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    Tuesday, December 15, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Arcadia Bay made in Wonderdraft

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Arcadia Bay made in Wonderdraft

    [NO SPOILERS] Arcadia Bay made in Wonderdraft

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:44 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Found this at a local antiques store. Reminded me of a certain photographer we know.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:51 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Late night thoughts.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:11 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Life is Strange S1 Photo/Drawing wall I’ve started in my room, planning to add some lights and more drawings

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 06:47 PM PST

    [S2] Always With You. - Fanart by XHornhead.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:24 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Apparently David was working at my local news station

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:12 AM PST

    [ALL] Life Is Strange Road-trip Guide?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 12:17 PM PST

    Life Is Strange Roadtrip Guide?

    Hey everyone,

    Ever since I played the Life Is Strange games a few years back, they held a huge impact on my life going forward.

    I'm from the U.K. and always thought about visiting the Pacific Northwest for the amazing landscapes, and LIS took that longing even further.

    Once Covid vaccines are en mass and things are getting back to normal, I wish to take a road trip up there to see Washington and Oregon, maybe a two-three week trip budget depending.

    Does anyone have a decent roadmap of some of the iconic places? Or just amazing places within those states that would make the trip awesome?

    Part of me wants to start in Seattle and weave my way down to Portland, then the coast, then Salem, and wherever else in between!

    submitted by /u/TheFuzziestRaccoon
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    [S2] What are you favorite songs from S2?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 12:49 PM PST

    I really like Episode 3's ending credits song, Natalie by Milk & Bone. Just wanna cry listening to it, my poor boys so deserve a happy ending!

    submitted by /u/Jexlan
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    [C1] So I saw the LIS comics issue #2.3 sneak peek and noticed that Brody!! from LIS2 in it .

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:20 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Life Is Strange or Until Dawn?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:26 AM PST

    I choose LIS in a heartbeat. What about you?

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    submitted by /u/Olya_roo
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    [S2] Whose happiness do you think is more important, Sean's or Daniel's?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:41 AM PST

    If you think Daniel, then do you think Sean should sacrifice all of his own freedom despite being a kid himself to protect Daniel's?

    (I went Parting Ways ending)

    submitted by /u/Jexlan
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    [S2] Question about an ending

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:21 AM PST

    In "Redemption" ending, exactly what is Sean redeeming himself for? Was Sean at fault for any of the shit that happened (in high morality)? I think ending should have been named "Sacrifice" instead, what do you think?

    submitted by /u/Jexlan
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    [All] Did Rachel smell Chloe at the lookout?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:52 AM PST

    Write Y for yes and yes for no

    submitted by /u/Imhaveapoosy
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    [No Spoilers] Max’s face says: “Guess who is stuck doing 100% of the assignment with Nathan Prescott...”

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 03:02 PM PST

    [No Spoilers] A question about season 1.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:15 AM PST

    Where does Max get her powers? I've not found an explanation to is to why or how this occurred.

    submitted by /u/Thepotatoswordsman
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    [ALL] Chloe Price: A Borderline Character Done Right

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:24 PM PST

    I think it's easy to say Life is Strange delves deep into topics that weren't spoken of directly back in 2015: including mental illness and abuse. I know Chloe will forever somehow be a polarizing character, with people loving her or people absolutely despising her. This essay post will hopefully help contextualize a lot of what Chloe does and says in the game, in relation to the issues she suffers from, which I believe to be a mix of depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder.

    On surface level, Chloe can come off as brash and extremely rude. However, that's very much a surface level thing. If you view actions from only an outside perspective, literally anything anyone does can come off as being rude. Similarly, this is something that occurs with Chloe and Life is Strange. Much of what she does HAS to be contextualized within what is happened and what we know has happened to the character prior.

    First let us talk about borderline personality disorder (BPD), so you have a grasp of what it entails. As someone who suffers from it myself, I do know first hand the kinds of problems it can cause to someone. The best way to put it is that BPD causes unstable emotional behavior which can have direct impact on interpersonal relationships. The causes of the disorder aren't known for certain, but can be related to genetic predisposition at other mental disorders or exasperated through harsh childhoods, whether it be losing a parent or suffering as a victim of abuse. It is also referred to, aptly, as emotional dysregulation disorder.

