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    Thursday, April 30, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [ALL] The free Life is Strange 2 Demo is now available to play instantly on PC!

    Life Is Strange | [ALL] The free Life is Strange 2 Demo is now available to play instantly on PC!

    [ALL] The free Life is Strange 2 Demo is now available to play instantly on PC!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    [ALL] The free Life is Strange 2 Demo is now available to play instantly on PC!


    The free demo of the award-winning Life is Strange 2 is now available to play instantly on your PC!

    Have you tried the game? Have a friend who you think is missing out? Jump in now by heading to www.LifeIsStrange.com

    In the event that you experience any issues (which shouldn't be the case!) take a look at the FAQ we've set up (https://sqex.link/LiS2StreamFAQ) and if you're still having problems, contact the fine folk over at Polystream who should be able to help: [support@polystream.com](mailto:support@polystream.com)

    submitted by /u/JoshuaSquareEnix
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    [NO SPOILERS] Is Life Is Strange 2 good? Should I play it if I liked the first one? Direct your questions here!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    In an effort to curb the same topic showing up over and over, please localize all similar questions/queries/etc to here.

    Full disclosure: I enjoyed LIS 2 and I would definitely consider myself a fan of it. I also much enjoyed LIS 1 and Before The Storm. In writing this I tried to keep it as unbiased as possible.


    The answer to all of these questions is "well, maybe." Except the last one, which is, yes, because there's a demo now (on PC).


    Critically, Life Is Strange 2 is sitting at a little bit under the first game (85 for LIS 1 vs ~80 for LIS 2 on Metacritic). The game has been nominated for many and won a few awards, and it's rated Very Positive on Steam. Going by a critical perspective, the answer is a very clear "yes".

    From a fan perspective, however, the game is significantly more divisive. "Good" is subjective.

    Technically, the game performs fine, with graphical and interface improvements over the first game. The choice system is also more nuanced and complex, especially with regard to Daniel, and there's a greater diversity of endings (4, with additional minor variations, vs the original's static 2). The choices you make through the game have a greater effect on the ending vs a simple binary option.

    Subjectively, it depends. Life Is Strange 2 deals heavily with themes of racism in America, the morality of one's actions, a loss of control over one's life and livelihood, loss of family, what one will do to survive in a dire situation, and what one does with power. Some of these themes weren't present at all in LIS 1, or weren't present in the same way. How you feel about LIS 2 boils down to how you feel about these themes and how they're presented.

    The writing is a different style from LIS 1, with the focus being on the relationship that Sean and Daniel have throughout the game. Their brotherhood is key to the story and development of both characters, versus the friendship-slash-romance of Max and Chloe

    Proponents of the game call it matured, realistic, and sincere, with a lack of the cringy lingo that so defined LIS 1 in many people's eyes. The endings are better, the characters are realistic and deep, and the central aspect of the family element is an active contributor to the story. It presents hard topics with no shying away from them, showing the kind of trials Mexican Americans face in the US, even in the more liberal-leaning parts of the country. Daniel is a realistically-portrayed child who hammers in the loss of control theme of the game, and if guided well, he develops into a good kid who learns to trust his brother. It is a worthy sophomore effort by DONTNOD's LIS team, portraying a very different but equally compelling tale.

    Detractors of the game call it corny, over the top, and boring. The characters are static and don't have enough time to develop, the lack of two girl protagonists means that the central dynamic isn't as interesting, and Sean and Daniel are at best boring and at worse actively annoying to watch. Daniel especially is a brat who doesn't ever listen or really change throughout the game, and is mostly there to drive the plot in needed directions while merely giving the player the illusion of choice and the inability to salvage certain situations. The road trip element makes it impossible to get attached to other characters or places, and Sean and Daniel just aren't appealing or relatable enough, missing the interesting relationship that made the first game so great.


    That depends on what you liked about LIS 1.

