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    Friday, February 14, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Hold My Hand. - Fanart by Bibinella.

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Hold My Hand. - Fanart by Bibinella.

    [NO SPOILERS] Hold My Hand. - Fanart by Bibinella.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 06:34 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] My powers might not last Chloe.That's okay.We will.Forever

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 09:31 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Carry Me In Your Shoulders. - Fanart by Craidvy.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 06:35 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Kiss Me. - Fanart by ariellekay_art.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 06:37 AM PST

    [No Spoilers] This action will have consequences!

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 01:23 PM PST

    [ALL] Sean and Finn by the fire by Lofrit

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 10:49 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Daniel and Sean Drawing!

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 08:10 AM PST

    [ALL] Max and Chloe's Relationship: A Moment of Calm

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 09:40 AM PST

    I have decided, going forward, to try and write more positive pieces here. Since it's Valentine's Day, and I have nothing better to do when it's like ten degrees out, I thought I'd talk about Max and Chloe's relationship and why I usually go through such degrees to really put it up there as one of my favorite fictional character relationships.

    Wlw content is becoming more and more prevalent as time goes one, which is neat. I really do enjoy seeing more of it in games, TV, and animation. Despite what people will say about that kind of representation, it still has a long way to go in my opinion. Very rarely does animation full out allow characters to say that they're a lesbian, but male characters can say they're gay.

    Back in 2015, this game kinda came out of nowhere. Something like Gone Home came out back in 2013, but that game's core was not playing or experiencing Sam and Lonnie's relationship first hand. But rather through her writing and such. While I think it's a beautiful game in so many ways, it's also extremely short and, again, we don't actually experience their relationship. We see what's left over of their relationship. And this was developed and published by their own indie studio. Things like Korra and Asami had happened the month before Life is Strange's first episode was released, and it was the first children's animated show to have a queer wlw protagonist, even if Nick made it so they could only hold hands. That relationship, though, develops heavily in the post-series comic/graphic novels by Dark Horse. The thing is, those kinds of relationships as the core focal aspect of the main protagonist were rare then. Still kinda rare now.

    Life is Strange came out at a perfect time in that respect. Dontnod created Life is Strange with the intention of this relationship being at the forefront. It was not just the singular characters of Max and Chloe, but also the fact they were both women in an extremely romantically charged relationship, that you can't really ignore unless you really hate Chloe or Max that much that you view their relationship as anything than that. Even if you never choose any of the romantic "choices", the game still unfolds the way it does. Max's journal will still have her saying extremely romantic stuff about Chloe, but more through the eyes of a closeted LGBT person. Kind of like how in BtS Chloe is still kind of discovering her sexuality but we get things like her looking at a porno mag with women and not putting it down because it's "weird" or Chloe's infamous journal entry about Pris from Blade Runner. Those are her signs of being a lesbian, but she's not fully there yet.

    You can't erase how much of a lesbian Chloe is, similar to how much you can't erase how Max feels about Chloe. The journal entries and the overall nightmare sequence show that even if Max doesn't admit they are romantic, they are in her head. The nightmare still shows Max being tortured over Chloe doing romantically/sexually charged things with the rest of the cast of the game. If Max was not interested in Chloe that way, why would it being such an integral part of her nightmare? All of the unused dialogue Max has for Chloe is also... you know... extremely overtly romantic. Of course a lot of it was cut, but it shows intention for Max's feelings.

    Let's kind of going a bit deeper though into their relationship from when they meet again.

    The moment Chloe nearly hits Max, her first thought is to let Max into her truck and they drive off. Not only that but that initial conversation while Max looks at her camera, and simply the way Chloe looks at Max and vice versa... There's something so special and nostalgic about their relationship. Max looks over the golden sun is just pouring over Chloe, and Max immediately rushes to take a photo before seeing her camera is broken.

    Chloe is extremely attached to William, and when they're in Chloe's bedroom she gives Max her dad's camera. Which is actually huge. Chloe gives Max that camera kind of in a sign of full forgiveness. Yes she can still have her problems regarding those five years, but it also shows she forgives Max. We see though she does have problems regarding her feelings for Rachel and Max. I've always been in the camp of Chloe projecting onto Rachel, especially backed up by Chloe's junkyard meltdown in Before the Storm. That entire meltdown was about Max.

    Chloe's feelings and emotions, to me, are extremely complicated. When she's with Max, there is this sort of unparalleled level of trust. She says it herself, it's like no time has passed at all. Chloe telling Max about what happened with Nathan at the bar? That is extremely uncomfortable stuff to say to someone. You would only tell someone you trusted unconditionally that you were drugged and kidnapped by a guy and taken to his bedroom. Regardless of intent, that is a horrifying prospect for Chloe. The idea that she could have been sexually assaulted by Nathan? That for her must be terrifying, or any woman in general. And... she tells Max. Max believes her. As they sit there overlooking the town.

