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    Tuesday, December 22, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] I drew it a while ago and thought it would be nice to share it with the world

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] I drew it a while ago and thought it would be nice to share it with the world

    [NO SPOILERS] I drew it a while ago and thought it would be nice to share it with the world

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 08:28 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] We'll always be together by イカ飯

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 08:14 PM PST

    [No Spoilers] I was looking for the gif of this butterfly but only found separate pngs. So I created this wallpaper and gif. ��

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 02:39 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Looking out into the moonlight. A Christmas present for the Chasemarsh ships out there!

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 07:26 PM PST

    [S2] What plot points were you expecting but never happened?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:02 PM PST

    In Episode 1 there's a poster about what to do when encountering a bear (don't play dead but punch it) so I really expected a bear at some point in game. Another poster said something about not to disturb the wild animals so I was expecting some punishment if you hurt any wild animals, but maybe that's from playing Until Dawn before. That was also why I didn't let Daniel hurt the cougar

    In Episode 2 Daniel is sick. I was thinking it's because of his excessive power use from practicing and would be revealed later but it was just an actual cold. If Chris is hit by car, I was expecting some crippling medical debt on his dad but don't think ever mentioned

    As for Episode 5 I was expecting a happy ending where Sean and Daniel both make it to Puerto Lobos and gaze at the ocean, face in wonder at how far they've come and finally reaching their fatherland...

    submitted by /u/Jexlan
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    [ALL] Rachel Amber letter theory

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:13 AM PST

    When I compared all of her writings side by side (junkyard, postcard from Chloe's room and the letters for Frank), I realized that the one at the junkyard looked entirely different from the rest. The handwriting was different and it was written in a perfectly straight line, as opposed to the others that were written angling up (even though that one note from Auto Repair had lines too).

    Rachel Amber letters

    Something else I noticed that I can't really get was what she assumed Chloe's reaction would be. From the letter, Rachel assumed that Chloe would find Jefferson gross and give her a stink eye for their relationship... and yet in LiS Ep 4 when Chloe met Jefferson outside the dorms, that wasn't her reaction at all. She even seemed to find him attractive just like the rest of the female population of Blackwell. They were best friends for three years and Rachel was known to read people well, yet in this case she read Chloe wrong when it came to Jefferson? It's weird.

    **And another thing, why was she willing to write about Jefferson but then hide her relationship with Frank to Chloe if Frank was just a fling? It doesn't make sense that she'd go so far as to lie to Chloe about Frank, but then confesses about Jefferson in the letter.

    I know that Square Enix confirmed Rachel did like Jefferson and that the letter was about Jefferson, but no one said anything about who wrote it. So here's a theory. What if that letter Max found in the junkyard wasn't from Rachel, but written by Jefferson instead to lead Chloe to think that Rachel really did just run away?

    submitted by /u/Zeroprofessional
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    [NO SPOILERS] Made a simple animation, Happy New Year!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 01:39 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Looking for a old fanart

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 08:22 AM PST

    Hey there, I'm looking for a Life is Strange Before The Storm fanart that I've stumbled upon couple of years ago. I really wanted to tattoo it but for making it to do so I need to get in touch with the artist and ask them for permission. I did hours of research but can't seem to find this particular fanart. I saw it on tumblr, it was basically William's car in junkyard with flowers and plants coming out of it. I remember it being affecting me so much but it seems that I've lost it. If you know the piece and of course the artist, please link them down below!!! Thank you in advance <3

    submitted by /u/langxlier
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    [S2] Life is Strange 2 Survey Results Part One.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 06:28 PM PST

    [S2] Life is Strange 2 Survey Results Part Two.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:32 PM PST

    For the first two questions I decided to post the best entries I read, while the others are the most common and repeated answers.


    1. Love the relationship between Sean and Daniel, Sean's sketchbook to explain what happens to them between episodes, that choices through the game help decide your ending.

    2. It's extremely touching and beautiful. Sean & Daniel's relationship is so pure and heartwarming and wonderful and I just love them both so much. It's very very emotional too, the voice acting, writing, and music are all amazing too and it's my favorite game ever. But most importantly I just love Sean & Daniel so much.

