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    Sunday, July 26, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Young rebel by Saro

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Young rebel by Saro

    [NO SPOILERS] Young rebel by Saro

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Peaceful times by Kittenwithaknife

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] A friend of mine lives in coastal Oregon and a recent picture she took felt like looking at a real life Arcadia Bay.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Can someone recommend me some Pricefield fan fictions? (>﹏<)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    looking for some :)

    submitted by /u/lelsoos3
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    [ALL] Chapter 2 “The Audition” of Melt Weather is out now! (Am Amberson/Amberprice fanfic)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    [All] I wrote a 'little' something about my thoughts on the endings for LiS1

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    So I finished LiS1 last year and chose to Sacrifice the Bay. My reasoning was that there was no real evidence other than Warren's assumption that Chaos theory was to blame due to Max's meddling with time for the storm. Nothing really made the "it's Max's fault" idea stick for me. And even though there was little indicators here and there like Max always chastising herself for fucking up the timelines, I feel like these were red herrings forcing you into a false 'Trolley problem' state of mind. The major one was at the end where Chloe tries to solidify the idea due to her not dying and saying she needs to be sacrificed. I didn't really go much further into it than that after finishing it because it was pretty cut and dry to me; sacrifice the bay and that's all there was to it.

    After finally playing BtS and then playing LiS again, I am convinced that the Sacrifice Chloe ending is just confirmation bias and nothing more (in regards to Max, Chloe, and Warren assuming it to be the case) and driven more by guilt and judgement than reason. Not only that, it nullifies all the character growth each character had to endure (except for Max obviously but then again, what worth is that growth when you have nothing to show for it?). Warren and Kate don't find their spiritual strength; David doesn't get his chance for redemption after losing everything and doesn't realise how much help he needs to be a normal functioning human being again; Chloe doesn't end up realising how loved she is, how she is far from alone, and seeing David as more than an invader, even a father; Victoria doesn't have her "holy fuck, I almost killed someone cos I'm an über-cunt for no reason" moment and find her humility, etc.

    Bonus point: choosing the Sacrifice Chloe ending makes the whole story boil down to "Max has to learn that she can't save the one person she truly cares about no matter what she does, even with the power to control time, and she has to live with the guilt and shame of abandoning Chloe again without any chance to make amends (even though she already did) and needs to let her go, then most likely develop c-ptsd for her troubles. She also never can tell anyone about what she's been through either. Oh, and you also out Mark and Nathan for being murdering pieces of shit and solve Rachel's disappearance... Congratulations on mostly wasting 25 or so hours! Wooooo!" (Sure, solving Rachel's murder isn't insignificant, but read on and you'll see what I'm talking about). "But they got one more chance to say goodbye!" I hear you cry! Yeah, but what does it matter if the person who needed the experience more is dead now, without any knowledge of the reconciliation? A sacrifice would only truly make sense if Max died instead of Chloe, but only after being able to make up for her past mistakes and make amends with Chloe. Killing Chloe is a cop out! If that had've been the ending it would've been 'Jacobs Ladder' all over again. Why give her the power to control time at all when the event that invoked it was Chloe's death?! The fact that it's not even a rewind, it's an actual jump back in time says to me that you are supposed to save Chloe; it's not a soft choice, it's a hard choice. Also, if you wanna read into things a little further, there is the first storm nightmare Max has before she discovers her powers, she technically 'dies' in that nightmare when the lighthouse falls on her. This I feel is a vision of an alternate future that should Max not use or discover her powers and Chloe dies, the Storm is still going to arrive, she is going to be alone, and ultimately die having achieved nothing. It's almost like it's a warning, save Chloe or else. She is literally being encouraged to use her powers. It makes no sense when we look at it this way for her to be punished in her own version of purgatory, succeeding only to fail again and again, and then have to let Chloe die anyway. Where is the lesson or reason in that?

    So here's my big theory: to me, the storm isn't the Big Bad, Arcadia Bay is. The storm was the vehicle of inevitability coming to finally put a dying, poisoned, and poisonous town out of its misery. The game itself goes out of it's way to impress upon you the significance of this fact, for example, the fisherman, the Prescott family taking over everything, the town being frozen in time, and pretty much just that the town generally ruins most people's lives. The storm was quite possibly brought about by the wrath of Rachel's spirit (which I think it is pretty much an accepted, albeit unconfirmed, fact that Rachel was pretty much Aang), not only due to how she died, but also over her remorse for Chloe. Chloe being drugged by Nathan and then probably seeing Chloe inevitably dying because of it was the proverbial straw I feel (which prompted the appearance of the butterfly), but also just Rachel's building frustration that Chloe was not getting what she truly deserved, which was breaking free of the succubus that is Arcadia Bay and Rachel's own role in keeping Chloe there as well (her disappearing/dying). Which is why (if we are to believe that Rachel granted Max her powers) Rachel gave Max her powers; she got away from Arcadia Bay and because of that she would have more resolve, clear-headedness to see the town for what it was, and love for Chloe (as we all know, absence and distance makes the heart grow fonder) to do what needed to be done than Chloe would have, i.e. Chloe would not have chosen to live if she had the powers because to her, her life doesn't have any value compared to literally anyone else (the fallacy and implications of this I'll explore a bit further down). In the end it's too big of a call to make without any solid evidence, to allow your best friend and love of your life to die, to stop what, for all anyone knows, is a freak weather phenomenon (convenient conjecture aside). If we are also to assume that chaos theory is to blame, (even though again, I don't believe it to be the case, but as far as Max is concerned its perfectly plausible), using her powers again to such an extent would surely add more power to the storm, so why in her right mind would she use them again?

