "Chloe is a terrible person who deserves to die" or whatever… and I just kinda wanted to give my own opinion and wanted to see what everyone else's take is...

    Honestly, I don't really get the Chloe hate, especially now that I've also played the prequel. Is she the best person ever? No, not at all. I personally see her as a character with many layers and flaws. Maybe it's because I've had my share of traumatic events in my life, but I can't help but empathize with her. She might come off as a bad person, but I don't think that's the core of who she is. I mean, she lost her father and her best friend in a 3-day span at a really young age. She falls in love with a master manipulator who eventually goes missing and is later found dead. Her mom ends up marrying a paranoid abusive douche. Knowing all that, I can't really blame her for rebelling the way she does.

    submitted by /u/Melissa0522975
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    [S1 E5] >!Everyday Heroes Photo!< Recreation

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 11:28 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Will LIS Remastered Collection add to and improve one the endings (you know which one)

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    In LiS one of the endings got the short end of the stick due to deadlines and all that good stuff Is it known whether the remastered collection will flesh it out, like they initially planned to?

    submitted by /u/IWantMyChaChaBack
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    [No Spoilers] Remaster relese date

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    According to steam, its September 30th.

    Just a PSA

    submitted by /u/WeirdSpaceCommunist
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    [ALL] thoughts on this video

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    [No Spoilers] Alpha male~

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    [ALL] All the Time in the World...

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 04:53 PM PDT

    A short fic I wrote on what Chloe and Rachel's first date might look like... Enjoy!

    "Is this really necessary?"

    "Yes! Just keep walking."

    "You do know that it's dark outside. I wouldn't be able to see much anyway."

    "Yes, Sherlock. I know that but I just want it to be a surprise."

    "My life is currently in your hands, Price. If you accidentally lead us to the edge of a cliff, it'll be your fault. Just saying."

    "Do you always talk this much when you can't see?"

    "Are your hands always this sweaty when you're nervous?"

    "Bite me."

    Chloe covers Rachel's eyes with her hands as she nudges her from behind to continue walking along the dirt path. The air is still and the only sound that occupies the space of the night are the distant chirps of crickets and the occasional rustling of a bush. Despite the serenity of the forest around them, Chloe's heart is pounding out of her chest.

    "Okay. You can do this." she thinks to herself, "Just don't, like… fall down, or lead Rachel off the edge of a cliff. Easy enough."

    Rachel swings her arms behind her and pulls Chloe closer to her as they walk, almost causing Chloe to drop her hands in surprise at the gesture. "You know," Rachel starts, "if this is a deliberate plan to brutally murder me, you could've just asked."

    "Oh, darn." Chloe sarcastically replies, "My evil master plan has been foiled!"

    Rachel lets out a small laugh, "Hath my Ariel finally chosen to betray me?"

    "Never, my mistress," says Chloe as she continues to lead Rachel down the path, "I will always be in service to thy schemes."

    The two continue to walk in a comfortable silence with Chloe occasionally catching Rachel after tripping on rogue rocks in the road. Their laughs fill the night as the stars look over them from above. They make it to the edge of the forest as Chloe gently takes her hands off Rachel's eyes.

    "How much farther?" Rachel asks with her eyes still closed.

    "We're here," Chloe walks forward and stops to turn back to the other, "You can open your eyes now."

    Rachel opens her eyes and looks out to the familiar silhouettes of rusted cars and abandoned belongings, "You took me to… the junkyard?" There's a slight tinge of disappointment in her voice.

    Chloe extends her hand, "It'll be worth it. I promise."

    Rachel looks at the beanie wearing punk, who's trying her best not to be visibly nervous. Rachel can't help but crumble under Chloe's blue eyed gaze. Any feeling of disappointment quickly melts away as Rachel takes Chloe's guiding hand. The moonlight faintly illuminates the path to the entrance of American Rust. Hands intertwined with one another, the two turn the corner into the junkyard. There's a faint light coming from behind a pile of stacked cars. Rachel slows her pace, causing Chloe to do the same.

    "Shit, is someone here?" Rachel's voice low, "There's light coming from over there."

    "Do you trust me?" Chloe says as she tightens her grip on Rachel's hand.

    "Always." replies Rachel.

    Chloe smiles and she pulls Rachel to continue walking. They walk to the otherside of the car pile to reveal a pathway illuminated by tealight candles. Rachel drops Chloe's hand in surprise.

    "Wh- what is this?" Rachel stares in wonder at the winding candle lit pathway that spans the length of the junkyard.

    Chloe grabs the back of her own neck, something she does to alleviate her nerves, "I, uh… I wanted our first date to be special."

    "You did all of this?" Rachel looks at Chloe in surprise.

