• Breaking News

    Monday, January 13, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] My partner and I visited Two Whales Diner (Blue Moon Diner in Beaverton, OR) last week and tried to recreate this scene!

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] My partner and I visited Two Whales Diner (Blue Moon Diner in Beaverton, OR) last week and tried to recreate this scene!

    [NO SPOILERS] My partner and I visited Two Whales Diner (Blue Moon Diner in Beaverton, OR) last week and tried to recreate this scene!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:14 AM PST

    [ALL] Winter in Arcadia by Camkitty2

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 02:08 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Sean Smoking. - Fanart by Leopold.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:44 AM PST

    [No spoilers] Max & Chloe Polaroid

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:50 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Tattletale. - Fanart by Leopold.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:45 AM PST

    [S1 E3] cmon, i double dare you

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:20 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Mindblowed..can't rewind anymore !

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 02:31 AM PST

    I just finished the game. I started LIS by playing "before the storm" and now I finished LIS. I also bought LIS2... And I have to tell...WOW I am just mindblowed by everything in this game. I cried several times and since I finished the game i can't stop thinking about it, I listen to the music...I even look for the "real" arcadia bay places in Oregon. How come ? I am usualy not that sensitive but this game just opened my heart and soul. Am I alone ? How do you feel after finishing the game ? I feel like this game changed me forever and wish Chloe and Max were real...😢🥺

    Congratulations devs for making such a beautiful game ! Much love

    submitted by /u/Varko_Mentheus
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    [NO SPOILERS] Doodle of Chloe and lighter thingy

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:34 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Lighthouse Butterflies 2 by Mike-Kossi

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 02:10 PM PST

    [ALL] Wishlist/Theories/Speculation for a Life is Strange 3?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:05 AM PST

    What would the next power be, what could the story be about, protagonists, etc. And, marking this as spoilers for all in case you want to point to something in one of the previous games.

    submitted by /u/Sir-Mister
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    [No Spoilers] Contacting the voice actors on Instagram

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:42 AM PST

    I want to tell them that the game made an impact on me and that they did a great job. Some of them have a smaller following so I was thinking I have more of a chance of them seeing my message. (I wouldn't ever expect a big celebrity to answer me).

    submitted by /u/Voice_of_Season
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    [All] Anyone watched "The End of the f*** world? "

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:19 AM PST

    I'm watching season two right now and it just brings out hard LiS vibes in me! Just a quick recommendation...

    submitted by /u/IrrerPolterer
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    [NO SPOILERS] Max not knowing that's Chloe's truck

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 10:19 PM PST

    [ALL] Mark Jefferson, where does he rank on your list?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:26 AM PST


    Where do you rank Mark Jefferson as an all-time bad guy? I ranked him 2nd.

    submitted by /u/mburks81
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    [ALL] What would you want a new Max and Chloe game to be about?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:29 AM PST

    What would you want if a new Life is Strange with Max and Chloe were to be made?

    I know the Life is Strange people said it won't happen, but it's hard not to want it. I wish they would, because it would do so well. We're all sitting here thirsty for Pricefield!

    Seeing that picture of Chloe and Max and hearing Chloe reconnected with David again just makes me want MORE!

    How are Max and Chloe doing? I feel like their story would still be interesting to tell. How do they move on together? How do they deal with the guilt? Max chose Chloe over an entire town and Chloe knows her life meant so many others had to die for it, including her own mother.

    First of all, can I talk about all the creepy nightmares they could do in this game showing how haunted Max and Chloe are? Max could have nightmares with Kate and Warren and everyone else, Chloe haunted by her mother… I think being able to play as BOTH of them would be cool and I can just picture how chilling nightmares could be in the game.

    I want to see their happiness too of course and love at being together and their new life while also showing us the pain they both hold because of what happened. I want to see how this experience has bonded the two even more strongly. I want to see how they help each other through the difficulties they face.

    Also, Max's power. She still has it, she must, so does she still use it or does she not anymore out of fear of what it could bring?

    Also, we can assume the tornado destroying Acardia Bay means that everything went back to normal after and thus fate or destiny isn't going to keep trying to kill Chloe.

    But I want to ask, would you be into a story where fate and destiny still has it out for Chloe? What if Chloe had some near death experiences Max was actually hiding from her because she wanted Chloe to think everything was better now.

