• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 31, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Every sunset is an opportunity to reset by TheRealWindless

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Every sunset is an opportunity to reset by TheRealWindless

    [NO SPOILERS] Every sunset is an opportunity to reset by TheRealWindless

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Tried making a bracelet (first time) like Rachel's but in different colors

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] I understand why there can’t be a true sequel to the original game

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    Unless they'd make a ridiculously huge game, you can't handle all the little things that Max chooses in the first game, let alone the big climatic moments. Prequels are easy ways to fill in the gaps without threatening how people view the game, and obviously going with entirely new characters is safe.

    I know they could always say "this version is canon!" like the Infamous series did, but I think this is far more complex. Infamous was mostly good vs bad. LiS choices hold a lot more power, and picking one ending over another would throw out the validity of the other choices.

    submitted by /u/myactivethrowaway
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    [C1] LiS: Partners in Time #1 digital release delayed (just like the physical release)

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:16 PM PDT


    Life is Strange: Partners in time digital release has been delayed, as with most of the comic industries new releases, due to the Covid-19 shutdowns affecting the printing and distribution of physical new issues releases as of the 1st of April to comic stores. This has prompted publishers to delay the digital release of most stuff across the board.

    The new digital release dates (as listed on Amazon/comixology on the 1st of April 2020):

    Life Is Strange #2.1: Partners In Time - 13th May 2020

    Life Is Strange #2.2: Partners In Time - 20th May 2020

    Life Is Strange #2.3: Partners In Time - 17th June 2020

    Whether the new digital dates are also the new physical releases dates is yet to be specified. Also, it is quite possible that these dates will get pushed back further on how the Covid-19 situation progresses.

    submitted by /u/Bluefist56
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    [NO SPOILERS] Playing farewell for the first time tonight on my stream! ��

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    Hello again LIS community, the stream saga continues tonight! My friend and I going to be playing Farewell, the bonus episode of Before the Storm tonight over at our channel twitch.tv/tabbyfineline at 8pm PST! I posted here the past week when we streamed LIS1 and had a lovely response followed by discussion with folks about the game so I thought I'd let ya'll know we were continuing the series and finishing up BTS! We'd love it if anyone wanted to drop by and say hello and maybe follow if you enjoy the content! This time neither of us has played the game before and I'm so excited to see how this game ends!

    We do have plans to play LIS2 after BTS is over, so stick around for those if you're interested! <3

    Just a warning, we do cuss because we're adults so watch out for that! Hope to see you there! :3

    Link to Stream!

    submitted by /u/Zincpaws
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    [ALL] In an episodic series... How many episodes is too many episodes?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Let's imagine, for example, that Season 1 took place over seven episodes rather than five. Let's say there was enough content and story, everything was funded, nothing was rushed, and so on.

    Even with ideal conditions, would playing a game that takes over a year to complete (in this case, fourteen months, based roughly on Season 1's release schedule) lead to a sense of fatigue? Having to recall your actions and details from over a year ago, perhaps getting weary of speculating for so long...

    Or, do you think, such a number of episodes could be manageable?

    submitted by /u/TychoBrandt
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    [BtS] What are your thoughts on Before the Storm?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    I played Life is Strange 1 when it came out and liked it. I played Life is Strange 2 and thought it was one of the best gaming experiences ever. Now I'm just starting Before the Storm and I wanted to know what you thought of it?

    submitted by /u/DeltaSnowe
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    [ALL] LISten EP1: Chloe and Rachel in EP1. I made a quick analysis/summary of Chloe and Rachel's relationship in BTS.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    [S2 E3] "In case of emergency" in Cassidy's tent?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    After the midnight swim in the lake, Sean is invited in the tent by Cassidy. Inside her tent, there was something held on by tape with letters "In case of emergency". I'm curious. What is it? Any idea?
    https://youtu.be/F7q2Ip_CLUs?t=141 (At 2:20)

    submitted by /u/bunch5017
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    [S2] I just finished lis2 yesterday.....am I the only one who feels depressed after seeing all the endings?

