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    Thursday, December 12, 2019

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] my new wallpaper

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] my new wallpaper

    [NO SPOILERS] my new wallpaper

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:12 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Just got the artbook and the soundtrack, my collection is growing!!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:37 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] An inverse cosplay I did a while back. Didn't respect the color pallete exactly because i wanted to be an outfit i can actually wear in nornal situations (and i do)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:53 AM PST

    [S1] The best Ship!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 11:02 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Ellie (TLoU) reference in the new issue

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:46 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] The rebel by Tholia_Artworks

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:28 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Just finished LiS2...

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:15 AM PST

    Oof! What an ending!

    I didn't think it was possible for a second seaon to do as good as the first, but now I can't even decide which one's my favourite!

    I seriously hope that Square green-lights a 3rd season, because if Dontnod can keep this quality up, this can be a very amazing universe to explore!

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Apsenniel
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    [ALL] Love this parallel between BtS and the new comic

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:58 PM PST

    [no spoilers] made a Life is Strange inspired inventory of what I found in my jeans and coat pockets! Share yours too, I think this could be fun!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:02 PM PST

    [ALL] Why it saddens me that some people want more Max and Chloe

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:13 AM PST

    First of all, this is just my opinion, people are free to understand these games as they please and to want whatever they like. But my point of view about this ties deeply with how I see the games, so I wanted to share it.

    I think Life is Strange is always been about messages more than about a story. Yes, Rachel's disappearence was an interesting and cool point, but the first season's strength always lied somewhere else: in Max, in Chloe, in some choices, in Kate. Sometimes, even in more secondary characters, dialogues or scenes. I liked even Frank in the end, because deep inside he was an honest, good man. This happens because all these characters have things to say more than just contributing to the story: Max is likeable because she represents the insecurities and fears of growing up, and we all relate to that. Heck, her powers were just a way to represent the responsabilities of being an adult, of living (this is not a reference to the meme, I swear) in a society. Chloe was, like Max, filled with fear to the world, just in different ways. We all have some of that rage inside of us, we've all felt misunderstood by the world before. What about, say, Joyce? Isn't she, too, about responsabilities? Do you see the common themes here?

    As I said up above, even the powers are there to serve a message. That's because the whole story is trying to talk about that message more than it is trying to entertain us. However, it doesn't show that just through Max: it does through all the characters, through the mechanics, through the story. Because, by doing that, it can show us multiples points of view about the main theme. Because it doesn't want to give just one. Because the goal, in the end, is for us to start a conversation. To think about it, deeply. To relate the game with our own personal experiences. The story, even the characters, aren't all that important, they aren't the main strength, or they aren't meant to be.

    In that sense, LiS 2 is exactly the same as LiS 1. Yeah, the story is estructured in a totally different style, the mechanics are different, everything has a different tone to it. But, what about it? The game is, at its core, the same as the first season: is about encountering multiple characters, different situations, lots of issues that are real, that are relatable to people. Only difference, some of those issues aren't relatable to all the people. I, for example, are white, and can't relate to Sean's and Daniel's encounters with racists bigots. But I feel it, because I know it happens and I know it's fucked up and I care about it. And I relate to other themes. To feeling lost. To not knowing what future awaits me. To the LGBT characters. However, even if you don't have anything to relate to, I'm sure if you have some empathy you must feel something about some of the themes. Maybe Karen made you think about how you see yourselves in society. Maybe Brody made you reflect on your relationship with your family. Maybe Sean and Daniel made you wonder if you're being nice enough to your little or big siblings.

    I know this post is a bit messy and maybe I haven't been able to get my point across, but you'll have to excuse me, English isn't my native laguage and I'm really trying my best here. What I'm trying to say is, some people seem to think that LiS 1 was about its story and its characters, specially Max and Chloe. And those people want more, because it's the story what they really like, and they dislike the second season because they didn't get what they wanted. And, don't get me wrong, that's respectable. But, to me, it's a bit sad, because the way I see it, that's just the surface of the game, and they really aren't that different in how they rely on their themes and messages and try to start conversations about important issues of society. I feel like some people are missing so much about both game.

