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    Wednesday, June 17, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Kate portrait by Roger Witt

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Kate portrait by Roger Witt

    [NO SPOILERS] Kate portrait by Roger Witt

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] She is Chloe Price. - Fanart by Peanutbutterless.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    [All] Angry Bridal Chloe by Unknown

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    [S1] Meaning behind Chrysalis (title for S1E1)

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    The first episode of the first season of Life is Strange was title Chrysalis. I've been thinking about why they decided on this name and the meaning behind it. As far as I know, Chrysalis refers to the stage between when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.

    The major aspect behind this name is the coming of age theme. Max started the game as a shy teenager who has not really stayed in touch with her friends from Arcadia Bay like Chloe when she was in Seattle. The game's journey is about Max rekindling those relationships she left behind and becoming more confident throughout the game. Sort of like a metaphor for being reborn like a caterpillar that is reborn into a butterfly.

    I'm interested to hear your interpretations of the name.

    submitted by /u/ahmadadam96
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    [S1 E5] Anyone else get messed up emotionally after finishing this game? I was thinking about my choice for a few days and thank god work helped keep my mind busy.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    I felt like I truly killed off the love of my life and would never see her again. For a mid 20's grown man I actually cried and felt sad and happy to play as her in life is strange two. I live action film for this game would be hella tight.


    submitted by /u/skorpianmafia
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    [ALL] Life Is Strange's Player Controlled Pacing. And why I like it

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    [S1] (Un)Sent - Victoria's apology (a Chasemarsh fanfic one-shot)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:30 PM PDT


    Hello everyone, this is my latest fanfic, hot off the presses! Any comments or constructive criticism are more than welcome. :3

    Summary: It's been weeks since Victoria posted the video.

    Weeks since Kate emerged from the dark room.

    During this time, Victoria has written and re-written this message over and over again. It is her admission. Her apology. Her confession.

    It's a message she may never send.

    submitted by /u/DM_Meeble
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    [No Spoilers] Life is 2-D; NEW DEMO 3 NOW AVAILABLE! (Still) playable Gameboy demo of LiS, as a 90's era RPG

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    [No Spoilers] Life is 2-D; NEW DEMO 3 NOW AVAILABLE! (Still) playable Gameboy demo of LiS, as a 90's era RPG

    Life is 2-D: A Gameboy demo


    So to celebrate Dayeanne Hutton, VA for Kate, Alyssa and Juliet, reaching THREE YEARS on twitch as of Tuesday 16th with her first 24 hour stream, here's a THIRD (see what I did there?) slightly newer demo for you all to enjoy, or deride, or break as you wish. If you enjoy it, or wish to berate me, you can find us over on twitch.tv/dayebraham_lincoln from 11am Pacific (which I think is 7 or 8pm UK).

    As I don't ask for donations for working on this, I would instead like to suggest anyone inclined to do so show appreciation by dropping by and giving her a follow or a sub - thanks! Life is 2-D most certainly would not exist without her streams, and this third demo certainly wouldn't be out today. A Gameboy ROM will appear at some point tomorrow as usual.

    The first few screens haven't really changed so don't be surprised by that... Although white noise stormy/rain/wind audio is in place. (Yay?) This is more or less the same exact demo in terms of where it plays up to, BUT...

    Blackwell has been very much upgraded visually as the class and corridors go, and with more of the interactions in place like the RA posters, and more of the spots from the original game if you know where they are. And then I redid the classroom graphics a couple of hours ago. Obviously, that was a great idea having x variations that needed to be replaced ingame. There's an awkward camera change on Victoria leaving her desk on the todo list - ambition > time.

    As always, the new demo can be found at;


    And as ever I am always happy to answer any question or comment!

    TO KNOW;

    Almost all of the characters are still in GB Studio sprite placeholder form - Max, Chloe, Kate, Jefferson, David and Nathan are mainly done though.

