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    Tuesday, July 21, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Max and Chloe, BFF by Kotkott

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Max and Chloe, BFF by Kotkott

    [NO SPOILERS] Max and Chloe, BFF by Kotkott

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Good Girl. - Fanart by Mouraki.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    [ALL] Chloe and Max, Maximum Gay by Maarika

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 10:47 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Spent a month on this little project

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] My LIS 1 and 2 fan portraits :D

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    [S1 E4] I ugly cried the first playthrough. The other times I cried, and this time just happened to be the second time I ugly cried. This is, to me, the most touching sequence in fiction.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    I might never get over this game. The end of episode 3 and beginning of ep 4 together are so perfect. Chloe's honesty and emotional availability gets me EVERY time. "I don't mean that in a bitchy way, not totally. You probably wanted to avoid conversations like this." She will always tell Max what she thinks without mincing words and still try to be kind to Max. This is something she does throughout the game and it is so compelling. Then there's Max. Even though I, the player, had no choice but to save William no matter what in episode 3, I still feel like it was my choice. And technically it was my choice since I chose to play through the episode in the first place. Feeling it was my choice puts me in the same headspace as Max. And holy fuck if her headspace isn't fucked during this sequence. How can a person live through that if it happened? "I put Chloe in that chair." Post Life is Strange Depression is a thing because of this. I don't know if any choice-based game will do this again, but since the medium is in its infancy, I assume another game like this may come around. Perhaps there already is one. What a strange future for fiction.

    submitted by /u/tacmotor
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    [ALL] Currently playing LiS2 on this first playthrough, and I almost cried seeing this photo. It's been 2 years since I've played LiS... Great memories.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    [No Spoilers] Why Life Is Strange Was Such A Risk For Don't Nod

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] The raven is to be respected, never trusted by Overshia

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    [ALL]I've just finished my 1st Playthrough of Life is Strange 2: Electric Boogaloo, LOL. But, on a serious note, I want to open my thoughts about this one. (Feel free to criticize my opinion. Also, please don't spoil for the other endings, if there is any.)

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    Okay, so before I start; before I played this game, I have no knowledge regarding LIS2 news. Because I don't want to be spoiled and I don't want to know everything so I want to keep playing as fresh as I can. But now, I've finished it. I'll leave this post here while I do some research regarding this game.

    So after playing Life is Strange 2, after 2 years of playing both LiS and BTS. I would say, I believed I spoiled Daniel too much. To the point that watching the 2 endings. Both have the same, but different outcomes. Yes, they both made it to the border but in the "Surrender" ending, Daniel went straight thru the wall and his brother was been killed by a gunshot wound in the process, becoming a criminal on his own right but still mourns to his brother. On the other, my first personal choice before that, is escaping the border and maniacally killing the police and had their own auto shop, just like their dad.

    That was a disappointing ending, for me. And yes, I know I might get a lot of hate by this community, I apologize.

    But, what grinds my gear here is that, why does it feel something political involved in this game? I mean, I get it that LiS is politcal. But this one is kinda much focused on to it. I get that this was set around the Trump administration, but what's their goal here? I get it how they tackle this topic from racism against the Mexicans because "each race should be equal" kind of thing, and destroying the mexican wall. But, I don't get it why DONTNOD decided to do it? And if they succeeded it or not.

    But, I'm also a Filipino but I don't know anything around US much because the news much focused on what's around us, so kindly enlighten me about this.

    But anyways, it's great that they have much more improvements around the choices and not so much linear than the previous 2 games. But not a very emotional game than LiS. However, I've learned much regarding the wolf brothers story and trusting with one another. Also, learning that "too much love will kill you" cliche is a great one to. I was expecting that Sean will surrender peacefully at the end, but... it's not, and you have to replay the story again just to alter this ending so... Yeah. Good job, DONTNOD! But, I still did not get it what's their goal here.

