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    Friday, December 18, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [BtS EB] Farewell by Edeave

    Life Is Strange | [BtS EB] Farewell by Edeave

    [BtS EB] Farewell by Edeave

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:31 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Max Selfie!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:47 PM PST

    [ALL] Chloes Life in a nutshell

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:47 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] So a tumblr user discovered this video commercial from 2013 and the similarities between LiS and it are pretty uncanny

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 07:56 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] MAKE IT BIG! Original on my Twitter!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:16 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Morning by Marina-Shads

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:50 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Life is Imagery (Original)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 07:27 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] I don’t know who made this, but it’s too cute

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:05 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Partners In Time! Original on my Twitter!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:52 PM PST

    [No Spoilers] Is “Before the storm” worth it?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:24 AM PST

    It's $12 to buy the full season. I want to make sure that it's worth it.

    submitted by /u/ZacherDaCracker2
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    [NO SPOILERS] I don’t know who made this, but it’s too cute

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:05 PM PST

    [ALL] How Two Similar Choices are Completely Different (LiS 1)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 11:06 PM PST

    Life is Strange's third episode ends on a note in which Max attempts to improve Chloe's life by changing the fate of her father, William Price. In the original timeline, William will die in a horrific car accident but Max intervenes to allow William to live by making sure he never steps foot in the car. This choice creates a brand new reality where Max is a popular bitch girl and Chloe ended up in her own accident, paralyzing her from the neck down. At the end of the sequence in this alternate timeline, the disabled Chloe will ask Max to end her life, having overheard from her parents and doctor that she was going to slowly suffocate to death through the paralysis of her lungs.

    The entire situation is completely messed up, as you the play most likely know that you will soon end up back in the original timeline regardless of which choice you make. Kill Chloe or not, Max will end up back in her own reality where Chloe is safe and alive. This event parallels the final choice in the game, which is to either save Chloe or save Arcadia Bay through killing Chloe. Thus, it becomes a surface level moral conundrum if you choose to let Chloe peacefully fall asleep in the alternate timeline but then choose to save her in the main one. Some players who prefer the ending where Chloe dies often point this as hypocritical since Chloe asks Max to kill her in both endings. Of course, that is wrong, but we will get there.

    From here we will refer to the two Chloes as alt!Chloe and main!Chloe to differentiate the two.

    On the surface both of these choices are pretty much the same, Chloe asks Max to kill her. Of course, both of these are also in extremely different contexts. In the alternate timeline, alt!Chloe is dying a slow and painful death.

    The term often used in real life for this context is known as assisted dying, where someone who is terminally ill or dying has the choice to end their life of their own according with assistance, with no interference from outside parties such as the government. In the US, as of 2013 in which the game takes place, only two states had what are referred to as Death with Dignity laws that allow those who are dying to make the choice: Oregon (1997) and Washington (2009). As of 2020, eight states have these laws.

    According to research and date taken in Oregon in 2015, published in February of 2016, the three most common reasons for WHY people wished to end their lives were: decline in ability to do activities they enjoyed (96.2%), loss of autonomy (92.4%) and loss of dignity (75.4%). Of course other health related factors may come into this as well. Physical health declining factors into the aforementioned major reasons.

    Alt!Chloe is suffering, that much is a given. She has to be put on morphine constantly just to deal with the pain. She admits that since her accident, there have been many problems that have plagued her. The two she mostly goes into are her loss of autonomy and dignity. Her parents and nurses have to do everything for her, which only adds to her own depression and beginning to think even less of herself, despite the fact that this was never her fault in the first place.

    I believe this parallels main!Chloe's own initial death quite well. Both Chloes are basically placed into situations where they either live or die, at no fault of their own. Alt!Chloe did not choose for someone to run a red-light and T-Bone her car nor did main!Chloe choose to get drugged and kidnapped by Nathan, the event that leads directly to her death.

    Both of them are victims who have been condemned to death for no good reason. Alt!Chloe will die a slow and painful death as her lungs begin to fail and the physical pain she feels begins to worsen while main!Chloe has to die alone on a cold bathroom floor to someone who drugged and kidnapped her, all while the last things she's heard is that nobody will care that she died. These are horrifying prospects in their own different ways, with an innocent girl who never even got much of a chance to live dying.

