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    Sunday, August 2, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Hella trinity by Xlyre-Art

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Hella trinity by Xlyre-Art

    [NO SPOILERS] Hella trinity by Xlyre-Art

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] My first tattoo. This game helped me in a WEIRD time when I needed it so unexpectedly

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] kusmi_cosplay as max and soukes as Chloe follow them on instagram ��

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] That Look - Life is Strange

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    [No Spoilers] I got inspired to write this song because of the amazing LiS OST. Hope you enjoy.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Partners in time (by me)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    [ALL] POLARIZED [S1 E5], HELLA IS EMPTY [BTS E3] or RULES [S2 E2]. Which episode is worst in your opinion?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    Hella Is Empty.

    submitted by /u/AshamedPhoto56
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    [ALL] Melt Weather Chapter 3 coming this week! (An Amberson FanFic)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    [ALL] 10 LiS episodes ranked (Metacritic)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Saw this op-ed on a list online. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/WebLurker47
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    [All] Here is my take on ranking all the episodes! Let's debate on the topic if you feel like my judgement is unfair in any way...

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] This would be the last drawing I did, this time with Victoria Chase, really liked it

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    [ALL] My thoughts on fan fics/art/projects

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    I must admit that for a long time I looked down on fan fics and fan stuff, I simply couldn't understand it. After playing LIS, however, I completely do. The desire to keep a story/characters/world alive even though it ends is enormous and I have to say that looking at this sub and basically the LIS fan community around the world just amazes me, because everything can happen. What I mean by this is that the game itself already presented us with the idea of multiple timelines and possible scenarios, and seeing all those stories just make the world the game created more real. Every single thing written can, simultaneously, be a continuation to the story we saw "ending" and I think thats just beautiful

    submitted by /u/81_starfly
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    [ALL] Life is Strange 2 - Sean Diaz APPRECIATION post

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    I've been wanting to do this post since forever. I've seen these appreciation posts going around a bit and thought if anything or anybody should have one of its own, without a single trace of doubt should be Sean. It's slightly overwhelming to even begin because there's truly so much to say and to express, yet I'll try to keep it as succinct as possible. I've seen so many people lately coming forward with heartfelt and positive experiences with this game, I'm so happy it's being seen for what it really is. If the reviews were a bit mixed in the beginning though, if one thing everyone seemed to praise on a common note, was Sean. Therefore, let's dive in.

    First off, it's low-key scary what Life is Strange 2 did to me. Then to gradually move on to the topic of this post, we all have characters from movies, books, TV series, video games we've come to treasure, we look up to and that settled deeply close next to our hearts. Still I've honestly never really had this happen, to be soo affected emotionally, morally, psychologically, from every point of view you name it by a fictional character. What Sean carried out to do in that way is on another level. When I try to seek and understand what actually stood out to/for me so much, I go to the base of everything and find myself with the answer : his writing. His character's writing. That's from where it all begins. The way he was built and his structure from the get go. The raw complexity in which and with which he was drafted is simply out of this world. What the creators have achieved to do with this character, to me personally is mind blowing. They've managed and succeeded so beautifully to give him true essence.

    I can not put in words how beyond devastating and tragic what happens to Sean, really is. I think many of us forgot so easily sometimes that he's just a 16 year old kid as well. A kid who suddenly and shatteringly has to bear this too massive of a cross, first loosing his dad dreadfully in front of his eyes and then becoming this parental figure for his 9 year old brother. As if this wasn't too much already, both brothers have to go through and deal with literally the worst of what the world and society throw at them. Cold, hunger, social injustice, heat as you all know just to name a few. Yet why it's so easy I guess for some to forget all this is because, Sean truly never complains about all these, not once. Yes he breaks down to Brody at the end of ep.1, yes he's aware of the gravity of the situation and his ultimate plan and wish is to get out of it, he never whines about it. He accepts his faith and father-figure role so heroically and admirably fast, he doesn't perceive things that way. His personality, mindset and desires remain constant and he carries with him his father's teachings. He's selfless and loving, as much as he can towards Daniel and he's willing to do pretty much anything to protect him.

