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    Saturday, February 15, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Will you be my Valentine? (art by DanielHugoGray)

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Will you be my Valentine? (art by DanielHugoGray)

    [NO SPOILERS] Will you be my Valentine? (art by DanielHugoGray)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 03:36 AM PST

    [All] Max & Chloe Were There In 2017. I Took Them Back.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:11 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] The botanical gardens in Munich have a special butterfly exhibition at the moment and one of these fellas even landed on my shoulder :)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:10 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] A Midnight Kiss..

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 12:29 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS]-Fanart by Picolo, I want a second part of CS!!!

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 05:38 PM PST

    [No SPOILERS], Reasons ‘cause I love Kate and She Must be protect (u_u)!

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 05:51 PM PST

    [No spoilers] Square Enix is currently running Valentine's day sale, making it possible to purchase LiS games cheaply

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:44 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Amberpricefield Valentine's Day by C.Rangea.T

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 03:28 PM PST

    [All] Playing LiS 1, I cannot see tears on characters' face in emotional cutscenes. I wonder if something is wrong with my PC?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 09:22 AM PST

    Edit 2: Reuploaded the post. The previous one was removed because of shortened link, silly me.

    Well, this question really sounds weird, and Google couldn't help me.

    I thought tears were already missing from the beginning, till I came across Max's tear vid on the Wiki

    In all emotional cutscenes, I notice that the characters seem to cry, according to the pink shade under their eyes. There are no tears dripping on their faces at all, however.

    My video settings: All qualities are "High", but both Anti-aliasing options are off. Full screen with a resolution of 1920x1080.

    I would be totally grateful if I could see the tears. I want to cry, but cry along with them too damn it!!

    Thank anyone in advance. (^.^)/

    Edit: I should add, I could actually see teardrops in Before the Storm. Poor Chloe...

    submitted by /u/bebongchoi
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    [ALL] Warren Graham, A "Romantic Interest" Done Wrong

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:08 AM PST

    (Warning: This discussion will contain spoilers regarding Telltale's The Walking Dead and RWBY to utilize comparisons. This is not meant to be an inflammatory post, but an honest discussion about the point of Life is Strange and the understanding of the side character, Warren Graham.)

    I'm not gonna say I didn't want to write this. But I'm not gonna say I did. I know this post will be downvoted to hell and back, but I'm putting it up anyways because I feel like it's something I need to put out there. One of my first posts here was a post regarding Warren Graham and why people like the character so much. It didn't really sway my opinion or anyone else's opinion, and for me that was fine. It was more of a discussion regarding why people liked him, and that's all it was. But as time marches forward, I've interacted with more of his fans in an attempt to understand two things. Why Warren? Why Life is Strange?

    Now, believe it or not, I'm not adverse to liking characters who kind of have a split reception. For example, in TWDG, I'm a huge fan of Kenny. A lot of people hate Kenny, and I can understand where that reaction comes from. But I tend to kind of put his actions, the ones people often deride, into context. And I do think context is always important whenever any character in any piece of media does anything. If you fail to view a character's actions in context, you can literally make any character look bad. I think the difference though between a character like Kenny and a character like Warren is that one is infinitely more fleshed out as a character than the other. Kenny has a personality. You know, if you treat him like an actual person then Kenny will be a good and loyal friend. If you treat him like shit, then Kenny is kind of a prick. It's one of those things, the character's personality is tailored to how you treat him. Even then, though, he's still more interesting and more developed than someone like Warren.

    To an extent, I can understand liking someone like Nathan. I personally don't understand that one, I'm not a huge fan because of how he treats women, by helping Jefferson drug and kidnap women. However, Nathan has more layers to his character. And while I don't like Nathan, nor do I understand why people ship him with the characters he caused abuse and trauma to, I can understand why someone might like his character. Because his character is interesting, and even his cut stuff is interesting too.

    Warren? I genuinely don't understand the almost utter praise and worship of his character that people have for him. Like the people I've interacted with really do worship this character as some sort of pinnacle of personality and nuance. And as someone who sees literally everything through a critical lens now, at least in regards to character and story stuff (I'm no cinematographer), the utter worship of Warren has never really made any sense to me.

