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    Saturday, February 27, 2021

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] I combined all the episode cover arts for Life Is Strange 1 and 2.

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] I combined all the episode cover arts for Life Is Strange 1 and 2.

    [NO SPOILERS] I combined all the episode cover arts for Life Is Strange 1 and 2.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:28 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] So after several years of wanting to cosplay my Fav video-game character. I finally, after coming out, did the do. And cosplayed Chloe Price. I hope I did it justice!! �� ��

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 04:21 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] "Don't forget to call"

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:05 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] I need to put this Chloe fanart by Nan Fe back out there (even if 4 years old) because it looks awesome

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 04:35 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Whatever is going on between us is special by Caitlin Fogarty

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:45 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Would you be open to a Max and Chloe sequel? Considering the rumours that this game is in preproduction?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 01:50 PM PST

    "Life is Strange: After the Storm" yes or no?

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    submitted by /u/KingPony
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    [ALL] Books similar to life is strange 2

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:43 AM PST

    Hi does anyone know any good books similar to life is strange 2? A sad, emotional journey like Sean and Daniels, thanks!

    submitted by /u/esme_lily_123
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    [BtS] I just finished Before the Storm and I feel like I need to talk about it with someone

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:37 PM PST

    I played Life is Strange a year and a half ago and loved it, and never got around to playing Before the Storm. I finally got around to doing it during quarantine, and after finishing it.... I'm speechless.

    I feel like I need to decompress with someone. I'm absolutely about to fire up Life is Strange but I have a totally new appreciation for some of the characters. Especially Frank, Chloe, and oddly David. I'll definitely approach this playthrough totally differently.

    Also, as short as it was, the Bonus Episode felt like it really helped contextualize Chloe on a whole new level for me. It really drove home the loss she experienced all at once at such a young age. It's one thing to say it, but the episode really showed it in my opinion.

    Just wanted to get that off my chest!!!

    submitted by /u/FEdart
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    [No Spoilers] What should the next game be?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 01:35 PM PST

    What should the next game be?

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    submitted by /u/dalekofchaos
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    [no spoilers] I was today years old when I realized LiS made a "Frank and beans" joke

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:20 PM PST

    Because: Frank + his beans. If you'll excuse me, I'll be over here having a miniature existential crisis.

    submitted by /u/muffinfight
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    [S1] Loved the game, disappointed with the ending

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:15 PM PST

    Hi everyone! Just finished LiS yesterday and I needed to get something out of my chest. I really enjoyed the game. I was extremely caught up with the story, really loved the characters and was the first time playing a game where your choices had an impact on the plot. I had so much adrenaline choosing even the tiniest decisions and pondered the possible effects of everything. I felt brave flicking Victoria off with her pictures, got so nervous about getting caught changing Warren's grade and felt so proud about saving Kate.

    And that's why the ending was so disappointing to me. It felt like none of the carefully planned choices I made throughout mattered at all. One ending literally erased all those choices and possible consequences and in the other nothing mattered because everyone was going to die: it didn't matter that I got Daniel to go to the party or that I never found out about Dana's pregnancy. Just felt so sad that I spent all that time thinking about every choice and the biggest pay-off was a kiss that barely mattered anyways?

    With this I don't mean I didn't like the game. The ending can't take away all that intrigue and excitement, but it still was a bummer

    submitted by /u/LadyOfTheWind
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    [ALL] Nick Apostolides Loved Using His East Coast Swagger For Before The Storm's Frank Bowers | Life After Strange Ep 18

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:30 PM PST

    [ALL] What was the point of Max’s powers??

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:34 PM PST

    So in LiS2 apparently Max and Chloe have moved on from Arcadia Bay— even way earlier than David ever did. Max also already tore the butterfly picture so it's not as if she can go back to that specific bathroom moment. Which makes me wonder, what exactly was the point of Max's powers... if she couldn't save anyone else but Chloe?? And there's my forever admittedly salty ass questioning why they never thought of saving Rachel in the first place. Like— why didn't Chloe think of that? I mean she low key did when she said:

    Chloe: Fuck all of that, okay? You were given a power. You didn't ask for it... and you saved me. Which had to happen, all of this did... except for what happened to Rachel.

