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    Sunday, November 24, 2019

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Samurai Chloe by TheSnoozeMoose

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Samurai Chloe by TheSnoozeMoose

    [NO SPOILERS] Samurai Chloe by TheSnoozeMoose

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:14 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Made an extended Life Is Strange playlist and I’m pretty proud of it so I felt like sharing it. It’s perfect to just lay back on your bed and feel all emotions at once. LIS has honestly been a life changing game for me and don’t want to let go of that feeling.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 11:48 PM PST

    [S1] I wonder if Chloe was there earlier?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 01:23 PM PST

    Chloe's \"I can't sleep\" graffiti at Blackwell, identical to the one in her room

    A theory: it wasn't Chloe's first time trespassing at Blackwell's swimming pool when she stole David's keys and took Max for some "splish splash". One of her graffitis can be spotted at the entrance in ep. 1, so it's quite possible she had been sneaking into the building during some sleepless nights before (either after William died or Rachel disappeared).

    Of course I know that the real-life explanation is, the graffiti textures are used in multiple places in the game and not all inscriptions were made by Chloe. Still, it would be interesting to consider Chloe sneaking into the pool on her own, looking at the empty, motionless water while thinking about the people she lost...

    submitted by /u/Vertiser
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    [No Spoilers] Probably my favorite song from LIS

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 01:00 PM PST

    [S1] On the magic in Life is Strange, and how complaints about its logical inconsistencies are missing the point

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:52 AM PST

    [S1] Just finished reading Better Then. Cried myself to sleep because the ending was so good. Gimme more Fanfic?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 11:50 AM PST

    When I first played LiS, the thought of reading and fanfic seemed very boring to me. However, this game changed my life and perspective. I bought a Kindle and started reading novels for their stories instead of playing games. Now a few years later I am finally diving in LiS fanfic and I am actually enjoying it more than full fledged published novels. Max/Chloe just connect with me in ways nothing else has managed too...


    • Better Then (I read the last 50% of this in a 10 hour sitting. It gets so good...)

    Plan to read:

    Am I missing any big Pricefield fanfic?

    submitted by /u/sabogusi
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    [S1] I'm retranslating classic meme dialogues from the Japanese dub

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:36 AM PST

    I just started to watch some playthroughs of the Japanese dub and saw a few people voicing their desire to see how the translation of the most beloved and iconic scenes or catchphrases was handled in Japanese, especially wordplays and slang stuff. As of now I couldn't find anyone who tried to answer these desperate calls for knowledge, so I guess I'll just try myself. If something similar already exists, please don't hesitate to let me know!

    Alright, the four columns of the following tables show

    1. The English original text, so searching for a certain scene or line won't be too complicated
    2. The Japanese subtitles as they appear in the game
    3. A Hepburn-based transcription
    4. My retranslation into English

    As of now, I don't have a certain schedule for adding new stuff, so if you want to suggest a certain line/scene just provide me with the episode and the characters involved and I see what I can do.

    Obligatory caveat: Neither English nor Japanese are my native language, feel free to correct me when necessary.


    1 - Consequences

    This action will have consequences... この行動が未来を決める・・・ kono kōdō ga mirai o kimeru... This action will determine the future...

    2 - Go f*ck your selfie [S1E1]

    [V] Since you know all the answers, I guess you have to find another way into the dorm. We ain't moving. かしこいマックスさんなら これを見て分かるでしょ?通行止めよ kashikoi Makkusu-san nara, kore o mite wakaru desho? Tsūkōdome yo Since you're the smart Ms. Max, you probably should figure this one out: The road is closed!
    Oh, wait, hold that pose! 待って。動かないで・・・ Matte. Ugokanaide... Wait. Don't move...
    So original. Don't worry, Max, I'll put a vintage filter on it right before I post it all over social medias. 傑作が撮れた 安心して SNSバラまく前にレトロフィルターで加工してあげる Kessaku ga toreta, anshin shite, SNS ni baramaku mae ni retoro firutā de kakō shite ageru The masterpiece has been taken, relax, before I spread it over SNS [social network services], I'll treat it with some retro filters for you.
    Now why don't you go fuck your selfie? じゃ さよなら「自撮りぼっち」さん ja, sayonara "jidoribocchi"-san Now, goodbye Ms. "Selfie-loner"*

    *Victoria uses a wordplay by mixing 自撮り jidori (selfie) and 独りぼっち hitoribocchi (loneliness, aloneness). A bit different to the iconic go fuck your selfie, but a good wordplay nevertheless.