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    I just finished lis2 Friday.....Am I the only one who feels depressed after seeing all the endings? Because no matter which ending it is, it's always sad no matter what. I never thought that a game could have this much of an effect on me. Like I seriously cannot stop thinking about this game and it honestly makes me sad when I think about it.

    submitted by /u/Jamie6206
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    [ALL] Did Kate write Hawt Dawg Man?( I don’t know if this has been confirmed or has been talked about before)

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    In Kate's hospital room, you can see drawings of Hawt Dawg Man. She also says she wants to write a book. Life is Strange 2 takes place 3 years after Life is Strange 1, but that might not be enough time for Hawt Dawg Man to become a success. Chloe has a Hawt Dawg Man toy in her room, so that might also mean someone else created it.

    submitted by /u/hellogamershowyoudo
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    [ALL] Sydney Novak reminds me of Chloe Price

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    The main character of the show "I Am Not Okay With This", Syd reminds me of Chloe a lot. She is a 17 year old girl that gets some "teentude" after her dad dies. Has not been getting along with her mother which works at a diner? Or some restaurant. Meets a new friend that she crushes on (kind of reminds me of Rachel, just a little though). Sorry if a post like this has been made but I'm only 10 minutes in to this show and couldn't help but to notice the similarity. I'm pretty bad at explaining stuff but if you like LIS and more importantly Chloe's character you might like this show.

    submitted by /u/WeebCentral
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    [No Spoilers] Made some fan art for my favorite game

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    [S1] I don't know how, but the parallel between episode 4 and 5 JUST hit me.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    When Chloe and Max are up on the light house, and she says that the last week was the best week of her life, and she asks you to photo jump, you're making THE SAME CHOICE as when you decide whether or not to euthanize her in episode 4, except with the tragedy that she won't get to remember all those happy memories when she's shot by Nathan.

    Did anyone else notice this??

    submitted by /u/Sir-Mister
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    [ALL] Spoiler alert, deeper look at the story and the characters in the life is strange 2

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    _____>>>>>SPOILER ALERT__<<<<<<<

    Hi guys i recently played life is strange 2 i want to talk to you about the story and the characters, i played the first episode which is amazing the story of 2 Brothers living with their amazing father so i decided to play the other episodes because i thought it's worth it, the second episode is good too but not like the first one but here i want to talk about another problem in game they saying the game was based on the player choice but that's a lie for example in Chris house no matter what you choose you have to go to the market and in the grandparents house no matter what you have to enter the karen room i mean com on what is this! In episode 3 i personally tried to choose every good choice for Daniel and protected him but again in episode 3 Daniel action is unreasonable he act like you been a worst person in the world not even his brother he doesn't listen to his brother after all he done for him (if you choose to be nice in the pervious episode) how is this possible!!! I think the game designers doesn't know anything about brotherhood at all, i have a 3 brother, you be nice with him again in episode 3 and spend all the possible time with him but again in the farm Sean only asks him to wait here for a moment he doesn't listen again sneak into a room!!! What is this!? They said based on the player choice but they choose what happens no matter what you do you be nice with Daniel or not the outcome is the same!!! Sean is taking the blame and beaten by Merrill and Daniel don't even apologize for his mistakes and disobedience it's just doesn't make sense, again i never spent time with Cassidy not swimming with her not going to her tent nothing you came and see his gone to a robbery!!!? What the hell!!!? No matter what he trying to kill Cassidy and refuses to come back he almost kills his own brother for what!? It doesn't make sense at all, and then Sean acting like nothing happens not even angry for losing his eye came to find him again only to stupidly refused again!!!? His brother came for him all the way losing his eye and he throw him away just like that! And then Karen showed up after eternity and Sean goes with her! If anyone with a bit sanity and pride was in Sean position he prefer to go alone and get himself killed instead of working with something (doesn't deserve to call someone) like Karen, hey here is your burger double cheese no onion heh you know i kinda liked Sean look at the moment you can see she felt the emptiness in herself, she don't even apologize acting like she's got the right side, i mean what the hell you want to live for yourself why married and ruined other people's lives you moron!!! And then they stayed 7 weeks with her oh come on! She don't even deserve to look at and you stayed with her like nothing happened! They said based on the players choice but they disrespecting every choice you made no one even live a moment with such a monster i mean going to jail is much more better than this she is just unforgivable living your family for no acceptable reason! For what living like shit in a desert whit a bunch of losers and freak oh please they just want to represent their poisoned idea and opinion on everything and they don't give you a choice to disagree with it in the game, that's all they give you you either hug Karen or not, oh thank you, you really respect my decision, i never play your shit again, look at the ending please you either surrender or cross! What!? Surrendering after all this!? Feels like the entire game is for nothing, just like the first game you sacrifice Arcadia bay or go back in time and let Chloe die really really pointless

    submitted by /u/reza717
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    [No Spoilers] Life Is Strange Friends

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    Hello, I've been part of the life is strange community for a decently long time and I'm looking for more friends I can relate to on the game. Shoot me a message if you'd like to chat.

    submitted by /u/ZeldaLynx
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    [NO SPOILERS] Collection of Chasefield fanfiction

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    Ok I wrote this down in a comment and it took me ages. So I thought I just make a post out of it so others who are also interested in Chasefield fanfiction might see this too.