    So yeah, now I have to get some research for now regarding LiS2.

    submitted by /u/Hachiman-Hikigaya
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    [NO SPOILERS]After some thought, I decided to release the news,my team and I are working on a sequel to life is strange 1,which will be based on the official comic book,we plan to release chapter 1 free in October.And welcome to contact me if you are good at modeling,texturing or ue4 blueprint!

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] What would you like to see in "Life is Strange 3"?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    [ALL] what's the game order/plotline I think I've missed some

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Edit: solved thanks for all the help guys!

    after having life is strange downloaded for years i finally decided to play it but im not sure if ive played it all properly. heres what ive played

    life is strange : the free one

    before the storm episode 1 2 and 3

    is there more to the first one i think i ended it off when max was having some sort of flashback at the lighthouse. and theres another episode of bts called farewell bts ended with the phone ringing right? that seemed like a cliffhanger?

    submitted by /u/iuvio
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    [NO SPOILERS] Will there ever be a life is strange after the storm

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Will there ever be a life is strange game continuing Max's story

    submitted by /u/ynotlolll
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    [NO SPOILERS] found Chloe's mom in fnaf

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] How is this even possible? If i restart progress and complete ep 1, will my achievements remain?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    [S1] Some fan fiction I wrote awhile back

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    So I wrote this a couple months ago after finishing the first game and being super bummed about the ending I picked. I've always liked typing stories and what not, plus I got back into reading stuff from the SCP foundation (hence the format). I was gonna submit it there but then I kinda forgot. As for the number, it was place holder until I was able to submit it there, so while there is another SCP-5620 I'm gonna stick with it here just so I don't have to go back and edit it. Also, blacked out text has been added for effect rather than for any spoilers, though there are a few. Thanks guys, and tell me what you think:


    Item: SCP-5620

    Object Class: Keter Safe

    Containment Procedure: SCP-5620 is to be contained in 15×15×2.5m room that is locked from the outside. SCP-5620 is never to be shown any photographs, especially those from her past life. Given the relatively benign nature of SCP-5620 as well as the near impossibility of standard containment procedures, SCP-5620 will be given free reign of the town of Arcadia Bay, Oregon as well as being permitted travel to Seattle, Washington to visit family. SCP-5620 will be monitored via two (2) GPS tracking devices implanted in the prefrontal cortex and at the lumbar spine. SCP-5620 is also never to be shown any photographs of Foundation facilities.

    Description: SCP-5620 is an 18-year-old female whose name is Maxine Caulfield. She is>! 1.65!<m in height. SCP-5620 came to the Foundation's attention after a social media post by >!Alyssa Anderson!< which stated that she kept her from embarrassment as well as some injuries with little to no indication of danger. Further, SCP-5620 demonstrated knowledge of events and information with accuracy beyond that of normal espionage or cold reading. SCP-5620 was soon after brought to Site 87 for interview and testing for alleged precognitive abilities.

    Interviews with Foundation staff determined that SCP-5620 has the ability to reverse time while remaining in her present location. SCP-5620 also revealed that items obtained prior to reversal would remain with her and that other events did not affect her location. For example, SCP-5620 can unlock a door, cross to the other side, and then reverse time to when the door was locked while remaining on the other side.

    SCP-5620 can also use photographs to create space-time anomalies. SCP-5620 is transported to the location and time of the photograph taken. While SCP-5620 can manipulate objects, events, and even interact with persons in the environment, she incapable of traveling outside of the boundaries of the photograph. According to interviews with SCP-5620, the largest environment created by this ability was 15m X 15m X 15m cube.

    Interviews as well as some tests have demonstrated that SCP-5620 has so far only used her abilities for events, times, and locations for which she was present. It is not known whether SCP-5620 can use this ability for times prior to her lifespan (any date prior to 09/21/1995). SCP-5620 did cooperate, albeit reluctantly, for initial tests but has otherwise vehemently refused to cooperate in any test to further explore her abilities. All attempts to persuade her (ranging from moralistic appeals to promises of financial compensation to threats of physical violence and death) have been done to no avail. SCP-5620 has stated that this is because she has previously created alternate universes, one of which resulted in a CK-class end of world event.