    Now, I am not here to say that being borderline gives you a go-ahead to being horrible to others, but that can literally relate to anyone's excuses for doing anything remotely bad. Just as Max's anxiety does not fully excuse her for losing contact with Chloe, it does give us her reason for why it happened and we can understand Max while also knowing what she did was not the best.

    Chloe suffers from the telltale signs of being borderline, even if it ends up being something never spoken directly in-game. However, you do not need to be told something directly with a finger pointed at your face to know something is more likely happening than not. Many people deny Chloe has mental illness, simply because the game never directly says she does. However, if you look at Chloe's behavior you can tell this is not the behavior of a perfectly well adjusted mentally health 19-year old. We often see that Chloe's emotions can go from one to one-hundred extremely quickly, which is a common symptom of having BPD, which understandably is an inability to regulate emotions.

    Another major component of BPD is fear of abandonment, which can seep deeply into the cracks of your relationships. You become so desperate to not be abandoned, you can cause damage to the very thing you're trying to protect. From feelings of emptiness to unstable negative emotions to distorted feeling of a sense of self, Chloe seems to embody all of these things. And that's why I argue she suffers from it, because it, to me at least, seems easily recognizable when you put the pieces together.

    Let us contextualize the outbursts Chloe is often criticized for, and then see possibly why she does these things and why she has no control over them. More importantly, we need to show WHY Chloe does not fall into the category of toxic abuser that so many people seem insistent on placing her in.

    Beginning with Episode One: Chrysalis, Chloe is introduced when attempting to blackmail money out of Nathan. Some people use this scene to vilify Chloe right off the bat for trying to do such a thing. Contextualize it. Why is Chloe doing this? Oh, that's right, Nathan drugged and kidnapped Chloe before dragging her to his bedroom, photographing her, and crawling on top of her. In a town that's essentially owned by the Prescott family, including the police, Chloe's word would have little-to-no effect if she reported such a thing happening. Without any clear evidence of being drugged and kidnapped, the police would purposefully overlook it. The only reason Nathan is arrested when he shoots Chloe is because there's no avoiding or playing off what happened.

    Let's skip over into the car ride with Max after the incident in the parking lot. Chloe seems mixed. She's falling between being head over heels happy and extremely distanced from Max. Again, this feeds into idea of abandonment and pre-emptively trying to avoid those feelings. The reason why Chloe seems so mixed is because she's having trouble regulating her happiness, while consciously trying to distance herself as far away from Max as possible. It's been a month since Max came back, and she still ignored Chloe and didn't try to connect with her. Then Max makes dorky comment, and Chloe falls back into being happy. In our first real conversation with Chloe, she is attempting to distance herself from Max, while also being ecstatic at the possibility of forming a new connection with someone.

    By the time we're in the Price household, however, Chloe closes herself off and leaves Max to her own exploration. BPD can easily be comorbid with depression, something Chloe also obviously suffers from and is exasperated by her disorder. Her smoking weed is less recreational and more medicinal. It helps her escape her own head, because we can tell she's not on any actually prescribed medication.

    The first major criticism people level at Chloe arrives in episode two, at the diner. When exiting the diner sequence, Kate will call Max and Chloe will internally roll her eyes and get annoyed at the prospect of Max answering. On the surface, it does seem like a shitty thing to do. But also, you need to look at why Chloe is so annoyed. Max has been gone for five years and just re-entered her life, while promising to hang out with Chloe on Tuesday morning. Tuesday rolls around, your first real day to hang out with your best friend who has been gone for five years and... someone calls her. Someone who you know could easily just take her away, and Max will go and then she won't hang out with you. Chloe's response is an immediate response to perceived abandonment. She becomes annoyed and detaches herself in order to make herself feel less pain if Max decides to go leave and be with Kate. While Chloe is definitely issuing Max an ultimatum in that case, either she upsets Chloe or she upsets Kate, can we really levy all of the blame onto Chloe? Max promised to spend the morning with Chloe, and she technically breaks that promise if she has to help calm Kate down for the second time this morning. I would consider none of them in the right at this very moment though.