    3. The game hits me so hard because my little brother is the exact same age as Daniel and they have a strong resemblance too, as well as being a Mexican American. But the story is much more powerful (in my opinion) than LIS1 and the bond between Daniel and Sean is so strong, as well as the variety of amazing characters.

    4. Sean Diaz is a well-written protagonist. The art (backgrounds, environment design) throughout the game is beautiful. Episodes 1, 2, and 5 carried an interesting storyline. It has provided inspiration for my own writing.

    5. It explains a glimpse of what discrimination and racism POC have to go through through their pov which makes it easier to empathise and how it affects them.

    6. I loved Life is Strange 2 because of its incredible story. Every episode felt like a roller coaster, one minute everything was fine and the next hell was breaking loose. I found that because every choice impacted the ending I enjoyed and dove into the story even more. Knowing that what I made Sean say or do could mean life or death for him or other characters around him. Yep, that's pretty much it! :)

    7. I very much appreciate most of the characters, their personalities and backstories that you meet throughout the story. I also admire the graphics and locations the game shows, especially in episode 2 and 3. Lastly I would say that even though the soundtrack has a few hiccups (cough cough Natalie) I still love it and some of the songs I discovered while playing I listen to everyday (Death with Dignity, Look for Sympathy...).

    8. Largely, it's discussion of morality. We are faced with challenges throughout the game testing us, until the end when we get to choose between being a good person or staying with our family. I love that- it's a difficult choice. And the endings you receive based on your choices are so incredibly powerful, I sobbed when I got mine (the lone wolf ending, arguably the worst). I truly loved how everything came together. That's another reason. You're choices really do matter.

    9. The storytelling, voice acting, and atmosphere were so much better than the first LIS game, and it told a very relevant, beautiful, yet heartbreaking story about brotherhood and family in the midst of timely sociopolitical struggles on racism, identity, and perception. I loved that every choice impacts Daniel's learning, I've never seen that in a game before and the endings really lead players to question and understand what impact their choices have, especially since there are no "perfect" endings. All of them are simply the result of choice, and how it shapes their lives. Endlessly fascinating and uniquely human.

    10. The game has one of the most surreal character development. The studio has perfectly crafted these worlds and when you play Life is Strange 2, the most striking thing is the artistic elements of the game. The places feel real and the people feel real. It makes the player emotionally invested in the well being of the characters. The ending was also very emotional as it not only showed the consequences of your decisions but also made you wonder what could've happened. Plus, I've been following DontNod's work for a long time now and with Life is Strange 2, you can see how the whole team has matured in its workflow and their design strategies.

    11. I love this game for its atmosphere, music and road trip across america. This game helped me get away from reality and my problems and completely switch to the exciting adventure of Sean and Daniel. It helped me understand some things that I hadn't thought about or that I hadn't paid attention to before.I love this game for its atmosphere, music and road trip across america. This game helped me get away from reality and my problems and completely switch to the exciting adventure of Sean and Daniel. It helped me understand some things that I hadn't thought about or that I hadn't paid attention to before.

    12. I love this game for multiple reasons. I liked how the game takes place throughout a bunch of different locations so it's always something new each episode. Not to mention the scenery is beautiful throughout, along with the amazing soundtrack, It makes for an amazing game regardless of the story. The characters were generally likable, even as a passing character (brody, farm gang) The main character, Sean was a pretty realistic depiction of a teenage boy in high school. His friendships, hobbies, and relationship with his family. The representation was also amazing, not only was the main character a bisexual POC, quite a few other characters were LGBTQ as well. I also liked the fact that sean being bisexual was so normalized. As Sean is still the same likable teenager, and his sexuality didn't define him. In addition, the development of Sean and Daniel's relationship was well done, they had their ups and downs but ultimately they still had each other's backs. The game also did a great job with toxic masculinity which is usually not common in video games. Sean and Daniel aren't afraid to cry or embrace each other when needed. They are so psychically affectionate which is a refreshing sight in video games, especially with a male protagonist. Also Lyla and Seans platonic friendship which is a rare sight in media.

    13. Branching story, interesting characters, character development... I feel like the game does a good job of providing slower paced scenes where the player can explore and the world is given a lot of depth, while also avoiding monotony by occasionally switching to fast dramatic scenes where difficult choices are often made.