    Addendum: SCP-5620 is only the second entity to have surrendered voluntarily to Foundation custody. However, unlike the other entity, she appears to have done so begrudgingly.

    Interview Log

    Interviewer: Dr. David Bridger

    Interviewee: SCP-5620


    Dr. Bridger: This is Dr. David Bridger, researcher at Site 87, beginning interview with SCP-5620. (pause) You know-

    SCP-5620: I know.

    Dr. Bridger: I haven't even said what it is.

    SCP-5620: I was just trying to show you my powers. You were gonna say that most people didn't like being referred to by object names but that you have to maintain the secrecy for the Foundation. I guess that's good, I don't want anyone else knowing I have these powers.

    Dr. Bridger: I see. Well, I guess I'd like to know how your pow-

    SCP-5620: Because I can change stuff in the past. And if they turn out different, I don't know what'll happen.

    Dr. Bridger: (pause) Have you… reversed this conversation?

    SCP-5620: I did. You didn't ask me that last time.

    Dr. Bridger: I'm still not entirely clear on how this differs from a precognitive ability. Or that you're just a really good guesser.

    SCP-5620: Dr. Lenel is gonna come in. He thought this was a different interview room for another person or thing. You guys have too much weird shit here.

    Dr. Bridger: Which SCP?

    SCP-5620: I dunno, he didn't say. He's also gonna joke that I'm your sugar baby. He's also gonna say it weird and ask if he's using it correctly.

    Dr. Bridger: All the same, I need you to –

    [The door to the interview room opens and Dr. Howard Lenel enters]

    Dr. Lenel: Oh, hey Dave. Sorry I thought this was the room where I was supposed to interview a different SCP. (Looking at SCP-5620) Who's the you're sugar baby? (pause) Did I use that right? (Dr. Lenel looks back and forth between Dr. Bridger and SCP-5620) Did I say something wrong?

    Dr. Bridger: No, just the right things.

    Dr. Lenel: Okay, good.

    SCP-5620: Do you need a pen?

    Dr. Lenel: No, dear, I always (Dr. Lenel checks the pocket on the breast of his jacket) huh, I could have sworn I had-

    (SCP-5620 tosses Dr. Lenel a ballpoint pen. Lenel thanks her and leaves)

    Dr. Bridger: They searched you before you got to the facility, didn't they?

    SCP-5620: They did. (SCP-5620's nose starts to bleed) Yeah, I'll do some tests for you and yeah I'd like a tissue.

    [END LOG]


    Subject: SCP-5620

    Researcher: Dr. Helena Stemkowski

    Purpose: Determine whether SCP-5620 has anomalous temporal/precognitive abilities.

    Method: Dr. Stemkowski would bring four random items into the test chamber to see if SCP-5620 could identify the items without seeing them. The items themselves are fairly common but have some characteristic that makes a 100% accurate guess extremely improbable. The items are as follows:

    -A roll of blue electrical tape

    -A purple ball point pen

    -A pair of sunglasses that is missing the right lense

    -A set of fingernail clippers that is missing the file

    Additionally, Dr. Stemkowski and SCP-5620 not only have never met but have never been in the same hemisphere, thus making the possibility of any accidental contact exceedingly remote.

    Results: The test began approximately 15 minutes late due to Dr. Stemkowski losing her ID badge and thus being unable to access any doors. It is not known how the badge may have been lost as the researcher was believed to have had it until it was time to begin the experiment. After being issued a temporary ID badge, Dr. Stemkowski entered the test chamber.

    Upon entering, SCP-5620 not only correctly identified the test items with 100% accuracy but tossed Dr. Stemkowski her lost ID badge. After being asked how the badge was obtained, SCP-5620 stated that she had reversed time from an alternate point when Dr. Stemkowski had conducted the test. SCP-5620 claims that the initial test was not successful, but that she subsequently reversed time to approximately 30 seconds before Dr. Stemkowski was supposed to enter.