    A lot of the people have told me that it's because they relate to Warren, so much so, that they decide he's the best match for Max and then just kind of ignore everything else. Those same people also tend to conflate every single scene Warren is in, almost trying to make him out to be more than he actually is. Warren to me always seemed to be one of two things:

    1. A character with an anti-character arc meant to be a parody of the generic opposite sex love interest route in a game.
    2. A plot device, a character whose sole function is to push the plot along when the plot gets stuck.

    For me, it does seem like a mix of the two. There's like two major levels of characters in Life is Strange. There's the main cast: Max, Chloe, Nathan, Jefferson, Joyce, Frank, David, and maybe Victoria. Then there's the side cast: Kate, Dana, Juliet, Hayden, Daniel, Brooke, Stella, Principal Wells, and Ms. Grant are some examples. Warren, for me, always seemed to fall into a void between the two. Like he was created with the intention of being a side character, but his role was changed due to people liking him for some reason. But he's not exactly a main character either. He just kind of exists in this void.

    Now I'm never one to reserve judgement before meeting a character and getting to know them. In TWDG The Final Season, Clementine can romance (or not) one of two characters, Violet or Louis. Now, personally I do prefer Violet. I like her a lot, and can relate to her. But I never go out of my way to really try and "disprove" Louis. Why? Well because Louis is as equally developed as Violet, as well as just a genuine good person. When people choose Louis, I tend to be like "cool he's a cool guy and Clementine deserves good in both of them." The only time I didn't tend to be cool with it was because of what happens in episode three, where a ton of people started blindly hating on Violet because Louis gets his tongue cut out while ignoring that if the opposite occurs Violet will go blind after being scarred in the face.

    Life is Strange doesn't really do that though, which is why I don't understand the blind defenses of Warren that really boil down to "He's a good guy to Max while Chloe is a selfish bitch who should die for the town." Like... it honestly does feel like this argument is the sort of argument one uses when the point of something goes COMPLETELY over somebody's head. And that does end up being like the sole argument I see in defense of Warren. Never anything about how he's interesting as a character or how his personality and actions mesh well with Max. Just "he's nice." And as I've said before, Warren doesn't really have much of an arc in the game. His story ends the same way it begins, with a very bare bones personality. He is one dimensional as a character, and that frustrates me to see an utterly blind loyalty to this character to the point where you can't have an actual discussion about him because it boils down to "He's nice, so I ship him with Max." It's also on the level of people conflating him to main character status. Like someone who is equivalent or even above Chloe in terms of important to Max and the story.

    And it does frustrate me. It shouldn't, but it does because of what Life is Strange is to me. I think of it as an extremely well written piece of fiction, with well written characters living in that world. But then you just have Warren. And Warren is one of the least well written characters in the game, because he lacks any real sort of depth of character. And this wouldn't annoy me as much if it really weren't for the single sole thing of his character. And that is the creepy stalker-like nature that Dontnod gave to Warren. Even with this nature, he's still pretty one-dimensional, but it's not something that is just said by people who don't like Warren. It's a conscious decision in his personality that is pushed by the developers.

    The Nightmare seems to be a point of contention for people. It very much is, for me at least, a deep dive into the recesses of Max's consciousness. And it especially deals with her fears and anxieties, and it's not something that's just surface level. The reason it makes me so uncomfortable is because it shows how Max is really viewing everything around her. It's the idea of putting on a brave face and saying everything is okay, even when you know deep down things are fucked beyond all belief. The major parts of the Nightmare that people tend to throw in my face when I talk about the kind of... creepiness that Max sees in Warren, is the scene where Max is tied down to the chair in the Dark Room while a nightmare Chloe engages in romantic/sexual interactions with other characters. They throw this in my face in a "GOTCHA!"- like format. Like this somehow proves the Nightmare is some sort of worthless aspect to the game meant to "pad time."

    The difference in that though is really that with Chloe, it's how Max feels about herself using Chloe and others as the mouthpieces to insult herself. The quotes there are about how she feels threatened about how she views herself, and therefore that Chloe would never accept her in a romantic fashion. Whereas with Warren, and the rest of the maze men, are things that THEY ARE GOING TO DO TO HER.

    Warren: Max... Where are you? Max... Come out to play... Come out to play...!

    Warren: Ape, Ape, Ape... Who wants to "Go Ape"? Go Ape! Go Ape! Ape! Ape!!!

