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    Thursday, October 22, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Rachel portrait by Maili Taniguchi

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Rachel portrait by Maili Taniguchi

    [NO SPOILERS] Rachel portrait by Maili Taniguchi

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Connected my Steam account and my Square Enix account and out of nowhere I have enough reward points for this. Sooooo excited!!

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] The Merciless Wolf. - Fanart by HollowGlow.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] SuperFan Status

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    [S2] I'm Dead. - Fanart by blednayaLuna.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    [S2] Chandler Mantione Reveals Top Three Favourite Scenes From Captain Spirit | Life After Strange Ep 7

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    [ALL] I played the Life Is Strange games theses past couple weeks. Thought I’d share my impressions.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    I played all the Life Is Strange games the past couple weeks. Thought I may as well share some brief thoughts here.

    Title says it. I'll just cut to the chase.

    Life Is Strange

    The first thing to strike me about this game was the feel of it. It's tone is a bit John Hughes esque, but with a bit of an indie feel. The best way I can describe it is that it reminded me of Perks of Being a Wallflower in its tone. I personally think the time travel mechanic for these types of games was a genius move and absolutely loved it. Shit, I liked just replaying stuff and doing it in multiple ways for the fuck of it. I will say though, that Max was a tad bit dull for me. I did warm up to her eventually, but nothing about her stuck right away. Chloe, Jefferson(fuck him though), David and Kate were all fantastic characters though and I was completely immersed in their storylines. This game had a VERY good supporting cast. One of its strongest features imo. I also must applaud this game for its emotional weight, tbh it had me wanting to tear up a couple times. However, it wasn't perfect to me. For example, I wasn't a fan of the alternate timeline. For one, it get kind of tacked on and like it was just there cause the developers knew it'd be a question many would have. However, my biggest flaw with that was that I felt that Chloe being in a car wreck instead of William was a very boring and predictable choice. I think it would've been more powerful and hit harder if it wasn't "well SOMEBODY had to get hit" and instead perhaps showed that William would've gone on to not become that good of a dad or if Joyce would've cheated on him with David and caused him to spiral. Also, even though Jefferson was a great villain and very creepy, his motivation was a bit odd. It seems they wanted to keep it tied to the "Polaroid" theme, but still. However, overall, I loved the game. I thought Chloe and Max had great chemistry and worked well as leads, the villain was scary, the stakes were high and the world building was top notch.

    Now let's get to the question: Bay or Bae. I chose Bay. I have a good reason too. By what I understood, the weather and tornado were due to the timeline collapsing due to the proper future being fucked with by Max. I don't think it'll just stop at a tornado. If the timeline is unraveling, it won't just be at Arcadia Bay. Eventually, time WILL strike back and it'll probably effect the whole universe. Having Chloe around for a few more months or years before the whole universe collapses due to her being alive isn't worth it. However, you can go back and set the course right, but also rat Jefferson out and contribute to him being stopped. I think that's a powerful message. You can't change the past, but you can change the future.

    Before The Storm

    The tone here is largely the same as the first, but with a more punk edge. I love it. Especially the amazing soundtrack. This whole game also benefits greatly from prequel-itis, as it's amazing to see past versions of characters. But by far the greatest benefit is Rachel and Chloe's relationship. I actually like them as a couple significantly more then Max and Chloe as a couple. I also love the story of learning about Rachel's mom and her family. It's a much more grounded story that presents us with themes that hit closer to home. I also found most of the side cast to be great again. Enjoyed David, Joyce, Rachel's parents, Frank, Mikey and Drew. Again though, there are some flaws. I found Chloe's punk and edgy personality to have been taken a bit too far here. Her cursing at adults, having a constant bad attitude, being overly rude, etc just felt like a bit much and made her downright unlikable at times. I feel they could've had her have an attitude without coming across as an asshole at time. Also the character of Elliott. I feel like that it's ridiculous that the "hopeless romantic" for Chloe had to turn out to be an insane stalker. It halted the pace and also I felt that it's a bad message to basically say that if you have a crush that isn't into you then that probably means you're a "nice guy". I felt him and her talking it out and him acknowledging some of his overbearing behavior he had at times and leaving it alone would've been more realistic and a bit less out of left field. However, to leave this on a positive note, I will say that the last scene was fucking brilliant and one of the single most chilling endings I've seen.

