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    Monday, May 18, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [S2 E5] Happy faces by Brakken

    Life Is Strange | [S2 E5] Happy faces by Brakken

    [S2 E5] Happy faces by Brakken

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    [No spoilers] anyone know where I can get a glowy bear like the one in Chloe's room?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Want to make my room a little more strange 😊

    submitted by /u/cairnschaos
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    [NO SPOILERS] Does this game have timed choices?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    I've been wanting to play Life is strange 2 with a friend in another country, and I figured I could livestream it from my ps4 onto twitch, and she could watch while we're on call. We want to make choices together. Does this game have timed choices that will make the delay problematic, and if so, is it possible to disable it?

    submitted by /u/Johamburger
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    [S1] What is the better choice here in ep 4

    Posted: 18 May 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    Chloe's request to take her own life. Accept or Refuse. Which one would add more points to "Chloe's favor"? (if you're going for the kiss ending)

    In ep 5 Max will say:

    If you refuse

    "But Chloe, there was no way I could do that... I had to return to this timeline... to see you again. I had to.."

    If you accept

    "And I did... for you. I didn't want you to suffer in any other timeline or reality... I couldn't bear the thought of you in any more pain..."

    submitted by /u/Kenway21
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    [S1 E5] Mobile game keeps crashing during Ep 5

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    I'm trying to play LiS on my iPhone 6, but the game keeps crashing during episode 5, specifically the scene >! in the trippy-nightmare-hellscape where Max is in the dark room watching Chloe talk to several other characters about how they all hate her. Right after Chloe says "I wish you'd never come back to Arcadia Bay. You're the real storm" !< the game freezes for a moment and then crashes. I've tried updating my phone and restarting it to no avail. I've got about 2.7 GB of free storage space so I don't think that the memory is the issue. None of the other episodes ever gave me this kind of trouble. Does anybody know how to fix this? Please help me because I'm really frustrated.

    submitted by /u/uniqueusername125
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    [NO SPOILERS] On Life is Strange 2 and Fictional Media That is Labeled as Too "Political"

    Posted: 17 May 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    I just finished LIS2 and was floored about how powerful the character work was in this game. When I reached the ending, my maternal instincts really kicked in and felt so protective about Sean and Daniel.

    I looked for communities and other opinions of this game that shared my enthusiasm for this triumphant work. However, I was really shocked on how badly it was criticized for being too "political."

    Something I don't get with art or media that is labeled too "political": why is there always a need to compare what happens in a fictional story to the real world? If one can suspend their disbelief that someday a nuclear holocaust happened and society degraded into roaming packs of barbarians in makeshift vehicles in a desert wasteland (Mad Max-ine reference for those not in the know), why can't they do the same for a fictional world where racism and racial bias is heightened? This may not reflect what one thinks the world is really like through their eyes (it's not like there are many fugitive, homeless, teen minorities around), but it's what the world building of this fictional work establishes. One may not agree with the "politics" shown, but this is what happens in this fictional world. Why is that so hard to accept?

    So many comments point out how stupid the main premise is that clueless teenager Sean could have avoided the whole thing by just staying put and explaining everything to the police. Alright stay with me here: what if in this fictional world, the justice system rewards arrests and unsolved cases are a mark of shame for a detective's career? Where police officers and detectives and public prosecutors get bonuses and promotions based on how many "solved cases" they've booked? And that they'll use any means necessary to achieve that goal, even using torture and coercion to force confessions, even those that are fabricated, or even fabricate and plant evidence themselves?

    Now all of that is just speculation, but if you think about it, what made Sean so sure and fearful, in a traumatic life or death, fight or flight moment, that he'll be punished to the full extent of the law isn't known (and because he knows he's 100% innocent!), but why can't the suspension of disbelief ever be applied to an obviously fictional world where superpowers exist?

    Or, maybe Sean just watched the Netflix show, "When They See Us", and saw that sort of thing actually happens in our "real" world.

    Anyway, my point really is, if one tries to set aside their hangups about the "politics" of this game, keep an open mind, and just treat it as the powerful narrative that it is, the experience is so very rewarding. The racist antagonists could be replaced with any number of "non-political" adversaries and hardships but the end result would stay largely the same -- it's ultimately about the actions of a stupid teenager who was thrust too early into a responsibility he was never ready for and how his love for his brother will triumph over any hardship. How could anyone not appreciate that?