    14. It's extremely well constructed narratively, and I like how original the gameplay is (not controlling the character with superpowers but only having some influence over him), but mostly I like that it puts you in the shoes of someone that is discriminated against every step of the way and makes you experience what it's like to be in that situation.

    15. I've emotionally invested in these boys, and their journey was a pleasure to go on with them. I wasn't a fan of the first season, but I decided to try this because the story is something that hits close to home. I loved the characters, the landscapes, the constant laughs and cries that came with it. It felt effortless in some parts, but so stressful in others. It allowed me to see my own personal morals and decisions in an uncomplicated way. I also played along with one of my best friends, and we shared this story as if we were all in one big group.... So I guess in a way, this story connected not only to me, but was able to connect with others as well.

    16. Sean Diaz is such a great character

    17. I love both games equally but for some reason, this game is the one I go back to the most. I guess it has to do with family, adventure, and the drawing mini games.

    18. I loved the relationship between Sean and Daniel and how dire their journey was. Mexico was their only life line and they did a good job showing how

    19. I think the story is so relevant, and so powerful. Every single character (including side characters like Brody) are fleshed out and given such depth. The game pulls you in immediately, and the way that each episode rips you from old characters and brings in new ones really gives a sense for something vaguely like what the brothers must have felt. They could never settle, never stay in one place, never hold on to the people they met. Everything about this game. I love it.


    1. The game didn't quite understand how to depict Sean's identity as a Mexican-American – it was obvious that it was written by white people and unsurprising that it was written by people who weren't American or part of a diaspora in the United States. The game also attempted to be overtly political and failed, as it tried to hard to "explore both sides of the argument" and didn't introduce any new ideas for players who come from similar backgrounds to the Diaz brothers.

    2. They slapped the name "Life is Strange 2" onto an unrelated game, just some random story about some random kid with some random superpower. Of the two actual connections to Life is Strange they threw in the first one comes off like condescension towards their former fan base, telling us to move on to whatever random thing they decide to call Life is Strange next, and the second was by way of a cameo from the third least likeable character in the game. They also doubled and tripled down on their idiotic assertion that what we saw at the end of the first game was the aftermath of a "fucking ef-6 tornado" and that everyone not wearing plot armor or hiding in an underground bunker at the time is dead. The new cast ranged from boring to forgettable to outright hateable in the case of Daniel, and he's supposed to be someone we like.

    3. The game had so much potential to be a good sequel to the original, but was (imo) ruined by the poor plan for the game. What I mean is, the road-trip style gameplay doesn't fit the LiS genre. What made the original good was that you're in one main environment, seeing and getting to know all of these faces, and growing to care about both the environment and the people in it. I also didn't like Sean and Daniel, especially Daniel. I'm a younger brother in a family of 4 and even I didn't like him... And I mainly think it's because they literally write his character to be a complete brat for drama, which only makes me dislike the relationship rather than love it. I feel like the beginning had so much potential though, cause I immediately loved what they were doing with Lyla/Dean at the beginning and was ready to ship them like I did Max & Chloe, but they completely went away from that suburban town (AND LYLA) so they could push the plot and politicize the game. And no, I'm not a white conservative, I'm very much the opposite..the political issues addressed in the game were way too frequent, barely subtle, and all felt black & white. A huge step down from the original, if you ask me.

    4. I dislike it because the chosen premise of a journey and its execution (a lot of time passes between the episodes, the secondary characters and locations keep changing) didn't work for me, as even though I liked some of the side characters, they didn't have enough screen time to really shine. I also had trouble warming up to Sean and Daniel, as I found both of them nearly completely unrelatable (contrary to Max from the first game, whom I identified to great extent despite being of the opposite sex) and Daniel, at least for the most part, was being a brat (which isn't necessarily a flaw of character design, as children can be like that - realistic just isn't straight up equal to likeable). I had issues with a few plot points, especially the ending of episode 4, where the 'clash' in the church felt really overexaggerated and was almost like theater, but nothing major despite that. Oh, and I absolutely hated that the game has QTE, the bad kind (press repeatedly/hold a button to lift something; I don't mind nice minigames like knife-throwing).

