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    Wednesday, February 19, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [ALL] We'll always be together by Mentikme

    Life Is Strange | [ALL] We'll always be together by Mentikme

    [ALL] We'll always be together by Mentikme

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 10:32 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Finished the first,let's get this one going now!

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 11:48 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] saw this cool video in instagram and had to share it

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:45 PM PST

    [No Spoilers]hey guys,I bought this Life is strange Artbook, It’s my first merchandise of LIS :D

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:02 AM PST

    [no spoilers] Every day I do a fun name tag and here is today's

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 05:00 AM PST

    [S1] Recommended analysis/review videos for Life is Strange?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:45 AM PST

    "I honestly can't tell you if this game is good, I can't even tell you if I liked it, but I think, I think I loved it?"

    And it hits home for me. I love it when some fellow strangers online could tell how I felt, especially when I cannot even express it myself.

    Seriously, I want to thank u/Bluefist56 for such an insightful video, Superposition: The Genre of Life is Strange.

    After reading so much texts on subreddit here, I think I would love a change for a while

    Which videos would you recommend to me and others? (Could be about LiS S1 or BtS, or even both)


    submitted by /u/bebongchoi
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    [NO SPOILERS] Why doesn't LIS1 have an in-game polaroid?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:35 AM PST

    I think this would be a logical thing for them to include. There's constant action in the game and the nature is so beautiful. It's my favorite thing about this game. Maybe some of us would be interested to play with this virtual camera.

    submitted by /u/mermaidcreature
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    [BTS E3] Tell Rachael the truth?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 05:38 AM PST

    What do you think is the "right" choice and why?

    In my opinion: I didn't. Sera is right. Either way Rachael's not gonna get to see Sera, but if you tell her the truth about her dad, you'll just be opening a can of worms between her and her dad and probably Rose too for pretty much no reason. Her current family do love her and care about her, so might as well not have them become really hateful to each other.

    submitted by /u/biersackarmy
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    [S1][BtS] The Psychology Behind Life is Strange

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:19 AM PST

    [ALL] If this doesn't make you cry, nothing will

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:15 PM PST

    [BtS] Hey guys I'm back with another summary video. This time Life is Strange: Before the Storm. Hope you all enjoy!

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:50 AM PST

    [S1] how Life is strange saved my life

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 06:03 PM PST

    There are some mild spoilers in here for the first life is strange game. Nothing too obvious but I thought I'd warn you about it.

    I know there's probably been a lot of stories like this but I wanted to share mine. I'm 17 now and back in early 2018 when I was in my final year of high school I was incredibly depressed, lonely and stressed from the pressure of doing all of my exams. One day I was just browsing the xbox store and I saw that the entire of life is strange and before the storm were both on sale. I had seen youtubers like jacksepticeye and daz black play then but I never watched them myself, the idea of multiple chouse games where your choices can change the outcome of the game were always my favourite games.

    I played through the games first episode and already started to get connected with max and her story. Characters like Victoria I already began to build a hate for and Kate I just felt sorry for as I had previously experienced the same things as her and Chloe's punk, rebellious character I freaking adored. I chose to play the 2nd episode right after I completed the 1st. My experience with the game changed more and more as I began to fell the chemistry between everyone.

    Episode 3 was what changed me for obvious reasons I won't spoil. The chemistry between chapters began to change even more and I began to ship the relationships that characters were building up. My love for chloe and max was at its high and I didn't want to loose any of them. I don't usually cry at game but the ending of episode 2 made my cry I just didn't believe that I manage to pull off that outcome.

    In the end it was episode 4 and 5 is why life is strange became my favourite multiple choice game. The people I thought I liked turned out to be the people we were chasing all along and that alone surprised me, I remember screaming 'NO WAY' at the end of episode 4.

    My feelings for all of those characters are what changed my life. I would never have thought that a game I pushed back from playing would change my life at its worst. I noticed from playing this game that my anxiety and depression had declined and no longer was i feeling lonely. This game that I randomly decided to play become my favourite game of the year (despite it releasing in 2013) my life was changed by this game that I played and I ended up finding a new friend group at school. My friends thought it was weird that I started to hang around with a few girls now and we all have this strange addiction to this game that he's never heard of.

    I know this was a long post and strange to say the least but mostly I wanted to say how this game changed my life and how it's improved my mental health issues. I want to thank both the dev team and the community of this game, the talent of the community your artwork is incredible and the dev team their creativity and story building changed my life.