    *NEW* 3 - Are you cereal? [S1E1]

    [M] Broken. Oh man, are you cereal? うっそ・・・壊れちゃってるよ・・・ usso... kowarechatteru yo No way [lit. "lie"], it's broken.
    [C] Wow, haven't heard that one in a while... 子どもみたいに泣くなよ kodomo mitai ni naku na yo Don't cry like a child...
    [M] Not everything changes. Except my camera has officially taken a shit. 泣いてなんかない・・・でも このカメラどうしよう 困った・・・ naite nanka nai... demo, kono kamera dō shiyō, komatta... It's not like I'm crying...but what can I do about my camera, it's hopeless...

    The wordplay didn't make it into Japanese so the translators had to change a lot for this scene to work. I guess Chloe's remark about crying like a child might be related to the way Max says "it's broken": 壊れちゃってる kowarechatteru. The standard way of saying this would be 壊れてしまっている, kowarete shimatte iru, so using the heavily abbreviated form is way more informal and maybe could be perceived as a bit childish.

    *NEW* 4 - Partner in time [S1E3]

    [M] I'm so glad you're my partner in crime... ついに犯罪者の仲間入りだね tsui ni hanzaisha no nakamairi da ne Finally I'm joining a group of criminals...
    [C] As long as you're my partner in time. 誰が犯罪者だ・・・ dare ga hanzaisha da... So who's the criminal...
    [M] Insert groan here... クロエしかないでしょ・・・ Kuroe shika nai desho... That could only be you [lit. Chloe]...

    Another wordplay that didn't make it, mainly because the rhyme time/crime doesn't translate well to Japanese.

    *NEW* 5 - Release the kra-can! [S1E3]

    [M] Release the kra-can! いでよ、缶! ide yo, kan! Come forth*, can!
    It's all mine anyway. 普段飲まないけど fudan nomanai kedo I don't drink that usually though.

    *Because again, the wordplay is lost in translation, Max found another way to communicate her geekiness: She uses Classical Japanese (いづ idu and its imperative form ide are old forms of 出る deru; to come out) instead of contemporary speech, this way she sounds more dramatic.

    6 - Kiss [S1E3]

    [C] Whenever and whatever you want to try... 何でもまずはやってみればいいんだって・・・ nandemo mazu wa yatte mireba īnda tte... Whatever you'll try out, it'd be fine...
    ...for example, I dare you to kiss me! 例えば・・・あたしにキスするとか! tatoeba...atashi ni kisu suru to ka! ...for example, something like kissing me!
    [M] What? えっ? eh? confused Max noises
    [C] I double dare you. Kiss me now. ほら やってみて。キス hora, yatte mite. kisu Hey, try it. A kiss.
    Damn, you're hardcore, Max! マジで・・・マジでやった! maji de...maji de yatta! You...you did it for real!
    Now I can text Warren and tell him he doesn't stand a chance... ウォーレンにメールして 脈がないことを知らせてやんないと・・・ Wōren ni meeru shite, myaku ga nai koto o shirasete yannai to... I could send a mail* to Warren and let him know that there's no hope [for him]...
    ...unless he's into girl-on-girl action. ま 百合好きなら別だけど ma, yurizuki nara betsu da kedo ...well, it's different if he's into yuri though.
    [M] You are such a dork. バカじゃないの baka ja nai no You're such a [whatever translation for baka you prefer]
    (Oh man, that was priceless when I kissed Chloe. She didn't think I would...) 〔キスしたときのクロエの顔・・・まさかって感じだったね・・・〕 (kisu shita toki no Kuroe no kao...masaka tte kanji datta ne...) (Chloe's face when I kissed her...it looked like she didn't expect it...)