    5. As much as I like the characters and locations I feel the story doesn't do them justice. The story doesn't really have an idea of what it wants to be or where it wants to get to, sure the goal is Puerto lobos but that gets boring quite fast. Where is the hurry? there's nobody that is actively chasing them so it feels like there isn't much at stake. The characters that you do meet come and go, serving no real impact on the overall plot and feels like a waste of time. For a story that is about racism, running from the law and the death of ones father it is very tame in its plot. Noboby else really dies and most of the game is pretty chill, you spend 90% of chapter 3 chilling with a group of friends and doing a days work, what does that contribute to? what purpose does it have to the story? Overall I feel like the game waste so much of its potential but don't take me wrong, I still love the game for the reasons put above, I just wish it did more.

    6. I liked LiS 1 for the interesting story, the relatable characters and the atmosphere. The story: LiS 2's story had much lower stakes than LiS 1's - tornado wiping out a city/murder mystery vs getting from the US to Mexico. And even that wouldn't be too bad, but many times it seemed like they showed the most boring parts of the journey, and the interesting things happened between episodes (like Sean meeting with Cassidy and the gang between EP2 and 3), and we're left with things like doing chores (EP2) and walking in the desert (EP4). I also felt like the power was more of an afterthought in LiS 2, as opposed to LiS 1, where it was an integral part of the plot and the whole game. The characters: To be honest, the whole road trip formula was a mistake in my opinion. In LiS, I cared about the characters, because they were fleshed out and I knew that my decisions were affecting them. But in LiS 2 I knew that I'll never see them again, so I didn't care about them. Like when Mushroom got introduced at the end of EP1 and got killed at the beginning of EP2 I didn't feel anything for the character. I mean yes, I felt unpleasant, but only because I saw a small animal die - I would've felt the same if a totally unknown dog was torn to pieces. I felt sorry for Kate and wanted to save her not because Max said she's her friend, but because her situation was shown in detail and I got to know her. If they would've introduced Mushroom in EP1 and killed her in EP4 for example, I would've cared more, but like this, it just felt superficial and forced. In LiS if someone didn't like Max, they had Chloe, if they didn't like her, there was Kate, Victoria, etc, there were many recurring characters. In LiS 2, there were only 2 fixed characters, the two protagonists, so if one didn't like them, then that's it. And unfortunately, I didn't like them - well, that's not entirely true, I tolerated Sean for the most part, but I did absolutely despise Daniel. My problem with Sean was that his personality ranged from meh to complete idiot - like at the beginning of EP1, after Esteban got shot and he saw the dead bodies, he just picked up Daniel and ran for no reason. So the very first plot-relevant thing he did was irrational, which made it very hard for me to identify with him from the start. Later in EP2, for example, he told Daniel not to go outside, then a day later he went to the market with Daniel, or in EP5 when he heard on the radio that the police and even the FBI is at the border crossing, he just turned it off, and proceeded to go exactly there instead of making another hole in the border somewhere else. And Daniel was just a whiny brat, who loved basically everyone, he randomly met, more than his own brother (in EP1 he stole Mushroom, even though Sean told him not to, in EP2 he went to play with Chris, even though Sean told him not to, in EP3 he went with Finn to do the heist, even if Sean told him not to, in EP4 he stayed with Lisbeth, even though Sean told him not to, and in the EP5 ending he pretty much did whatever he wanted again, regardless of what Sean said, again). Some say that Daniel was a great, realistic character, because he acted exactly how a child would, but I'm reminded of a quote from Ben Croshaw's Borderlands review regarding that argument: "I think this character is specifically designed to be annoying, in which case the developers should be congratulated for doing their jobs so well. And tactfully reminded that deliberately annoying is still annoying.". The atmosphere: LiS 2's atmosphere was really good, and that's basically the game's only saving grace, which helped me see it through to the end. It's also worth mentioning that the 4-month wait time between episodes was way too long, which only increased the frustration with the game.