    But, again, everyone is welcome to understand fiction their way. And if you differ with me, hey, go ahead and comment what you think! Talk about your understandings of the games. That's the best thing about them, after all, seeing how people is able to relate to them in their own way.

    submitted by /u/i_eat_pizza_
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    [All] Appreciation for awareness

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:32 AM PST

    I just love that this franchise brings awareness to so many issues even if some were a bit more subtle. In LiS 1 we get to bring awareness to (kinda) gun control, PTSD of veterans, bullying, depression, suicide, death with dignity (assisted suicide), abortion, a bit of gentrification I think, etc

    BtS with its' personal family issues, dealing with grief, etc

    and LiS 2 doesn't disappoint— not only does it bring awareness to racism, it brings awareness to homelessness, abusive parenting, biracial children and some of their struggles, runaways, vagabonds, religion and its' effect on lgbtq+, abandonment of a parent (ik this hit rly hard for some people), etc and just basically how our decisions as a role model affects those who look up to us.

    These games and the main relationships they portray, the different angles of different types of people rly hits the soul too. With the bestfriends/romance, to the siblinghood, etc

    I hope this franchise grows more to touch our souls and make the world better


    submitted by /u/Pugser773
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    [all] Unpopular opinions about seasons (spoilers)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:35 AM PST

    Season 2 fucked me up way harder than both season 1 and BTS to the point where I had to drink a bottle of wine to finish the last episode. I didn't really cry with season one until the last episode where as I was openly sobbing with season 2 multiple times during the first. By far my favorite of the three.

    The Blood Brothers ending was the most favorable even though not the most positive.

    submitted by /u/DrunkleyLove
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    [ALL]Rachel Amber Is Flawless

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 11:03 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Time to change time by Full-Body-Collapse

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 04:29 PM PST

    [S2 E1] That was much, much better than I expected!

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:32 PM PST

    I saw the trailer for the game, got excited for it, realized it was episode based and that I'd rather wait an play the full game, heared mixed review and thought I'd never get it.

    I completely forgot about the trailer when I started playing yesterday. I had some memories of speculation so I thought the dad would be a huge piece of shit, I was pleasantly surprised he wasn't and then promptly ruined by the next scene. The walking in the woods was nice, that store owner was a total fucking piece of shit and Brody was way less creepy than I initially expected. I would've rather not taken Mushroom as I just feel he's going to get lost/hurt in a good old Life is Strange way.

    I enjoyed the small references to the original game, it wasn't too much and it's nice to see that it's still the same universe. I hope I'll get some more peaks of what happened to Chloe and Max (I still need to read the comics!)

    Overall I might have enjoyed the first episode of LIS 2 more than the first episode of the original game. I hope the rest of the episodes keep up the pace!

    submitted by /u/rodinj
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    [S2 E5] Mine and your thoughts on the different endings of LiS 2

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:56 PM PST

    Just finished Episode 5 of LiS2 and as one had expected, I liked it, not as much as LiS1 as a whole, but a damn good second installement, even if LiS3 would turn out to be a little less good again, it'd still be great imo.

    But on to the endings, also as expected, they we're pretty good, tears going in blind, then more tears when watching those I hadn't seen, real emotional stuff and as always fantastic music, without the Soundtrack most of these scenes wouldn't hit quite as hard.

    But let get's to it, I need to vent on my thoughts and feelings and hope you like the read :)

    Redemption (my ending) :

    I chose to surrender because I felt that's what my Sean would do, give up a big part of his life to give Daniel a good life, knowing that he would get to go to their grandparents and wanting Daniel to have as normal a life as possible, telling his brother, we're not going to leave it up to chance, this is not who we are, but more importantly not who you are, remember what I thought you.

    It resonated with me that he would do such a selfless thing for his brother and I loved the photo's in the timeskips showing how Daniel had a great start to a highly possibly great life. A degree, a great neighbour, friends and a brother that would and literaly did everything for him.

    Again, the scene where Daniel and Sean go to where they spent their night in the woods, where Daniel was so upbeat and happy/high on life, excited to have his Brother back, while Sean breaks down, having missed it all, not being able to be there for the formative years of his brother and not having normal ones for himself, was amazing, it shows how much Sean did for his brother, and when the roles of the 'big' brother get reversed and Sean hugs him, it was beautiful, now Sean can and will gladly take care of his brother, whenever he needs it.

    Further shown by the next scene, where he howls after Sean, saying goodbye as Sean likely needs to find himself now that he has the rest of his life back and Daniel is more than good, as they physically and symbolicaly part their ways... for now.

    I love this ending and consider it to be the best outcome, Daniel had a great start to life and Sean still has a free future in which he hopefully can work through his emotional problems, but I'm optimistic, because now there's nothing Daniel won't do for him whenever he needs it.