    - Chasefiled fanfiction -

    Longer stories


    • White Dust by Omnicyde (54 chapters)
      I really loved this story from beginning to end. It starts 6 years after the events at Blackwell. Very realistic slow burn with a surprising ending.
    • make my wish come true by Dandybear (1 chapter - but 17846 words)
      I read this story so many times. Max and Victoria are at Blackwell and they are just together without any further explanation. "Victoria gets invited to the Caulfields for the holidays. It's a nice chill time."
    • we are the wild youth by Dandybear (7 chapters)
      I liked this story in a bitterweet way. I listen to "we are the wild youth" and my heart always reacts to it now. It's a little hard to read if you are still a Priecefield fan - as Max and Chloe break up because of Victoria..
    • The Grieving Process by ?? (orphan_account) (12 chapters)
      Obviously very sad but great writing. Victoria's PoV
    • Thirty-Two Rejection Letters by jarofbeees (14 chapters - 49927 words)
      Max moves in with Chloe and Rachel in LA because of an internship where she meets Victoria again..
    • The Lights of Arcadia Bay by TexasDex (101 chapters - 210222 words!)
      Story of a broken Max who sacrificed Chloe regrets it still loves her but starts something with Victoria who has Visions from the other timelines.
    • Saving Victoria Chase (again and again and again) by cinnamonsnaps (13 chapters - 53218 words)
      Max keeps on saving Victoria with her rewind from more or less major accidents. They get teamed up for a project..
    • Save Max Caulfield by Desslok (26 chapters - 56378 words)
      After the funeral alpha Max leaves some notes in the journal. One being that in another timeline Victoria has a huge crush on her. After that it's only Beta Max..It's a sweet story between the two. Slow burn.
    • Reunions by Desslok (3 chapters - 8403 words)
      Max and Victoria meet 2 times at two reunions.. Short but touching. Older characters.
    • Queen City by AllZeeBuns (7 chapters - 5737 words)
      Victoria meets Max by coincidence in Seattle during a break. Sweet.

    Currently written and updated:

    • Six-three-five-three by VonUber
      "Stuck repeating the same week over and over, Max has seemingly given up hope of ever moving on. Until a chance decision changes everything."
    • Icon by ItsaVikingThing
      Victoria is the super hero paramount. She hires Max on the spot as her private photographer.
    • The happy path by Ethbas352
      "Max receives an opportunity from a future version of herself to train her time powers to unbelievable levels which will allow her to go back in time and save Chloe, Rachael and Arcadia bay..."

    There are many great stories which are not finished which I won't mention here. I just hope at least some of them get continued!

    Short stories

    Instead I list some stand-alone or one-shots which I found fun or great to read:

    • How to Deal With Crushes by SHSL_ex_SOLDIER
      "It's safe to say that she (Victoria) is most definitely not crushing on Max Caulfield."
    • Just Prey by Lyswenn
      Victoria drunk at the vortex party trying to kiss max.. Victoria's PoV
    • You spin my head by Lyswenn
      Spin the bottle has Victoria and Max kissing each
    • The Password to Her Heart by Darkktails
      Max finds out that Victoria's password is Maxine
    • Alternate Timelines by thekeybladeschosen
      Victoria has a huge crush on Max and is jelaous of Chloe..
    • Love Unexpected by Lyaksandra
      Max is jealously watching Chloe and Rachel. Victoria comes and takes her to a cabin in the woods ...
    • Getting To The Point by ItsaVikingThing
      Victoria deliberately broke her pencil so she can talk to Max in class.
    • Dance Dance Maxolution by looks_like_rain
      "..Max finally agrees to go to Blackwell's senior prom. What she doesn't expect, however, is an oddly invested Victoria Chase who insists she borrows one of her dresses"
    • Chasefield Adventures A series of one-shots by jensening
    • Max gets chased by ItsaVikingThing
      This first chapter of this zombie AU was the funniest I've read in a while - I laughed through the whole chapter :D

    Ok actually I have more (there are just sooo many great Chasefield writers out there <3 ) but am tired of typing this out :D If someone knows more enjoyable Chasefield stories, please let me know :).

    submitted by /u/maxlifeisstrange
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    [ALL] Lis2 Theory Ending Partying ways

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    I saw many theories, that the police knows that Daniel has powers in the "partying ways ending" and he's under house arrest (he has something on his ankle). But I think this isn't true. I don't think he's in house arrest either. The "thing" on his ankle is more like detector and he only has it because Sean escaped to Mexikco and they are afraid that Daniel could help him or visit him. We could see that he met Sean, went to school and met with Chris in the pictures. So he can't have house arrest. Maybe he can't visit other countries or something like that. What's your opinion?

    submitted by /u/chocolategurrl
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