    Review of CCTV footage of both Doctor Stemkowski and SCP-5620 is not able to provide any conclusive insight. However, it is noted that while monitoring for Dr. Stemkowski's ID badge that the badge was present up until the time indicated by SCP-5620. Viewing of the footage simply shows the badge to be on Dr. Stemkowski's person and then it suddenly wasn't. SCP-5620 for the entire duration of the footage is seen standing at the wall opposite of the door.

    Following this, SCP-5620 refused to cooperate in any testing.

    Interview Log

    Interviewer: Dr. David Bridger

    Interviewee: SCP-5620


    Dr. Bridger: I'm a little curious about the time in which you discovered your powers.

    SCP-5620: What about it?

    Dr. Bridger: Well, according to past interviews, you discovered them on October 7th, 2013. Around the same time as the murder of your friend Chloe Price by your classmate Nathan Prescott. In fact, based on police reports, you witnessed the murder take place.

    (SCP-5620 remains silent)

    Dr. Bridger: What I'm trying to ask is-

    SCP-5620: Why I didn't do anything.

    Dr. Bridger: Have we had this conversation before?

    SCP-5620: No, it was just that obvious.

    (SCP-5620 remains silent for 47 seconds. SCP-5620 appears distressed, like she's holding back tears. She takes deep breaths and alternates between staring at the floor and the ceiling.)

    SCP-5620: I did save her. I went back and I saved her.

    Dr. Bridger: According to the police report-

    SCP-5620: (agitated) I know what the fucking report says! (Long pause) I saved her, but then all this other weird shit started happening.

    Dr. Bridger: Please explain.

    SCP-5620: The day I saved her, i-it snowed. It shouldn't have, it was like 80 degrees outside. Nobody could explain why. The day after there was a solar eclipse, but there wasn't supposed to be one.

    Dr. Bridger: Were those the most anomalous things to happen?

    SCP-5620: Not if you count the fucking tornado.

    Dr. Bridger: The area you lived in isn't prone to tornados.

    SCP-5620: I know. But you should have seen this thing. I was bigger than the town itself. Damaged buildings miles before it even got there.

    Dr. Bridger: What caused it?

    SCP-5620: I did. Chloe was supposed to die. She realized that before I did.

    Dr. Bridger: So the explanation for everything is in essence that she was supposed to die that day?

    SCP-5620: (nods, but remains silent)

    Dr. Bridger: Do you feel bad about her death? (long pause, SCP-5620 doesn't respond) SCP-5620, did you hear me? (SCP-5620 covers her face and takes a short, sharp breath) SCP-5620, can you answer the question? (pause) SCP-56-

    SCP-5620: (enraged) My name is MAX you fucking asshole! (SCP-5620 begins crying) And I'm not an entity, I'm a fucking person! I wish I didn't have to surrender to this fucking organization!

    Dr. Bridger: Our reports say you surrendered voluntarily.

    SCP-5620: Only because the same shit happened as when I saved Chloe! Because no matter what I do, I'd be captured or the world would end! And if it wasn't one of those, you'd send one of your task forces to put a bullet in my fucking head!

    (SCP-5620 puts her head on the table and begins sobbing. After a few minutes, she regains some composure)

    Dr. Bridger: Can you please answer the question, Max.

    SCP-5620: It feels awful. Either I stopped the death of my best friend or Arcadia Bay would get wiped off the face of the earth. And even if I prevented that, so many other people died before the storm. And I have to live with that. Knowing that her death was inevitable.

    Dr. Bridger: Was there nothing that could be done?

    SCP-5620: No. I tried changing things as far back as her dad dying in a car accident in 2008.

    Dr. Bridger: I take it you were unsuccessful.

    SCP-5620: She ended getting paralyzed from the neck down. Her parents were drowning in medical bills.

    Dr. Bridger: But she didn't die?

    SCP-5620: (deep breath) Not until she asked me to overdose her on morphine.

    (Long silence)

    Dr. Bridger: I think we should finish our interview for today.