    7. I can't buy that $30 beaver even when I have $30 in episode 2.

    8. I found it hard to relate to some of the experiences that the characters were going through, unlike the first game which was more immersive in this aspect. Also, there were quite a few forced political themes. I enjoyed the political aspect of the game as well as the themes it revolved around but I felt it could have been handled in a better way. They could have been integrated more naturally, and some parts were not needed at all. For example in episode 4 when Sean is on his way to find Daniel and he is assaulted by the two men (if you chose to deny their requests) I felt it was an unnecessary scene and the fact that it was one of the few times Sean could stand up for himself which resulted in him getting beat up was a bit frustrating. Granted some could argue that the other side, in which this feeling of frustration is what the game was aiming for, I feel there was plenty of that throughout the previous episodes. I also wished that Daniels's power had a greater effect on the story. Also, none of the endings really appealed to me, there was something to be sacrificed in each ending, which makes sense, but it still sucks lol. There were also a few plot holes regarding Sean's prison sentence, but that's a whole other thing.


    1. Adventure

    2. Astonishing

    3. Bittersweet

    4. Breathtaking

    5. Brotherhood

    6. Disappointing

    7. Emotional

    8. Family

    9. Heart-breaking

    10. Incredible

    11. Intense

    12. Life-changing

    13. Moving

    14. Real

    15. Unforgettable


    1. Canyon Lanterns

    2. Wolves Opening Sequence

    3. Conversation with Karen At The Motel

    4. Campfire Tales

    5. Blood Brothers

    6. Chloe calling David/Max and Chloe Cameo

    7. D.A.N.C.E montage

    8. Sean and Finn Kiss

    9. Church Confrontation

    10. Claire and Stephen helping Sean and Daniel to escape


    1. Sean being harassed by Chad and Mike

    2. Mushroom Death

    3. Elizabeth Lisbeth Using and Manipuling Daniel

    4. The Heist

    5. Daniel getting shot by Madison and Luke

    6. Meeting Elizabeth Lisbeth

    7. Esteban's Death

    8. Faith Opening Sequence

    9. Daniel Antics/Daniel Being a Dick-Brat-Ret4rd

    10. The Christmas Market


    1. Redemption

    2. The Ending/All The Endings

    3. The last moment at the border before the final choice

    4. Daniel learning about Esteban's Death

    5. Lyla's Call

    6. Lone Wolf

    7. Esteban's Death

    8. Mushroom's Death

    9. Wastelands Episode Ending

    10. Blood Brothers


    1. Faith Episode

    2. More Lyla Screen time

    3. More Nuanced Endings

    4. Hank Kidnapping Sean

    5. A Longer Time in Seattle

    6. Episode 3/Weed Farm

    7. The Heist

    8. Mushroom's Death

    9. Parting Ways Ending

    10. Rules Episode

    submitted by /u/A_Howl_In_The_Night
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    [ALL] The wildfire in BTS

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 01:45 PM PST

    I just got an idea - what if the ghost doe we see in LIS1 actually died from the wildfire Rachel caused? ( this is unlikely but its maybe following her for revenge lol ) By killing her spirit animal she killed herself. The raven ( Chloe ) lives.

    submitted by /u/Desertt__
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    [S1] Why do you play Life Is Strange?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 01:25 PM PST

    [BTS] What is your favorite episode of Before The Storm? Why?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:04 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Max's personal Instagram!

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 09:05 PM PST

    If you guys want more Max content and all things life is strange, then follow @retroselfiemaster on Instagram! Max posts polaroids, selfies, and sometime pictures of her friends!

    submitted by /u/Delirious411
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    [S1] Feelings toward the Nightmare sequence

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:52 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Max/Chloe in Cyberpunk 2077

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 02:35 PM PST

    I saw you could create a woman with freckles, so naturally I'm going to make my character look like Max.

    But... Cyberpunk Max.

    Or maybe Chloe. I haven't decided yet.

    Will post pictures when I'm done.

    submitted by /u/OrangeRat81
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    [S1] How would you fix Life Is Strange?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 02:41 PM PST

    I love the game but looking online, l constantly see people complaining about it. Funny enough, they never provide any solutions on what to fix.

    So even if you love the game what would you change about it, gameplay-wise? Story-wise?

    submitted by /u/Acrobatic_Resolve_96
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    [S1] Talk about moments that shocked every player....this alternative side of the story left everyone with open mouths. Here's a Custom LIS Song called 'Unfortunate Reality'.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 04:10 PM PST

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