    If you took your time to read this I thank you for taking your own time to read my story about this game.

    submitted by /u/Rottenpotato365
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    [S2] Sean is an A@$hole

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:57 AM PST

    [ALL] Entire Dark room is irrelevant to the plot

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 01:16 AM PST

    I played LiS and LiS:BtS recently and it was a great game. It gave me a lot of food for thought, and one of the things I realized is that the entire mystical part of the plot (with obvious references to the Twin Peaks), mostly Jefferson and Dark Room is entirely irrelevant to the story itself and serves just as a plot twist and to generate theories.

    Now hear me out. The main outcome of the game is that Rachel is dead and Chloe is on the verge, basically avoid her death only due to Max's help. However, what would change if there was no dark room at all?

    Rachel had some family issues, and was definitely attracted to dangerous stuff – drugs, petty crime, and in general, she was "bored" and did not hesitate to spice up her life. I'd argue that she would die anyway, unless she was saved by someone. I agree with Jefferson's idea that in LA she would end up the same (just more opportunities over there).

    Chloe was in big trouble when Max arrives. She could die because of Nathan (again, at this point Jefferson was not involved), or Frank could do something about her debt, or she could end up in jail easily: she was fine with stealing a gun (and shooting Frank if needed), breaking into the swimming pool, probably something else. Even if all goes well, at some point Joyce would have enough and kick her out of the house and who knows what she'd do.

    The last character I can talk about is Kate Marsh. Nothing what happened to her requires Jefferson's involvement. Dosing during party can happen to anyone and bullying over some video is a typical thing, and many people break over it; so, her story would not require any changes.

    All in all, I think these tragic events could have been easily explained by the general trends these people were going with. The story would not be so epic, obviously, but I actually think they added it later to glue it together.

    submitted by /u/ranger_fixing_dude
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    [All] LiS character question (BtS mention)

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 03:36 AM PST

    In Life is Strange (or maybe it's Before the Storm), when you are in that dorm room courtyard, you can explore that little closet area where Samuel frequents.

    One of the times I went in there, I found a basket of Rachel's things. I brought it to Samuel's attention and he acted defensively (almost guilty-like).

    My question is how and why does Samuel have a basket of Rachel's things in there?

    I know Rachel was part of the school in a big way, left lots of impacts and shit, so maybe it was just another example of her heart? "Even the groundskeeper loved her because she treated him with kindness" sort-of-thing? Does he say that and I'm remembering?

    Was this ever explained? Was it supposed to be a telltale sign he's a creep, or something more?

    I thought it was a big thing and his reaction only increased my curiosity, but when I finished the games and learned about what happened to Rachel, I forgot about it until now.

    submitted by /u/WLWMain03
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    [BtS] Before the Storm: a complete mess of a prequel.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:02 PM PST

    I make it no secret that I am not fond of Before the Storm, even as a huge Life Is Strange fan who was initially hyped for this game in actuality, and that won't be stopping anytime soon. Deck Nine, if you're reading this, I just have to ask, *why*? Why even make a prequel, first of all, and if it was absolutely necessary, why in this way? Who was this for? I guess I already know the answer. D9 has stated that this was intended to be the prequel to Life Is Strange that the fans would appreciate and I could see that.. the *intention*, I mean. It's the thought that counts, right? Sadly, this prequel was awful. Very few and far in-between gems (those gems being Chloe and Rachel's chemistry; I'm a hardcore Pricefielder but that kiss.. *drool*), and I can't help but feel like it could've actually been great if it were handled much differently.

    First off, I want to say what really ruined this game was all the retcons. When you make a prequel, sure, some retcons can be implemented here and there, usually to fill in vague details or plot holes and the like. The problem with this prequel is that retcons *created* many new plot holes. Here's a big one: James Amber. Rachel Amber's father and the district attorney. Where was he in Season 1? Why was he not more involved in Rachel's disappearance, especially with how he went knight templar parent in an attempt to "protect" her? You would think with all the strings he pulled in keeping Sera away from Rachel, even getting an infamous drug dealer (one who's the best friend of Frank Bowers, whom his daughter will later enter a romantic relationship with) on his payroll, that he'd learn about what's going on with Rachel pretty quickly. I guess you could say that Jefferson was just that good at covering his tracks, but come on. The district fucking attorney couldn't track down his own daughter, who didn't even get to leave the town? You could possibly explain that away with the "Truth" ending, but if that's meant to be canon, why make Truth/Lie the ending choice?

