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    Thursday, February 4, 2021

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] We're totally bonded for life by AWolfdogsHeartbeat

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] We're totally bonded for life by AWolfdogsHeartbeat

    [NO SPOILERS] We're totally bonded for life by AWolfdogsHeartbeat

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:40 AM PST

    [ALL] I'm currently working on a comic��

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:09 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Sanshee Chloe Price Collector's Plush available for preorder

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:36 AM PST

    [S1 E4] Got Well Soon aka that song from the End of The World Party, but as a rock version

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:05 PM PST

    [S1] (Spoilers) Max and Chloe, in-game and in future

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:37 AM PST

    Some have you have probably seen me on this subreddit before praising the shit out of this game. It's cause I absolutely love it and have so many emotions tied to it, specifically Chloe and Max. I think all of us have gone through something Chloe and Max have, emotionally, physically, whatever. But this fascinated me when I was just that bit too young to understand it. But I was fascinated. I loved the serene nature, calm music, beautiful art style. All of which have inspired my aspirations of being a writer/poet. But now, at 18 and a lot of thinking later, I think I understand life is strange deeper now. I love this game because it forces you to make choices you'd never have to make, in a week you go from just helping a classmate out of the way of getting hit with a football to being able to save her in a storm, life or death.

    As Max, most people with either do the nice thing, or not do em because they didn't realise they could. The fact that they give you the choice of making Max vengeful, angry and a bit selfish is great as it allows you to develop your own Max if that's how you wanna play. But let's be honest, we love making Max a saint cause she's such a damn good character. As a person generally but also in how she's written. She sacrifices so much to save Chloe again and again. Even Chloe believes she doesn't deserve it, but she does it anyway. She's a hero. She nearly tears apart time itself to save Chloe, but at the end we have that choice; sacrifice her or Arcadia Bay. I've given this a lot of thought and pondered similar questions. Would I do this for my girlfriend? Could I give up thousands and be selfish? It's where we have that last choice of Max still being that hero, or finally giving in and getting what she wants. Heroes require sacrifice to become who they are, Peter Parker needed to lose Uncle Ben, Clark Kent needed to lose his dad, Star Lord needed to have no family to grow. Max has that choice. She's lost so much already, but she has to lose her powers, some of her sanity at least and even lose Chloe. That is hero sacrifice to the letter.

    But does her sacrificing Arcadia Bay make Max a villain? No. I think it makes her a hero in a completely different right. Now I'm not sure what takes more strength, to let someone you love go or let an entire place go in exchange. Most like to say they'd sacrifice their love as they couldn't do it to so many people, but in that situation, it's not a case of right or wrong. It's about saving what matters. Whether that's selfish or not is irrelevant. Max isn't bad if you pick that option, she's choosing selfishly granted, but this is the climax of her powers. She's seen all the power she wields and how easily it can be abused, wasted and the repercussions of her actions being vast. But it's also the climax of her relationship with Chloe. After not seeing each other for 5 years, a single week is all it takes for them to be together again and be stronger than ever. All that love and fear, thrown into this choice, makes it far harder than anyone to ever know. Max is selfish for choosing this path, but I believe it's the right one. In the storm mission where you're walking through the town you see the destruction the power has caused. You can save as many people as possible or just keep going. I saved Evan, Alyssa, the fisherman and the trucker. Whoever I could save I did. But then if I save Chloe it's "pointless". So why bother? Well, if you can give anyone that bit of hope, that extra bit of life. Then why wouldn't you? Why not give them that pleasant thought of tomorrow? Max is still a hero because she's done all these things prior. She can still save as many people as she likes, help whoever, whenever. But her choosing Chloe, I believe is the canon option because it shows not only Max's love for Chloe, but also that she's her Achilles Heel. Max will do anything for her. She's willing to do anything for her love. That's heroism in another way. A way not many get to experience. Having someone by your side forever, willing to die for you not once but over and over again, just to save you.

    Chloe and Max are fuckin amazing characters who I connect to on a level I can't quite explain. I played this game and it genuinely changed a lot of my outlooks, making me look closer at the world. Instead of a lens, I see through a pen I guess you could say. I write for its own sake, like Max I am afraid of people seeing my work. Being a social outcast who people laughed at and bullied also hits close to home for me. A lot of what Max went through, I went through (except the time travel). But I also know how it felt to be Chloe. The punk who nobody have a shit about. Instead of my step-dad being a dick it was my regular dad who I argue with constantly. The feeling of everyone around not understanding and feeling like you've been lied to your entire life. I get all of this. This amongst many other things is why I love LiS so much, and will keep on doing so. It will remain my favourite game ever.