    Anything outside of Blackwell is VERY much "work in progress" (literally I am working on upgrading this area right now, some of which is in place and some clearly isn't) - interactions for most characters are missing, Justin and friends aren't in, interactions are unfinished etc. This will probably be the final demo just as these are getting very time consuming to branch off and produce at this point, and I do want to maintain some "new" for people to experience of it.

    SPONTANEOUS OUTBURST OF NERD TALK: (Random notes from working on it)

    Why is (blank) not included/changed? Generally for one of three reasons - For example, technical limitation with how the Gameboy displays graphics means there is a limit on how much detail a particular scene/background can feature (one big casualty to me being the flag in Chloe's room - it would've just cost so much in detail that much as it killed me, it just wasn't practical to get in there), though I tried to keep the "essentials" in. Or there being a maximum number of characters and animation frames (nine "actors") you can have per scene. Or you might notice a lack of chairs in the game. Turns out on a Gameboy screen, you really don't want things like that as they become an obstacle that makes just walking around very annoying - take them out, improve playability.

    The main casualty though is... SAVING IS JUST NOT POSSIBLE. Although this does make it more authentically "must be finished in one go" to the era, it's actually more technical. GB Studio does allow saving. The problem is, it does not save the state of all the variables (meaning all of the choices) you have made. So you would load a save... and all the choices you made would be gone. Which for a game like this, kind of utterly breaks it. So in place on that Continue option might be... something extra when you finish the game. Just a little thing. We'll see. I will likely have to adopt a "what choices did you make" start to any future episode(s). While it is not ideal, it just cannot be done any other way. The "What if?" prototype for LiS and of course Life is Strange 2 (for the one "big" choice) actually did this too, so it's not a huge deal to me since it was good enough for them and will suffice.

    For the dialogue trees... It's simply a case of there being a lot of complexity to anything more than two choices in how that stuff is programmed within GB Studio. If it could be done naturally or if it was a branch that essentially led to the same outcome, it made more sense to try to integrate dialogue from those other branches into the general conversation. I also have to manually write out all of that, which means checking using the game itself, then all of the variable/conditional variations, having the game store all of those, checking each one is stored and working, factoring in any of the rewinds... I'm one person doing this in my free time. I tried it with the Ms Grant conversation and it was headache inducingly complicated to try to "code" when one branch led to multiple others, which led to four others or more, repeatedly. There's a reason classics like Pokemon or Link's Awakening only had a couple of options. So I had to focus on the main story, because Max and Chloe's story is what I wanted to try to tell in this style. And I think simplifying it actually adds to the "Gameboy game" feel in the end too. I have tried to respect the dialogue in terms of leaving in awkward lines, phrasings, replicating weird punctuation use and things I would generally have loved to turn editor on, and only added or expanded lines where it felt there was good reason to do so.

    Practicality is the reason for any changes 99.99% of the time. GB Studio and paint.net are freely available and extremely easy to use, so if you're bothered by something or inclined to do so, there's nothing stopping you from starting as I did and having a go yourself.

    Either via emulation or other method, this is known to work on:

    Gameboy Gameboy Pocket Gameboy ColoUr GBA/GBA SP - Micro unknown. DS/DSi 3DS New 3DS Super Gameboy (and presumably the Gameboy Player on Gamecube) PSP(ieceofjunk) PS3(ieceofjunk) PocketGo Windows Linux Mint/Ubuntu/DietPi x86-64 FreeBSD Raspberry Pi (Zero, 1, 2, 3, 3B+, 4) Amiga A1200 (technically even unexpanded... if you want something nearer frames per minute than second.) ...In theory it should run on virtually any platform with a decent GB emulator. These are just the ones I've specifically tried or heard work.

    UPDATED 11/06/20

    Just a little progress update for you all. For the last few weeks, I've basically gone back and largely redone or "upgraded" the graphics for the interior of Blackwell itself. ALL of Blackwell is actually done bar a few minor tweaks. I've redone the classroom to make it more accurate in layout and more detailed, the corridors now have these exciting and imaginative things called "lockers" added (which look like Neapolitan ice cream but anyway...), along with representations of the trophy cabinet (albeit from overhead), more character placeholders for ones that were missing (all of them in fact now), and more importantly all of the interaction dialogue I can reasonably squeeze in (even random things like the vending machine or cabinet - and the RA posters), including the "second run" variants. I've tweaked the bathroom scenes (very lightly visually and in terms of the scripted event stuff) and... Well, moving on to the Blackwell grounds doing the same now.