    Even though he's in need of that love and parental caring as much as his brother is. There were so many times I've wished I could just hug both of them and tell them that eventually everything will be alright. At the end of episode 3 I remember spending an entire hour online thinking I did something wrong and wanted to replay the whole episode because I just couldn't believe that after everything, there still were things left in store for him. Then I thought alright, this is waay too unbearable for someone, it can't be, it has to stop, only for him to get bullied and even beaten up depending on your dialogue options in the desert by those two rednecks in episode 4. Plus let's not forget how seriously injured he gets when he's beaten up once again by Nicholas at the end of that same episode. I've said it before in my previous posts but this sequel and what happens to Sean is truly, stomach-turningly tragic. To me at least it was. If you connect to the story and characters, it reaches to the deepest point of your core and destroys it into pieces. These are exactly all the reasons why I'm writing this post and I'm trying to outline how much of the world this kid deserved and if not, at least a small tribute from me. Someone said it so wisely a while ago "he's the absolute representation of the importance of brotherhood" and boy was that person right. He's fierceness and the way he becomes this main pillar for Daniel, putting himself together, time after time he's beaten down makes him as I've said deserve the world and it's what makes him so truly freaking remarkable and outstanding along the lines of his writing and what I've described above. I could only wish to have a friend or someone like him in my life. I somewhat feel lucky that I had the chance to familiarize myself with a story and a character like him. I could go on until tomorrow but I will finally stop and conclude with the words : Sean Diaz is EVERYTHING.

    If you got to this point, thank you a lot for hearing me out, we all have our experience with this game and characters and that's what makes that journey special. Some may have been this affected others not so much. If you were/are in a similar position please feel free to let me know about your experience with this character and how you dealt with it all xx.

    submitted by /u/jmaxx001
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    [NO SPOILERS] Best story games I’ve ever played..when’s the next?!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] "Be Ok" by EvYLB

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS]Something that kinda feels like Life is strange

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    Yeah, I'd like u guys to recommend me any comic/movie/series with the same atmosphere as life is strange, with a character like Chloe, teenagers doing shitty things and with problematic and complex lives, wanting to escape from real life and this kinda stuff

    submitted by /u/Akiho42
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    [ALL] Life Is Strange Rap / Music Video

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] Really happy I actually finished it!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    I'm really happy I actually managed to finish my fanfiction! It took 6 months and 137k words but I have been really pleased with the result and the response, we have a great community who have helped me get over the line - I've personally read a lot of promising ones that have never been finished, and I didn't want to be one of those.

    I known it won't be everyone's cup of tea (chasefield) but I tried my best to make interesting.

    If anyone else is thinking of doing it, my advice is just to take the plunge and have a go! Just set yourself a realistic target so you don't take on the impossible.


    Now, the question is: am I crazy enough to do a sequel?

    submitted by /u/Von_Uber
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    [NO SPOILERS] The Sense of Me Cover!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    I got to THAT PART of the last episode and I had to cover this song!! Hope you like it! <3

    The Sense of Me

    submitted by /u/GuttiG
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    [NO SPOILERS] Would you guys like to kick David Madsen?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    [ALL] My personal thoughts about LiS

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    Okay, so, The-Situation-You're-All-Aware-Of had me revisiting Life is Strange. I had previously played all of LiS 1 and two Episodes of BTS. In the last two weeks, I played through the entire franchise in basically one big sitting. Thought I could share my thoughts and maybe discuss with some people. This is gonna be long, so sorry about that.

