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    Monday, February 24, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS]Max(vortex version )with captain hawt dawg shirt.

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS]Max(vortex version )with captain hawt dawg shirt.

    [NO SPOILERS]Max(vortex version )with captain hawt dawg shirt.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:21 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Hope your Monday is going better than...

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 05:04 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] yay... finally did it! (hope I am not violating rule 8)

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:25 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Super Max saves the day by DabbuDraws

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:59 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Starting a full play-through of Life Is Strange // I always wanted to be a teenage girl

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:55 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Question about the Kaukasos fanfic.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 02:26 PM PST

    For those of you who have read the Kaukasos fanfic, can you give me a summary of it. The description is somewhat vague and since it is so long I'd like to know a little more about it. One thing I'd like to know: is it AmberPrice, PriceField, AmberField or AmberPriceField? Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/samoa3260
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    [S2 E5] First half of Episode 5

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 10:11 AM PST

    With all the attention that the endings got, there hasn't been much discussion about the first half of the episode that took place in Away. I loved every aspect of the community and all the interactions that Sean and Daniel had, but admittedly, I most of all enjoyed Karen mending her relationship with Sean and Daniel.

    I've been fortunate to have an extremely close relationship with my mom, so throughout Episodes 4 and 5, I instinctively made dialogue choices that opened Sean up to Karen, despite the understandable anger he felt. I empathized with Karen's reasoning to leave the family, and while I don't agree with it, I think she deserved a chance to mend that relationship, and why I went that route.

    I teared up at the lantern scene at the top of the canyon… one of the most touching scenes of the entire series. Karen expressing the hurt of seeing her sons leave just made me even more sad, and might indicate that she's just a little more willing to be a mother to them than in the past. Also, I'm glad that Sean eventually called Karen "Mom" after all that… wish we also got to see her reaction to the letter Sean wrote in her trailer.

    Karen might be a shitty person for what she did, but damn I still loved seeing her relationship with Sean and Daniel grow into one with love and/or reconciliation. I ended up with the Blood Brothers ending, which really hurt me considering not only would Sean and Daniel essentially have to cut of all contact with everyone they met in America, but Karen (and Esteban) would have undoubtedly been disappointed in how they ended up. Regardless, the Parting Ways ending is established as my canon ending, which seems to allow Karen to also mend her relationship with her own parents, as well.

    Sorry if this is all one giant ramble; just finished the game last night and I'm still somewhat of a mess trying to process my thoughts about the game.

    submitted by /u/stanpwns
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    [No Spoilers] Life is 2-D; UPDATED playable Gameboy demo of LiS, as a 90's era RPG.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:01 PM PST

    Life is 2-D: A Gameboy demo. UPDATED

    UPDATED: More sprites, far more dialogue, and now playable up to Blackwell Academy grounds - with a few little events added in out there. There are MORE placeholder character sprites in this version from GB Studio, but most of the "main" cast is done for now. The looped music is GONE, replaced with a small title screen jingle for now - Yes, I learned some basic MIDI creation to do so. I have attempted to get in touch with the author of the music used last time, so it may return some day. Very few sounds are in. Think of this as a more "What could be" than a "What if?".

    Getting used to figuring basic ways to implement the main rewind events or rejig them to not be quite so demanding. It DOES now store your choices for the long term behind the scenes, but rewind events are /headache inducingly complex/ to script in GB Studio. I am able to go back and polish or add to these later, but right now the time required is just insane so I'm working on ways to keep things moving and sort of simplifying to the times too. My priorities are generally;

    1 - The "bones" of the game. Max and Chloe's story/the general basic structure for progress. 2 - Events 3 - Art 4 - Sound/Music

    I hope people enjoy this updated version. There's an invisible wall preventing progress on the left side or very top level of the Blackwell grounds, but beyond that you're relatively free to explore outside, and enjoy a little bit of Brooke's drone... ;)

    I'm also fortunate to have my own flash cart now to test it out on and it definitely works well on a GB or GB SP. If anyone finds any quirks, let me know.

    What do I need?

    You should be able to play through this on your very own web browser. Simply head over to;


    And click within the game window.

    I want to have this to play on Windows/emulator/actual hardware/etc

    This is the updated ROM for Life is 2D.


    It should work with any Gameboy emulator, on any OS or phone - or even a flash cart - and it should run on even the most terrible laptop, tablet, whatever. But for simplicity on Windows, I'd go with Kigb.


    Unzip, run the kigb.exe, load the "Life is 2D (Demo).gb" ROM from the file menu. It's that simple. When finished, the demo will return to the main menu. The continue option/save aren't implemented yet, just placeholders.

    What is Life is 2-D?

    ORIGINAL TEXT: Life is 2-D is a very early stages recreation of the original Life is Strange, attempting to transplant as much of the story and elements into an original Gameboy-compatible RPG as possible. It is intended to be also emulate the style of things like the original Pokemon Blue/Red, Link's Awakening, etc while doing so. Right now, it is a mixture of sample art assets from GB Studio, and some very basic new artwork. It is quite literally a few screens, recreating the first few minutes of the actual game, made while learning how the (very excellent and beginner friendly - and FREE!) GB Studio works, and the creation of the assets. There are differences and added "dialogue", hung together fairly loosely to serve this purpose.