    Lone Wolf :

    Without a doubt the saddest ending, Daniel has no moral fiber, learning a lot of bad habbits from Sean and eventually inadvertadly getting his brother killed, going on to live a horrendously violent life in Mexico, all alone... the only good glimmer of hope being the fact that he lets the thugs on the beach live, showing a little bit of hope for Daniels future, but not much.

    Extremely sad ending, gets the waterworks going if you feel even a little bit for the brother, but without a doubt the "bad" ending, although not badly written, I think it's a very tragic and interesting take on asshole Daniel getting the worst of the worst for the rest of his life with next to no hope for any form of happiness.

    Parting Ways :

    Not a bad ending but for me it feels like 'Redemption' with a sourer taste, yes Sean has a "happier" early life with either Cassidy/Finn/Solo but he will always be a fugitive and can never really go on from their past in some way, but more imortantly, Daniel is seen to have a great moral fiber, saving a bus, perhaps setting up that he'll do more heroic things in the future (my fav part of this ending), but the police / feds must also know, hence the ankle bracelet, kind of hampering his freedom, always having his powers loom over him by a choice he made when he was 10.

    All in all my second fav ending, I'm a big sucker for the fact that in redemption / my playthrough, Sean learned to be there for his brother and made a huge sacrifice to essentialy save his little brothers life, in this ending, he's a little more selfish, since going to Peorto Lobos was his idea to begin with and Daniel just wants and more importantly NEEDS a normal life, which is a little more impaired in this compared to 'Redemption'.

    Blood Brothers :

    This to me is the 'cool' ending, Daniel blasting / killing dozens of cops to get through the border, something that undoubtably sticks with him over the years, them both becoming infamous in PL, living together but it's clearly a very hard life, them having to deal with criminals, Daniel having to use his powers for personal survival instead of actual good like in 'Parting Ways', Daniel reading in Sean his diary now and then, actually seeming as if he is nostalgic about their adventures together, Sean having a more bad-ass look, both being hardened by the life in PL that they have and will have to live, but at least they'll have it together (which is at least something).

    This realy comes to light for me in the final scene where they're drinking a beer on the porch/beach, Both of them stopping to give a look at the lighter from theirr father, but mostly Daniel's look, frowning, looking mad, emotions unresolved, something they'll just both have to "deal with", them feeling they've been driven into this life because they HAD TO escape to Mexico and never truly feeling peace, only each other.

    Another bleek ending imo but again, I like how it was written, it's just not even bittersweet to me, their life will be hard and short, they might do some good in PL but it certainly isn't the life they wanted, just one they had to adjust to.

    Oof, that was quite a write-up, if anyone read this, thanks for reading the ramble, I had a blast playing this last episode, all the endings had something interesting and different to bring to the table and as always it was very emotional.

    I'd love to hear if you agreed with me, why, if not, why not and have a civil discussion about our alike or differences of opinion on the endings.

    For the Wolf Pack !

    submitted by /u/Electric_Stewaloo
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    [All] I figured there was room for an upgrade - apologies to Marin.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 11:26 PM PST

    [S2 E5] What's the best choice?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:13 AM PST

    I was thinking about the different endings for Life is Strange 2 and was curious what the best outcome was strictly from a logic perspective. Here's what I came up with (skip to the bottom if you want to know my final answer):

    There are two main factors in determining which ending you get: whether you choose to surrender to the police or cross the border, and Daniel's morality (either high morality or low morality, depending on the choices you've made throughout the game). Each ending has different implications for the two brothers.

    For SEAN, if you choose to surrender:

    High Morality Daniel: Daniel agrees with your decision and the two of you turn yourselves in. Sean is arrested and goes to prison for fifteen years. Upon his discharge, he is reunited with Daniel, Karen, and potentially Lyla, but is emotionally broken.

    Low Morality Daniel: Daniel disagrees with your decision and tries to force a crossing at the border, destroying the gate and killing many officers. They manage to successfully cross the border, but Sean is fatally wounded from gunfire and dies.

    And if you choose to cross the border:

    High Morality Daniel: Daniel disagrees with your decision, but is forced to use his power to force an entry when Sean hits the gas and the officers open fire. However, Daniel chooses to abandon the car and turn himself in to the police, and Sean crosses the border alone. Pictures Daniel receives later indicate that Sean makes it to Puerto Lobos, and is potentially reunited with Finn/Cassidy.

