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    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Victoria Chase by Mintgal

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Victoria Chase by Mintgal

    [NO SPOILERS] Victoria Chase by Mintgal

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:41 AM PST

    [ALL] I made LIS 1-2 Main Characters in The Sims 4

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:31 AM PST

    [ALL] Max would hate Rachel, and here's why.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:57 AM PST

    Before we begin, let me say that I don't dislike Rachel at all. I feel like she's a very deep and well-written character, but I can love a character while still admitting what a bad person they are. People often believe that Max, Rachel and Chloe would have a bit of a poly thing going on, or that they'd all be friends, and I've loved the idea of it myself, but after replaying BtS I really have to say that this relationship would not work.

    Max is a very good judge of character. She sees what's beneath the surface - she saw how vulnerable and sweet Chloe was beneath her rough exterior, Victoria's insecurity behind her vicious demeanor, Frank's good heart despite what an ass he could be, etc.

    She would see beneath Rachel's beauty and sensuality and see what a manipulative self-indulgent person she really is. Chloe loved Rachel, but Rachel didn't love her and that's made very clear in Lis1. She cheated on her with two other people (that we know of) and there's abundant evidence of her desperately trying to leave Arcadia Bay without Chloe. Even if she hadn't been murdered, she would have left Chloe behind.

    Throughout both games, Rachel and Max have very different views on Chloe. When it comes to Rachel, she's always thinking about what Chloe can do for her. Get me a car, get me money, leave your mother behind for me, find my mother, etc. Whereas Max is always thinking about what she can do for Chloe. Keep her happy, keep her company, save her father, keep her alive, etc.

    Max would despise Rachel. She put herself in so much danger so many times to keep Chloe safe, and Rachel puts Chloe in serious peril to get what she wants. Frank intervening like a badass is the only reason Damon didn't kill Chloe, and it was Rachel who sent her to her death knowing how dangerous he was. While Max would be desperate to form a friendship with her at first, she would see Rachel's manipulative behavior for what it was and absolutely hate her for it. Not only this, but I believe Rachel would see Max as competition - what good is her minion when she's hanging around someone who makes her stronger rather than exploit her vulnerabilities?

    I'm not saying that Rachel is as bad as Victoria, but she certainly isn't a good person and that's why AmberPriceField would never work; because Max cares too much about Chloe to let someone so blatantly take advantage of her.

    submitted by /u/maxchloerachel
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    [S1] New chapter of Ouroboros was released today!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 11:53 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Welcome to the future by Roger Witt

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 06:14 PM PST

    [All] Nailing Down What LiS is in terms of Genre

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:26 PM PST

    One of my areas of interest as it regards LiS is nailing down exactly what genre the series belongs in. It would be tempting to take a quick glance at it and say that it's a mystery/sci-fi thrillerish thing, and in a way that's probably right, but it's also other things as well.


    Post-modern art is a large subject, and I don't think that I could give the whole thing its just due - if there even is such a thing - in just a few paragraphs of facebook (or in this case, Reddit) post, but think of it this way:


    If you were to take a news article, and clip every word out of it and place those words in a bag, and then construct a "poem" based on randomly taking words out of the bag, you would have your own unique piece of modern art, and to a certain degree, that's kind of what Life is Strange is.


    Think about all of the sources of inspiration that LiS draws from. You can see it on the license plates scattered throughout LiS and BtS - and LiS 2 to a lesser degree. You have tv shows like True Detective, Breaking Bad, Twin Peaks, and so on. Then you have dozens of named artists - Doisneuau, Daguerre, Man Ray, Diane Arbus, Robert Frank, Cocteau, Kerouac... you could probably go on ad nauseum. You have literature, movie, and television references elsewhere: Dr. Who, Back to the Future, October Country etc. BtS borrows a Shakespeare play and Dungeons and Dragons, and references a half-dozen classics from antiquity. The series borrows from tons of artistic styles - from the Native American "grandfather story" style that LiS 2 is told in at the beginning of each episode, to the Art Deco that we can see in the Two Whales Diner, and the style of architecture that we have for Blackwell Academy (the name of that type escapes me at the moment).