    Other retcons that are relatively minor compared to this but still worth mentioning due to how easily they could've been avoided or how they were blatantly disregarded for the sake of cheap fanservice are the presences of certain characters, and/or their interactions with Chloe. Why does Chloe personally know Warren when they didn't know each other at all three years later? Why is Victoria even *here*, let alone a sophomore? She states in the original game that she came to Blackwell for Jefferson, and he's nowhere to be found in this game. It just seems like a cheap retcon just so people can be like "haha there's Victoria!! yknow from first game!!!" I remember someone on Reddit mentioning that someone like Taylor (who has cut audio in the game files, mind you) could've easily filled in the "alpha bitch" void that Victoria can't fill canonically.

    If those complaints seem petty to you, then here's some criticism that's a bit more "objective", so to speak; why does the game feel so condensed and rushed? For whatever reason, D9 made the game take place over the course of a day = an episode, much like the original, except in the original, it made sense since it was a countdown to the storm. What's this game's excuse? I understand that time skips are very jarring occasionally, in fact, it's a huge complaint towards Life Is Strange 2, but this game tries to cram in all of the important events that were hinted at in the original in the course of three days. It makes for a very contrived and rushed plot that, combined with all the shit that was retconned in like the "Rachel's real mother" plot, makes for a very messy fanfiction. In fact, I often like to call this game a "playable fanfiction", because it's just so sappy and full of fanservice in the form of altering simple canon and forcing in pandering self-inserts (Samantha = Nathan sympathizers, Eliot = how a large portion of the fandom sees Warren) that it might as well be a trashy fanfic.

    One more thing done in this prequel that I absolutely *despise* is how dirty they did the Caulfields. Holy fuck. They made Max so ice cold and dismissive, and the whole "driving away *during the damn funeral*? What the hell, Deck Nine? Throughout the game, I felt like there was a bunch of stuff just thrown in to make the story as dramatic as possible but this was crossing a line. Max is characterized as a very shy, anxious person, and this game really made it seem like she just did not care about Chloe at all despite the latter initiating conversation. It's worth noting that the original game not only stated that Max didn't text Chloe *at all*, but that Chloe most likely didn't bother texting either. This may or may not have been D9's intention, but they made Max seem like a cold bitch instead of an anxious child going through the worst part of her life, and I don't even want to delve deeper on how unnecessary that scene with the Caulfields driving away was.

    Finally, I just want to state how I believe this game could've been much better. I believe that this game needed more time, and more episodes. Two more, per tradition for the series. How about, instead of making up a whole new plot that affects absolutely nothing from the original (I will say that Sera's actions could've influenced Rachel to go down a similar path as her, but I also feel like that would be tied to them meeting and the Truth ending, which, again, is choice-determinant and therefore can't be seen as absolute canon), how about expand more on Rachel personally? You know, her relationships with Frank, Jefferson, possibly Chloe, possibly Nathan, possibly multiple Vortex Club members; hell, why not make *her* the playable protagonist? I feel as though Rachel's flexible personality would've made her a much better character for varying dialogue choices and actions than Chloe, who's pretty much forced to be a rebel by canon, as highlighted by her dialogue and choices with David, for example. I feel as though everything surrounding Rachel that was hinted at in the original would've made for a much more compelling story than a completely made up story not even slightly touched upon in the original other than Chloe and Rachel just hanging out. I'd say that Life Is Strange doesn't need a prequel, I mean, DONTNOD sure agreed, that's why it was outsourced to a different studio, but I've heard that Deck Nine is cooking up something new with Square Enix and, if it is a new Life Is Strange (though I highly doubt it), I feel like that would be the best time to create an actual, worthy prequel to Life Is Strange compared to what we got.

    To send this off, I just want to say that I didn't write this to start a flame war or attack anybody personally. If you enjoyed BtS, if you enjoyed it better than the original, if it's the best game in the series to you, that's completely fine, I can see why people would love it, since it objectively has *some* improvements over the original. I just don't want the fandom I love so much, for an interest I love so much, to settle for mediocrity just because it has some fanservice sprinkled on top of it. I am not afraid to say that I would in fact enjoy BtS better than the original game if it was just handled better, between the silly oversights, and just covering the stuff laid out for them that could've been expanded instead of just making up pointless stuff. This game had the perfect opportunity to be absolutely amazing and it blew it, and I think it's about time more people saw that, though they can, of course, still like what it did right.

    submitted by /u/Kumieee
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