    Low Morality Daniel: Daniel agrees with your decision, and uses his power to force through the police barricade, killing many officers. Sean and Daniel make it to Puerto Lobos.

    DANIEL's situation is different. If you choose to surrender:

    High Morality Daniel: Daniel agrees with your decision and the two of you turn yourselves in. Since Daniel is too young to be prosecuted, he goes back to live with Claire and Stephen in Beaver Creek.

    Low Morality Daniel: Daniel disagrees with your decision and tries to force a crossing at the border, destroying the gate and killing many officers. They manage to successfully cross the border, but Sean is fatally wounded from gunfire and dies. Daniel makes it to Puerto Lobos alone.

    If you choose to cross the border:

    High Morality Daniel: Daniel disagrees with your decision, but is forced to use his power to force an entry when Sean hits the gas and the officers open fire. However, Daniel chooses to abandon the car and turn himself in to the police, and Sean crosses the border alone. Daniel goes back to live with Claire and Stephen in Beaver Creek.

    Low Morality Daniel: Daniel agrees with your decision, and uses his power to force through the police barricade, killing many officers. Sean and Daniel make it to Puerto Lobos.

    So for Sean:

    Surrender: either goes to prison for 15 years (HM) or is shot by the police and dies (LM)

    Cross the Border: makes it to Puerto Lobos either with (LM) or without Daniel (HM)

    And for Daniel:

    Surrender: goes to live with Claire and Stephen (HM) or makes it to Puerto Lobos alone (LM)

    Cross the Border: goes to live with Claire and Stephen (HM) or makes it to Puerto Lobos with Sean (LM)

    Looking at the spread of possible outcomes, a few things become clear:

    • High Morality Daniel will go to live with Claire and Stephen no matter what.
    • Low Morality Daniel will make it to Puerto Lobos no matter what.
    • Sean only makes it to Puerto Lobos if you choose to cross the border. Otherwise he is either imprisoned or killed.

    With all this in mind, I'd say the best choice at the end of the game is to cross the border. If Daniel has high morality, the brothers will be separated but get to live their independent lives: Sean is free and can reunite with Finn/Cassidy, and Daniel gets to grow up safe. If Daniel has low morality, the brothers are together and they make it to Puerto Lobos. Surrendering results in the brothers being separated no matter what, either by prison time or by death by gunshot. Even though Sean gets to be reunited with his loved ones in the end, I'd say getting to live free in Mexico beats spending over a decade in prison for crimes he didn't commit.

    TLDR: The best choice at the end of the game is to cross the border, regardless of how you've raised Daniel.


    submitted by /u/bryndon-hightower
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    [S2 E4] I like Karen, but I made Sean hate her

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 05:14 AM PST

    I'm with Karen for wanting to leave and live the life she wanted to live 1000%, but I'd hate my mother too if one day she'd just upped and left without contacting me for 8 years.

    I looked at her from Sean's perspective, and given everything that he had to deal with all on his own, I wouldn't even have wanted to see Karen at all, let alone receive her help.

    In my opinion, he'd made it as far as he did with Daniel without her help, & could've gone even further without it, which is part of the reason why I rejectee her at every turn.

    She doesn't deserve Sean's forgiveness in my opinion. What difference does it make if Sean knows why she left? At the end of the day, she didn't REALLY care about them. She didn't have to, but, y'know.... Sean.

    Anyone feel the same way?

    submitted by /u/-sixaxis-
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    [ALL] Just finished before the storm. Thought, Review, and Discussion

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:50 AM PST

    Hey Redditors, so I finished LIS1around 2-3 months ago, waited till thanksgiving to purchase BTS, and finished BTS twice recently I just want to share my thought on the game

    To begin with, I would say lis1 is one of the best games I ever played. It was very emotional touching and, since I was an emotional wreck at the time (Still am), it really brings so much out of me. I wrote a review (https://www.reddit.com/r/lifeisstrange/comments/dsuj1z/s1_just_finished_lis1_how_lis1_changed_me_post/ ) when I finished the game on my thought and how it affects me. I am going to do the same for BTS. Let's get started.