    But maybe that's too much of a repeat and it's better if Chloe is safe from fate going after her. I kinda don't like the idea of Chloe being fated to die no matter what, let them both live long plz.

    Maybe it'd be better for us to see a glimpse into their lives in an episode like Farewell, but I'd love to get to jump back into their world again. I love Sean and Daniel and I'm happy we got into their world but I just can't help but want to go back to Max and Chloe.

    I feel like they could do something where we see a glimpse into their lives, their bond, how they've grown, and how the pain of what happened still haunts them and how they chose to honour the sacrifice made.

    submitted by /u/butterflywingsx
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    [NO SPOILERS] Is anyone else not able to get all trophies on LiS BtS in collectable mode?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:33 AM PST

    I looked up the optional graffiti locations on the internet because I wanted this platinum trophy, but after I perform them, it just doesn't work.

    The graffiti doesn't appear, it's still blank, and I'm able to try it again, but it still doesn't work.

    What should I do?

    I really want to get all trophies.

    submitted by /u/TPastore10ViniciusG
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    [S1] All rise for the PriceField National Anthem! (Koethe's Obstacles Cover)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:20 AM PST

    [S2 E5] A question regarding the Redemption ending

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:59 AM PST

    So in the Redemption ending Sean is released after 15 years. Now being 32-33, what are his perspectives in life? While being in prison is there a way he could get a highschool diploma and after that learn a trade or take classes? 15 years is plenty of time to get an education and it's shown that he is allowed to have visitors and draw so it doesn't seem like he is in solitary confinement or something. I don't really know how these things are handled in the US so I'm curious.

    submitted by /u/thatbeautifulglow
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    [ALL] The Life is Strange 1 Endings are beautiful and tragic to me

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:46 AM PST

    I loved BOTH endings to be honest. Both are so beautiful to me yet so tragic. Played the game again and I wanted to talk about the beauty and tragicness of the endings.

    Sacrifice Acardia Bay

    So in this ending, what I find beautiful is after moving away and not keeping in touch with her best friend, leaving Chloe very devastated - Max comes back into Chloe's life and their old friendship begins anew, and evolves into something even more, love. By the end of the game, Max chooses Chloe over anyone else. From Chloe's point of view, she goes from having been so alone, losing so much, to having her best friend return to her and show her so much love and loyalty – Max may have left and not kept in touch and hurt Chloe so deeply, but as Chloe said herself, Max came back and showed her nothing but love… Over and over Max made chooses to protect Chloe, for Chloe…

    What they went through has bonded them for life. It's tragic everyone, including Chloe's mom, died for them to be together. There's no doubt they'll both struggle with it (I'm starting to read the comics and hoping we'll see that struggle) but I feel like what happened showed how much they love each other, Max sacrificed the town, she chose Chloe… there love is so powerful they chose each other over the world. It's selfish but beautiful at the same time to me. They have such a strong connection.

    It's also beautiful to me Max made the choice to make her choices matter in reality not just in her heart with this ending. To sacrifice Chloe means everything they experienced is just a memory for Max, which still holds so much beauty and sadness to it, but with this ending, you make it more than just a memory. Max AND Chloe come out of all of this together, Max is not alone with her memories and secrets. She'll have Chloe, by her side, forever. That's such a special bond. Chloe went from feeling so alone to having her best friend return, to falling in love with her, to Max choosing CHLOE over the world.

    The ending scene of them together made me so emotional. Again, Max chose Chloe over the world, and Chloe I think is so touched beyond words by the love Max shows her.

    Sacrifice Chloe

    This ending is also beautiful and tragic to me. In this ending, Chloe and Max decide Chloe needs to die to protect the town. Chloe chooses to give her life to the town, a truly brave and amazing moment for Chloe, who aside from her mom and Max, didn't have a lot of love for Arcadia Bay and the people in it. But she understands she has to die to save everyone. I love how they share that goodbye kiss.

    It's tragic though because only Max carries the memories of everything they shared. Chloe dies in that bathroom, in a very bad place in her heart and mind. She is heart broken over Rachel going missing (thinking she left her), over Max leaving and ignoring her, her dad dying, her mom moving from her dad's death when she can't… she dies feeling so alone.