    LIS 2 is a road trip story. Characters pop into and out of Sean and Daniel's lives at the whims of the story, sometimes showing up for multiple episodes and sometimes showing up for less than half of one. The scenery changes multiple times per episode, and locations are never revisited at any point from episode to episode. There is no central mystery to solve, and the driving force of the plot is not trying to find someone, but trying to get somewhere and dealing with the trials that brings.

    The central relationship has changed from friends-to-maybe-lovers to two brothers and the bond of family they share. It's a dynamic filled with love, as the first game, but a different kind of love, and it revolves around the troubles that such a bond must weather. Sean is a teenager himself and Daniel is 10 years old, and Sean is now responsible for the health and life of his younger brother. It's not fully a game about baby-sitting, as Daniel often proactively makes his own decisions (and there are segments and nearly a full episode where Sean and Daniel are separated for reasons), but the interactions between them focus on this kind of core identity of one brother who now has to also be a father.

    If what you liked about the first game was the setting, the recurring cast of characters, the central mystery, the gameplay twists due to the time traveling aspect, or the feminist themes, LIS 2 has none of those (though I will point out that LIS 2 is certainly not anti-feminist - it's just not a focus). It has its identity and its own unique feel, and it is a different kind of game compared to LIS 1.

    If what you liked about the first game was the integration of power and narrative, the tackling of serious topics, the nontraditional setting and style for an adventure game, and the strong characterization and story, then LIS 2 might be the game for you.


    Well, there's a demo now, so it doesn't cost you anything to try on PC. For other consoles, you may want to watch a Let's Play or borrow it from somebody who has it.

    It's not like LIS 1 in a lot of ways, and if you go into it expecting it to be, you're gonna have a bad time. LIS 2 must be approached on its own terms, with its own ideas. The player does not control the power, as it is in the hands of a traumatized 10 year old child. Control, and the loss of it, is a major theme of the game. If you can take the game for its own merits, and the themes appeal to you, you'll probably like it.

    Ultimately, nobody can tell you whether or not you'll like it. You have to approach the game on your own, with as few preconceptions as possible.

    submitted by /u/ThreadOfFate
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    [NO SPOILERS] The Arcadia Bay troublemakers at it again by WatertfPlant

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] A friendly reminder from the Arcadia Bay hospital

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:16 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Lyla by flor.xist

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Max and Chloe sitting on the bench, bathing in the sunset.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe portrait by Samjaza

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:30 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe at Blackwell Academy

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] One of my favourite shot in Life is Strange : BTS

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Frank's RV in Aracadia Bay

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    [ALL] Frank’s Drug Prices Are Hilarious

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    I love this game and I could play it all the time over and over again. But it's hilarious looking at Frank Bowers' drug prices. 1/8th lb of "head weed" for $60) that's 2 OZ for $60!! Then I see he sells one tab of acid for $15. That's fair, but then I look and I see him sell 3 sheets (that's three HUNDRED tabs) for $120. $2.50 a tab? I don't think so. And lastly I see he sold another 2 OZ of "fire bud" for $30 each! That's absolutely ridiculous and they should have asked my loser ass to get them accurate drug prices.

    submitted by /u/TrashInspector69
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    [NO SPOILERS] Chole's Dad - William Price at the Bonfire

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    [ALL] question about focussing on photos

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Just need some help with this question of mine, when Max is focussing on a photo to go back into the past, when she has gone back to the past, what do you think the original Max doing? Is she just sitting there? I'm curious

    submitted by /u/lara10432
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    [ALL] [LiS 1] The Darkest Room

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Hey guys. Been writing some lyrical poetry stuff over the years and I figured I would try doing this with LiS characters. I'm hoping to do one for most of the characters eventually and started with the darkest one, Jefferson.

    Disclaimer if you're uncomfortable with scenes from the dark room this may not be the best thing to read. It's the whole topic of this one. Anyways thanks if you stopped by!