    Alt!Chloe's circumstances make for a different choice from main!Chloe's. In the alternate timeline, alt!Chloe asks Max to administer morphine until she overdoses and passes away: wishing for her last memories to be this wonderful night that she was able to reunite with her best friend. So that she can remember Max and her family, and avoid the slow painful death that she knows she is going to have to endure through. It's heartbreaking, but you understand why she needs this to happen.

    Even though alt!Chloe is technically an adult and therefore can qualify for Oregon's Death with Dignity Act, there are lots of legal steps to have to go through before one can be allowed to pass on. Even then, alt!Chloe doesn't have many people in her life. Really the only people in her life are her parents. She needs two witnesses to sign off on Oregon's request form (one of them can't be a family member.) And since we know how far the parents have gone to keep alt!Chloe around, it's highly likely they wouldn't sign off on it. There are many legal steps to have to go through for it.

    As a result of the legal bounds that might prolong alt!Chloe's life, she asks Max to do it. Of course it is a felony to assist someone in their deaths outside of the law, but Max has powers so she's able to simply go back and prevent this timeline from occurring.

    The major difference is that alt!Chloe is dying. And it is terminal. She is going to die regardless of what happens and it is going to be painful. She doesn't want to suffer pain anymore, so she asks Max to do the thing no one else will for her. To just go to sleep, knowing her best friend and family love her, and leave behind the pain of an accident that she didn't deserve.

    Main!Chloe is not dying. No, in fact she is perfectly healthy. Besides Max, she is the only one who is 100% safe from the magic fuck you storm that is blowing into Arcadia Bay. You can argue main!Chloe isn't begging for death at all, however. Rather, she is full of belief that she is not worth saving. We already know she has lots of problems with her own self-worth, and to her the worth of her own life is zero compared to the town. And this is a lot more open to interpretation than alt!Chloe's own death, which is pretty clear on WHY she is choosing to die. Main!Chloe on the other hand we can only infer why she is asking Max to kill her.

    It's of my own opinion that it's a mix of aforementioned lack of self-worth compared to the town and that she wishes to make it easier for Max to do it. Main!Chloe's lack of self-worth extends over to Max, whom she shares possibly similar sentiments in the way that Max also doesn't believe main!Chloe is worth more than the town, which would parallel with how Max believes main!Chloe will never see her as anything more than a whiny friend, which we see in Max's nightmare. For main!Chloe, her self-worth is only stamped into her brain when Max chooses her over the town. Main!Chloe's death is more akin to a perfectly physically healthy person asking you to kill them for some personal reason.

    As we see in the comics or even in LiS 2, main!Chloe is eventually in a much more stable and happy life. In LiS 2, she is living a life with Max and has kindled an actual daughter-father relationship with David. In the comics, main!Chloe is doing all she can to hopefully reunite with her own Max once and for all. All in all, main!Chloe improves. She doesn't define herself by the reasons for which she asked Max to let her die. Main!Chloe can continue life and living it.

    That is the difference between the two choices, and why it makes sense to allow alt!Chloe to die while allowing main!Chloe to live. Alt!Chloe is terminally dying and will die no matter what happens. It's simply a choice of allowing the person in question to choose in matters of imminent and horrifyingly painful death. The franchise itself shows that main!Chloe, on the other hand, does get better and is able to live on after the storm. She still has a chance at life, and living it happily with Max.

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [ALL]Fan Fiction Friday: December 18th. Share your fics here!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:40 AM PST

    Writing a fic or got so you'd love to share? Let us know!

    Link to last week's thread.

    submitted by /u/Rainboq
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    [NO SPOILERS] I'm having an issue with the LiS2 ps4 version

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:40 PM PST


    I just bought the PS4 disc copy of LiS 2. On the package, it says "Bonus Arcadia Bay patches for your In-Game Backpack" and when I downloaded the game, nothing extra came up.

    So is this just exclusively for when there were preorders? I'm just wondering why it says that on the package. Inside there was a code but it was for the 5th episode. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/juliet2748
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    [NO SPOILERS] Hey, I wrote a short video essay about the immersive environment design of Captain Spirit. You might like this..

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 10:09 PM PST

    [ALL] Oh Man���� This is just pure sadness. This man was SO kind and caring. Highly regarded and highly respected��✌�� Here's a music video showing William's moments, to the tune of Goodbye by NF.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:34 PM PST

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