    If you're expecting more than a few minutes, or professional and polished, best walk away now. ;) I am strictly an amateur, seeing if I can get something recognisable as both LiS and 90's Gameboy RPG and ultimately I want to be able to just run this on an actual Gameboy/ColoUr/GBA - which should already be possible. Hopefully, I will continue, patch this up to a higher standard, and implement more of the game. I'm doing this entirely for fun bashing things together in a few hours. Hopefully it'll raise a smile from those who remember what these things were like, if nothing else. For now, this is "Can LiS be done in this style?" - no more, no less. Enjoy or ignore this little demo/prototype - and that is all it is right now - as you see fit.

    How to play: If you've played one of these games before, you'll know how it works. If not; The "Gameboy" A button to interact with signs etc, up/down/left/right, and that's about it. I've tried to add in some hints or "flavour text" on the signs.

    Life is... two dimensional. This released dedicated to Dayeanne Hutton (Kate Marsh, Alyssa and Juliet) and Tony Noto - congratulations to you both on the recent engagement!

    submitted by /u/FluffySorbet
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    [BtS E2] Let's talk about BtS E2

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 05:43 AM PST

    Before you read,this might contain references to Episode 4 and 5 of the main game.So if you haven't played them or dont know the plot,then there might be potential spoilers.You have been warned

    Compared to other life is strange episodes,this episode had a somewhat of a less serious tone and laid greater emphasis on the build up of Chloe and Rachel's relationship.From the moment we take the blame for her at Wells's office to the meeting at the junkyard,everything just flowed perfectly.The 'therapy' session felt really wholesome to me and I feel like it's something I can adopt in my life aswell.

    I really enjoyed the reiteration of 'The Tempest' by the duo.Although I have never seen the play in its actuality and don't know the real plot,I really enjoyed how the developers gave it their own modifications and used that as a breeding ground for the development of Chloe and Rachel's relationship.Being the amateur I am,I found it hard to comprehend the Shakespearian dailogue.But the way Rachel went of the tangent by modulating the script and got Chloe involved in as well made the essence of the play clear to me.The way Chloe started experiencing her latent,intense love for Rachel throughout the course of the enactment deeply resonated with me.

    However the best part came later.I feel besides the bracelet option,no one would choose any other option than the 'Kiss Rachel' haha.Like I mean if you are gonna give me the privilege to kiss my loved one,I'm totally gonna do that lol.Coming back to it,the moment felt so surreal and beautiful to me.With the snow falling,having forgotten their troubled pasts and living in the moment,I could really sense the deep connection between the two.Sorry Max,but I am afraid that I am more of a Amberprice guy now than Pricefield. The fact that Rachel is dead in the present moment really made the scene very painful and I felt a tear drop escaping from my eye.On that note,can I just say how amazing 'Voices' by daughter is.Like it just sets the whole Amberprice vibe and really gets you into the mood for some girl on girl action,as Chloe would say ;)

    In addition to all this,how can I forget the ultimate twist at the end."That women is not my mistress,she's your mother".I literally had goosebumps when I heard that line and felt so bad for poor Rachel.Guess all this really had a toll on her and lead her into the lifestyle of drugs and shady relationships with drug dealers Ahem Ahem Frank.

    Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I'm looking forward to playing the last episode and the farewell one too,which I'm totally not prepared for as I know that tears are going to be shed.Plus the fact that Episode 3 is gonna be the last time we get to Canonically play as a young Chloe and experience Amberprice moments is gonna be heartbreaking!

    submitted by /u/randomdudeonthe
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    [S1] Just finished the first game, and I still don't know how to feel

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 07:34 AM PST

    So, it took me quite a while to get to play Life is Strange, but I'm glad I finally did! I just finished it a few hours ago, and I feel like I still need to talk about it, or maybe even vent a bit, which means there's likely going to be a ton of spoilers for the first game, and this will probably be a large post, sorry in advance! Also, I haven't played LiS 2, so please no spoilers!

    But see, I'm an enthusiast for interactive media and alternative storytelling, and I think Life is Strange might the best one of this kind out there. What a rich experience that was! I have rarely felt myself so engaged with the characters of a game, and so enthralled by a story, even the ones in the mainstream media rarely captivate me as much as LiS did. The bad thing is that I feel it was also a bit hard to "emotionally digest". It's quite heavy on that side, and to be honest I tried to play the game with little to no knowledge about it at all (I knew about the setting, the storytelling and the famed writing, but not much else), so, most of it was quite surprising. I especially liked the many genres that were explored during the game (even though the tone switching might have felt a bit strange towards the end - but that's how life is, right?).

    The characters are definitely a lot better than what I expected them to be, especially with the high school setting. David is wonderfully written and very well executed, and so is Frank, Nathan, Victoria, Kate and even Joyce (one of my favorites). I did feel a little weird about Chloe at first (don't think it was the writing tho), but then I realised that if not for how good a protagonist Max was, in any other story Chloe would be a character strong and important enough to outshine any other. So, she grew on me. I'm glad it happened, because in the end, it made the final choice feel like it actually had some importance on both sides, it felt like a legitimate one.