    The big one comes in episode three, right after leaving Frank's RV. Whereas I can understand the criticism of Chloe and the phone call, this one I honestly don't understand how it's undeniable evidence that Chloe is a horrible human being. So let's talk about what just occurred. Max and Chloe just discovered that Rachel was sleeping with Frank, who we know is Chloe's drug dealer and also the guy Chloe owes several thousand dollars. This realization is obviously not... great for Chloe. We know that Chloe has issues with Rachel, linked back to Chloe's BPD. The most "stable" relationship Chloe had was with Rachel during those few years without Max. Chloe "loved" Rachel as a result, because to Chloe it was proof that something wasn't wrong with her. She was capable of having a stable relationship with another human being. Then what happens? Rachel disappears without a word. Chloe knew deep down, however, that Rachel was fully capable of just leaving. Which is why Chloe always defaults down the middle to thinking something happened to her to leaving Arcadia without a word. Without Chloe.

    Then suddenly, Chloe finds out this girl she so deeply cared for was... lying to her. She was leading Chloe on. She knew Chloe had some sort of feelings for her, yet she fooled around with Frank. And what was she doing with Frank? Feeding him the same lines she gave to Chloe. About how they'd ride off into the sunset, far away from Arcadia Bay. Put into line with the fact that she obviously gave Frank even more than Chloe? It breaks her. She melts down. All these months of worrying about Rachel suddenly crash and break. Rachel betrayed her. While Max tries to calm her down, it's not possible at that point to do anything. Chloe has an emotional meltdown, spiraling faster and faster to the point where all you can really do is let her meltdown and let those emotions out. She can't control how she's feeling, and therefore things come out of her mouth at a break neck pace.

    Essentially, the one lynch pin in Chloe's life has been pulled out from under her. And Max's reactions are all not the best. Chloe is literally having a breakdown and Max's great idea is to tell Chloe to grow up because other people have problems, say it's nobody's fault, or question how it could be Rachel's fault. They're such bad answers for a girl who literally just found out the girl who she was head over heels with was lying to her for who knows how long and was most likely using her like she used Frank. Chloe melts down because Max doesn't know how to handle it, and a lot of it is attempting to calm Chloe down in the worst possible ways: by defending Rachel being with Frank.

    "Because she knew how you would react."

    I don't see how this excuses lying to someone you're leading on. Max fails to realize the deep closeness of Chloe's relationship with Rachel, at least one-sided on Chloe's part. The last five years of Chloe's life is characterized by a dead father, an abusive step-father and years worth of abuse, a mom who looks the other way and refuses to understand Chloe's grief because it's for Chloe's own good, a best friend who ignored her for five years when she needed her the most, and then a friend she then learns was leading her on while having sex with her drug dealer behind her back. And this has been an ongoing problem for Chloe for years. How can she not try to pin the blame elsewhere? Is it her fault her dad died? Is it her fault Max abandoned her when she needed her the most? Is it her fault her Mom let's David abuse her? Is it her fault that David abuses her? Was it her fault for simply wanting something in her life that offered her happiness?

    Chloe has to blame someone else, because if she does blame herself she will die. If Chloe comes to the conclusion that she somehow is responsible for her own abuse and her own array of mental illnesses, she will lose her own sense of worth. She doesn't have worth to her parents. She doesn't have worth to Max. She still has worth to Rachel. Then Rachel's lie comes out. Rachel was lying. Rachel abandoned her too. Just like everyone else. Of course it's not William's fault that he passed, but it's definitely not Chloe's fault either.

    Max simply isn't equipped to deal with such a meltdown. Similar to how David's drill sergeant attitude does nothing for Chloe, Max's attempts to calm down Chloe come off in a similar manner: deny Chloe's problems have any merit by comparing them to someone like Kate's. That, in and of itself, is a big no-no mistake by someone who doesn't fully understand how illnesses like that work. One should never try to invalidate another's problems by comparing them to another's. Max isn't a bad person, but rather she's still learning about Chloe and Chloe's past five years. Chloe's meltdown is extremely relatable. It's not coming from a place of like toxic abuse, wanting to blame everyone other than herself. Rather, it's coming from a place of pain and hurt. The same hurt she felt when Max left her the first time. Only this time, Chloe is much more unstable.

