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    Friday, February 7, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Whatever is going on between us is special by HaraHara021

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Whatever is going on between us is special by HaraHara021

    [NO SPOILERS] Whatever is going on between us is special by HaraHara021

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:38 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] I absolutely love this this book. It's perfect for all fans of the series.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:36 PM PST

    [S1] Completed the LiS 1 Episode 5

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:09 PM PST

    This feels so surreal

    I'm delighted that I was able to bring Chloe back and get Jefferson what he deserves.

    The complete mayhem in time towards the end of the episode gave a really really nice prelude to the final choice: giving an overview of all of my choices, in the "real" reality and all the alternate ones I created and escaped from, all the impacts I've had on the world around me.

    When I was back to reality with Chloe at the light house, I realised how precious and welcoming our reality is, no matter how many things are fucked up, it is the reality after I've done so much; it is the reality that all of my actions led to.

    I chose Chloe.

    I'm never messing with time again, all I need is Chloe. I don't miss Arcadia Bay for how much horrific and disturbing Things happened there.

    I feel so sorry about Joyce, David, Warren, Kate, Frank, and everyone who's potentially killed by the storm, but again, I'm not messing with time again. Everything started for Chloe, I won't end it without Chloe by my side.

    LiS has been the best game I have ever played, I don't know what it will take to change my mind.

    Thanks for hearing me out :)

    submitted by /u/johnny-generalissimo
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    [NO SPOILERS] Max Caulfield on a Polaroid (fake)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:44 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] [Shitpost] Found an accidental Max cosplay in a 2011 music clip

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:20 PM PST

    From this clip, somewhere around 0:45 (Exact timecode).
    Here's a screenshot of the exact girl I'm talking about. Sure, the cosplay isn't perfect but :
    1 - The haircut, the grey hoodie, the black satchel are there
    2 - She did a pretty good job at cosplaying a character that didn't even exist yet
    Another eerie coincidence : a few years later, that very same girl dyed her hair in a...familiar manner.
    And that's pretty much all I wanted to say. Just thought it would be cool to point out this coincidence and share it with you. Now I'll go back to being useless

    submitted by /u/ILikeWoodenTables
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    [NO SPOILERS] I don't consider myself a good drawer, but I'm still happy with these.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:07 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] I can finally own this iconic piece of clothing from my favorite video game character. Already ordered mine.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:58 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] my shirt finally arrived!

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:57 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Oh Shit, Ashley Burch is in Apple TV+‘s Mythic Quest!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 10:56 AM PST

    So, Mythic Quest just premiered today on Apple TV+, and I've been watching it for the past few hours. There's this one character, Rachel (I know), that was bothering me because I knew I recognized her, I just didn't know from what. So, I finally decided to look up the cast.

    Lo and behold, she's Ashley Burch (who played Chloe Price in case anyone here doesn't recognize her name). I was just so surprised to see her, and I'm happy to see her in a live-action role. A decent role too along side some comedy stars too!

    In case anyone is interested in what Mythic Quest is, it's a new workplace comedy about MMO developers. It's from the same writers as It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (Rob McElhenney also plays a character). I'd definitely recommend watching it, if not for Ashley Burch, but just because it's a good dark comedy. Apple TV+ has a free 7-day trial

    submitted by /u/slusho55
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    [ALL] Hidden moments and details in Episode 5

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:28 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] update on my drawing

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 01:51 PM PST

    Hey sorry guys but I've been busy lately and haven't been able to work on the drawing

    I'm still going to work on it though

    submitted by /u/UltraMiner245
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    [NO SPOILERS] just bought Polaroid camera — film is more expensive than buying a whole new camera

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:55 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Life is Strange comic fonts

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 05:00 AM PST

    I'm trying to translate the #1 issue from English to Vietnamese but I can't find the right font Here's the font I want to find: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V4xF_agW9BNQAEdr8uYAsLbqJkfGsPnO/view?usp=drivesdk Please help me. Thanks u guys so much.

    submitted by /u/AnYen98
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    [ALL] Who was Rachel Amber- did she love Chloe?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:10 PM PST

    So I know this is a hot topic and I am late to this entire thing, but I just finished playing Before the Storm about a week ago, and have been trying to piece together LIS and BTS to understand who Rachel Amber really was, and if she truly loved Chloe. I warn you that below is quite an essay, and I did my best to organize it and my thoughts, but its all still pretty rough. Let me know your thoughts~

    An overview Analysis:

    First and foremost I truly believe most people are way too harsh and overly critical of her character. I do not think she is a sociopath, or simply just using Chloe for her own benefit. That being said, I do believe she has her fair share of flaws, and she can be quite manipulative at times. I think that when they first meet, like when Rachel asked Chloe to ditch school and go to the park Rachel was "using" Chloe, and manipulating her into doing what she wanted. AKA, when she got upset seeing her dad cheating, her personality completely changed and didn't really care about Chloe at all. However, I don't feel this manipulation was intentional. We have to remember that Rachel is just 15, and that she had suspected her dad may be cheating for a long time, and wanted to be around somebody like Chloe who she had this attitude of not giving a shit. Rachel even says later she wanted Chloe to teach her how to not give a shit, because she was "tired of always having to give a shit." After their fight, I think Rachel realized that unlike everyone else in town who viewed her as perfect in all aspects, Chloe saw her true self, someone who is flawed and has issues, and accepted her anyways, and that's when Rachel began to truly care for Chloe, either romantically or just as friends. I think Rachel was initially drawn to Chloe because she saw her as similar to herself, both free spirits, and admired Chloe for not taking any shit from other people.

    On manipulation:

    It's hard to play through Before the Storm and still believe Rachel never actually cared for Chloe, that it was all an act. Rachel being just a teen is immature, and is also used to getting her way and having everything revolve around her, these are her biggest flaws. She can easily charm people into getting what she wants, and uses that to her advantage, but this doesn't mean she's this master manipulator with malicious ulterior motives. I was like this at 15 too, I thought I was hot shit and was used to getting my way so I just expected that to happen, and sometimes without really knowing what I was doing, would manipulate, but this by no means didn't mean that I didn't care about anyone but myself, or I didn't truly love the people I said I loved. Now I realize that and I'm not immature like I once was and am not like that anymore. It is evident that Rachel cares for Chloe. If you go the romantic route in BTS, then you can tell by her actions and just the way that she looks at Chloe, that she truly did love her. If you go the friendship route, it is still clear that Rachel cared about Chloe. Sure, you could say she was just acting, because we saw how amazing an actress she was in the Tempest, however in the first Life is Strange, Rachel hides her relationship with Frank from Chloe because she doesn't want to hurt her. After going the romantic route in BTS, Rachel would have to be a total sociopath for her entire relationship with Chloe to be just an act. However, we know she is not because we find that note she wrote to Chloe telling her how she met someone new but didn't want to tell her as to not hurt Chloe's feelings. If she truly didn't care about Chloe, she wouldn't have written this note to her in the first place, because she wouldn't care if Chloe's feelings were hurt as a result.

    Depends on the choices you make:?

    Because there are so many different routes you can take in the game with different outcomes, it's hard to tell what exactly happened in those three years between the two games and how exactly Rachel may have gotten involved with Frank. We do not know if Rachel actually cheated on Chloe because we do not know if they were in an exclusive relationship when this occurred. In LIS, when Chloe finds about about her and Frank, she says that Rachel lied to her face, but never "she cheated on me" or something like that, so maybe it wasn't so simple. Maybe they never defined their relationship, or were on a break, or just straight up broken up we'll never know. Personally, I think that Rachel was desperate to find a way out of Arcadia Bay and went to Frank and Mr. Jefferson to simply manipulate them into helping her leave. Although evidence points to her asking some random truck driver for a ride out, alone, aka without Chloe, this doesn't mean she would actually straight up leave Chloe. Rachel is a broken girl going through a very hard and confusing time in her life, and is making mistakes left and right and not being responsible at all, but I think her love for Chloe was the one real thing that meant a lot to her.

    Possible inconsistencies between DontNod and Deck Nine's version of Rachel Amber:

    Lastly, I think overall there was a disconnect between DontNod and Decknine in terms of Rachel's overall characterization in the two separate games. DontNod designed the first life is strange without the intention of having any prequel or sequel, so Decknine had to do its best to work within these limitations. In the original LIS, Rachel is clearly depicted as the it girl, whom everyone likes and thinks they know and are friends with, but in reality she's like that with everyone and they don't truly know her. The love Chloe has for her comes off as unrequited, and Chloe only believed Rachel loved her back because she was kinda delusional and hopeful that it was something more than a friendship, not as in they actually dated and shared this extremely intense bonding and connection as they did in BTS. In BTS, Rachel Amber is portrayed as a super popular and likable girl, who has an unknown darker, more dangerous side to her, who's not as perfect as people think, yet they also give her character a great deal of humanity and show you a genuine relationship between her and Chloe. I think that these two developer studies had two, slightly different ideas of who Rachel Amber really was, and although subtle and easily overlooked, made her character all too confusing. Because of this, I personally like to think of the Rachel Amber in BTS and in LIS as two different versions of Rachel, and consider the games to be separate from each other in the sense that they are alternate realities. For example, when Max jumps into an alternate reality where Chloe's dad is still alive. In one reality (LIS), Chloe are Rachel are friends but not as close as Chloe maybe thought, and she ends up dead because of her self centered and manipulative personality without Chloe to ground her, but in another reality (BTS) Rachel and Chloe share a deep romantic connection, Rachel stays with Chloe the entire 3 years in a relationship, and survives the dark room. Perhaps its as simple as in the first reality, Chloe chooses to lie to Rachel about her father and then Rachel finds out later and resents Chloe for it, even though Chloe was doing what she thought was best for her. I could certainly see that as a game changer for Rachel, who was sick of feeling lied to and feeling her entire life was a lie. For Chloe to do that to her too, she would feel incredibly betrayed and most likely not want to be with her anymore. If Chloe tells Rachel the truth, maybe they stay together and Rachel doesn't end up dying in that reality.

