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    Wednesday, April 1, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Little pieces of time by Ineko

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Little pieces of time by Ineko

    [NO SPOILERS] Little pieces of time by Ineko

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    [No spoilers] I replicated Chloe's house on the Sims

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    [ALL] Just a minor detail, anyone else noticed this?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    In S1E1, during Max' final nightmare at the end of the episode, she has just found the paper that confirms she's seeing the future. The minor detail I'm talking about is when Chloe touches Max' shoulder and "snaps" Max out of her nightmare/vision. If you pay close attention, the split second you see Chloes arm, she's wearing the same clothes she has in the final scene in E5 at the cliff. And when Max "wakes up" all is back to normal ofc. I just find it interesting, because Chloe doesn't know or remember, she just says that Max "zoned out", but somehow the Chloe that touches Max' shoulder in the vision is for a split second the Chloe from the future as well. It's a neat touch, I think. And this is ways ahead of E5, so quite an early and very subtile foreshadowing. Anyone else seen this and thought the same?

    submitted by /u/Alexico91
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    [NO SPOILERS] my friend send me this idk where he got it from

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] I'm not really good at art, nor have I tried doing fan arts. This is the first time! What do you guys think? :)

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Coping with Emotional Attachment to the Story

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Everyone here is hella appreciative of the masterpiece Life is Strange is. It seems I'm a part of a large group of people who are struggling to reconcile with their lives after such an experience. I would like to take some time to address some of the issues that come with heavy emotional investment in such an experience and start a discussion on how to address these. If you didn't struggle emotionally after playing or watching the game (I'm talking about S1 in particular but the concept is universal), then you might not benefit from reading this but your input would still be valued. The following paragraph is a little about my own experience. You can skip it if you want to get straight to the point.

    I watched LiS S1 on YouTube as the episodes came out, and the same for BtS. It definitely left me a wreck for a while back then but it was an incredible experience for me at the time and I eventually got over the feels. I recently got back into S1, now 4-5 years later, because I had been feeling aimless and I remembered the impact LiS had on me back then. All of the appreciation and immersion came back to me, but once the story ended, it left me with a lot of regret about the friends I didn't make and adventures I didn't go on when I was coming of age. I suffer from a mind that is maladaptive to stress and other negative emotions and creates a fog where it's hard to live my own life and easy to get immersed in existential dread. Experiencing an idealized form of what life could have been as a young adult, all while being exposed to powerful representations of the human condition, leaves me dazed and uncomfortable every time, no matter how fond I am of it all.

    Stories have been around for as long as people have. These days, however, stories can simulate vivid imagery, sound, and even decision making, allowing us to live among scenery and characters that can fill our hearts and minds in ways that used to only be possible by experiencing life first-hand. It looks to me like it is becoming common for people with empty lives and feelings to take in a lifetime's worth of fictional experiences on themselves and live through a story as something more real and treasured than their own life experiences. I know I am exhibit A for this phenomenon and from reading various posts and comments it seems like a lot of people struggle with this to some degree. Let me not overlook the fact that LiS is a beautiful game with masterful art that conveys important lessons about life that are rarely experienced in ordinary living. My goal is to reconcile this with the facts of reality so that we can extend these lessons to our lives and create our own experiences that are more real, more fulfilling, and longer lasting than those from the game.

    I'm not quite sure how large of a subset of people I am connecting with here. It seems like many people simply enjoy the game for what it is and have a fulfilling life to return to, others have outlets like fan art, fan fiction, and online discussions, but I know there are people like me who need to hear that there are ways to cope with the disparity between real life and immersive stories like LiS. I wish I could hear it straight from the game or something, but being able to discuss it here feels very freeing. Here are my main strategies:

    First off, work toward becoming comfortable with yourself and at peace with your life. Try not to compare yourself too much with other characters, because you are your own person and that is ultimately the best person you can be. If you have qualities you don't like about yourself, or qualities you admire in a character (Max, Chloe, ...), think to yourself how you can use that to sculpt your own character and become your best self so that you can be comfortable and proud of who you are. Here I'm referring to fundamental qualities like compassion and confidence, not so much resulting personas like photographer and rebel, because your persona is more complex and has to be built by you. Building your own character and skills has the added benefit of attracting friends who appreciate you for who you are. This is a long process and I certainly struggle with it, but it really is the only way forward. Once you can be yourself, you can open yourself to experiences you never thought were possible and ones that will fulfill you in ways that even the most beautiful game can't. Still, remember the golden hour, the attention to detail, the importance of kindness, the rekindling of friendship, and the complex nature of actions and consequences that this game had so much to teach about.

    Please continue the discussion here if you would like. I know your experience is as unique as mine and there is no way I can universally cover this topic on my own. Also, if meta is a more fitting flair for this than discussion, let me know of that too. Thank you for reading all this!

    submitted by /u/AcidicJello
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    [S2 E5] General Discussion Post for Life Is Strange 2: Episode 6 - Crossroads

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:08 AM PDT

    Discover the fate of all your favorite Life is Strange 2 characters in this new DLC episode settled on your own ending. So many fates and possibilities.

    This post will serve as a catch-all for discussion about Life Is Strange 2: Episode 6.

    Any random thoughts, opinions, and first impressions you have are welcome. You are of course still free to make your own post if you want to discuss a more specific topic!

    submitted by /u/LeonEncisoXD
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    [ALL] I made a video about Kate Marsh

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Recommendations for similar games?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    I've already finished Life Is Strange, LIS: Before The Storm, and I'm about to finish Life Is Strange 2. With all this quarantine business I'm looking for games that are similar or have a similar feel to them. Preferably episodic or story based and bonus points if it's free or cheap! I have an Xbox One. TIA!

    submitted by /u/throwawayy0397
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    [ALL] deeper look at the life is strange 2 endings

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    let's talk about the ending i think the only ending that makes sense is "blood Brother" the one that sean and Daniel cross the border and build their garage and i think it's the primary and the true endings that the writers and developers choose it and want the players to get there! Why you say? I tell you why because you can see the music is different from all the others ending it's kinda feel like a happy ending the brothers finally reached their goal going to their father land and build a garage and you can see their business is good too from the safe, let's discuss the other endings the one that Daniel suddenly turn into a Saint and jump out of the car!!! The stupidest and very surreal unbelievable a 10 year old boy who suppose to follow his brother step leaving his only family after all the things he done for him! And look at the outcome the police is leaving him alone to live with his grandparents what is this a child story book ending!? Yeah they attach a electronic device to his foot! We know what they do if they catch someone with ability they bring the shit out of him with endless experiment they even turn him to pieces for finding an answer, letting him live with his grandparents like a normal kid come on who write this ending the 5 years old daughter of one of the writers!? Ok let's move to others endings the one that Sean decides to surrender but Daniel refuses for the first time Daniel start showing some sense and say something unexpected from his character "he says : after all thing's we been through! Is it be for nothing!?" yeah Daniel thank you to show some sanity, after all the hell they been through Sean decided to surrender and give up but Daniel do the right thing for the first time in his life and says it's my turn to take care of us but unfortunately he fails and Sean died i love the rest of this ending where we Daniel drawing in sean sketchbook and built a memorial for his brother and even tattooed his brother face on his chest it's a touching moment i love it, the other endings where they both agree to surrender is not good too Sean going to prison for 15 years! Really injustice and unfair for a mistake made by a rookie cop who cowardly shot a unarmed man and lead to that accident there is two scene after sean came out of prison (depend on your choice) the one that is only Daniel and karen (oh my god look at her how disgusting she look i mean life is been hard to her indeed) i don't like it but the other one that lyla was there too i love it i mean she even deserves a 15 years going to prison just to see her again i really hoped there was more scenes with lyla but that's ok i think that's all thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/reza717
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