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    Monday, October 19, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] "Brave New World" came out 3 years ago! (art by Elena-El)

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] "Brave New World" came out 3 years ago! (art by Elena-El)

    [NO SPOILERS] "Brave New World" came out 3 years ago! (art by Elena-El)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Quickie: Captain Bluebeard (by me)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    [No spoilers] Just gonna.....yha, go cry.....again

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Kate and The Wolf Brothers by Roger Witt

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] here’s some wallpapers i made. i know their not that good but i was rushing so..

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    [BTS E1] Fun fact: Skip's demo isn't real song. It was recorded entirely by Deck9 sound team and doesn't exist outside the game universe. "The band consists of all Deck Nine Games employees." wrote the game's co-producer under one of the YouTube uploads.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    [All] Rachel's top in the junkyard?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] I really wanted to find one to put in my car.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Chasemarsh Monday: Day in peace (by chloegamesbroficial)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Dying my hair like Chloe!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Hi! I've been growing my hair out due to the quarantine and I kinda thought it'd be cool to dye my hair light blue/cyan just like Chloe!

    This is my first time dyeing and I'll be doing it myself so I need some tips! Also, it'd be great if you could recommend me a brand and color for the dye (preferably on Amazon). I have natural black hair (obviously needs to be bleached).

    Thanks, y'all! 💙🦋

    submitted by /u/josephkyaw
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    [No spoilers] Just gonna.....yha, go cry.....again

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    [No spoilers] Just gonna.....yha, go cry.....again

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    [ALL] I finished Before the Storm for the first time last night. My thoughts and experience. (Happy anniversary, Episode Three!)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    I finished Before the Storm for the first time ever last night, and wrote this too.

    • "World is our mere prologue": a preface.

    I played almost the entirety of Before the Storm years ago, back when it was first released. I didn't know I was only a few scenes from the ending back then, if I did, I would of finished it in a heartbeat and started it over. I thought there'd be the same amount of episodes as the main game, and I was already disconnected from the story because I moved during my first playthrough. I wasn't that immersed anyway.
    I always thought about it. I wanted to know how it ended.

    • Preface: Life is Strange.

    I replayed Life is Strange again this Summer, first time in five years, and was about to play the prequel as soon as I finished my second run with Life is Strange. You know the ,"let's make the bad choices run and have a good time, get all the trophies, watch it again after seeing it for the first time in ages," sort of run.

    I was horribly sick through the Summer and was doing really bad. I ended up not being able to finish that run, and so both games were shelved until I felt well enough to enjoy them.

    I, doing better, and it being the perfect time of year, I started Life is Strange again. I started a new playthrough, to get the full experience. I made several of the same choices as last time and had fun. My main goal was to focus on getting Platinum and get in the mood. At last did I get to play past my barrier: the beginning of Episode Four. It was magic to finally do that. I started racking up the trophies then. All the ones I missed the first time.

    I played a long time that night, but did leave the rest for the next night. Around Nathan's dorm, I believe. The next night was the best night I've had playing video games in a very long time. Finished Episode Four, and started Episode Five immediately after. Finished that as well. Six hours solid, what I did took me four nights the first time (this year, not in general.) Stayed up for hours and hours, got fifteen trophies and one of them was my third ever platinum. I love saying that. It didn't even feel real, I was so immersed in the story by that point I hardly noticed. I was happy, of course.
    I had a blast, and was prepared and pumped for Before the Storm.

    -"Can't believe Firewalk's playing at the old mill."
    -Playing Before The Storm.

    It took me four nights to play all of the Episodes. That first night I got to finish the whole episode in a single sitting. About four hours went into it. I was so pleasantly surprised. It was better than I remembered. I didn't remember bad, either. It never quite clicked for me back then. It did tonight.

    Seeing the beginning after just finishing LiS the night before, my goodness. That was what was missing I think. It had been years since I played Life is Strange when I tried BtS.

    I think being older helped too. I had so much fun with it, I can't even express. The soundtrack is great, seeing all the character again, this time younger. Following with Chloe's story and seeing Rachel alive, I cared about every single thing I heard and saw. It felt like I played it for the very first time.

    The next night was the second episode. Took me a little longer than last night. I actually enjoyed this episode more than the first. Little happier in a way, if any of this is happy, lol. It was good and going, and I remembered less. I started to see the effects of my choices, and had a lot of fun. This is where I thought I had dropped out. At some point in episode two. Nope!! I definitely remembered the smashy smashy.

    Last night I started Episode Three. I had to wait for it to install. Unprepared as always. Had to edit clips for room, etc. Took for-freaking-ever. I wasn't too well physically, but really excited. I watched Dead Poets Society to keep me company while I waited. Downloaded halfway through it. Longer movie than I thought!( It's my favorite. Found my copy after it being lost in moves for years.) Least that all got me in a serious, even sad mood.