    Life is Strange

    • I like her in general, but I have very mixed feelings about Max as a protagonist. She's fairly unique since, from a design point, she's just a regular girl. Then you realize that that's the point because Max is a picture perfect example of "Not like other Girls". Max doesn't wear make up, she's not like other girls. Max isn't interested in dating, she's not like other girls. Max doesn't like mainstream music, she's not like other girls. Max thinks vaccines don't work and natural remedies are more effective than Morphium, she's... an insane Facebook-Karen in the making? (that last one was a joke btw) Other things I absolutely can't stand about Max are her doormat moments with Chloe and her complete lack of agency outside the Rachel Amber investigation. Max doesn't do things, things happen and she reacts.
    • I so desperately want to sympathize with and like Chloe, but she's such a colossal mega-brat half the time that I can't bring myself to care about her. She's irresponsible, she's a leech on Joyce and David, she thinks she's more important than everyone else and then has the audacity to blame everyone around her (including her dead father) for her issues. She steals, she smokes illegal shit in her mothers house, she thinks guns are toys. But all of that is okay and we shouldn't judge her because dEpReSsIoN. Your dad died? That's awful and I feel for you. Doesn't give you the right to wave a gun around and blow up at your friend for not killing a man. Your friend moved away and estranged herself from you? That's shitty of her, but that doesn't give you the right to blame your pot on her. Every time Chloe has a genuinely sympathetic moment, she turns right back around and steals the handicapped fund. Chloe's life has been utter shite and I get it. My life is complete crap too. But I don't get to be an ass about it and Chloe shouldn't either. And, funnily enough, the easiest way to fix this would be to give you the option to call her out on her bullshit. You can do that once and that's it. Max is a doormat. I'll give you that Chloe was great in Episode 5, but at that point it was too little, too late for me.
    • Supporting characters are fluctuating so hard in terms of quality it's almost funny. On one hand, you have Kate and Joyce, who have a lot of depth and understandable reasons for why they do what they do, on the other hand you have Warren and Victoria who have a single personality trait each for four Episodes before the writers realize that that's a bad thing and try to do damage control. And then there's David who HAS understandable reasons and motives for his actions, but is so shoddily written that it barely even matters in the end.
    • The plot is great, I just wish the storm was actually a factor in it. Like, Max sees that a giant tornado is coming to town on Friday, so she... goes to have a sleepover with her friend? I understand forgetting about it once we go into Investigation Mode during Episode 3 and 4, but during Episode 2? Max knows shit is happening, but she's too busy enabling Chloe's behavior to actually try and talk to anyone. Like, she doesn't even tell Chloe. What?
    • Episode 5 was bad. Like, astoundingly so. The sudden shift from "Supernatural detective story and coming of age tale" to "Surreal Horror" was jarring to say the least.
    • The endings erase every single choice you made from existence, never mind that the last choice is literally the easiest choice to make no matter which one you went with lol.
    • Another thing that was hella annoying was how these hella teenagers hella talked, which dated the game hella cereal, like wowzer. "Go fuck your selfie" is godlike though. It can stay.

    Life is Strange: Before the Storm

    • Chloe's super power is using the worst insults ever. I still don't know if that was the point or if the writers just failed.
    • Rachel Amber is a such an interesting character, it's a shame she's wasted on a spin-off. Like, Rachel manipulates everyone around her and I can't even tell if she's doing it on purpose. Rachel is the literal reason Chloe ends up as messed up as she did in LiS 1. No, seriously. By the end of Episode 3, unless you play Chloe as an absolute bitch, she will be on good terms with Joyce, have shared an empathetic moment with David and have a pretty big support net (Steph, Mikey, Drew, Samantha,...). But hey, who is frequently isolating Chloe throughout the game? Rachel. Who gets Chloe in trouble all the time? Rachel. Who sends Chloe to go after a Drug Lord? Rachel. Everything Rachel does seems so calculated and thought out it's insane. She is so interesting to watch, I can't get enough of her.
    • Elliot is not a good character. He just isn't. I get what the writers intended with him, what with everything he talks about while he goes crazy being 100% true and stuff, but it was so obvious what they were doing, they could have made just an ongoing plot point instead of treating it like a plot twist.
    • By far the biggest problem with BTS is that it doesn't have a plot. It's random Events in Chloe's life until the whole "That Woman is your mother" stuff comes around, but that is so downplayed throughout the first two episodes.
    • The bonus Episode with Max and Chloe as kids was pointless, depressing Filler that only exists to demonize Max's parents, thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

