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    Monday, April 26, 2021

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Here a all the u/angel_moonlight Life is Strange fanarts at once (makes it easier if you wish to save them ❤️)

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Here a all the u/angel_moonlight Life is Strange fanarts at once (makes it easier if you wish to save them ❤️)

    [NO SPOILERS] Here a all the u/angel_moonlight Life is Strange fanarts at once (makes it easier if you wish to save them ❤️)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Max and Chloe snuggling by YuriandTea

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 04:18 AM PDT

    [ALL] Beautiful Max and Chloe comic cover art for Coming Home arc by Gretel Lusky. Too excited!!!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] After waiting for sooo long, I finally got the collection at a decent price! Can't wait to read them all

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 04:02 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Cover art for part 2 of my fanfiction!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] That is my Animal Crossing island. Uhm, yeah, maybe l’m a “little” too obsessed with LIS.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Just a drawing i did a few days ago!��

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 01:48 AM PDT

    [No Spoilers] Chasemarsh Monday: Height Difference (by mono-blogs)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe Price in Life is Strange Comic by Me.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] It's so heartwarming to see that Steph kept this.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 02:59 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Tried to draw the remastered box art cause its not getting out of my mind :3

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe portrait by CatscadArt

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    [ALL] POV: You didn’t let that sinkhole of a town die for blu boo

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    [ALL] I can't believe I ruined my endings for both Life Is Strange 1 and 2

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    Premise: these were my first blind runs.

    In Life Is Strange 1, I saved Arcadia Bay thinking it was the right thing to do (you know, saving the world and stuff), but then I just realized that I've sacrificed Chloe to save a place full of terrible people.

    In Life Is Strange 2, I spent the whole game teaching the right things to Daniel. The result? He jumped out of the car before coming to Mexico...

    So, yeah, I'm disappointed with my endings but I wanna see the bright side: now I am motivated to get the right endings.

    Chloe will survive and the two wolves will reach Puerto Lobos together, no matter what.

    submitted by /u/Mango424
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    [S1]I created a video montage

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    [S2] Does anyone else feel disappointed by how... conventional morality in LiS 2 is?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    Just finished Life is Strange 2; overall enjoyed the experience, but I have quite a few issues with the morality system.

    From the get go, this is a very political game - it starts with the main characters' dad being shot by a cop, and bangs the pots on racism and racist & systemic violence throughout - but then there's the morality system. Stealing to survive - even something as necessary as a tent, from a racist who assaulted and kidnapped you - is equated with senseless violence when it comes to influencing Daniel.

    Throughout my playthrough I did what would help me and Daniel the most, while trying to avoid needless violence and discouraging him from cruelty; but the game makes no distinction. Either you're a good, law abiding citizen (despite, y'know, being on the run from the law after cops shot your dad), or you're violently self-centered.

    I would think that a game so focused around racism and racist violence would be willing to explore the limits of conventional morality and provide more options in that regard; as it is it feels like it dips its toes in the water, but refuses to ever really delve in; it bangs the pots about system violence and such existing, but when you ask to hear more, it has nothing to say.

    submitted by /u/vainglorie
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    [BTS] This look Rachel gave - so much pain and emotions... This was too powerful

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 01:15 AM PDT

    [ALL] What's a good way to play LiS together as two? (long distance ofc)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    Both my friend and I have a copy of all games on steam btw

    submitted by /u/doorway999
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