    I do have a problem with some of the turns it took, like the Jefferson twist at the end. But I think it's mostly because there were times that I felt like "my choices" did not really matter, especially when the writing led the story to a place where it was simply much too "funneled" for me to feel any real agency over the characters or their stories. I also chose to accept Chloe's sacrifice at the end, which felt like not only the "right" choice for me, but also the one that the game might have favoured during its course - which then caused the "cancelling" of the week's events, and I almost felt then that the journey had been for nothing or no reason at all. But that's something I'm still processing, and I have been feeling a lot better about it after some thought.

    But yeah, in the end it was a great and an awesome game. Not too many have actually made me so invested, and this one certainly left a mark. I don't think I will play Before the Storm (feel a bit saturated with that story/characters), but I will definitely play Captain Spirit and LiS2 sometime in the future. I'm also curious about how the franchise has developed. Is the writing in LiS2 similar in quality to the one in the first game? Is it as "emotionally packed"? I don't know much about it, but I did see lots of people very excited about it when it first came out.

    Anyways, I'm glad I finally got to play it. Still feel bad for Warren not getting his date though. Also, kudos to Luke, the realest dude in the unrealest town.

    submitted by /u/BeardPres
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    [NO SPOILERS] Creating copies of saves on Mac

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Hi everyone. I am currently playing through life is strange on mac and I need access to my save files. I am currently still on episode 1 because I can't progress till I find where my save files are and make sure I can make copies of it. If anyone knows where to find my saves on steam for mac and how to extract it and make a duplicate copy your help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/MuffinMan0523
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    [NO SPOILERS] So does anyone know what is happening in the LIS fandom right now?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 03:27 PM PST

    Is there a new game announced or is LIS2 The end? Do we get something like before the storm?

    submitted by /u/Kaktor14
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    [NO SPOILERS] This game inspired me to write on walls again! :P

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:56 PM PST

    [S1] quick One way trip fan fic question

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 05:15 AM PST

    Is one way trip a complete story or does it leave on a cliff hanger or something? I like to read something after it's entirely finished and a few chapters in I realized one way trip has an unfinished sequal. its a pretty good read so far if anyone wants to check it out https://archiveofourown.org/works/7221715/chapters/16390981

    submitted by /u/Rusty104LIS
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    [ALL] Possible Life is Strange 3 plot, conversation, thoughts

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 03:42 PM PST

    So LIS 1 follows a white teen girl and involves serious real life topics such as school violence, LIS 2 follows latino brothers and involves serious real life topics such as racial profiling.

    Can LIS 3, if there is one, follow an African American female or non binary and include the VERY serious topics of existing racism as well as sex trafficking? This would hit home for a lot of people and I feel it has a lot of strength and potential. We have been given the chance to experience "lightly" what it's like to be white, female, Mexican, Male, etc. In the previous 2 games. Although I am myself a white female, I (as I'm sure many others) would be honored to play through the eyes of a young black woman or non binary so in a way experience and bring to light the real existing racism, sexism, injustice, struggles they live through every single day, where as otherwise I would never be given the chance to see the world through their eyes. And as for sex trafficking. I chose this topic because here in the part of WA state that I live, MANY young girls have gone missing. I am absolutely terrified to leave the house alone, to go shopping at night in fear of being followed in the store, in the parking lot, or both. We all need to know the warning signs of abduction (ex: zipties on windshield wipers). We have to be aware. Every little thing helps, even if from a video game.

    submitted by /u/FarrahDragon8
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    [S2] Just Finished Life Is Strange 2

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:27 PM PST

    I just finished Life Is Strange 2 a couple hours ago and wow. I thought it was such an amazing sequel and, even if an unpopular opinion, it surpassed the first game for me. As an older brother, the story really resonated with me, especially as I watched the brotherly bond between Sean and Daniel grow (mixed in with the regular sibling conflict). The game also had some great twists I wasn't expecting, such as what happened to Sean's eye and the ending in general.

    The ending I got was the Parting Ways one in which Sean escapes to Mexico with Daniel leaping out of the car at the last second. Despite being glad that both brothers remained alive and in contact with one another, I couldn't help but also feel sad that they are no longer together anymore. The ending definitely left me with a bittersweet feeling.

    The only big critique I have of the game is that I felt that the choices didn't have as much oomph to them as the first game did. I remember playing the first game and having to step back and think for a minute as to what choice I wanted to make. However, I already knew which direction I wanted to go with the majority of the choices in Life Is Strange 2. Regardless, it was an amazing game and now I'm just left with this bittersweet feeling due to the experience being over.

    submitted by /u/UnderclassKing
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    [ALL] YOUR partner in crime (from before the storm all the way to season 2)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:34 PM PST

    Like the title suggests in the LiS series who would your partner in crime be and why?

    submitted by /u/Bagueteboy69
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    [ALL] Sean

    Posted: 24 Feb 2020 01:14 AM PST

    Where did Sean get the little scar under his right eye?

    submitted by /u/chocolategurrl
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