    The awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit

    • This is far and beyond the best written part of Life is Strange as a franchise. From Chris's conflicting feelings to Charles being portrayed as a flawed human being rather than an absolute monster. Claire, Sean and Daniel's early bird cameo's were pretty nice too.

    Life is Strange 2

    • Hate me as much as you want, I liked this one better than the first one.
    • Sean, in my opinion, was a better thought out protagonist than Max was. He has a more distinguishable personality, he has an actual backstory, he has a life before the game begins and he is able to interact with a friend of the opposite gender without her being immediately in love him. Sean also gets the chance of frequently telling Daniel off for his behavior.
    • Daniel is a brat. We all know that. He flips at the drop of a hat, is rude, doesn't listen to what people tell him. Wanna know why I give Daniel a pass on this? He's a kid. He is literally 10 years old. Also, his dad died wright in front of his face. Daniel is overwhelmed with everything that is going on and he acts out because he doesn't have any other option.
    • I see people on this sub saying that Sean shouldn't have run away. No shit he shouldn't have run away. He says himself that he shouldn't have run away multiple times. He freaked the shit out when Esteban was shot and did the first thing he could think of. He's 16. By the time he realized that he shouldn't have run, it was to late. They were already looking for him on murder charges. There's also the whole thing with Sean and Daniel being half Mexican. Two dead people, one of which is a cop, an unconscious white kid and the only other people at the scene are two Mexicans? Yeah, no.
    • The supporting cast in LiS 2 is also way better written than in LiS 1. No, them disappearing after one or two Episodes is not a bad thing that stops them from being developed. LiS 1 didn't develop it's supporting cast properly and they were around for the entire game. The Supporting cast in LiS 2 comes in, does what they are supposed to do and leave. Brody didn't need to be in any more Episodes after Episode 1 was done. What would his purpose have been? Lisbeth didn't need to be in any more Episodes before or after Episode 4. What would her purpose have been. David didn't need to be in any Episodes before Episode 5. What would his purpose have been? LiS 1 throws Warren and Victoria in scene after scene that they have no reason to be in and they don't even remotely develop. And yeah, Brody doesn't develop, because he's a Mentor-Type character. Finn and Cassidy don't develop a whole lot, but they do develop enough for the time they have. Jacob develops quite a lot, but hey, he's only in Episodes that he has something to do in, so it doesn't count I guess.
    • LiS 2 is more emotional to me personally. Between Sean and Daniel's hug at the end of Episode 1, to Mushroom, to the rednecks making Sean sing. The only moment in LiS 1 that is on that same level is the scene where Max and Chloe find Rachel's remains.
    • Karen is what the writers wanted David to be. She has fairly understandable reasons for what she did and what she does, but she handled it in the worst possible way. We learn WHY Sean holds a grudge against her. Chloe calls David names and starts shit with him all the time, but David hits her (once) to trick you into forgetting that Chloe isn't a blameless victim in this. Karen helps Sean and Daniel from the get go. David only comes in at the end because Chloe needs more shit to complain about.
    • Yes, the game's themes of racism are relevant. They aren't subtle, but racism isn't subtle either.
    • The endings not only take your choices into consideration, they're also all pretty good.
    • Obviously, the game isn't perfect. The pacing is off quite often, most notably in Episode 2 or when walking through the desert in Episode 4. The QTE's in Episode 3 suck. The Finn romance is super unsatisfying. There's more, but my brain is fried from writing this whole thing and I can't think anymore x.x

    This took me too long to write. What is wrong with me?

    submitted by /u/NinjaSpaceFrog
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