    The different artistic aspects - at least those that are not unique to LiS specifically - make up what is essentially a collage of references to lots of different styles and genres. Now, what's interesting to me about this, is that there is a name for this style of art where you take references that are "ready made" from the world around you. Max herself engages in this in her journal - clipping and pasting memes, and magazine clippings, postcards, and doodles.


    You can see this kind of behavior in a dozen different places. Consider the way that Rachel - as a character - is sort of a copy/paste of Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks with a new name and that her earrings were based on a pair of real earrings. Or the way that Officer Anderson Barry almost has his appearance copy-pasted from the appearance of Andy Brennan in Twin Peaks.


    I'm not going to come right out and say that LiS almost certainly IS this genre, but the way that LiS works in these references bears a striking resemblance - in my mind at least - to a style that arose at the end of the last century known as "Dada." (In addition, I'd argue that it incorporates elements of "magic realism" but I've covered that elsewhere.) It's essentially what Joan does in LiS 2 when she rummages through the salvage yard in Away, AZ and builds sculpture out of random bits of twisted metal.


    I read through that wikipedia article on Dada again today. I paid a little more attention this time than last, and I started getting a major case of deja vu. That article mentions Man Ray, and Cocteau, and talks about an exhibition of Dada art at a place called Centre Pompidou, and it talks about a magazine called "Der Sturm." Maybe it's just free association in my mind, but it's interesting to me that "Der Sturm" was a Nazi magazine, and in LiS "The Storm" comes in at the end and kills almost everyone.

    submitted by /u/Templarkommando
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    [NO SPOILERS] Favorite soundtrack from the games?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 04:00 AM PST

    If you had to pick just one music/track from each of the games (LiS S1, BtS, and LiS S2) what would they be? Mine are:

    LiS S1: Mt. Washington by Local Natives

    Bts: Bros by Wolf Alice

    LiS S2: Natalie by Milk and Bone (God, I love this song)

    submitted by /u/DongLongQua_
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    [NO SPOILERS] Starting off my bullet journal with the wolf brothers

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:28 PM PST

    [S2] Life is Strange 2 has an underdeveloped cast - and I love it

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:36 PM PST

    So, this post is NOT intended to start a discussion about which game is better and why. I love all Life is Strange games, but the general idea around here (As I see) is that the first game is the best. I politely disagree. This post is my attempt at explaining why I love this single aspect of Life is Strange 2 so much. Maybe I will do another post on why I prefer the Diaz brothers, but now let's focus on:

    The Characters. Yes, everyone complain about LiS 2 having a large underdeveloped cast, while LiS could focus on the same characters during the whole game. But, the truth is, LiS 2 had better character concepts and variety IMO. Think about the kids and grandparents from Beaver Creek to the dumb teenagers from the pot farm and the Away habitants. They are different, and the dialogue reveals interesting aspects of their personalities and they seemed like fleshed out characters which I only got the opportunity to talk a little bit due to circumstance (Which is exactly what happened to Sean - good job, game). I love all the Arcadia Bay people, but outside of the main cast, they are all one-dimensional. I talk to them enough times to notice it. LiS 2 characters probably are one-dimensional too, but I don't talk to them enough to reveal the cracks in the personality.

    I guess the idea of restarting somewhere unknown and find new people which welcome and befriend you is just heartwarming. Think about how thankful you would be to Brody, or Karen's parents, or all the hippies from the pot farm (Who messed up in a lot of ways, but truly cared about Sean and Daniel) or the people from Away. They were always great to these two brothers who had nothing but each other and empathized with their situation.

    I've hit the road a lot of times in my life so I can safely say the game captures this aspect really well. You know a lot of people who seem to be interesting and complex, but you don't feel like you live long enough with them to truly know them. It's almost tragic in a sense: so many girls who maybe could've been the love of my life, so many people who could've been close friends with me, but our roads crossed and now I may never meet them again. But that is just how life is: people come and go, and the best you can do is be nice to them and cultivate their memories. It feels unfair that you only get to hang out this amazing person for a month and then bye-bye forever, but well... life is unfair. Life is tragic like this. Life is... strange.

    submitted by /u/ericpqmor
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    [ALL] Happy New Year Everyone!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 10:07 PM PST

    [ALL] discuss about ending

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Spoiler alert (both episodes)