    Three things I want to say about before the storm:

    1) Lack of connection with the Chloe

    2) Decision matters in BTS more than LIS1

    3) My most emotional part of the game

    1) Although I loved Chloe from LIS1, I really feel disconnected playing as her here in BTS. Unlike LIS1, where I feel like Max is a reflection of myself. Chloe and I are nothing alike. She is a version of myself who I want to be and I don't think like her. There are multiple times when I was making a choice I picked something I would do and Chloe didn't deliver the way I expect her to. Therefore, I actually regret some of the choices I made because I didn't feel like that is what I wanted to do. On the contrary, LIS1 never makes me feel like I pick something unintentionally. Every choice I made with Max is delivered the way I wanted to. Therefore, I feel so much closer to Max than Chloe. It's not a bad thing but I would definitely say its different. It allows me to see another viewpoint, I guess? I don't really have much to add on to it. What do you guys think?

    2) I think the biggest difference between LIS and BTS; is in LIS1, your decision doesn't affect other people as much. Obviously, in BAE and Bay decision, you do affect a lot of people. However, most of the decision you made in LIS1 is more about what you could've done more rather than making a life-changing decision for another individual. A good example from LIS1 is Kate Marsh is going to jump off the building, you have the option to do more and save her but it's not like you caused it. Another example is you have the option to be romantically involved with Warren, but it is not really necessary. (He will just move on find another girl, like Stella) However, in BTS the decisions are.... rough man. Choosing between to stay with Mikey or intervene Damon, the final decision to tell and not tell Rachel, and whether to help Sam connecting with Nathan. The actions you choose in BTS is, in my opinion, so much harder and have much more significant consequences than LIS1. In many situations, I really had a hard time choosing because there is no good answer. However, since those decisions, doesn't really affect Chloe (Or me), I just didn't get hit that hard emotionally. On top of that final decision wasn't that hard for me. While I get that lying to Rachel allows her to keep her relationship with her father, but I just feel like honesty is such a big part of my life that I can't lie to Rachel. On top of that what James did wasn't unforgivable, try killing your own daughter's mother after she has been clean and trying so hard is just fked up in my opinion. Out of curiosity, what did you guys choose in the last decisions? And Why?

    3) The game really hit hard with certain scenes (the tempest) and the music. Lets start with the music, God, the youth by daughter at the end of episode two are so powerful and really brings the second episode together. It hit so hard that I start crying. The lyrics are so fitting "setting fire in our inside", "if you are still breathing, you are the lucky one", "We are the reckless, we are the wild youth". OMG. This song makes me feel so appreciated for all the things that I had and how much I need to get out of my shell and live. It actually is the perfect song for this game. With Rachel and Chloe both crushed by their situation and all they had is each other, this is what youth is all about. On top of that, the end of the tempest, psh.... it was so well delivered "The end of the world is merely our prologue" that I feel so toasty in the inside. That and the night scene when they are talking about their escape. It really makes me feel youth, freedom, and invincibility. As I grow older, I am getting more constraint by responsibility and other stuffs. The way Rachel and Chloe describe their great escape and future just makes me feel so hopeful and brave, anything is possible.

    In general, I thought BTS is a really good game and it has very different strengths compare to LIS1. However, it didn't hit me emotionally as hard as LIS1, except for the songs and the night scene. But it did ask a lot of tough questions.

    One last thing:

    What do you guys think about Rachel as a character? I don't know how I feel about her. It seems like she has the personality that draws you into her, making you want to help her. However, she is in my opinion slightly selfish and honestly, I do feel like there is some sense in what Elliot says. While Elliot is obviously a psycho, I didn't really like that Rachel drags Chloe to the park adventure to spy on her dad and blew her off without telling her why. I didn't like that she blew off on her dad when their plan was to keep quiet so they can escape that night. Also, on LIS1, she also got into a relationship with Frank without letting Chloe knows. I don't know, I like her but I hate her at the same time. I am quite conflicted about her. I think she is awesome but I am not sure if I trust her.......

    Anyways thank you all for reading. Hope to hear from you guys

    submitted by /u/minglwu427
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    [S1] I Finally Figured It Out! (Sort of...)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 09:29 PM PST

    Warning - long read ahead! Also TLDR is for lazy people.

    I first completed LIS about 2 months ago, and ever since then I have been bothered by one question. Why did I love this game so much?

    As a guy who loves action adventure RPG's and shooters, it baffled me that a sci-fi hipster Nancy Drew mystery could speak to me on such a deep level. After I completed the game I was obsessed. I downloaded the soundtrack, looked into buying the comics, joined this subreddit, and continued to wonder how this game could affect me so deeply. I'm sure a lot of you can relate!