    (Side note, I definitely subscribe to the idea that Rachel is the butterfly, which ties into the idea that Rachel caused the storm due to the butterfly effect and the depths of her rage. As for the doe, I think it's William. Due to the significance of the snow globe when going to the past, but also at least to me, it makes sense that William, the true benevolent spirit, is guiding Max along the path to saving his daughter and adopted daughter, Max, from the void.)

    Further confirmation to my hypothesis came after I'd finished LiS1 for the second time. I chose the Sacrifice the Bay ending again because this time my reasoning felt even more justified in choosing Chloe as I explained above. Then, I decided, because I was curious to get the full picture (and obviously I wanted to hurt), I watched the sacrifice Chloe ending. Sure, it's all bittersweet, but there's sunshine, and resolutions! Everyone's alive (except Chloe and Rachel)! Oh happy day! (Apart from the fact that it's a funeral 😬) but then the butterfly shows up and is bouncing around and Max smiles. I'm just like, "what the fuck is she smiling for?", I kept thinking about it and to me it seems like the butterfly is like "YOU DONE FUCKED UP WE CAN STILL FIX THIS", (yes the photo is likely lost, but considering Max can manipulate time on a small scale without a photo, it stands to reason that if she focussed enough, she could achieve it without the photo, and in this case a Sacrifice Max ending would fit really well) mainly because in the sacrifice the bay ending, there is no acknowledgement of the butterfly, Rachel's spirit has been satisfied, why would she stick around? (correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm certain there's no butterfly in the BAE ending). At least that's way more plausible than this feel good "awe, her spirit is still with me 😁" idea🙄, this ain't that kind of game, friends! Not only that, the ending itself only serves to reinforce all the flaws that brought about Max and Chloe's falling out (I explain further down), but also the flaws of everyone else (as explained earlier) and proves why the character development in the BAE ending is so important. Also, relating back to my previous point of the warning Max got if she didn't save Chloe, the only reason this alternate ending of saving the bay was allowed is because Rachel didn't even foresee it as an option. She would've just assumed Max would save Chloe no matter what, which to me explains even further the appearance of the butterfly on Chloe's coffin.

    So let's go even deeper. Choosing to Sacrifice Chloe means Max not fighting for what she wants, like when she left for Seattle even though she wanted to stay, she is allowing other people to make up her mind for her which is a major step backward considering her growth in the past week. Though in moving to Seattle, both her and Chloe are better off character-wise as it steels them for the future by giving them formative experiences they wouldn't have had otherwise, and there is a strong moral idea throughout the game you need to transcend who you were so you can be who you need to be to do the things you need to do. You can't do this without adversity, by truly looking at yourself for who you are by acknowledging and accepting the worst parts of yourself (your shadow). Facing these things, instead of ignoring and running away from them gives you strength. Like with the final vision of Max's boss battle against herself, this is her guilt trying to take hold of her, trying to convince her that she is being selfish and only did everything for her own benefit. We know it's something that plays on her mind because she has been called out for it a couple of times previously. She doesn't believe that she is a good person, but in the end she realises that every decision she

    submitted by /u/charliethedrunkskunk
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    [NO SPOILERS] Neat little screenshot I took of Max playing the guitar.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    [ALL]Yay or Nay: Would you like to see a prequel of Life is Strange 2, but it will be created by Deck Nine?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    Just finished playing the 2nd playthrough of LiS and after seeing the 4 endings. I would say, the gameplay about how to deal with Daniel is a very great mechanic. My 1st playthrough saw the bad moralities that leads them or one to Mexico. But this time, I did make it right with two new endings because I teach Daniel to be good and follow the rules. Either Lyla would be there or on the other ending, Cassidy. (Sorry guys and gals but, I don't want to see Finn and Sean to be together.)

    But, anyways, after playing and seeing that the game garnered much sales and positive reactions. I wouldn't be surprise if Square Enix will take another shot at doing a Prequel to LiS2 with Deck Nine, or other studios. Or they'll just not take the risk and let DONTNOD do the sequel instead since they promised back on LiS1 that once they've done their part on that game, they'll move on.

    So, would you like to see it happen to see another prequel? Or would you like to move on instead.

    To me personally, Deck Nine didn't disappoint at doing Before the Storm, but it was underwhelming and they just kinda bit copy-pasting what DONTNOD did on LiS1, except for the protagonist and their respective quirks. But if they had a chance to do a prequel, I hope they ante themselves up and they wouldn't copy what was there on the 2nd game.

    submitted by /u/Hachiman-Hikigaya
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    [NO SPOILERS] Tell me everything - Life is Strange

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    [ALL] Max and Nathan in the school bathroom

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Why Max wasn't supposed to react when Chloe get shot in the episode 1?

    submitted by /u/WUPSIIII
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    [NO SPOILERS] A new comic has been announced.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    [ALL] Rachel Amber, the Mischievous Ghost: A concept

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:21 PM PDT

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