    So by that point she has accepted William's death, but hasn't for Rachel's... but LiS2 showed that they never did try to save anyone else. Suppose you give them some time before finally settling down from all the calamity they caused— I find it extremely hard to believe that they wouldn't have at least tried to save Rachel, and if they did but failed then I'm pretty sure Max would've become even more depressed from that experience which would literally have made her depressed. SPEAKING OF DEPRESSED, I also find it questionable and honestly baffling how Max and Chloe moved on from everything way faster than David like ?? They did just willingly let the storm happen, realistically should have survivor's guilt and all that other shit....... but David, someone who's used to grief and loss and tragedy... took more time to accept reality than the two teenagers who (who mostly have lived most of their lives in Arcadia Bay) can actually change reality....? Am I the only one who finds that strange? Like you'd think that they'd at least try to change the town's fate or the very least Rachel's.

    And if you're gonna say it's because they already know what happened when you mess up the timeline eg William, well uh that didn't stop Max from changing several timelines to save Chloe now did it. In which case again I wonder, how can two teenagers possibly be faring well if they have survivor's guilt and can't even go to therapy for it?? Like even Victoria needed therapy, and Max went through the same thing she did except also with the knowledge that she essentially killed thousands.

    Like really, what was the point of her powers if she didn't even try to save everyone for like at least the 2nd time, which is simply a fraction of the many times she tried saving just Chloe even towards the end.

    submitted by /u/Zeroprofessional
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    [ALL] Is there a ‘Posters’ album/gallery for LiS1?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:39 PM PST

    I actually don't know what they're called but in the BtS document they're labeled as Posters so... but yeah essentially like assets from the game I guess?

    Like this.

    submitted by /u/Zeroprofessional
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    [no spoilers]Should I wait for captain spirit and lis2 to come out on mobile, or should I watch a play through

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 05:39 PM PST

    Ok, so I really love the first life is strange game, and I enjoyed before the storm. I know that there is also life is strange 2 and captain spirit, both I know very little about, only a couple small things like how captain spirit is about a boy who pretends he has superpowers, and it comes first but there's a part in lis2 where we see him, or how in lis2 the brothers had to run away because the little brother has powers and I think accidentally hurt someone and their dad was also killed and I think they get a dog(that's about all I know, I don't even think I know their names, I think one of them is called Daniel, but idk)

    I really want to play these, and decided a while ago that I wouldn't watch any play throughs for them until after I've played them (because I originally saw lis1 being played by Jacksepticeye, and even though it was still a few years after I saw that that I actually played it for myself, and I had forgotten a lot of the details, I still remembered all the twists, so I kinda spoiled myself)

    The trouble with this is the fact that I'm only able to play these games on mobile, and I know that captain spirit and lis2 aren't on mobile yet, and I don't think I've heard any news about either of them being added to mobile, and this makes me worry that maybe they won't add it to mobile at all, or if they do it won't be for ages. Plus, even if one of them does get added, it doesn't guarantee that the other will be added, or it could be a very long wait between both of them being added

    I still really wanna play through the games for myself before I see anyone else play them, but at the same time I do actually want to see what happens at some point, because from what little thinks I know about them, they both look really good If I do watch anyone play them, it will probably either be Jacksepticeye or GTlive, unless anyone has any suggestions on who has a good play through for them

    Do you guys think I should just go ahead and watch someone else play them, or should I wait for them to possibly come out on mobile?

    submitted by /u/AbbieLovesButter
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    [ALL] The real Kate Marsh

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:52 PM PST

    Hello, this is my first post in the subreddit. I wished to share my strange undestanding about the character of kate marsh.