    [END LOG]

    submitted by /u/poizunman206
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    [NO SPOILERS] A nod to to George Orwell’s novel 1984 in episode 3 of Life is Strange. Just found it interesting how no one noticed it before. At least none that I've known.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    [S1] Into Darkness - Kate - Life is Strange

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Crimes committed in Life is Strange

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    I got bored earlier so I took some time to see how long each of the characters in the first game would got to prison as well as adding up their maximum sentences. Would anyone be interested in seeing the results I got?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/poizunman206
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    [S1] Both endings suck and I feel empty.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: This is gonna devolve into a rant at some point, so if you're not into that, look away. I apologize if I come across as butter, but this is really fucking with me.

    TL;DR: Title.

    Anyway, I just finished my fourth annual LiS playthrough, and honestly, I'm done. I don't know when I became so jaded and cynical, but this is just the latest in a long line of entertainment I've ruined for myself. I've always had reservations about the non-Max & Chloe aspects of the game, but I could usually roll with it.

    This time, though, I'm just left feeling angry. All I can see anymore is how, outside of Max & Chloe's relationship, so much of this game is half-assed, even incomplete in some cases. The first time I played it, it was fine, because I was just along for the ride. Now, though, it's all I can think about anymore.

    I mean, the whole crux of the game, ie., Chloe & the storm... I don't know how it played out so badly. I can't tell if the writers just came into this without a solid plan (it really feels like it), or if the lack of budget is to blame, or if Square Enix meddled it to death, but this is some of the worst plotting I've seen in a long time. Like, they were still throwing out theories through episode 4, stopped to do the whole Dark Room business, and didn't bring it back up until there were 5 minutes left in the game. I mean, really? Not everything under the sun needs an explanation, but something as central to your plot as this does.

    Then there's the endings themselves. I usually pick Bay, because from a cinematic standpoint, it holds way more emotional weight for me than the Bae ending, and morally, it's the one I agree with. I was prepared to defend this until my last breath, but then I learned a new word this week: meta-gaming. I looked that up and it hit me like a freight train; I realized that that's pretty much the only way Bay makes sense as presented in-game. There was no groundwork done to make it worth any real consideration. I've never written a video game myself (or anything more than maybe 20 pages, if I'm being honest), but you don't have to be a writer to recognize that cramming an explanation for the events of the entire game five minutes before you're gonna give the player a sadistic choice isn't smart. I like Warren and all, but that scene was such bullshit. That never sat well with me, but since I understood the writers' intentions, I went with it. I just didn't realize that I had been using meta-gaming to make it make sense. I always railed against people who complained that Bay was out of character, because "if it was OOC, the writers shouldn't have given us that choice," and while I still agree with that to an extent, I now understand where you're all coming from. So... all apologies.

    BUT, after choosing Bae for the first time, I started thinking about where it could go, and I got angry all over again. I won't begrudge people for just wanting Max and Chloe to ride off into the sunset to find happiness. I can sympathize with that, after everything they'd been through. But to me, that makes the whole game seem pointless. If we accept the game's explanation for why the storm exists, I can't understand why the universe would just stop coming after Chloe once the storm has run its course. I know one of the writers pulled a Word of God thing and explicitly said as much, but I don't understand how or why that is. I mean, it killed her in numerous ways across three different timelines, culminating in throwing a fucking tornado at her, and when it misses, it just decides, "Eh. Fuck it?" Really? Then what was the point of all this? If somebody else has an explanation for this, please, explain it to me. Because the only way I see Bae going in any direction that doesn't feel like a cop-out is if a bunch of Final Destination-esque "accidents" constantly befall Chloe until she has a paranoid breakdown and ends up dead or in a mental institution.

    If you use one of the other aborted theories, it still doesn't make sense without some hefty headcanon. If it's the Prescotts with a weather machine or some bullshit, why does Chloe's death stop it? Ditto for the Native American revenge angle. The only one that I can think of off the top of my head is the Rachel angle. Is it supposed to be some, like, abusive thing where Rachel kills Chloe so she has somebody to chill with in the afterlife? What are your thoughts on all this.

    submitted by /u/Testicules96
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