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    Saturday, June 5, 2021

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] I got a canvas for my Living room and I wanted to share it with people that would appreciate

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] I got a canvas for my Living room and I wanted to share it with people that would appreciate

    [NO SPOILERS] I got a canvas for my Living room and I wanted to share it with people that would appreciate

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 11:20 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] I'm never leaving you by Kaijyena

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    [No Spoilers] (Animated Wallpaper) Life Is Strange - Watching The Storm. All links in the comments!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] my Chloe Price cosplay

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:25 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe Price fanart by me to celebrate Pride Month! :)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Arcadia Bay vector logo (by me)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:03 AM PDT

    [No Spoilers] I'll be starting Life Is Strange: Channel Points Challenge tonight! I might do 2 episodes, we'll see! Some Challenges include: No Rewinding, Random Choice, Read Max's Journal & much more! I'll be streaming around 6 est! I'm so excited to replay the game being a lesbian streamer myself!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Ryan is confirmed Bisexual!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 07:09 PM PDT

    [BTS] reviewing Before The Storm on Reddit because the game keeps me up at night... Part 3 (we're nearly there)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:54 PM PDT

    Sorry about the delay, these have really taken a lot out of me, more so than I ever thought they would.

    This is where shit gets rough, but I'm not quite done with episode 2 yet as explained last time. Let's go

    I always imagined the dinner scene was how a politician feels meeting a foreign ambassador. You try to act nice, despite wanting to throw shit at them, All the while your plotting against them. And the BALLS on this lad. To lie about a fucking affair like it's nothing. You have no idea how badly I wanted to backtalk him. I mean actually you probably did, but that's beside the point. It's amazing to me how this game can almost completely make me forget it's a prequel. It felt like the story could have gone either way, even if it couldn't. While I stopped myself from tearing him a new rectum, well...


    The entire time I'm just watching in awe like 'hell yeah, stick it to that piece of shi-'

    "That, was your mother"

    what the fuck...

     **Hell Is Empty** 

    I'll be honest. I normally wouldn't like opening an episode with more psychodrama shit, but after that massive bombshell I can take just about anything. Especially with presentation this spectacular. The style of these mini-flashbacks is amazing and I'm completely on-board. But then this also means I have to respect James on some level. Goddammit Life Is Strange. Why can't anything ever be simple? Oh, and Rachel is in shock, well isn't that just perfect. Oh, and now I'm in shock, shit. I suppose I'd better go comfort her before the two of us go mad. This particular instance is probably where I relate the strongest to Chloe in this game. Watching a friend badly in-need of help, while being clueless on how to help is one of the worst feelings in the world. Thankfully that ended somewhat quickly, and Chloe figured something out. Lying under the faux-stars with Rachel can only be described as an experience, and was pretty much the exact point I said to myself 'ok I'm playing as Chloe so she is safe, as long as I'm playing her, I'm going to protect Rachel like a second Chloe' (like I said, forgot it was a prequel). I also realised how I screwed myself over. I promised James to keep Rachel safe at any cost, while also promising Rachel I would help her find Sera. The amount of bad, on-the-fly decisions the game emotionally tripped me into making is astounding. Knowing my dumb arse was gonna disappoint someone no matter what now, I figured it might as well be the person I planned on shitting on in the first place (also I wasn't really given a choice). Looking back I'm kind of surprised I wasn't more suspicious of Frank. The way he was acting during the call was really weird. But i'm just ignore that for a moment and hate on David Dickface some more. My feelings toward David have fluctuated by far the most out of any character in the series. At first it was 'dude your really sus, get a hobby', in S1, Ep1. To 'I hate you', in Ep2. To 'I kinda pity you', in Eps 3 and 4. To 'I regret everything I said against you', in Ep5. To 'bro chill the F@# out' in BTS Ep 1. To 'I hate you again' in Ep2. Now finally to 'I would pity you but I don't have any left-over energy to care at the moment'. I want to feel bad for David, but I just can't afford to care right now, I'm spread too thin as is. Another cute section of fixing up our truck and yes it's nice, but it feels wrong, like something is about to happen. And guess what... I have to assume Damon was there when I called Frank because there is no way he'd rat me out like that. I was also getting real scared when Rachel called him out like that. Maybe I'm just a wuss, but that dickhead genuinely scared me. With good reason as I came to find out, is this dude British or something? And Frank once again reminds me why he is a homie. Would your's do what he did? The next hour or so felt like re-living the beginning of Dark Room, so as to say I was guilty as fuck. Rachel, Mickey and Samantha as I found out after finishing, all here because of what I did. I felt seriously gross, pretty much the only thing that saved me was the tabletop game. And I didn't even know Samantha was here when I was actually playing, and I still don't know why. I was in a bit of a rush to see Rachel, that shit looked serious. I bet that's also gonna be a serious bill too... See I joke now but back then, I could do nothing but blame myself and listen. I owed her a debt I thought I could never repay. So you can imagine how screwed I was going into the finale with that mindset. I don't know if I should've, but I did feel kinda bad for James in his office. The man has been building this case for how long now? And along comes Chloe who proceeds to completely eliminate any and all leverage against Damon. But wait! There's more! Eliot go brrrrr. This is one twist I don't feel surprised I didn't pick up on. His sincerity perfectly masked his creep factor up to this point, and why should I expect this games Warren parallel to be a massive ass? This was also the only backtalk challenge I failed. There was no other way as far as I am aware (if there is tell me), and I didn't pay much attention to what I wanted to happen in this backtalk specifically. What disappoints me here is that even though I failed, the result was a success. Why did I even bother trying, I got what I came for. But even if I hate his ass, Eliot's words carry meaning, I'm in seriously deep shit and more than likely in over my head. But just like the guardian angel he is, William shows up to keep us going. And bravo deck nine. An absolutely genius move to set the final confrontation at the mill. Though it is kinda funny to me that Damon chose this of all places to keep Sera and not a more secure location but whatever. And one last knock on Frank's RV for good luck. Yo why aren't you answering? You in on this or did Damon lay you out? Oh shit Pompidou! I've got my own problems, but I'll be back. I hope. And once again I feel a lack of consequence in my action. Does picking up the knife actually do anything? It didn't feel like it. Also when I actually thought about it it kind of shocked me that Frank wasn't dead, he crossed Damon in a big way and he clearly has no issue killing people. I am glad he is still able to kick Damon's ass though. Waking up after that was super weird. The fact that those two had disappeared was weird, Sera not disappearing was weird, and the way she acted was super weird. So she sent a shit tonne of letters, threatened legal action and then came to Arcadia Bay all to meet Rachel, and now she doesn't want to... I feel like that alone is why I pushed so hard to get her to come. In the end, Sera hit me with the reverse uno card and made me question if I wanted her to come. This was also when I first noticed the central theme of how far are you willing to go to keep your loved ones safe. You remember what I said earlier? You see where this is going? I was reminded of the final choice in S1, but it felt different. That choice was impossible because it forced me to pit my needs against an entire town of people and it asked what both of those meant to me. Here, there isn't really a 'selfish' choice. This one is hard to make because it forces me to interpret the wills of others, and decide what is best for them. Also playing into the themes. At what point does manipulating the truth to service something acceptable? If you had the chance to keep someone in the dark if it meant they could go on to enjoy living, if only for a little longer? I asked myself this question, and while I went back and forth for a while (around 5 minutes), there was only one answer. Yes. And so I allow myself to become a hypocrite, just to see these characters smile, to laugh, to finally get the full hair dye, to see that them and their dog are safe and sound. All the while, I've forgotten this was a prequel. But nothing good lasts in this series, and the final shot in the show has me return to darkness. Because no matter what I do in this game...