    In short, things are looking better and "feeling" better.

    Well... Looking slightly - very slightly - less basic, anyway. ;)

    I /may/ at some point soon throw up a third, hopefully final demo, that would be cut off at the same point as the existing demo just with the revamped content. But part of me wants to maintain it as a (hopefully pleasant) surprise now. It's also a pain to have to rip out my points for jumping to various scenes and test things at this point. We'll see.

    UPDATED 27/04/2020 Just an update for everyone on how things are progressing with Life is Two Dimensional. I have been steadily working on the game in a fairly specific manner, actually quite similar to how the "leaked" build of "What if?" seemed to have done things.

    While I was a little ahead of where the current second demo ends as far as the scripting/programming of the events (conversation branches, etc) and the backgrounds goes, I decided after scripting the Kate/David confrontation scene to go ahead and try to get the "bones" of the game in place. Meaning the path of the game structure in terms of backgrounds. This screen leads to this screen leads to this screen, creating the backgrounds, plus all the collision detection, trigger points for switching between screens - all that stuff nobody should have to think about once playing.

    The Price house took a while as the layout is quite intricate and I wanted to get the scale as close as reasonably possible to the ingame house (fun fact - the garage layout inside the house in Life is Strange does not match the exterior images... In the concept art and ingame cutscenes it is set back from the front of the house, but the ingame version actually lines up with the front door.), and making sure it wasn't too awkward to move around and was recognisable to a reasonable degree... I was very pleased that I was able to get the kitchen/dining area/lounge all in as one area rather than separate screens, and still the scale holds up extremely well all things considered. Easier in 3D than when you're drawing pixels in an overhead style view and have to figure out the distances between things and vs the player sprite, trust me! ;)

    ...And the end result?

    The game is now to the point where now I can walk (event free as explained) right through the first episode locations, right up to the end point of episode 1.

    Right now I've just walked through it on an actual Gameboy to make sure nothing is broken or forgotten... but I think that this deserves note as a milestone. A "speedrun" version like this lasted roughly 40 minutes. With changes, things still to be added etc taken into account... This is an incredibly close match for an actual Life is Strange speedrun for episode 1 at about 46 minutes. Which must mean I'm doing something right with scale! Yes, there is a LOT of dialogue and event stuff, sprites, sound etc that still needs doing (again - barely touched since the second demo) to go now.

    But I can. Rather than having to create an entire "scene", then create the entire next scene background first, and on and on, I can now focus on a screen, script what needs to be done, and have the next screen ready to go into, then the next, then the next. Think of it as something like the map in Link's Awakening on the original Gameboy - I can look at it, see what location leads to what, where, and know where it is going.

    So... Yeah. No estimate for any future release right now, as I'm doing this to my own timescale, whenever I want. But it's still going. Still progressing. Still enjoying spending my time on it. It's gotten further than I actually imagined it would. I just hope I'm doing it justice!

    Take care!

    UPDATED 27/02/2020 Due to feedback, the web version has been altered slightly today. Have attempted to make who is speaking in the classroom scene more evident by having the camera center on whoever is speaking. Please note this has only been done for the earliest version of this scene, but should hopefully alleviate this issue as best as possible for now. Please do try it out and see if it helps. Thanks!

    UPDATED: More sprites, far more dialogue, and now playable up to Blackwell Academy grounds - with a few little events added in out there. There are MORE placeholder character sprites in this version from GB Studio, but most of the "main" cast is done for now. The looped music is GONE, replaced with a small title screen jingle for now - Yes, I learned some basic MIDI creation to do so. I have attempted to get in touch with the author of the music used last time, so it may return some day. Very few sounds are in. Think of this as a more "What could be" than a "What if?".

