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    Saturday, December 19, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Cheerleader Chloe by ZtBreadswan

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Cheerleader Chloe by ZtBreadswan

    [NO SPOILERS] Cheerleader Chloe by ZtBreadswan

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 01:06 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Find you someone who looks at you the way Max and Chloe look at each other

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:24 PM PST

    [No Spoilers] Portrait of my LIS fan character - Hannah Crimsen ☺️��

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 10:59 AM PST

    [S2] Which do you consider to be the true ending?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 10:44 AM PST

    Of course there is no true ending, but if Dontnod were to announce an ending to be true ending (which would never happen lmao), which ending do you hope they pick?

    submitted by /u/Jexlan
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    [NO SPOILERS] Kate says hi reddit! Original on my Twitter!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:24 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] I want to gift Life is Strange 2 Complete Season to a friend but Steam won't let me

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 02:31 AM PST


    I want to gift this game to a friend of mine for Christmas, but since the stupid first episode is now by default attached to all accounts, Steam won't let me purchase the complete season as a gift.

    The only thing I can do is buy, separately, Episodes 2, 3, 4 and 5 which is obviously less than ideal, not just because more expensive, but because it loses the charm of a gift, provided I'd also like to attach a note in the Steam gift.

    Is there any way I can still purchase the whole season as a pack and gift it through Steam, at once?

    I don't want to do it through Humble Bundle either, because despite I could send it as an e-mail, there is no way to attach a written note.

    submitted by /u/Spaceidiots
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    [S1] (long post) My take on Max and Chloe's relationship.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 07:35 AM PST

    This is an opinion and these observations are based on my personal analysis of the game. In my opinion, Max and Chloe have a toxic relationship that is fueled by guilt and nostalgia. Max feels guilty about leaving her once best friend in her most vulnerable and arduous moment in her life. She is lonely and ostracized at school. Her friendship with Warren and Kate (at least at the beginning of the game, and dependent on your choices) is face-value. Granted, choosing to save Kate does deepen their relationship, but does address the core of Max's issues, the first and most notable of which being self-imposed isolation. She longs for a meaningful connection, but feels guilty for leaving Chloe, leading her to ensure (if she means to or not) that she never gets that close to someone again. Her saving Chloe at the beginning of the game is not just because she wants to save her former best friend, but also because she cannot allow herself to stand by and let Chloe suffer without her for a second time. She strikes up her friendship with Chloe again because she longs for the same level of an intimate connection she had with her before.

    Of course, this cannot be, because the nature of their relationship, and their personalities, have changed drastically. Chloe was understandably upset after Max left. She felt abandoned, and was left to deal with the death of her father essentially alone. Her friendship with Rachel (whether it was romantic or not) was the outlet that she needed to express these feelings. Then, of course, Rachel was taken from her, in a sudden and violent fashion. It's important to note that Rachel was not confirmed dead at first. There is no closure, which is important because to Chloe, it does not feel like she left her, it felt like she was taken. This person that Chloe poured are heart and soul to was gone, much like Max. But unlike Max, it was not Rachel's choice. Again, whereas Chloe felt the Max abandoned her, she felt the Rachel was taken from her.

    Now you might be thinking, "what is the issue"? "What's wrong with people reconnecting"? Simply put, there is nothing wrong with people reconnecting. However, in this instance, Chloe is emotionally manipulating Max. I do not believe it is intentional, but she is. While Max is intelligent, she is naïve, blinded by the past, her guilt, and her nostalgia to recognize it. When Chloe brings Max to the junkyard, she is not doing it to reconnect with her friend. She is doing it to reconnect with Rachel. The junkyard was their spot, bringing Max there was a coping mechanism on Chloe's part, and an unhealthy one. On some level, she does miss Max's friendship, but also resents her, and values her friendship with Rachel more because Chloe met her at an impressionable and vulnerable moment in her life. Rachel filled that gap that Max and her father's death left inside her. Going back to Max, during the junkyard scene, the player can see a wall with Chloe and Rachel's name on it. The player is given a choice to whether or not to add Max's name to it. It is evident that Max feels like she missed out crucial points in Chloe life, so Max (the player) is given a choice, to superficially inject herself in Chloe's life, or accept that she was not there for her. This choice may seem like a throwaway line, and may have no overall baring on the story, but is interesting look at Max's mental state at the time. She is glad Chloe is back, desperate to be apart of her life again, but hesitant, and unsure of how to apart of her life.

    So, what's the point to this long winded and somewhat rambling post? Chloe is emotionally manipulative, but not intentionally. She is desperate for a human connection, and is willing to reconnect with Max, but still resents her. In the scene in the diner near the beginning of the game, after Max proves her powers to her, Chloe tries to convince max to hangout, although Max is apprehensive, but Max goes anyway. She draws Max into helping solve the disappearance of someone she never even met, purely because Max wanted a friend again.

    tldr Chloe is unintentionally emotionally manipulative after losing Rachel and Max is too naïve and lonely to say no.

    If i missed anything, or you have any takes, please tell me. If you think i'm dead wrong, then please tell me why. i love hearing people's interpretations of one my most favorite games of all time. Also, sorry if this is a little incoherent, i have not slept in almost 26 hours, i am fueled purely by red bull. And yeah, I sacrificed Chloe at the end, did not feel goo about it though. And Dontnod kinda sucks for putting out a canon comic where Chloe is alive. Almost feels like a middle finger to gamers to did not choose that path. I loved the game and it feels like the devs are straight up telling me that i'm wrong for playing the game how i wanted to play it.

    submitted by /u/killtheenclave
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    [NO SPOILERS] please check out my video.. quite funny might i sayt

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:42 PM PST

    [ALL] He never catches a break. One problem to another, Frank is a issue magnet. He never catches a 'quiet day'. Here's a music video showing his worst situations, to the tune of 'Days Gone Quiet' by Lewis Capaldi.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:32 PM PST

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