    And this one had a big choice too: tell the truth or keep Rachel's dads secret. I told the truth. My reason is because the police got Elliott in his office and I'm sure they sound plenty of incriminating evidence. I felt that his days before being arrested were limited so I may as well be honest. Plus even if he isn't arrested, that POS doesn't just get to walk away Scott free and get away with everything.

    My friend has a little theory I thought I'd share. He thinks that Rachel had the power to control the elements. When she screamed, the wind blew hard and the fire worsened as her emotional state did. Then once she died, the weird weather and the tornado were here spirit or whatever unleashing revenge on Arcadia Bay for what they did to her, but since Jefferson got arrested after Chloe's death, it didn't happen. Also her and Chloe were finally United again after Chloe died. Idk if this has any merit, but I found it interesting.

    The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit

    I liked it. It was cute, it had some emotion in it and I loved the protagonist. It was a great way to test out how LIS2 would play as well. I did enjoy the portrayal of the dad as being an alcoholic and how it brings out a completely different person in it. Felt realistic. I also found the stories you can piece together around you interesting. Such as you finding out that perhaps Chris's dad is trying to hunt down the person who did the hit and run on his wife. It was a nice demo and had well realized characters I though.

    Life Is Strange 2

    This maybe the single oddest sequel I've ever played. It's the first sequel I've seen that truly did not feel like the first in any way. In fact, during episode 4, when the title card came up, I had completely forgotten I was playing the sequel to Life Is Strange. I think that the first felt like an indie movie or show, while this felt like a western or an "epic". The aesthetic and feel had absolutely no similarities to the other two games at all.

    That said though... I fucking LOVED this game. Tbh, it may have been my favorite. I thought Sean and Daniel were fantastic characters and the morality system was beyond brilliant. Each episode had the satisfaction of a movie and each felt like a fresh experience instead of one continuous game broken up into episodes. Also the sheer amount of choices and consequences was amazing. I also LOVED the more open level design. However, there are flaws here as well. This game, surprisingly, didn't have that great of a supporting cast. I mean, Chris was good, but besides that, the rest were forgettable, maybe besides Cassidy. I also felt it did cheap emotional tricks, such as brutally killing Mushroom, which, while definitely sad and fucked up, just felt like a cheap way to get some tears. I also thought the handling of racism was a bit mixed. For example, the cop killing Esteban was a fantastic and haunting portrayal of police brutality and racial bias and the douchebag neighbor also was a pretty realistic redneck in how he whipped out racial offenses when pissed off. However, the store owner and that dude in Nevada just felt too over the top and like they were just there to drive home that racism is very real. I admire them for taking on such bold topics, but I think they handled them in a bit too ham fisted of a way sometimes. I also felt the tie ins to the first game were shoe horned in, especially the random ass Arcadia Bay cameo.

    The ending I got? Sean went to jail and Daniel grew up with the Reynolds and Chris.


    I fucking loved the series. Was amazing absolute blast. However, the second game sticks out like a sore thumb and feels very out of place when playing them all so close together, as great as it is. It's like listening to an indie band and then suddenly putting on some Kendrick Lamar right after. Both are great and have a message in their music, but just are starkly different.

    However, I 100% recommend this series to anyway. I hope there's a third. Also I'm hearing about Tell Me Why. What is that? Is it in the series?

    Anyway, thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Vadermaulkylo
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    [S1 E3] The Past was pretty. It was problem-free..before a call happened. THAT issue can be resolved. Watch me react to that issue solving moment in Ep11 of BlackHell.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 04:34 PM PDT

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