    Again, I'm in the camp of Chloe having THOUGHT she was in love with Rachel. Those thoughts are projections of Max onto Rachel. If Chloe didn't really care about Max, I wouldn't see her doing as much as she can to get the attention of Max or getting upset when she feels like Max might leave to go hang around someone else. Again, I personally view Chloe's mental illness as being borderline. For me, she hits the marks for how someone like me acts. You don't have to agree with this interpretation, but we can agree that Chloe is mentally ill at the very least. And her getting upset is very understandable. I've already done a deep dive into Chloe's personality and her actions here. That's there if you wanna understand Chloe's BPD in how she acts.

    Anyways, there is this unconditional part of their relationship. Episode two really hammers this in when they're in the junkyard. The way Chloe is just so giddy and happy around Max, acting like a little kid with no care in the world? It shows how happy she is to have Max in her life again. Vice versa as well. Max's walls that she built around herself start to crumble too. And when Max collapses from overusing her power? The fun and games disappear, and Chloe is only concerned about Max's safety now that they see the consequences of overusing the rewind. When Frank puts the knife up to Chloe's neck, Max's first instinct is to raise the gun at Frank. She can even pull the trigger. A sign that, right now, she is even willing to shoot Frank for threatening to kill Chloe. I think that is a singular turning point for Max and how she can feel about Chloe. This is, a point, where I believe Max will do ANYTHING for Chloe's safety.

    Of course you have the train sequence, where you get the most iconic scene in the entire franchise which is them walking, hand touching hand, down the rails. They hold each other up. It is times like these where... Chloe barely thinks about Rachel. For Chloe, I really do think it is those conflicting feelings of if she really loved Rachel the way she thought and these sudden new feelings for Max. Like she gets overly upset at Frank about Rachel, but then the next second she only really is hanging around with Max. Sure, she talks about Racehl, but... it seems more reminiscent of her simply telling Max how she thinks she feels. Then the train comes, and Max once again rescues Chloe.

    Episode three might just be the greatest episode, in my opinion, of this entire franchise. The pool scene? Utterly fantastic. Everything from the pool to breakfast is just amazing in every way. The way Chloe talks to Max in the pool, the way they look at each other, the way they escape from the parking lot like a couple of kids? It's just so great. The way that Max simply lays there in bed with Chloe? The way that she just lays there, basking in the morning sun next to her? There's just so much more to that relationship than just being "friends." Max can be Chloe's new background image for fuck's sake. Chloe then dares Max to kiss her. Even if you reject that kiss, which why would you, Max even flirts back to Chloe about how it won't be that easy. But of course, when you do kiss Chloe it's amazing to see that Chloe asks this and Max proceeds to do it.

    I think Max in Rachel's clothing is... more akin to symbolizing the conflicting feelings Chloe has about how she feels about Rachel. Her feelings are clashing. Does she love Max? Does she love Rachel? She changed her background on her phone to Max. She asked Max for a kiss. She legitimately says she doesn't think anyone except herself is good enough for Max. These aren't undertones. These are complete overtones for how these two feel about each other. It's essentially everything you need to confirm these two have romantic feelings for one another.

    Max reverses time to save William in her own attempt to improve Chloe's life. It's interesting, because it's almost as if the universe wants that singular timeline to happen. Because in the William lives timeline, both of their lives are horrible and miserable. Chloe is paralyzed and Max is the new Victoria somehow. The only reason Max ends up being with the altered Chloe is because canon Max isn't Victoria. In the end, this world is so horrifying and upsetting, that Max reverts everything just so Chloe can be living normally again. And she runs up and hugs Chloe and writes about how she could kiss Chloe all over again. I think that is the point to where Max realizes that her feelings for Chloe MIGHT just be romantic in nature. The discovery that Rachel is dead is heartbreaking. Not so much because Rachel is dead, but because of how Chloe reacts. That is heartbreaking in and of itself. The mere fact that Rachel is dead really fucks with Chloe's sense of self I think. She screams out to Max that she loved Rachel, and is throwing away all sense of danger in order to kill Nathan. Did she love Rachel? Again, I do have conflicting feelings on whether or not that love was fully 1000% romantic. Chloe certainly thought it was, but we have to ask if it's true, or if her saying it is just reactionary to finding out Rachel is dead. There's a lot of layers to it, especially based on how Chloe acts around Max.

    Polarized is a polarizing episode, but I think it's definitely the biggest part of confirming how Max feels about Chloe. Chloe gets shot and killed by Jefferson, and Max makes it her mission to revert the timeline in order to save Chloe. That is essentially the entire episode. It's Max using her powers and manipulating the timeline to prevent Jefferson from winning and killing Chloe. It's just so raw. Especially when she finally travels back to save Chloe and confronts her about all this shit she's been through. How Chloe asked Max to euthanize her and how Chloe gets shot in the head and how Max is essentially permanently traumatized by the Jefferson Dark Room experience. She just runs into Chloe and hugs her. The only thing that mattered in that moment was that Chloe was alive and safe. So much so that Max can only throw herself at Chloe into her arms. And the emotion is enough to snap Chloe out of her anger and rage. The raw terror in Max's voice breaks through Chloe's barriers of anger and hatred. It's something only Max could do.