    *sending emails via phone was/is kinda whitespread in Japan compared to SMS.

    7 - Moshpit [S1E3]

    [C] Lookin' sick, Max. A couple tats, some piercings and we'll make a thrasher out of you yet. いいよ マックス!タトゥーとピアスを足せば 立派なパンク娘だ ī yo, Makkusu! Tatū to piasu o taseba, rippa na panku musume da Nice, Max! If we add some tattoos and piercings, you'd be a real punk girl.
    [M] Ready for the mosh pit, shaka brah. モッシュ上等 チェケラッチョ! mosshu jōtō, chekeraccho*! Bring on the mosh, check it out, yo*!
    [C] Maybe not. やっぱナイわ・・・ yappa nai wa... ...guess it won't happen after all.

    *"chekeraccho" actually developed out of the English phrase "check it out, yo!" and seems to be a somewhat outdated phrase used in the context of (90's?) Japanese hip-hop. So yeah, the translators really managed to transport a nice amount of cringe across the language barrier.

    8 - Eating those beans [S1E3]

    [M] You eat like a pig. Try the floor. 豚みたいね。床で食べたら? buta mitai ne. yuka de tabetara? [you look/eat] like a pig...how about eating from the floor?
    [F] I was eating those beans - are you fucking insane? I WAS EATING THOSE BEANS! てめえ 食べてるのがわからねえのか。一体なんのつもりだ こら! temee, tabeteru no ga wakaranee no ka. ittai nan no tsumori da, kora! Damn [lit. "you"; disrespectful], don't you get that I'm eating!? What the heck was that for, hey!

    Sadly, no repeated mention of Frank's most precious nutrients in the Japanese dub.

    *NEW* 9 - Another dollar for the swear jar! [S1E3]

    [W] Shit, where are my keys? クソっ カギはどこにいった? kuso, kagi wa doko ni itta? Shit, where have the keys gone?
    [C] That's another dollar for the swear jar! 汚い言葉1ドル罰金! kitanai kotoba ichi doru bakkin! One dollar penalty for dirty language!
    [W] You mean your college fund! Keys, please... 罰金じゃなくて大学資金な・・・カギは・・・ bakkin ja nakute daigaku shikin na... kagi wa... It's not a penalty, it's [your] college fund! The keys...

    *NEW* 10 - Hella? [S1E4]

    [C] Um. My...my nose is getting cold. Maybe we should get back to my place. ちょっと 鼻が冷えてきちゃった。そろそろ うちに帰ろっか? chotto, hana ga hiete kichatta. sorosoro, uchi ni kaero kka? Wait, my nose has gotten cold. Let's get back to my place soon, okay?
    [M] It is hella cold out here. "クソ"寒いもんね "kuso" samui mon ne Right, it's fucking* cold.
    [C] "Hella"? I hate that word, no offense. ごめん そういう言葉使い 好きじゃないな gomen, sō yū kotobazukai, suki ja nai na Sorry, that expression... I don't like it.
    [M]None taken. そっか sokka Oh, really?

    *クソ kuso literally means shit or dirt but its usage does overlap with the multitude of ways "fuck" or "fucking" are used in English. For example, William used "kuso" when searching for his keys and first-timeline-Chloe says it all the time as well, for example "stepdouche" is translated as クソオヤジ kuso-oyaji, "shit-dad".