    Warren: You dig my wheels, Max? Get in the car, I'll take you for a ride... Get in the car!

    Warren: Brooke loves me, so why don't you? Huh? What makes you so special?

    Warren: Max, I know you're in here... You can run, but you can't hide from your white knight... Give it up!

    Warren: What's up with you and that blue-haired loser? You need an alpha male, baby!

    Warren: Did that get you hot when you saw me fuck up Nathan? I did.

    Warren: Max... imagine if we were in that Dark Room together... I have...

    Warren: I said, get in the car. Now. We'll cruise to the drive-in and you'll be close to me forever... and we'll... Go Ape, Ape, Ape!!!

    Even if it is a nightmare, those are there for a reason. It's not just some sort of "argument" that doesn't exist. And it honestly creeps me out, and it creeps me out more when people ignore and excuse these actions because Warren is just a teenager. And I've never been a big fan of that kind of explanation primarily because it wipes away the problems that teenage boys can cause. In real life, this happens all the time. If a girl is drugged and assaulted by a group of teenage boys, they more often than not, get off scott free and the girl is victim blamed. "Boys will be boys" is an example of the defense that people can throw at them or "They're just teenagers, they'll grow out of it." And that squares the blame completely away from those people. Similar to Warren, he makes some very creepy remarks. And it's not like me or anyone else who notices them are taking it the wrong way, because The Nightmare makes it clear about how Max sees Warren, as well as just the guilt she feels is being squared solely upon her shoulders by everyone for the Storm.

    For me, it still feels like it misses the point. Even if you removed the creepy layer from Warren himself, where does that lead us? Well, he's just a one-dimensional nerdy white boy friend character. He never really does anything outside of that if you ignore the creepier tones of his character. It seems like a purposeful missing of the point of the game in that regard. Like you have all this beautiful build up between Max and Chloe, and then you look at it like "what if it was warren though?" And that is something that bothers me, like how a lot of people will blow off the things Adam from RWBY did for no real reason. They'll still ship him with Blake and talk about how great Adam is, but it's like you're missing the point completely about the type of character Adam is. Here it's the same stuff, ignoring everything the game has to offer in favor of this character who has no real discernible or interesting traits. But then at the same time you talk about how powerful the game is. And I sit here wondering... "If you hate Chloe so much and you love Warren more than life itself, how can you say this game is powerful?" It seems contradictory because how how little importance to the plot and Max that Warren really is.

    Love interests in a game or any story for that matter need the build up and need the interactions to make it seem real. When Warren really does show up a total of like four times in the entire game, not even appearing with spoken dialogue in episode three, it makes me wonder how people can conflate him up there with how much Max or Chloe appear. "I like Warren because he's nice and I relate to him so he should be with Max." That's not a critical argument. Now if Warren appeared in several scenes in every episode, you might have more of an argument for why he works with Max. But he doesn't. He shows up very rarely. And it may seem stupid to be frustrated about it, but for me it is.

    The character of Warren just seems like he exists to be a plot device. He's not all that interesting, and his actions don't really have any impact. Again, he just appears to push the plot along from Point A to Point B as opposed to having some sort of actual impact on the plot. And that isn't something I'd put up for as a "romantic interest" in my game. There's really no development between Max and Warren to really warrant saying something like "ITS CANON!" It's up there with something like RWBY, again. You can have years upon years of development between Yang and Blake, and people will still say its forced beyond all belief. Same thing happens here with Max and Chloe. You can have the entire game revolved around them, and still have people say "it's forced and comes out of nowhere" while also talking about how well developed Max and Warren are.

    And it baffles me. It really does baffle me how people view that as well developed when he shows up like once per episode, and actually doesn't even appear in episode three outside of the texts and the quick view of him in the alternate timeline. And it does baffle me how this extremely one dimensional character who barely appears in the game ends up having one of the most hardcore defense squadrons out of any other character in this entire game. I'd ask we keep things civil here though.

    tl;dr: Warren is extremely one dimensional, and it baffles me how people can try to say he is some sort of extremely interesting and nuanced character that is an equivalent to Chloe.

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [NO SPOILERS] Finally got the platinum after grinding for about 3 hours!

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 03:07 PM PST

    [S1] Made this music video over a year ago, but it never occurred to me to post it here until now

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 03:37 PM PST

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