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    Wednesday, June 3, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Arcadia Baes by B1auereiter

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Arcadia Baes by B1auereiter

    [NO SPOILERS] Arcadia Baes by B1auereiter

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    [ALL] Before the Storm is terribly beautiful.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:58 PM PDT

    I loved it, an was crushed by it. I've played both 1 & 2 but BtS might be my favorite of the bunch.

    Obviously its beautiful because of the blossoming relationship between two people going through extremely difficult times in their lives, finding solace with one another.

    It's just so heartbreaking that at every wonderful moment Chloe and Rachel shared there was this shadow of Jefferson just looming in the back of my mind. It makes what was already a heart wrenching situation all the more devastating. That end credit scene was nauseatingly horrifying.

    I think that part of the story is learning to enjoy the time you have with others, and love them unconditionally and fully, while we can. Among many other messages. But holy shit if that game didn't just stab my soul.

    submitted by /u/Griffin_is_my_name
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    [NO SPOILERS] Sorry if this has been done before

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    [S1] Life is Strange 1 is basically an extended version of this philosophy dilemma

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] bird do be lookin fine doe

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    [No Spoilers] Just finished the Farewell episode of BtS

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I just finished the Farewell episode and I am heartbroken. A very beautifully carried episode! Although I know what was gonna happen since the story was already well understood. It was beautiful. I feel bad for both Chloe and Max. I still haven't finished BtS since my game keeps crashing in the middle of episode 3, so will have to uninstall the game and play through it again. But the farewell was beautiful, it was good to play as Max again

    submitted by /u/vasu1996
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    [NO SPOILERS] What do you think Max's favorite ice cream flavor is?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    According to BtS, Chloe's is coffee. I'm curious to what kind Max would like.

    submitted by /u/MaximumRewind
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    [NO SPOILERS] Desert. - Fanart by Rysiameow.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    [ALL] I need to put this off my chest( finished Life is Strange 2 ) *Spoilers*

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    I finished LIS2 a couple days ago after putting it on backlog due to the fact that when they showed the announcement trailer it didn't connect with me like LIS1(and BTS) did.

    Overall it is a good game. A Life is Strange game. Graphics and gameplay are improved from LIS1 and they show more possible variations according to your choices in the end.


    Starting right off with episode 1 which to me is by far the best episode. The story they set there was good, teenager Sean dealing with teen stuff and a "slightly" broken family with an annoying , spoiled brat of a brother and a caring father struggling with raising 2 sons on his own.

    Then came the "Seattle incident" .

    To me everything on that scene felt forced, like reeeally forced. Something felt off about the scene and what triggered Daniel's powers, but I let it pass,moved on and things got better, realistic behavior from both brothers in the woods, gas station situation of begging/stealing and the owner, Brody and the motel scene. It felt like things were going to pick up nicely. The brotherhood love was growing on me. Motel was my favorite part.

    But after this I really did not enjoy most parts of the remaining episodes, . Daniel's reactions towards his brother no matter how you much you try never feel normal to me. Yes he is a traumatized kid with superpowers and kids don't act by logic but I mean cmon... everything that Sean goes through after the Seattle Scene is because of Daniel. Because he never... EVER listens to Sean, especially after that touching motel room scene where they promise to stick and work together like brothers... it just makes no sense. Episode 3 was disgusting. Daniel literally replaced him with Finn. He nearly killed him multiple times, blinds him and He keeps criticizing and ignoring Sean. It felt forced. The cult was the nail in the coffin.

    I got the ending where they both end up in Mexico and after checking the other endings it hurt, Daniel finally sticks to his brother and protects him but I wished my version of Sean got rid of that mess of a brother and moved on. Because Daniel doesn't deserve Sean. At all. When I found out that in one of the endings Daniel actually gets him killed because SOMEHOW he hates Sean and once again refuses to listen to him. ... I was heart broken.

    Sean also made mistakes of course, but his mistakes actually felt normal and real, while Daniels didn't . And HE never gave up on his brother.

    But my main problem with this story his actually the power and why Daniel gets it. In LIS1 Max receives the power and gets confused by it, questions it, abuses it fears it and finally respects it. But we the player can assume why she got the power. It can be for a lot of reasons but we get enough to make some sense out of it. The power allowed Max to fix things up with Chloe and with herself. No matter what ending you pick, Max grows as a person. A second chance on her life.

    Daniel, why did he get the power? To provoke havoc upon everyone and everything? Diablo second coming ? Because that's literally what he does with it. I don't see what could have triggered it. He is literally the manifestation of evil.

    Anyway, it was a Life is Strange story nonetheless, strong, emotional tho I bit forced for me in the events. Especially the cult thing.

    Karen's arc was good, full of emotions.

    David was the surprise as I did not recognize him at first and connected to dots afterwards when I got on his trailer and saw the pictures.

    Thank you for reading this and I would like to discuss this with your guys 🙂

    submitted by /u/Dakrturi
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    [BtS E2] Theatre scene - my favourite moment out of all the games

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    I absolutely love this scene, it is so amazing and I never wanted it to end. I have played all 3 games and BtS was by far my favourite. It just felt so much more down to earth and relatable than all the others.But the theatre scene in particular when it is just chloe and Rachel on stage, it felt like time stopped just for that moment. The music, the crowd, it was all so perfect to make for in my opinion the best scene out of the whole series. I would love to hear everyone else's thoughts and favourite scenes!

    submitted by /u/aidanpearson
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    [S2 E3] LiS 2 Question

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    I was planning on replaying the series soon and I was just wondering something. If you agree to the heist with Finn in episode 3, how exactly do you go about making it to the room with the safe (where you can grab the gun)?

    Every time I've tried I always wind up getting caught, is there some way to open the door without using Daniel's power?

    submitted by /u/Zandar124
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    [NO SPOILERS] Which game is your favourite?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] LiS Coloring Pages: New LiS2 page

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Square Enix has been posting downloadable coloring pages of the LiS characters often on, and added a third one, with the Wolf Brothers and Chris from LiS2 on Twitter a couple days ago. Kind of a big deal, given that the previous ones were repurposed artwork from the comic book series, while this one seems to be specially made for the coloring page (although I admit the post doesn't explain whether this is a custom-made image or pre-existing concept art or something).

    In any event, the Tweet in question is right here, where you can download a zip of the complete set so far (the aforementioned LiS2, plus the Max and Chloe and Max, Chloe, and Rachel sheets). Hopefully, they'll continue to make more (and make some that are more then the characters just standing in a row).

    submitted by /u/WebLurker47
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    [S2] BLOND DANIEL by rynna69_.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:32 PM PDT

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