    I'd like to discuss about the ending of the second episode. I can't find the sense of it. In the first episode, max own a power (given by god, Native Americans, or whatever) for a purpose. In my opinion max with her power was able to spend time with his old friend Chloe, just for a few days or forever, depending on the chosen ending. But in the second episode, what is the purpose of Daniel's power? Becoming a criminal? Open the car doors? Please help me to understand.

    submitted by /u/mirkolawe
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    [S1] Why Life is Strange is my Experience of the Decade

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:03 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Which “bundle” will give me ALL of the Life Is Strange IP/game(s)?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:10 AM PST

    I despise being nickel and dimed! I just finished playing life is strange episode one, and really enjoyed it. I see that there is a life is strange complete season bundle for $20, life is strange 2 complete season for $20, life is strange before the storm deluxe content bonus episode (unpurchasable??), life is strange before the storm Deluxe Edition for $25, life is strange before the storm complete season for $17, Life is strange before the storm classic Chloe outfit for $1, life is strange before the storm deluxe upgrade for $10, and a slew of other stuff that's too hard for me to begin to comprehend. I just want to buy ONE BUNDLE, and get all the stuff that I can play at my leisure. Is this possible, or should I just walk away, content with my enjoyment of playing the one free "episode"?

    submitted by /u/ckeilah
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    [S2] The pros and cons of LIS2 and how I would improve it.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:56 AM PST

    I played LIS2 and found some parts really interesting, but felt like a lot of it could have been improved. I really liked the bond of the wolf brothers but I felt like some of the characters we met along the way felt a bit shallow in personality. This was originally a comment but I got carried away so I decided to make it a post.

    In LIS1, we got to see the good and bad sides of lots of characters' personalities. David is stern and harsh, but we can see that he also deeply cares about Chloe. Victoria feels self-conscious about herself, so she appears as a different person to who she is to try to be popular. However, the game reveals that she admires Max for being herself. Jefferson is an incredibly talented photographer and seems like a kind teacher who genuinely wants his students to do well, although of course, we see his true colours in the end. More minor characters can also have complex personalities, for example, Taylor, who is popular but she was worried about her mum's back surgery. On top of everyone's characteristics, everyone has different relationships with each other.

    In LIS2, we don't get to see as complex personalities. For example, we don't know much about what Lyla is like, even though she's been Sean's BFF for most of his life. We know they like skating together, she likes to party and that Sean's family like her too. We don't really get to see a bad side of her, other than that she may be a bit rebellious. She just seems like a stereotypical teen. She only has like 5-10 minutes of screen-time, which is a shame considering that she played such a big role in Sean's life. Another example of someone with a shallow personality is Big Joe. He is presented as a tough guy with a short temper and isn't afraid of getting aggressive towards any of the group, even Daniel. He doesn't seem to have any good sides to his personality, so he just seems to be a typical bad guy. Lisbeth also seems like just another antagonist, who does seem interesting because she is manipulative, but she also doesn't have any good side to her. For example, she isn't kind to anyone in the audience in the church and she doesn't interact with any of the public, she just preaches to them and that's it. When Chad catches Sean sleeping on his land, he bullies him remorselessly, we don't know anything about his background, we only know that he is just another racist in the game to hinder Sean. In episode 5 when we meet Arthur, Stanley and Joan, we do get to learn some things about their background, and they are nice, but they have no negative side. They are just characters who have done nothing wrong but they just ended up in Away anyway.

    LIS2 does do some things very well though. Thanks to Captain Spirit, we get to know a lot about Charles and Chris Eriksen. We can see that Charles became an alcoholic because his wife died to someone who did a hit and run. We can also see that while Chris' grandparents have offered to look after Chris, Charles doesn't want to because he wants to fight his addiction and be a good dad. Chris tries to cope with his mum dying and his dad's alcoholism by using his imagination and creativity to his advantage. It's cool that as Sean, you can gain his trust and he will confide in you about his situation and that this allows you to mention it to Charles. I'd say that they have well-shaped personalities and that Daniel befriends Chris, which does them both a lot of good because they can feel very lonely sometimes.