    Well, that's the first few ones, mostly from episode 3 apparently. Adding more stuff the next days.

    submitted by /u/aburaNashi
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    [NO SPOILERS] Achievements not unlocking in Before the Storm

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:37 AM PST

    I sprayed graffiti multiple times and haven't gotten any achievements on episode 1. I googled but couldn't find any solution, let alone anyone else having this issue. Anyone know what I can do to get these otherwise incredibly simple achievements?

    submitted by /u/ltplummer96
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    [NO SPOILERS] This is just an appreciation post for life is strange 1 and Before the Storm + a song that just embodies life is strange vibes

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 04:38 AM PST

    I just finished school and recently I've been having a lot of memories from mid to late 2017 coming back. Playing before the storm for the first time and then going to bed just to wake up to the sun coming through my window with No Below playing whilst just pondering. Discovering cool youtubers and new music like the front bottoms that just all gave off that warm, spring like, fun feeling that the game did. Just walking beside the road with a friend carrying lounge chairs for a mile just so we could put them next to a lake to talk about life and the future. Going to my then job at a pizza place in someone's backyard and the part of town that was just waiting ever so patiently for me to come and discover it. The trees with thousands of fairy lights and the wooden swing and tables. Making the pizzas and just talking with music in the background. Finally working up the courage to record and release music and play it with my friends in a band. It was all so fun and it didn't feel like time was running out. Crying to the stars on the beach with my friends at 1am and then sneaking back home only to wake up my parents because we thought it would be a great time to blast blink-182 riffs out of the guitar we bought for $9 at a garage sale. I guess it all started flooding back because I've really wanted to recreate that experience. Do everything for the first time again. But I know I can't. I stumbled across the songs I recorded and didn't finish and the Life Is Strange vibes they gave off was insane. So! I'm gonna marathon LIS1 and BTS right now !! I don't care that it's 11:34 at night and I have to get up at 4. Just a big Thankyou to the game and it's music and the way it helped shape me :)

    It Looks Sad // Raccoon - https://open.spotify.com/track/1ythYmPJEQSzPWirXlyIoT?si=h40jPprPRz-WEBqlGCctdA

    submitted by /u/Gus_ss
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    [NO SPOILERS] Do you know any books that have a "life is strange" vibe?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:03 PM PST

    [S1] Question about aftermaths

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 03:45 AM PST

    What will happen after Kate commits suicide? What about the hospital scene?

    submitted by /u/DareDandy
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    [S2 E3] Anyone think that there might a possible prequel for Life is Strange 2?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:45 PM PST

    With Life is Strange 2 coming to an end soon (ten days left 😓), do you guys think it would be possible for a prequel to be made like "Before the Storm?"

    I think Cassidy would be a good fit for this, since she said she came from a racist family, it would interesting to hear more about her back story.

    Or perhaps we may get to see what life was like for Sean and Daniel before their mother left.

    (Just putting this up for discussion, curious to see what other people think 🙂)

    submitted by /u/_soulris_
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    [ALL] Another S1 survivor? (possible S2E5 spoilers)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:23 PM PST

    So, recently, there have been a couple of discussions in this subreddit regarding the (concrete?) possibility of Arcadia Bay's worst step-dad, David, making a cameo in the final episode of season 2.

    Everybody seemed to have reached a consensus: David is the perfect S1 character to show his stupid mustache face in S2, since he's the only one who could've possibly survived in both endings.

    But if that's the case and David, presumably, survived the storm by hiding in the bunker, I have just one question: what about Victoria?

    As we know, Vic was Jeffershit's second option, in case he couldn't get Max (he even already had a binder prepared for her). Since Max traveled back in time and decided to warn David and hide in Chloe's room, I suppose it's safe to assume that Jeffershit kidnapped Vic and had his way with her in the Dark Room until step-hero came in to save the day.

    So if David waited out the storm in the safety of bunker, so did Vic.