    It's this meltdown and subsequent events that allow Max to have a better understanding of Chloe. When Chloe is on a rampage after finding out about Rachel's death at Nathan's hands, Max is able to calm her down in the changed timeline. How? Max manages to appeal to Chloe by understanding her emotions and validating how she feels, while also bringing up why she needs to calm down. It's a split night-day difference that goes a long way in showing how one needs to handle a breakdown properly. Max's validation of Chloe's feelings allows her to get through to Chloe, whereas episode three's results in a harsh ending because Max wasn't thinking about it from an emotional point of view.

    Chloe is borderline. I could go into detail examining literally every moment and contextualizing why does what she does, but I feel these two major points are the ones that get brought up most when trying to prove Chloe is horrible. They all ignore several points as well, such as Chloe apologizing to Max when she's calmed down. She does so in both situations, by the way. In episode four, when Max returns to her own timeline, you can find that Chloe very quickly apologized to Max for her meltdown in the car via text.

    When Chloe is angry, she can be very angry, when she's depressed, she'll spiral down if she lacks support, and when she's happy? She's so happy and so full of love. She doesn't hesitate to forgive Max and give her William's camera when she's only been back for a couple hours. She doesn't hesitate to give joy whenever she's not being bogged down by her own illness and problems. Chloe has so much to give, but also is beaten down by the world around her whenever she tries to crawl out.

    Chloe isn't toxic or abusive. People say she somehow abuses and cons Max into helping her, when it's often Max pushing to help Chloe when Chloe rejects her help. Chloe's story is one of learning that is worth being helped. She is worth something. She isn't just classified by how she acts. She isn't trying to gain some kind of control over Max or simply abuse her to make herself feel better. All Chloe really wants is for Max to prove she'll stay this time. Not to say that Chloe is thereby excused of everything she does, but rather it's more of a more apologetic tone. Chloe is more than her emotional disorder, and should be given a chance to show she can get better instead of just writing her off as "lol annoying bitch should die lol i laughed when she got shot."

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [NO SPOILERS] fanart request : can someone PLEASE make a fanart of kate in her bedroom drinking tea with her stuffed animals .

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 11:23 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] beautiful sunset

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:10 PM PST

    [BtS] What time is it.....It's Question Time!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:00 AM PST

    Old chico time reference😀😓 Here we are for another question. LIS BTS Edition. When you go to the Amber house and Eliot shows up, what did you do?

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    submitted by /u/ChloePriceFan
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    [S1 E5] That space is Satan. Anyone who stepped foot in there felt one thing....Horror. Here's a Custom LIS Song called 'FEAR'.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:53 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Planning to buy LiS comics, which version should I get?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:32 AM PST

    So, I heard that there is a comic series about LiS. I'm planning to buy the first volume to see if it is worth it. The thing is, LiS Volume 1's pyshical copy is not available in my country so I have to import it. It would cost me around $20 while the digital version is only $10 in google play books. What do you think? Is the first volume good enough to justify spending twice the price?

    submitted by /u/nasgortomat
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    [S1 E3] in episode 3

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 11:37 PM PST

    when max is in the new reality, theres a song that plays when shes sitting with the vortex club and i would love to find that song cause i even heard that song somewhere else but i cant remember what it's called and it's annoying the hell out of me. if you know the song i would be so grateful if u could tell me.

    submitted by /u/Fit_Magician8034
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    [S2] Finally finished season 2

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:01 PM PST

    I got the Parting Ways ending with Cassidy and for me personally, it's the most satisfying ending (even though I am a bit pissed that he jumped out of the car after Sean spent a year trying to get him to Mexico). I just cannot justify letting Sean spend 15 years in prison and miss out on what little youth he has left. I know prison would break him and he'd have a hard time in there, especially with the way American prisons are.... They both seem like they live good lives now. Sean is with Cassidy and Daniel is safe with his grandparents and Chris and he is still morally a good person. I just hate that the only way to get them both across the border is to turn Daniel into a little psychopath. I hope they can somehow reunite one day.

    submitted by /u/tommi_irl
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