    The journal (Start) has been disabled now for this build as it /really/ just will break things.

    Getting used to figuring basic ways to implement the main rewind events or rejig them to not be quite so demanding. It DOES now store your choices for the long term behind the scenes, but rewind events are /headache inducingly complex/ to script in GB Studio. I am able to go back and polish or add to these later, but right now the time required is just insane so I'm working on ways to keep things moving and sort of simplifying to the times too. My priorities are generally;

    1 - The "bones" of the game. Max and Chloe's story/the general basic structure for progress. 2 - Events 3 - Art 4 - Sound/Music

    I hope people enjoy this updated version. There's an invisible wall preventing progress on the left side or very top level of the Blackwell grounds, but beyond that you're relatively free to explore outside, and enjoy a little bit of Brooke's drone... ;)

    I'm also fortunate to have my own flash cart now to test it out on and it definitely works well on a GB or GB SP. If anyone finds any quirks, let me know.

    The basic plan is to finish episode 1, and I would /like/ to get into episode 2 as it is my personal favourite. I am currently slightly further along than this demo - essentially all of the Blackwell grounds are in place, as is the whole outside of the dorm, and a very basic version of the dorm hallway. So I will be working on getting again the "bones" of it in place up to the parking lot scene or Chloe's room, and probably jumping back occasionally to put more of the conversation events into the Blackwell grounds. Every bit of feedback good or bad is genuinely helpful and wanted, as there's always something to learn from it!

    What do I need?

    You should be able to play through this on your very own web browser. Simply head over to;


    And click within the game window.

    I want to have this to play on Windows/emulator/actual hardware/etc

    This is the DEMO 2 ROM for Life is 2D.


    It should work with any Gameboy emulator, on any OS or phone - or even a flash cart - and it should run on even the most terrible laptop, tablet, whatever. But for simplicity on Windows, I'd go with Kigb.


    Unzip, run the kigb.exe, load the "Life is 2D (Demo).gb" ROM from the file menu. It's that simple. When finished, the demo will return to the main menu. The continue option/save aren't implemented yet, just placeholders.

    What is Life is 2-D?

    ORIGINAL TEXT: Life is 2-D is a very early stages recreation of the original Life is Strange, attempting to transplant as much of the story and elements into an original Gameboy-compatible RPG as possible. It is intended to be also emulate the style of things like the original Pokemon Blue/Red, Link's Awakening, etc while doing so. Right now, it is a mixture of sample art assets from GB Studio, and some very basic new artwork. It is quite literally a few screens, recreating the first few minutes of the actual game, made while learning how the (very excellent and beginner friendly - and FREE!) GB Studio works, and the creation of the assets. There are differences and added "dialogue", hung together fairly loosely to serve this purpose.

    If you're expecting more than a few minutes, or professional and polished, best walk away now. ;) I am strictly an amateur, seeing if I can get something recognisable as both LiS and 90's Gameboy RPG and ultimately I want to be able to just run this on an actual Gameboy/ColoUr/GBA - which should already be possible. Hopefully, I will continue, patch this up to a higher standard, and implement more of the game. I'm doing this entirely for fun bashing things together in a few hours. Hopefully it'll raise a smile from those who remember what these things were like, if nothing else. For now, this is "Can LiS be done in this style?" - no more, no less. Enjoy or ignore this little demo/prototype - and that is all it is right now - as you see fit.

    How to play: If you've played one of these games before, you'll know how it works. If not; The "Gameboy" A button to interact with signs etc, up/down/left/right, and that's about it. I've tried to add in some hints or "flavour text" on the signs.

    Life is... two dimensional. This release dedicated to Dayeanne Hutton (Kate Marsh, Alyssa and Juliet) - CONGRATULATIONS ON THREE YEARS OF STREAMING!

    submitted by /u/FluffySorbet
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    [ALL] Well ... I'm still getting tears in my eyes at this point...

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Well ... I'm still getting tears in my eyes at this point...

    Its just such a sad moment - i am always suffering with her :<

    submitted by /u/Fuchur-van-Phantasia
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