    I got me some apple juice and got all bundled up, booted Before The Storm up as soon as I was done. I wanted to play so bloody bad. I made it halfway through Episode Three that night.

    I remembered the scenes in Rachel's room and love it even more now. Several moments in Episode Three are my favorite from the game. The hair dye, the truck, so many already and I hadn't even finished it.

    I knew there was a hospital section, and it was Rachel admitted, but I forgot how you got there. Oof, I seriously gasped when I saw her get stabbed. I forgot all about that. The montage in the hospital to Chloe sobbing, hardest hit I've felt all game.

    (That song, may I say I love it? Okay, I did. I cried.)

    I turned the game off for the night in Drew's hospital room. Good stopping point, and I had to do other stuff before bed. The break made me even more excited for the end. I was really really really really really excited.

    I booted it up tonight earlier than usual. I had to replay the Drew scenes. Didn't mind, I got to swipe that pudding. I laughed so hard.
    Back to serious mode. I didn't know the order of events here at all. I knew the last thing I played was breaking and entering (well, I had a code, they can't charge me for just entering!) into Rachel's Dad's office. Not too long after this!
    I found the hospital scenes with Rachel really sweet, and it actually motivated me to see this through. I took a bunch of notes whenever I finished tonight, so I'll just copy and paste it here:

    Right after I finished Hell is Empty:: Major Spoilers, I essentially go through it play by play.
    I am beyond words right now. I just finished Episode Three of Before the Storm. I've now played it all, and this is the first time I've ever seen the ending.

    I left off last night in Drew's hospital room. I'm actually happy it worked out that way. I'm not sure I was quite prepared for all of this last night. Plus, the waiting made me anxious to find out what happens.

    Fucking hell.

    I should be happy to go ahead and type all the great moments in this episode, but I'm still in so much shock I have to go ahead and write what just happened.

    And as soon as I try, I lose my words.
    I stopped playing this game back then when you break into the Dad's office. I never finished the objective there, so as soon as I did, I was entering untreded waters.

    Turns out Elliot shows up and threatens Chloe. Claims Rachel is manipulating her and gets scary jealous. Chloe manages to call the police. In a backtalk format. I'm scared of what happens if you fuck that up.

    I wondered why I thought people didn't like him. I was merely waiting for something to happen, but I didn't expect that. I did enjoy seeing him get his comeuppance.

    Speaking of things I didn't expect, a new and now my favorite William moment. Chloe is speeding blasting music, as a Semi almost hits her. Like father like daughter territory. She gets out of the car from the spot she swerved to, and looks at the ruins of the forest. Burnt to the ground. William appears and they have a conversation about what is okay to lie about. Chloe asked her dad if he ever lied to her. I'm not sure if there is a way, but he wouldn't answer. She said it was for the best. What makes it my favorite moment is that it breaks the cycle. She turns on the radio and it's "Burning the Midnight Oil" She quickly turns the station, "my truck, my tunes." Back to the beginning song. She smiles and drives away. Thanking William for his company, wanting him to stay. I love that. She's no longer the passenger in the back seat, listening to the same old song and simply waiting, out of control. She's at the wheel, blasting her anthem and still carries her past with her as a source of power.

    I loved that moment, the moment before things got real. She called it. When you're in the Dad's office, you discover that Damon has taken Sera prisoner, at James' request. After exploring the wreckage of the old mill, with the heavy hitting music, you discover Sera and that Damon is about to shoot her up.

    Chloe interrupts and gives him the money. Damon punches her and sees the knife I grabbed from a pillar in the mill. Sera pleads for her to run. Chloe gets kicked to the ground. Damon discovers Chloe was the one to yoink the money and burn the evidence. He drugs Sera, a year's soberity down the drain. Frank shows up and is drenched in blood. His own.
    Chloe passes out and Frank has "taken care" of Damon. Sera is sitting down, smoking a cigarette and drenched in tears. She and Chloe sit together and talk. Chloe tried her best to reassure her to meet Rachel, but failed. I could tell. I tried so hard.

    Sera all the time begged Chloe not to tell Rachel about any of this. Begged. Not to take her father away from her. How could I do not tell her??

    I have a horrible feeling Sera killed herself. The way she said goodbye, the look in her eyes. She tried so hard to be a better person, but it's all gone. What does she have to live for?

    Poor Rachel. You go to the hospital right after. The Ambers are all asleep. They wake up one by one. And Rachel asks to talk to Chloe.
    I couldn't not. I heard Sera's pleas, but Rachel deserved to know. Maybe he doesn't deserve a spot in her life anymore. It doesn't matter how many people in your life you have, if they hurt you all the time, and are toxic, you're better off cutting them out, with the lingering pain rather the constant crushing pile up. Fuck him.