    "Yeah, I dug around the Two Whales storage room. They keep a fuck ton of these candles for their Valentine's day themed nights in February."

    "This is… amazing, Chloe." Rachel jumps into Chloe's arms. The two hold each other, reveling in each other's comfort.

    "This isn't all of it." Chloe finally says. They let go of their embrace as Rachel looks at her in confusion, "Come on."

    The two walk side by side down the candle lit path, arm in arm. Chloe's nerves continue to build, causing her to lose any sense of casual conversations that she had rehearsed in her head prior to tonight. They continue down the twisting path around the junkyard, Rachel marveling at the star filled night sky above them.

    "This is incredible," she says, snapping Chloe out of her nervous spiral, "Being with you feels incredible. Like we can do anything when we're together."

    "Absolutely," Chloe replies. She takes a deep breath and looks up at the night sky with Rachel as she tries to get a grip of her racing heart.

    "You ever think about how vast the universe is?" Rachel asks as they both slow down their pace, "Like how much is out there? All that space has to be filled with more than just stars and planets."

    "I'm sure there's an alien Chloe Price and Rachel Amber out there somewhere, tentacle arms intertwined, looking up at their stars and wondering the same thing." Chloe says with a smile curled at the edge of her lip.

    "Parallel alien universes, huh?" says Rachel, amused, "I wonder if alien Chloe is as romantic as my Chloe."

    "Shut up." Chloe laughs pushing Rachel's shoulder.

    The two reach the other end of the junkyard. Rachel is surprised to see that the candlelit path doesn't end there, but instead continues up the hill beyond the junkyard.

    "Where does this lead to?" she says.

    "Why don't we find out?" Chloe says as she continues walking.

    The two follow the candles up the hill to the train tracks where the old train lays still. The path leads them to a train car that has it's door wide open. Chloe lets go of Rachel's hand and hops into the open car. She turns around and sees Rachel standing with her mouth open in awe.

    "Chloe…" she manages to say after a moment.

    "Surprise." Chloe responds.

    Chloe helps Rachel onto the train car and Rachel spins around slowly admiring it's transformation. More candles are strewn around the car revealing the walls to be covered in graffiti hearts and stars, all done by a familiar hand. Construction paper hearts hang from the ceiling by old yarn and fake rose petals cover the creaky floor below them.

    "This…" Rachel struggles to find the right words as she continues to marvel at Chloe's hardwork, "This is fucking incredible. I don't even know what to say."

    "You don't have to say anything," Chloe says as she pulls two wooden crates to the middle of the train car, "Come sit with me."

    Rachel blinks herself out of her shocked state and sits down on the wooden crate next to Chloe. Chloe pulls out a paper bag from behind a stack of boxes, "I'll be honest with you, I tried to be hella romantic and cook you a meal… but I burned the shit out of it and made the fire alarm in my house go off."

    Rachel shakes her head and laughs at the thought of Chloe panicking and blowing the smoke around the house with a dishrag.

    "Needless to say, steptool wasn't amused," Chloe continued, "So I got us burgers and fries from Two Whales instead. I hope that's alright."

    "It's perfect."

    Chloe finishes ripping open the bag and setting up the food in front of them. She looks up to see Rachel looking at her with a gaze that can make any person wither under her beauty.

    "What?" Chloe says, feeling a familiar nervous lump in her throat.

    "Nothing. Just admiring you and everything that you are for a moment."

    Chloe looks away in hopes to hide her cheeks going red.

    "Too mushy?" asks Rachel.

    "Perfect mushy."

    And so the two sat in the train car, side by side, talking and laughing into the darkness of the night. At this moment in time, the world around them stood still and they felt like they had all the time in the world.

    submitted by /u/otterbot33
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    [No spoilers] Did anyone pre order the life is strange remastered collection on the psn store and if so did you get the dynamic theme?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 06:32 PM PDT

    I am wondering about this since I pre ordered the true colors ultimate edition and in the description it said nothing about a dynamic theme for the remastered collection.

    submitted by /u/brokebackdrake
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    [ALL] Creativity Golden Hour: Chloe and Rachel Date Edition

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    I made one of these a few days ago and wanted to make another one! Here's the link to the first creativity golden hour

    Like I said in the last one: I feel like a lot of people in this community have hella creative minds so I wanna try out setting up posts that present a question or scenario that can spark some of that creativity and imagination to see what you guys come up with. Feel free to answer with something short and sweet or let your creativity flow with something more detailed. The choice is yours.

    Edit: I wanted to participate in this one too but wanted to keep the comments as a space for you guys. So here's my take on their first date

    For this post, I ask:

    What would Rachel and Chloe's first official date look like?

    submitted by /u/otterbot33
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