    The nightmare sequence, as I said, is probably the biggest takeaway on EVERYTHING this game has to offer from a perspective of how Max truly deeply feels about everything. The very fact that Max is so afraid of all the men in her life, Warren included. The very fact that Max is extremely anxious about the idea of being rejected by Chloe is so powerful. No matter what choices you make, Max's nightmare will be the same. She will always fear men. She will always fear rejection by Chloe. Because why? Well because she loved Chloe. More than friends, Max wants to be able to have that intimacy with Chloe. It's like how Chloe says "No one is good enough for you, except for me." This is essentially Max thinking the same thing. Max wants to have that intimacy with Chloe, and doesn't want anyone else to ever take that from her.

    In Max's mindscape, everyone is against her. Even Max herself is against her. But the person Max's mind forms to defend her? It's Chloe. The whole walk through the previous five days is essentially Max reliving every moment of her and Chloe's new relationship with one another. After that entire walk, I find it hard to believe Max would let Chloe die. Chloe begging Max to die really seems like suicide to me. She's begging to kill herself so she feels useful to Max. And by rejecting that notion and ripping the photo in half, Max confirms their unconditional love for one another. It's beautiful to me. That Chloe realizes that she doesn't need to die for some arbitrary reason to feel loved. She is loved. Just by being herself. And Max has Chloe now. The two of them together. Forever. Just like they promised. Life is Strange 2 shows they're still together. Moving forward together. Whatever pain they have, they can get through. Together.

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [NO SPOILERS] Probably should have made it white...

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 01:44 PM PST

    [ALL] Are you a Pricefield shipper or an Amberprice shipper? (Clips from 86th Floor's Cosplay Love Music Video, link & cosplayer credits in comments)

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 05:27 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] finally got my Life is Strange / Before the Storm tattoo!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:28 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] After five minutes in PicsArt, I have created a more accurate version of the logo.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:55 PM PST

    [S1 E5] ummm what

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 06:53 AM PST

    [All] How would you rank the Life is Strange games?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 12:46 PM PST

    Now that LiS 2 is finished I am curious how people would rank the three games.

    submitted by /u/MeGusta_MLG
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    [NO SPOILERS] Blade Runner as Chloe's favorite movie

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 01:31 PM PST

    I saw Blade Runner when I was 16, and there was a quite long ago, so I didn't rememver much when I was playing LiS. Now I watched this movie again, and I can't get, what Chloe, at least, as a person showed up in the game, could find in this movie, why it was her favorite film. Maybe, there should be another film as Chloe's favorite? Please, share your ideas with me, I actually have no clue.

    submitted by /u/darekafukasakara
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    [S1] ((a spoiler free title for you))

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 02:14 PM PST

    So, y'know those "photo change" scenes in LiS 1? (Near the end of episode 3, near the start of episode 4, everywhere in episode 5)

    Is there a way I could re-create them using an animation software? (Adobe Animate, Blender, etc)

    Just wanted to know.

    submitted by /u/Crazy_Ali123
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    [S1] Valentine Cards.

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 09:32 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Happy Valentine's Day!!! by EvYLB

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 10:51 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Taking in moments of calm

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 02:27 AM PST

    [S1][BTS] A Mystery about Rachel Amber

    Posted: 14 Feb 2020 02:19 AM PST

    So, i have been replaying the game lately and i found something that bother me about a difference in Rachel's missing between the Alternative Universe and our universe

    Academic record of Rachel Amber

    In this, we can see that the missing investigation have been stopped by the local police and we know from a Chloe's discussion that Rachel's parents have stopped trying to find her.

    Newspaper in the Alternative Reality about disappearence of Rachel Amber

    But in the alternative Universe, it seems that the local police and the FBI took this case very seriously. Evenmore, Rachel's parents seems really motivated to find their daughter.

    It leads me to two theory :

    1/ Nathan Prescott isn't responsable for Rachel's death in the alternative reality. It can be logical in our timeline that Sean tried to cover up the case. (And it makes sense with the reason why Sean is financing the Dark Room for Jefferson, because Jefferson can blackmail him with the murder of Rachel Amber.) Evenmore, we know that the only one who can influence the police in this town seems to be the Prescott family.

    But why Nathan would be different in this timeline ? The only thing that change is Chloe never met Rachel. We could say that Rachel never start wandering with Franck/Chloe and maybe could be in a relationship with Nathan. (We know that she has been with Vortex guy"s before Jefferson and Chloe wasn't happy about that.)

    2/ With that last point in mind (Chloe never met Rachel.) We can also simply say that wandering around with Chloe/Franck make her disappreance more understable as a runaway than a missing.

    Maybe i missed something in the original timeline that shows that FBI is involved in the case or do you have other theory in mind about that difference ?

    submitted by /u/Stallixon
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