    Tonight, after replaying episode 5, I discovered the answer. The answer is that the LIS story follows an archetype.

    An archetype is a very typical or common motif that stories follow, and is often deeply rooted in human experience. It is a story we can all relate to and that stands the test of time.

    A very popular example of an archetype in literature is the hero myth. The gist of the hero myth is that an orphan reaches puberty just as a great evil begins terrorizing his home land. The boy discovers (usually through a prophecy) that it is his destiny to defeat the evil. He embarks on his quest as an innocent teenager, and at his first encounter with the evil, he is destroyed and sent to the underworld. Here he meets a wise old man mentor type figure who teaches him how to fight. The old man ushers him from boyhood into manhood, and teaches him to become dangerous like the evil he wants to vanquish. Once he is ready to fight the evil again, the hero rises from the ashes of the underworld like a phoenix and defeats the evil.

    This should sound familiar to you. It is the story of Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, Frodo Baggins, and Neo from The Matrix. We have told this story countless times in our Hollywood movies, and versions of the myth have been found written down by cultures who lived thousands of years ago. It is a metaphor for what it is like for young men to leave the nest as boys, and go into the world and struggle and become men. This is why it speaks to us so deeply, and why we continue to tell the story today. We all go through it.

    Life is Strange also follows an archetype. It is the archetype of "free will versus destiny". Or put another way, "freedom versus slavery". It is the story of one person's fight against the tyranny of fate.

    The first story that follows this motif that comes to mind is the story of Genesis from the Bible. Adam and Eve live in the Garden of Eden, happy but ignorant. They have to follow the rule "don't eat the forbidden fruit". Taken as metaphor, it tells us that they are not "free", since they have to abide by that law. Then the devil in the form of a serpent tempts Eve into eating the fruit. And she tempts Adam into eating it. This act of ultimate rebellion broke them free from the tyranny of god's rules. However there was a price. God punishes them with the knowledge of good and evil. This means that they also gained the capacity to do evil, as well as good. We all have light and dark inside of us, and this was the genesis of it according to the myth. God also casts them out and makes them work for a living.

    Now I don't have this fully worked out as it relates to LIS, but I think I understand it enough to paint the broad strokes. And I'm hoping that some of you can help me fill in the detail and we can get a good discussion going. LIS seems to follow this archetype fairly well, and I believe that is why it is such a moving and impactful story.

    In Life Is Strange, free will is symbolized by the colour blue and fate is symbolized by the colour red. This is personified in the characters of Chloe (blue hair, rebel), and Nathan (red jacket, complains that people are always trying to "control him.).

    Fate is also represented through photography and vortex imagery. Throughout the game, Jefferson often calls photographs "captures". This symbolizes that fate is literally capturing people. It is sucking them into it's "vortex". Nathan and Victoria are the leaders of the vortex club, and they both wear red. Fate also sends a tornado (a vortex) to kill Chloe.

    In LIS, Chloe is destined to die. This is the natural order of things. However, Max breaks that order by saving Chloe, thus starting a back and forth duel with fate.

    At the start of the game Max wears a Jane Doe t-shirt. This symbolizes that she is "anonymous". She has no character. She is innocent. However, she wears both a blue and red bracelet, symbolizing that she is living under the tyranny of destiny, but also has the capacity to rebel against it. And rebel she soon does.

    Early game Max is very meek. So much so that she is unwilling to enter her photo in the everyday heroes contest. However, as the story goes on, Max discovers love in the form of Chloe. And that love gives her something to fight for. But that love is soon taken from her.

    It is here that Max discovers she has the power to rewind time. The power to literally change fate. And she decides to use this power to defy fate and save Chloe, proving that the bond between her and Chloe is stronger than anything. Even destiny.

    Chloe's death is the catalyst that pushes Max to break out of her shell, and become a hero. As the game progresses, we see this metamorphosis. Max goes from "Jane Doe" to "Max Caulfield Time Warrior" and "Everyday Hero". A hero in this context is someone who breaks free from the "capture" of fate. Someone who bravely stands tall, looks destiny in the eye, and says "no".

    But there is a price. Max challenges the natural order, and nature pushes back. Similar to Adam and Eve, innocent Max is suddenly given the capacity to do evil as well as good. This is represented by the choices we have to make in the game, some of which allow us to do horrible things (like sacrifice a whole town). It is also represented in Jefferson's talk of Chiaroscuro. The photogtaphy style that relies on the contrast between black and white. Dark and light. Evil, and good. Max metaphorically eats the forbidden fruit and develops the knowledge of good and evil as well as the capacity to have both light and dark inside of her.