    (I have too much experience with this sort of thing myself, having to cut toxic father out of my life, I would have had a really hard time not telling her the truth and not letting her get away from that bastard.)

    I didn't know what to choose until given the option. I didn't think twice. It goes to music as Chloe tells Rachel everything. Rachel sits up, in shock. She looks as if she can't believe it and will never forget a word at the same time. James enters and the look of pure hatred out of Rachel. Chloe embraces her as she glares to her father.

    I love that you can't hear what Chloe is saying, but you can feel it. It is a very well filmed scene.
    It begins a montage of the aftermath. Rachel and Chloe hang out all the more. Chloe dyes her hair completely blue, and Rachel loves it. They hang out in the junkyard, Chloe's house, Rachel's house. Just living their lives. This must of spanned two years? The time difference, that makes a lot of sense!!

    Rachel's dad seems furious, even knocking pictures off the wall. Rose seems... defeated. Rachel and Chloe got tattoos together, playing together in the junkyard. Happy. The credits play with the same song. It got lyrics eventually. The hospital scenes didn't.

    After the credits was the one thing I knew about the ending. I just never knew how it got there. The photo booth pictures, turned into 17 missed calls, phone lying in the dark room. I knew it was coming, but fuck. This game does the brilliant job of putting you into that blissful state of Chloe's life, and then reminding you of...

    The light burning out.

    I did not know how'd they'd bridge the gap between the games, especially with the Dark Room clip. That montage was a smart idea.
    I checked my choices, and I missed a hell of a lot more than I expected. I truly did fuck up. I did! There was the option: "Rachel did meet sera/did not." The thought of seeing that fuels me beyond any doubt to replay this. This, and the sheer number of choices, differences, the rest of the graffiti, feeling complete, reexpiering this, and seeing it all over again. I did read how to meet Sera. I knew I fucked it!

    I missed three trophies. One from episode 2 I somehow missed even in collectors mode, and two in three. I'll keep an eye out, and have a fucking great time crying again. I'm excited to look for signs, and just... I love this more than I realized I could. What a great fucking game.

    I'm off to pee, then fuck it, I'm starting it over.

    I started playing Episode One again an hour later. Spent four hours?? Anyway, already made as many different choices as I could. And did my research. I shouldn't have to worry about graffiti until something I missed in Episode Two. I am trying to get everything in this run, just because why not? I'm choosing every other graffiti option, which is great to see. Got burnt out tonight, so I'll finish EP one tomorrow. I played for so long and have had a great time.

    Thanks for reading my little essay of sorts on my playthrough of Before the Storm. I'm sure I'll be back soon with either a more extensive write up of my Life is Strange playthrough, or getting Platinum and my final thoughts on Before the Storm. As I said, I've missed a lot!

    Hella big fan.

    submitted by /u/CoiletteFromRobonia
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    [NO SPOILERS] Why do people dislike before the storm?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    Hi, I belong to those, who played bts before the original lis and therefore built up a "relationship" with Chloe and Rachel, before I did that with Max. Therefore the storyline was more of a chronoligical beginning, than a provide of background informations. However have I often heared that people disliked the prequel and I would like to ask, if you guys could name me some reasons for why that was?

    submitted by /u/kknosti
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    [No Spoilers] General Dontnod content allowed here? Just wanted to express how badly this game needs a photo mode

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    [ALL] Question About 1st Life is Strange

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:00 AM PDT





    I was just revisiting Life is Strange and I was at the part in the Darkroom where Mr. Jefferson is talking to Max about what exactly happened with Rachel and Nathan. In the part where he talks about Rachel and he says she was in love with him and let him take photos of her, did they have a relationship? Or was it just that Jefferson could tell she had a huge crush on him but they were never involved. Was there any evidence other than Jefferson's word that she liked him.

    submitted by /u/lusernameusernamel
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    [S1 E5] important question about the ending

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    Hello! I wanted to ask a silly question. For those who chose to save Chloe at the end: Wouldn't that mean that the universe would keep on trying to kill her? Since the game is about the butterfly effect and the fact that bad things will happen if you go against the forces of nature, if you choose to save her, wouldn't that mean that she'd end up in bad situations til she's actually dead? Wouldn't another storm happen at some point? Or something worse? I know It's a stupid question but I have thought about this plenty of times and I'm really curious about your answers!

    submitted by /u/sheisverysleepy
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    [NO SPOILERS] Listen to "Suburban", a Custom LIS Song. Reminds you of Joyce, the best momma in the Life Is Strange Games.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:14 PM PDT

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