    And the fact that we're getting David when we could've gotten Queen Vic makes me feel like I'm stuck in the retro zone. Sad face.

    submitted by /u/colorsflyinghigh
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    [NO SPOILERS] I am hosting an MEP for LIS if any editors want to join!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:12 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Life is strange 2- your experience/review?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:44 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] The complete season is on sale now and am thinking of getting it. The original is one of my favorite games of all time, even have a tattoo in reference to it. How good is the second season? Also, do you think any original characters could returning the last episode that's coming up?

    submitted by /u/SturgSturg
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    [ALL] Finally Trying LiS2: chapter 3

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:21 PM PST

    This chapter's supposed to be the good one, so my expectations are up, although, frankly, anything would be an improvement after 2.

    chapter 3:

    1. I don't know if I should count it as a success or a failure how perfectly the intro captures the constant impotent aggravation of being an older sibling. I actually got mad. I wanted to call up my little sister and tell her off. And we haven't lived together in over 20 years.

    2. Starting in media res helps this episode tremendously. There's time to develop the new characters and their situation enough that I'm interested in replaying to see how things can go differently. I would say maybe episode 2 should have done likewise and just started with them at the grandparents' house, but every single second of Beaver Creek was garbage, so maybe there's no saving chapter 2.

    3. I'm liking pretty much all these new characters. For the first time I actually find myself compelled to investigate the world and try all the dialog options. This is also an intriguing and unique setting, and I can't say I've ever had to trim buds in a game before.

    4. Once again, the environments are breathtakingly beautiful, and manage to convey a real feel of the place more successfully than some higher budget games. Score one for artistry over technical tools. It's something to be proud of.

    5. This chapter is so much better than the last one I find myself wondering if maybe they should have come here immediately after chapter 1 and spent 2 chapters here.

    6. Daniel is rapidly moving from sympathetic to insufferable.

    7. There's a lot of choices here and it feels like they matter. They won't, because all these characters will be gone next episode, but for the first time in the game, they FEEL like they matter. Credit where it's due.

    8. I don't think I get this drawing minigame. Is there an actual mechanic or is it just busy work?

    9. All the stuff with Cassidy is pretty great. She and Sean are cute together, at least until he gets his haircut and looks like he's twelve. I'm tempted to replay a chapter just to see what canoodling Finn is like.

    10. It's official. I no longer give a shit about Daniel or my relationship to him. They've turned him into a plot device. He's the Skylar White of Life is Strange. And it's even worse because he's the secondary protagonist and the only through-line the game has between chapters. Imagine trying to enjoy the first game if you didn't like Chloe, but if the game didn't also have any other characters or plot.

    Overall: When this chapter came out and people liked it, I asked if players would recommend to just start with this chapter. Having played this far, I can tell you that's exactly what new players should do, if the game lets them. There is nothing of value lost in skipping chapter 2 and very little lost in skipping chapter 1. And you've got that stupid unskippable wolf story every time to catch you up on what you missed. This chapter itself is good, but I lost whatever shreds of interest I had in Daniel or his relationship with Sean when he did a hard and fast feel turn regardless of what came before. Worse, the game tries to use things you did to blame the character's inevitable dick moves on the player.

    The crux of the chapter is having to chose between your brother and what you want, but it makes Daniel so utterly unbearable, and the new characters so interesting by contrast, that the choice is basically made for you. It puts me in a bind for a rating, because what's good here is very good, but it succeeds in spite of Daniel, not because of him. The only connective tissue between chapters needs to not be a pain in the ass, no matter how true that is to a real 9 year old boy. Nobody wanted a babysitting simulator, Dontnod. You don't get points for realism.

    Chapter 3: 6/10, If the chapter was it's own thing, it would deserve a 9, but all its best elements throw the game-as-a-whole's flaws into very sharp relief. All the good stuff here exists entirely apart from our two main characters and the scant half-story that I will generously call an overarching plot. Imagine a series of Star Trek so unengaging that you would rather the action instead follow whatever random planet they visited that week. But too bad for me, I don't get to do that. I don't get to keep Cassidy or Finn or their friends. All I get is this little shit I can't stand any more. I'm actually LESS keen to play ch4 now than I was to play ch3 after ch2's Yawn Fiesta. That's not good!

    submitted by /u/FortressCaulfield
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