    submitted by /u/Kirstir77
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    [NO SPOILERS] Bought the physical complete edition of Life is Strange 2 but can’t play episode 5? I’ve deleted and re-downloaded it but it’s still forcing me to buy it

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:48 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] How many of you felt compelled to dig up your old high school yearbooks, handbooks, and assignments while playing this game?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 05:57 PM PST

    So a few weeks ago I started doing a Let's Play series about this game (I am going into it completely blind, so please do not post any spoilers). I must admit, I was a bit nervous...I had never done a blind Let's Play before, and a game about high school drama was very far afield from what I usually play (the closest game I'd had ever played to LiS was probably the first Mass Effect game). But a few hours in and I was hooked.

    Now, I live in Canada, and I went to high school in the early 00's, so that period of my life isn't something I tend to think about too often. But after playing Life Is Strange I suddenly felt a pang of nostalgia and started looking through my high school yearbooks, essays, lab assignments, etc. Sadly I hadn't kept most of it, but I still had a few old chemistry, history, and physics assignments stashed away somewhere.

    Playing through the game is an interesting experience, in that it presents a setting that is both familiar and yet quite different:

    • There are signs throughout Blackwell Academy that read "GUN FREE ZONE." At first I thought this was a bit of dark humour on DONTNOD's part, meant to satirise the proliferation of gun violence in the US, but it turns out these signs actually exist in real life. The Columbine massacre occurred during my first year of high school, and the notion of students bringing guns to school scared the piss out of everyone. The narrative that emerged was that Harris and Klebold were bullied outcasts who snapped and went on a killing, and for some time afterwards there was this whispered fear that students who were shy, introverted, or loners were somehow potential school shooters. So Max being hassled by Madsen and the principal after she sets off the fire alarm strikes me as the sort of thing that might have happened in real life (although the unspoken assumption was that all school shooters were *male*)
    • I went to an inner city high school, and by "inner city" I don't meant that it was poorly funded and full of gangs, drugs, and violence, but simply that it was not part of the affluent suburbs. And I must admit...someone like Victoria wouldn't have lasted a day there - she would have either been laughed out of class in a heartbeat or become so alienated that she would have had no choice but to stop acting so snobbishly.
    • At one point Max says something to effect of, "Wow, Warren actually bought a used car!" Now, obviously things are different in rich private schools, but NO ONE at my school had anywhere near enough money to buy a new car. Old, rusted bangers like Chloe's truck were far more common.
    • Music! Life Is Strange has the tag "great soundtrack" on Steam, and while tastes obviously vary, I can't really agree with this. This mellow indie stuff really doesn't do it for me...I'm a metalhead, through and through, and I think Max and Chloe ought to start a thrash metal band...but it made me think about what kind of music people listened to when I was in high school. I don't know what girls listened to, but for boys, it was all about nu-metal. Korn, Disturbed, Papa Roach, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit...I hated that stuff even then. The words "worst thing ever" get thrown around a lot, but I can say with certainty that Limp Bizkit really was one of the worst musical outfits of all time. Whatever high school listen to today cannot possibly by worse than what they listened to when I was a teenager.
    • Dorm life. Yeah, boarding schools aren't really a thing where I live; they're something I associate more with university than high school. Then again, rich private schools aren't really a thing where I live, either. Are whiteboards next to each student's door actually a thing?
    • Blackwell's sports team is called the "Bigfoots," which is certainly better than my high school's sports team, whose name was a racial slur (it has since been changed).
    • Unless I missed something, Max is 18 years old, and yet appears to be in the first year of high school. Which seems a bit odd, considering students typically graduate high school at that age.

    So there you have it, me waxing nostalgic as a result of playing a game set in high school. I'm rather curious if anyone else had sudden "nostalgia trips" while playing Life Is Strange?

    submitted by /u/TheVictorianLP
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