    Max has the memories and they aren't any less real even in this timeline, but still, it's crushing knowing that Chloe didn't have those memories and crushing Max has to carry these memories alone, forever.

    She can't tell Joyce Chloe and her had happy days together before the end. She can't explain it to anybody. She has to keep everything she went through to herself. She did tell Warren in that diner but I suspect since she went back in time to let Chloe die, she was also making the choice to never use his power again (does Max still have her powers or did going back in time and letting Chloe die prevent her powers from ever appearing?) and thus is going to keep the secret of them.

    There's something tragic and yet beautiful though knowing Max will live her life carrying these memories only she knows for the rest of her life. She'll remember Chloe and every moment they shared forever. Her experiences with her powers and Chloe would have changed Max's life forever and wherever she goes in life now, she'll carry Chloe in her heart. Max starts off very insecure and I feel like her experiences with Chloe raised her confidence. She'll go out and pursue her dreams. She'll carry Chloe's boldness with her. Chloe's spirit will stay with her. I bet Chloe will even be in her style in how she dresses.

    I've seen people spend time talking about which is better and to me, they're both tragic and beautiful. Sacrificing Chloe is obviously the moral choice – one life traded to save everyone in Acardia Bay – but I love that you can make the choice to choose LOVE above everything else – Max loves Chloe so much she can't trade her, so she chooses love first. But I also love you can also choose to sacrifice to save so many lives. Chloe makes the realization that this is the right thing to do – she makes the choice and you as Max can make the choice Chloe is ready for.. but you can see how terrified Chloe is and I feel like as sad as Chloe was, she felt relief and even more loved than she already did when Max chose her.

    The endings both make me emotional sob

    submitted by /u/butterflywingsx
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    [ALL] [LiS] When you played through this game, were there any guiding principles that dictated the decisions you made? Did you go back and restart from certain points based on personal reflection, to make a different choice that would better follow your principles?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 11:34 PM PST

    When I finished this game, I sat for a while and thought about why I made the choices I did. I realized that most of the choices I made were reflective of what I believed was the IRL right thing to do, irrespective of what I predicted the game would do. When I formulated my thoughts, I went back and did collectors mode on the sections where I betrayed my principles, just so I could feel better about myself; I'm planning on doing another play through where I more firmly stay to what I believe to see where I end up. I'm also planning on doing another where I behave as a massive cunt to see what happens.

    Anyways, here are my guiding principles in order of most to least important:

    1: I'll always stand by those I hold dear, irrespective of the cost.
    The most obvious example is of the final decision, but I also felt the tug of this principle throughout the entirety of the story such as when I took the rap for the weed, and when I take Chloe's side against David even when he has a point.

    2: Everyone has the right to the truth.
    If someone asks about a fact, I'll do my most damndest to answer honestly; they deserve that much for asking. When Frank asks what happened to Rachel, when David asks where Chloe went (Chpt 5), when you tell Principal Wells about the gun, etc.

    3: Unnecessary harm is to be avoided.
    The most obvious examples of this are when a certain someone just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and you have to rewind a few seconds and tell them to scoot. But there are also other more questionable ones, such as when Nathan and Warren tussle again (Chpt 4?) where I broke them up; I'm all for bully beat downs but...it didn't feel right to allow for a stream of violence.

    3.5?: Compassion is never wrong. It's never a bad thing to compliment someone or help them out of a rut. Too many times where this came in to even mention halfway comprehensively, but the first forced decision where this came into play was whether to poke fun or not at the splashed paint incident.

    As it turned out, the final decision was not in fact the most difficult for me. This was actually the first decision I redid when I finished the game because it felt so wrong to me. It was the one in Chpt 4 right after you obtain the morphine. I originally chose to not follow the wishes because principle 1 and principle 3 were at war and I couldn't make a moral decision so I chose randomly, however on reflection a new principle came out of me that I forgot I believed in until this introspection.

    Principle 4: The right to die.
    It should be obvious to those who've played this game that there's only two incidents where this might affect decision making. However, it only affected my decision in the morphine scene because the roof scene took principle 3.5 which has a higher priority.

    And those were my major guiding principles. All other decisions that didn't call on these principles were done to explore the world. I'm curious what principles others have used and in what priority, or if there's anyone who chose based purely on randomness.

    submitted by /u/tylerchu
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