    there's a storm coming

    I'm almost done with this game. Only one episode left.

    submitted by /u/sunofsolaire21
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    [S2 E5] Just finished the last episode of LiS2! I can't fully explain how much I loved it and already miss these characters

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:18 AM PDT

    [S1] [BtS] Hey there, r/LifeIsStrange! I made a YouTube video talking about what I think it'd be like if certain characters from Life Is Strange were Pokemon Trainers, and made some hypothetical teams for some of the characters from the first game. Check it out!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Cover Art for Part 3 of my Fanfiction!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Me and my friend were talking about how much Shane Mccutcheon from The L Word gave us Chloe Price vibes from the way they looked and I got curious and edited this. Keep in mind this is an edit, not art! But I did make it myself. I put it under fanart bc i didn't know what else to ��

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:42 AM PDT

    [No Spoilers] Rachel Amber is alive! ��

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    [S1] I love how lis impacts everything I see irl now

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    Everytime I see railroad tracks or trains I think about life is strange, same thing with blue butterflies

    submitted by /u/maxcaulfieldsbitch
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    [No Spoilers] will there be anything Life is strange related at E3 this year?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    Maybe another true colors look? More news on the remastered games? Another game announced (I know I'm reaching at straws lol) but do you think anything at all life is strange related will be at E3?

    submitted by /u/Zer0Sum12
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    [NO SPOILERS] I think Rachel caused the storm (theory)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:02 PM PDT

    (Here's some starter stuff: some people think that Rachel's "power" is to manipulate or create wind/ weather At the end of of episode 1 in before the storm. Rachel screamed while a tree catches on fire (from the trash can) and then a sudden wind causes the forest on fire and let's not for forget about the snowfall after they preformed "the tempest" If it's true that she can control weather then snowfall shows her happiness. Which means that the storm could have been anger for when she died because she didn't get the chance to leave Arcadia bay so she wants to destroy it. Rachel's powers were awakened when she realized that her father was lying to her causing strong emotions

    Fast forward to life is strange in the bathroom Max's powers are awakened when seeing a loved one die infront of her eyes

    Fast forward again to life is strange two Daniel awakens his power after seeing his father die

    Seeing a pattern here? I believe that Rachel caused the storm when she died that's why in the end of life is strange you only get two options to save Chloe or save Arcadia bay and you can't do both

    Of course there is a flaw to this. How do you get the chance to save Arcadia bay if the storm was already caused by Rachel?

    Here's what another theory suggests (not mine):

    "Another of my theory is that Rachel ( after she was dead ) is the one who GIVE Max the rewind power because she wants Chloe to leave Arcadia Bay, because it has so much terrible things in it, like the people, or drugs, or other crazy shit. And she doesn't want Chloe to end up like her in drug addiction, bad relationship, etc. That is why when Max rewind the time when Chloe got shot by Nathan, the cause-effect ( STORM, Dead Birds & Whale ) happens."

    Adding to this theory: the world knew that Chloe should be dead so it was "freaking out" and causing bad things to happen like the storm and beached whales the world couldn't handle this that's why at the end of the game you could on choose to let Chloe die or let Arcadia die. You kill Chloe you kill the storm. You kill Arcadia Chloe survives

    submitted by /u/wireless_poptart
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