    If it wasn't already clear I fuckin love this game. Some say it's pretentious, poorly written, whatever. Fine. Doesn't change a thing for me. I love the other LiS games too. It's honesty and rawness when showing what drugs and drink do to people. That mental health is a constant pressure, and that not to judge those who have issues, as you'll never know how it feels to be them. Never.

    But who else misses Chloe and Max. They released a comic awhile ago which I'm tryna find somewhere. It's only 4 issues I think, but anything to hear more from Max and Chloe I guess. I know their arc is finished, story is done. Even though 52% of people chose to sacrifice Chloe, I think saving Chloe is seen as the canonical ending. As they released a comic afterwards about it following up a year later with Chloe and Max in Seattle. I would love to have another game with them. Maybe 5 or 6 years later. With Max as a photographer. Even if it where a smaller game, I'd like to see how they ended up.

    Thank you if you read all this. This game means a lot to me if you couldn't tell. It has a special place in my heart and I literally think about it every day. It isn't perfect, but to me it is. Thanks for listening to my crazy ramblings, I really appreciate it. :)

    submitted by /u/ChrisDen462
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    [NO SPOILERS] Before the storm.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:52 PM PST

    [ALL] The Spiritual Connection of AmberPrice & PriceField

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:21 AM PST

    To put it simply,

    Max and Chloe are Soulmates,

    Rachel and Chloe are Twin Flames.

    Both connections can either be platonic or romantic.

    The differences between them is simply that you can have more than one soulmate in a lifetime and a soulmate is cut from the same spiritual cloth as you, whereas a Twin Flame is essentially the other half of your soul or are 'mirrors of each other' and you only specifically have one Twin Flame because of that, as opposed to a Soulmate where you can have more than one (lover, friend, family member).

    A Soulmate is described to be the individual you feel most safest, comfortable and home to. Deep down, a soulmate is a friend, hence why you feel the most safest and at home when you're with them. You can be two very different individuals with different interests and hobbies but your soul is just unearthly linked beyond comprehension.

    A Twin Flame is described to be two individuals who very intensely connect, usually as romantic partner, because of a shared pain— Chloe's abandonment issues (Max and low key William) and Rachel's abandonment issues (Sera), as well as the loss of innocence; Chloe (William's death) while for Rachel (James's metaphorical death upon discovering the truth).

    They're very intense and magnetic—emotionally, sexually, and, above all, energetically. The connection is instantly there and you're immediately captivated by them because you recognize your soul in each other, able to read and understand each other in ways that only your souls being originally one would make sense. However, because of the fact that Twin Flames are essentially mirrors of each other, that means they not only mirror the good, but also the bad— which doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be an unhealthy relationship but simply more challenging because of the intensity and passion Twin Flames will have. And because they're Twins, they will always be connected and find their way back to each other at the end.

    That's it. Neither is better than the other. They're simply different journeys one is fated to go through. Neither can replace the other either, because they contribute different things in life and specifically because a Soulmate and a Twin Flame are just 2 very different connections.

    What do you guys think? Agree or disagree?

    submitted by /u/Zeroprofessional
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    [ALL] Is Life is Strange your favorite game?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:05 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Can you play Life is Strange in VR?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:34 AM PST

    So, I love Life is Strange. And I've seen multiple posts of people using it on VR, whoever no tutorials to any of them. Anyone have any idea how to get this working? I know it won't be in first person, or it might I don't know. But I'd still kill to try it out! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/JustinsWorld4U
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    [ALL] You know it’s coming but....it still hits hard.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:30 AM PST

    [S1] What happened to Rachel

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:18 PM PST

    I know that Rachel was supposedly killed by Nathan with an overdose, but I honestly have severe doubts. Nathan not only took drugs but also sold them, I doubt he would mess up a dosage. Plus, when talking to Jefferson in the dark room, I've noticed he always shifts the blame away from himself. For example, Nathan killed Chloe in self-defense, or putting the blame on Kate in episode 2. In fact, if you accuse him at the end of episode 2, he tries shifting the blame on someone else. Jefferson appears to be a completely narcissistic psychopath. He only focuses on himself, and how he can do no wrong. Jefferson also had Rachel's photo's in those red binders. If it really was Nathan, I doubt Jefferson would have let it be on his shelf.

    Is there any evidence other than Jefferson's word, or word of god or something that Nathan killed Rachel?

    submitted by /u/scipozoa
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    [ALL] Do you think Rachel was more good or bad

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 05:25 PM PST

    Which do you think Rachel was, more good or more bad or about in the middle. I mean at her core.... not just in general. Should have specified that

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    submitted by /u/Greedo69
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    [NO SPOILERS] Max and Chloe cycling after a rainy evening ^∆^

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:12 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] What do you think of fan fiction in general?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 01:48 AM PST

    I love fan fiction (especially AP) and hope to see more of it!

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    submitted by /u/Terrible_Vermicelli3
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