    Jefferson: The Darkest Room

    submitted by /u/maltriagon
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    [No Spoilers] Is Life is Strange 2 worth playing?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    I heard about Life is Strange a couple of years back but never actually got into it since it didn't seem to be my style. But a few days ago, after I did a replay through of the Walking Dead Game series and wanted something to scratch the post-series itch, I thought I would give the first game a try.

    I ended up loving it even though it was very different to TWD, it managed to give me an experience that was really good in its own right, it was more interactive, the world felt alive around you, and your choices mattered a lot more when compared to many of Telltale's games. Now I want more content, and I'm definitely going to get Before the Storm, but I'm torn on whether to buy the second main game. From what I've heard, a lot of people don't like it because it focuses on a new cast of characters and that it doesn't have the same themes as the first game. Thoughts on whether its worth buying?

    submitted by /u/danielwastaken
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    [NO SPOILERS] replaying this masterpiece!! planning on doing 1 & 2 as well

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    [ALL] LiS episode 1 garage task

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    So I got a question for episode 1, in the garage when Max has to find tools for her camera, she can also have a look at David's files. This is my 3rd play through and I decided that in this one, I won't read David's files, I'll just drop them into the oil and leave them there (I know that sounds stupid but I wanted to do something different from my other two play throughs) but I accidentally read the files anyway as I pressed the wrong button. So, I thought I'll rewind, but I guess max still retains that knowledge, because later on, when David comes into Chloe's room, Chloe mentions that to David during the confrontation, so I guess somewhere Max tells Chloe about that even though I don't think I saw her do that? So does that mean even though I made the mistake of reading the files, I can't get rid of that knowledge? Any thoughts on this guys? I have played this game quite a lot as this is my 3rd play through but I was surprised for some reason that even after rewinding, Max still told Chloe as Chloe mentions the files about Kate to David. Thanks in advance!! 😎

    submitted by /u/lara10432
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    [NO SPOILERS] Wolf Brothers by Shouraidegozaru

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Do the choices made for the first game have a big impact on the second game?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    I bought Life Is Strange for my girlfriend on PS4 because she thought it looked interesting. She's not a gamer, so I thought it'd be a good way to get into gaming during quarantine. She ended up loving the game, and has beat it in 3 days. Of course now she wants to play number 2.

    I was going to buy it for her on PS4 since that's where she played the first, but then I realized the game is on Xbox Game Pass which I have a subscription to. The problem is she played the original game on PS4. I know Life Is Strange 2 has a different story, so do the decisions of the first game even have an impact? If they do I don't mind buying it on PS4 but obviously if they don't I'll just utilize my Game Pass subscription and have her play it on there.

    submitted by /u/mattchew1993
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    [ALL] Just finished the first game, here are my thoughts. Spoiler alert

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    Yesterday I finished the game for the first time, and honestly I am disappointed: both endings did not satisfy me, I don't believe the game had to finish in such a tragic way, with such terrible options to choose.

    I understand what the plot wants to tell us: they wanted us to believe that Max had an incredible power that she could have used at her please, but despite that, she simply can't change the fate, and if the fate says the Chloe must die... That's it, there is nothing she can do besides sacrificing everything but her. Really emotional, but I really didn't appreciate that ending: it's true, the game itself had a lot of bad moments before the endings, such as Max and Chloe finding Rachel's body, but again, I don't believe the game needed such an ending.

    I wish this game would have multiple endings like Quantic Dream games, including some bad endings: I think that an actual "bad ending" with Nathan and Jefferson getting away and Max and Chloe possibly getting killed would have fit the story way more than the two endings we got instead. I think that the best possible ending was the one that actually happened in the mid-way of Chapter 5, mith Max going back in time and warning David about Jefferson, so Jefferson gets arrested (And so does Nathan, unless he was killed by Jefferson before), Max winning the Everyday Hero Contest, and of course the storm not happening at all and so Chloe being safe. I think that this ending would have been the best possible outcome, after everything we had been through.