    Finn, Cassidy and the rest of the group had some really good character development throughout episode 3 too. Finn comes from a criminal background and we know that his brothers are still in jail. While he can be a very good friend to Sean and Daniel, he is also shown to be selfish, using Daniel's telekinesis for his own gain. Cassidy is a very independent person who comes from an abusive background. This makes her caring as a person, likely because she doesn't want to become like her family. Penny seems like a very paranoid person, probably because his lover disappeared. Hannah is a tough person who dislikes "fake" people. She is very loyal towards the group, especially those who have been in it for a long time. Initially, she is unpleasant towards Sean for being new but if he helped her with peeling potatoes, she opens up to him. We discover Jacob left his family because of his religious disagreements with his family which could have been more interesting if Daniel talked about religion more depending on whether you told him heaven was real or not. He does say a line about religion depending on it but that's all.

    I realise I'm rambling so I'm just going to propose how I might have changed LIS2. I would have removed the entire cult thing in episode 4 as well as Karen appearing and being at Away. I would also have moved Finn's heist to the end of episode 4 too.

    Episode 3 maybe would have been about staying near a town with the group. You could choose to get very close to the group, but the closer you are to them, the more jealous Daniel gets and it lowers your brotherhood. Similarly to episode 2, you could influence Daniel to refrain from using his power and not show it to the group, or you could be open with using his power. The episode would consist of the group committing petty theft such as pickpocketing and shoplifting. Finn would ask Sean to have a go at pickpocketing and you could choose whether to accept or not. Cassidy would advise against it. If Sean accepts, there is a minigame. If you win the minigame, you successfully pickpocket them. If not, the person is alerted and you have to run off. If Daniel's morality is low, he pickpockets someone with his power. Throughout the episode, you would get to know everyone in the group. Cassidy and Hannah would argue as usual. I'm not sure what kind of cliffhanger I would use at the end.

    Episode 4 would basically be episode 3 but the conversations would be different for character development purposes. The gang would agree that if they were ever split up they would meet at a certain place in California. Sean, Daniel and the group would be working in the pot farm for Merrill like before. The romance options would play out like normal. Finn would suggest the heist. Anders, Ingrid and Jacob would be against it and leave. Daniel would offer to use his power to help rob the pot farm in episode 4. Cassidy would be against the heist like before. During the heist. if you have high brotherhood, he does what you say, but if not, he acts based on his morality. If you raised him with high morality and low brotherhood and told him to attempt to kill Merrill (and Big Joe if he's there), he would refuse to. If he has low morality and brotherhood, he would attempt to kill Merrill (and Big Joe) whether you ask him to or not. The ending of the heist would be the same as it currently is.

    In episode 5, the flashback of Sean with his dad in the car would occur. Then, Sean would wake up from the dream in the hospital. Like before, Finn would be in the hospital too if he is alive. Sean would offer Finn to break him out but Finn would say that he has caused enough trouble so he needs to be punished and he would also apologise. Sean would have the same conversations with Joey and Flores. Sean would also break out the same way as he did in episode 4. Sean would remember that the gang had said to reunite at the meeting point if they were separated. They would reunite and have one last party and say their goodbyes. The day after, Sean and Daniel would drive to the border and the rest of episode 5 would play out as normal: they'd make a hole in the wall, get shot by the vigilantes, break out of the police station and drive to the border again. The endings would play out exactly the same as before, but maybe in the billboard scenes (where the camera pans through the photos), there would be lots of letters from different people in the gang.

    The reason I changed it this way is that I think Sean and Daniel should be with the group throughout the rest of the season until they are forced to split. This allows for lots of character development and you could see everyone's relationships with each other. This could make for some interesting drama. There could be internal conflicts inside the group and you could choose how to deal with them; whether to take someone's side or to have them both apologise to each other. I think it could be really cool having the option to keep Daniel's power a secret from the group for a long time, or choosing to reveal it from the getgo. It could change certain actions, for example reducing the number of chores you have to do thanks to Daniel not having to hide his ability. What are your thoughts? Well done for making it to the end.

    TLDR: Remove cult, Karen and Away in episode 4 and 5, move events of episode 3 to episode 4, make episode 3 about meeting and getting to know the gang and choosing whether to commit petty crimes which affect Daniel's morality. Combine episode 4 and 5 to make it into a final episode. This is so there is a lot more character development with Sean and Daniel's relationship as well as the gang. Therefore, all the characters become more believable and we get to know everyone a lot.

    submitted by /u/Chilly_Chilli
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