    I played LiS long ago. And ever since her introduction, I never liked kate marsh, or more accurately the character we were presented with. But I didn't know why I disliked her character. There was no apparent reason, other than the fact that there was no obscure or negative aspect about her representation in the game. Or so I believed. But I intuitively felt she was not telling the entire truth. The game emphasized on making her look like an innocent victim. Because I believe kate IS a victim of abuse, but not entirely innocent or honest about her motives.

    Still, I dismissed her character as one-dimensional when compared with a flawed and complex character such as chloe, who is understandably a mess, for example.

    But recently, I became aware of a few details in the game. Regarding the wine bottle in kate's room, her strange conversation with mr jefferson, and the possibility of her drug use. Which made me reconsider my initial impression about her.

    People often feel like they need to protect kate because they perceive she is vulnerable and innocent, but I don't believe she is innocent, or even that they truly understand her. I do believe she is a complex character whose sexual expression is conflicted because of her rigid religious upbringing. And this may have been the cause she was interested in attending to the vortex party, in full knowledge of the sex and drugs involved in this event, especially considering her abstinence campaign in blackwell academy.

    What bothered me, is that I felt she was not honest about her motives with max, or perhaps that she was not given the opportunity to do so? If we take into consideration the religious conditioning of the character, then how much of her character is truthful? If her campaign is a way to project her own repressed sexuality. Or if she lied to max about her drinking behaviour. Or the possibility of her involvement with jefferson. Then, the kate we are seeing is not the real kate. So, my dislike for her is due to a simple reason. In my eyes, she is not honest with herself. She is living a lie. Because she is not free to be herself. Most of what we see, and what people like about her, is not the real kate. But the repressed form of herself. This is somehow represented when max travels to the subconscious nightmare during episode five, which I believe was a way to portray the ulterior or darker motives behind some of the characters within the game, as well as way to deconstruct the stereotypes they are supposed to represent. I don't know if this is the exact word, english is not my first language. Anyway, there max faces a representation of kate , and kate blames her for saving her life, because she is now doomed to be miserable under the ideological confinement that her own family and community represents.

    "Now my family will never leave me alone... And that means I'll always be alone... thanks to you"

    So, yeah. That's about it, or is it? I believe the reason why I never liked her character is because the kate we see, is not the "real" kate. Maybe she doesn't even know who the real kate is, because she was not given the change to discover herself. And when she wanted an opportunity to express herself, the incident on the party happened. It is a sad character. I don't see the cuteness about her. I see someone who is trapped inside a psychological prison that arrests her personal development and expression of sexuality. And this makes me ponder whether it is better to "save" her on the roof, or let her fall and be free of a life she is not allowed to truly live. Perhaps, letting her fall is a way to save her. While "protecting" her is a way to keep her prisoner.

    This is why I never felt like "protecting" kate. Because in reality I would have been helping protect the false impersonation of herself; the prison. And in doing so, I was perpetuating her misery. When very few people could apparently see beyond her exterior, her prison, the false kate. Perhaps, this was her opportunity to be free at last, and I was being selfish, because I wanted to keep her alive, keep the false kate alive, without never understanding the real kate and her internal suffering. I know, it is strange. But so is my experience of life.

    Anyway. One thing we know for certain is that destiny in LiS is inevitable, at least for those of us who allowed chloe to die. Perhaps, kate was also meant to die in one way or another, and be free from a life of internalized suffering and misery, from a prison that no one else could see. Not even the max who "saved" her.

    "I'm in a nightmare and I can't wake up... unless I put myself to sleep" Once again, in the nightmare of max, we see kate wearing clothes for going to sleep, not the clothes she wore on the rooftop. There is a lot of hidden meaning in the nightmare of max, which is also related with the dark or hidden side of people, the subconscious, the vortex or literal "blackwell" inside of us.

    That's all.

    submitted by /u/LifeisStrangerer
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