    The ending is probably the only thing I really didn't like about this game, because everything else is just perfect! I played an episode of this game per day, and everytime I finished an episode I just couldn't wait for the next day to come, so I could play the next episode. I felt so attached with the story, the characters, Arcadia Bay, while playing this game I felt like I was one of them. The characters I liked the most were Frank and David, I loved the way these characters evolved during the story: I found kind of hilarious that Frank was nearly killed by Max with that gun, and then like two days later they chat on the phone about Rachel, like if they had become friends; about David, in Chapter 5 I actually felt bad for him, I had given shit on him ever since the beginning of the game (By accusing him of bullying Kate, siding against him and leading to Joyce getting him out of the house etc.), and I actually cried when I had Max tell him that Chloe was dead. The only moment of the game where I actually cried, besides Max and Chloe finding Rachel's body. Oh and in the end, the end of Chapter 4 is PERFECT: Jefferson was probably the last person I thought that he drugged Max and killed Chloe, when his creepy face came out under Max' point of view, you have no idea how shocked I was, probably the best plot twist I have ever seen in a videogame. And in the end, the fact that the Chapter ended like that, without the traditional music scene that was in the final moments of the three Chapters before, is a touch of class. I wonder if somebody actually accused Jefferson instead of Nathan and David ever since the beginning.

    That's it with my thoughts of the game, an amazing experience that I will never forget: shame I really didn't like the ending, otherwise I would be talking about a masterpiece and probably the best week of my life.

    Can't wait to play the other two games, expecially Before the Storm: shame Life is Strange 2 has other characters and scenarios, I wish there were more adventures of Max and Chloe :(

    submitted by /u/KenjiCBZ
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    [ALL] Do choices from the first game have a big impact on the second?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    I bought Life Is Strange for my girlfriend on PS4 because she thought it looked interesting. She's not a gamer, so I thought it'd be a good way to get into gaming during quarantine. She ended up loving the game, and has beat it in 3 days. Of course now she wants to play number 2.

    I was going to buy it for her on PS4 since that's where she played the first, but then I realized the game is on Xbox Game Pass which I have a subscription to. The problem is she played the original game on PS4. I know Life Is Strange 2 has a different story, so do the decisions of the first game even have an impact? If they do I don't mind buying it on PS4 but obviously if they don't I'll just utilize my Game Pass subscription and have her play it on there.

    submitted by /u/mattchew1993
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    [BtS E3] Chloe's last diary entrance

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:11 AM PDT

    Before the final scene if you open up the diary, at the end you find this: I don t want to live in the past anymore. I want to be in the present. With Rachel. No matter what happens next. Goodbye Max. Your Chloe. No more funny Chloe quotes at the end, it was with a finality. She was finally ready to move on from Max. Little did she know what would happen next. Would play farewell tonight (was kinda late last night and I didn't want to feel like being kicked in the biscuits at 2 A.M.) and then, Enter Maxine.

    submitted by /u/VladCost
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    [S2] My experience with Life Is Strange S2.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    (Sorry If something is write wrong I don't know so much English.) Well I finished the Season 2 and I'm a little sad because of the final I get and because I finished the game. In the final I choose to pass the frontier but Daniel don't come with me. The final is not totally bad comparing to others finals in my opinion because now Sean is happy and probably living a tranquile live with Cassidy and Daniel is living a tranquile life with his grandparents but they probably are not going to see the other forever at least they send messages to the other. I made the wrong choice because I would prefer the final Sean go to the prison after some year he leave and stay with Daniel, Lyla and others but It's life we can't always do the right choice

    I'm happy that David is good now with Chloe and Max and they are alive. But because of the decision I made in the S1 basically everyone in Arcadia Bay is dead and that put me sad.

    Resuming: This game put me very happy in some moments and very sad in the others and I wish I could delete the memory I have in my brain if this game and S1 and experience the game all again.

    Now the only game that fault is Before the Storm.

    submitted by /u/The_S1LVER
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