    I know I may be preaching to the choir, but I do wonder what others think of my take on this.

    submitted by /u/mariow08
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    [S1] I know there are so many of these posts...

    Posted: 17 May 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    ...but I finished the original yesterday and it's just wrecked me man.

    I chose to save arcadia bay because it just seemed like it's what Max would do, at least how I interpreted her character I guess. And it felt right...but god it hurts so much. A video game has only made me feel anything like this once before (last of us) and even in that it was the journey that was traumatic more than the ending. The final bathroom scene, the hover over chloe's body and the pan across the room to Max in the corner...it's so powerful, my heart hasn't felt pain like this in a while.

    I think what hurts the most is, as much as I love Chloe's character and everything she's gone through, deep down all I wanted was for Max to be happy. No one deserves to go through any of what she experiences throughout the story, but she embraces the responsibility of the power and by the end, hasn't let any of the terrible things she's seen or had done to her change her at the core.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really fell in love with Max as a character. I just related to her so much. Similar interests like guitar, photography, and indie music helped get me invested early on, but then the games inner-monologue style just really helped me fall in love with Max's personality, mannerisms, and just the way she looks at the world I guess. And she just deserves so much better...but is even more admirable for making the final tough decision, and living with all of the beautiful and terrible memories she may never get to explain to anyone.

    I really just need to do something to channel these emotions. I'm excited to play BtS next time its on sale, and then do another LiS playthrough afterwards. For now, maybe I'll write a song. Thanks for reading :)

    submitted by /u/IndyAJD
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    [NO SPOILERS] When LiS games helped me

    Posted: 17 May 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    Hi, sad and personal story here (not native English be nice :) and maybe little spoiler of Life is Stange Before the Storm).

    I just wanted to share what LiS meant for me and see if someone else can relate in some extent. I've always waited the releasing of each complete season before playing the game and I was very eager to play the game when a close relative gifted me the LiS1 season pass. I've "binge-played it" and loved it (specially the calm vibe).

    Right before the release of "Before the Storm" I've played it again with my gf during summer break, and it's still a sweet memory. But for that new game I had to play it alone, thing were starting to get bad between my gf and me. I've started College, lot of stress, was a long way from her. I was alone and family issue started to pile up. It was really a though time and the liberty of Before the storm (specially from the dialogue in the train scene) made me dream of another life...

    Things went even worse, in such a short time period, and... One night, in March, I had enough, I was at the verge of jumping, k*lling myself and ending the pa*n. But for some reason that I can't recall, at the last moment I said no, that maybe this "other life" is possible, and that maybe I count for somebody. So I decided that I will do what Rachel&Chloe always wanted to. I took a gap year, a bag and ran away in Europe (USA is a long way from where I live). It's was quite a wonderful adventure and all the people that I befriended along my trip gifted me reasons to fight. In some ways I really think that LiS games helped me being still around.

    I know that's maybe sad story but now I think that I'm okay, even if i can't continue my trip because of a certain virus I decided to start the LiS game again, but this time with a chronological order, I'm still in the middle of LiS1 and eager to see what LiS2 has to offer :). Returning to theses games recalled a lot of memories and helped me writing and accepting what happened. Looking at that subreddit I see that theses games helped a lot of people in various types of ways and I'm happy to be part of that community (even if this time I'm writing with a throwaway-account).

    In the end, I know that it will surely not happen but if someone who worked on LiS games read this, I wanted to thanks him for what he helped created and thank you the community for all theses wonderful fan arts that I use ways to often as wallpapers :). Thank you all, really.

    submitted by /u/LISJunkyard
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    [NO SPOILERS]My heart is so cold, but LiS1 managed to make me feel something after a very long time.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    That says how good this game is.

    submitted by /u/Ive_337
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    [ALL] LIS2 Startup choice.........

    Posted: 17 May 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    So just starting LIS2 and it asked if I saved Arcadia bay or not in LIS, just curious cause when I finish the game I'm going to look through all the endings, but does that decision change or block certain endings? Or is it just a couple minor things in game that are changed?

    submitted by /u/RemingerC
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