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    Wednesday, December 16, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Snowy weather by Marina-Shads

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Snowy weather by Marina-Shads

    [NO SPOILERS] Snowy weather by Marina-Shads

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:25 PM PST

    [No Spoilers] Comic-book Chloe ❤️

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:18 PM PST

    [ALL] Warren wants to go ape with everybody ( not sure if it's considered a meme )

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 06:47 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe portrait by ORCus51

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:19 PM PST

    [No Spoilers] What superpower do you want to see in Season 3?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:34 PM PST

    I'm curious how they'll make the gameplay and story and heartbreak revolve around it

    submitted by /u/Jexlan
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    [All] A similarity between particular S1 and S2 endings

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:05 AM PST

    In Bae ending, Max and Chloe don't kiss right after the destruction but it's obvious they do after game events but just not shown. So in Parting Ways, I think it's similar there where Daniel is at grandparents' house but I think it's very likely that sometime after he will me able to reunite with Sean in Puerto Lobos but we just don't see. At least that's what I want to think

    submitted by /u/Jexlan
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    [C2] LiS Partners in Time Comic issue #3

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:11 AM PST

    Issue 3 of the new series continues the road trip across parallel timelines with BAE Chloe & Tristan realising that BAE Max is on the same trip as them in the other timeline, along with Max realising Chloe is near at a High Sea's performance. We get some fun cameos / world building, consisting of a possible phone call to David at his LiS2 home by BAE Chloe while the High Seas are repairing a tyre and a meeting of Brody from LiS2 with Max and the LA Chloe & Rachel in a cafe. Pixie also continues to act distrustful around Tristan, and may possibly know more than what she is letting on.

    We also get a cliffhanger ending that gives some context for the cover A of issue 4, which depicts an overturned Glady's (LA Chloe & Rachel's van). Here at the end of issue 3, Max, Chloe & Rachel have a near miss with a falling tree during a rainstorm that overturns the High Sea's van in the LA timeline. When Max attempts to rewind to save them, and Tristan is able to communicate with her and asks her to wait. This likely means that this event, the High Sea's van being overturned by the falling tree, also occurred in the BAE timeline. Finally we are left with a "This action will have consequences" while the fates of BAE Chloe and the band are unknown.

    This issue seems to represent the beginnings of a shift to deliberate communication between Max and Tristan across timelines, a move towards greater cannon compliance with LiS2 and an increase in the pace the story is moving towards the reunion between BAE Max & Chloe.

    TLDR It was a good issue with more cameos and the plot appears to be picking up in pace.

    Edit: Added TLDR and minor fixes.

    submitted by /u/Bluefist56
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    [S2] What is Sean's sexuality to you?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 06:56 AM PST

    Do you think he's bisexual or that his sexuality is just player choice?

    submitted by /u/Jexlan
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    [S2] What are your favorite screenshots or official artworks?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:02 PM PST

    I wanna fanart something with Sean, but my art skills are limited so need a reference

    submitted by /u/Jexlan
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    [NO SPOILERS] Are the comics worth it?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:34 PM PST

    I just finished LiS 1 and BtS and I absolutely loved both, and I just found out that there are comics, are they any good? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Digr0712
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    [BtS] A massive tabletop gamer, Steph is one of the most intriguing characters in the LIS games. Her wit and cunning skills stand out. Here's a music video showing her best moments, to the tune of 'Flamerock Refuge' from Borderlands 2.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:55 PM PST

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