    Max also pays the other price paid by Adam and Eve in the Genesis story. By cutting fate's puppet strings, she must now take on the burden of standing on her own two feet and steering her own fate. Throughout the entire game, Max agonizes over every major choice she makes, and wonders if it was the right one. She is full of self doubt. Now that she can do evil as well as good, life's choices don't seem so clear cut.

    Luckily, there are spirit animals to guide her. Rachel's doe being the main one.

    In LIS, spirit animals are used to represent a person's essence. Their inner moral compass. What a free person uses to guide themself when they are no longer held on fate's puppet strings. The subject of spirit animals comes up many times throughout the game. The doe, the blue butterfly, the squirrels, and Warren's "Go Ape!" just to name a few.

    The animals pull some strings of their own behind the scenes to help guide Max and outwit fate.

    It is fitting then that, once Max frees herself from the control of fate and starts following spirit animals, fate starts killing all of the animals. Dead birds litter the streets, and beached whales clog up the beaches. Again, when Max pushes the natural order, nature pushes back.

    Thankfully, Max also has the light house to guide her. The light house symbolism is fairly straight forward. It is what sailors use to safely guide them to shore during a storm or heavy fog. Lighthouses are also man made, and a tool that people have used to fight back against the chaos of nature in order to navigate the seas safely. It is one way that Max fights back against the fate that is trying to get ahead of her and kill Chloe.

    In LIS, the lighthouse also represents Max and Chloe's happy ending. Throughout the nightmare sequence and the tornado scene, Max knows that if she can just reach the lighthouse, her and Chloe will be ok. It is her love for Chloe safely guiding her to shore through the storm.

    As the game progresses, the duel between Max and fate reaches a final showdown. Max has proven that her love for Chloe is strong enough to survive anything that fate throws at them. And she has paid the full price for that defiance. As fate plays it's final hand, sending a tornado to wipe out Arcadia Bay, Max opposes fate with the force of a tornado herself, ripping apart reality.

    In the end, fate, recognizing that it has met it's match, gives up it's pursuit of Chloe and instead presents Max with a final choice. Sacrifice Chloe and save everyone in Arcadia Bay, or sacrifice everyone in Arcadia Bay but keep Chloe. The duel is over, and fate is going to get it's pound of flesh one way or another.

    This fully illustrates the severity of the punishment levied by god upon Adam and Eve, and why the "free will versus fate" archetype hits home so deeply with us.

    To be truly free, means you must stand on your own two feet. And to break out of a state of blissful ignorance and become learned is impossible without also gaining knowledge of evil. You must accept yin and yang. And heroes must sometimes embrace the darkness within themselves in order to defeat evil. It is the idea that in order to slay a monster, you must become one yourself.

    By following her love for Chloe to the bitter end, Max must commit genocide on an entire town. She must become a monster herself in order to conclusively defeat fate and end the war. And she will have to live with the burden of that knowledge for the rest of her life.

    It is a steep price to pay, but for Max, free will was worth it. Without it, she would never have thwarted Jefferson's plans to kidnap and torture the young women of Blackwell. Or save Kate Marsh. And she would never have saved Chloe and had all of those precious moments with her.

    This shows us that fate is not always right. Or good. We don't need it to guide us. We humans have our own inner compasses and can take matters into our own hands. In the end, fate is like a cruel game of dice. And when it is wrong, you can defy it and become a hero.

    Unless you decided to save Arcadia Bay. In that case, you just capitulated to fate and learned nothing haha.

    submitted by /u/Bobbyschuette
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    [NO SPOILERS] LiS2 makes me want to be a big brother

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:53 AM PST

    After playing I really want a little brother to be a big brother for, dunno if anyone else has that feeling...

    submitted by /u/D_Doggo
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    [NO SPOILERS] Life Is Strange: Before the Storm deluxe worth it?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 05:38 AM PST

    Life Is Strange: Before the Storm is currently on a huge sale at the ps4 store. It's only €3,-!! The deluxe version is €4,99. I truly love the original Life Is Strange!! Is it worth it to buy Before The Storm? I also heard that u get a bonus episode with Max if you buy the deluxe version... is that true? What are the extra's u get when u buy the deluxe version?

    submitted by /u/donutlickme
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