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    Sunday, January 31, 2021

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] "So rest your head upon me I have strength to carry you"

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] "So rest your head upon me I have strength to carry you"

    [NO SPOILERS] "So rest your head upon me I have strength to carry you"

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:43 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe pixel art by ぽぉる

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 07:32 PM PST

    [No Spoilers] Coincidence? I think not :)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:18 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Just finished the first episode of Life is Strange 2 - A beautiful start to hopefully an amazing journey. What can be expected going forward?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:51 AM PST

    I love DontNod for the first season of Life is Strange, a fantastic story game. I got around to playing Vampyr a few months ago and was crazy impressed with what they did there. My only issue was the ending, but overall what an awesome game, they totally knocked it out of the park. I held off on LiS2 because of mixed reviews which I've come to find out don't mean shit nowadays because some of the most criticized games have ended up being my favorites.

    With LiS2, I was really impressed with the presentation and visuals. What a beautiful upgrade from the first season. I love all the small details in the world and how it's not afraid to take its time, letting you soak up the story and world. I was also surprised with how long the first episode was. I loved the references to pop culture and the first season of LiS.

    What can I expect going forward in terms of quality? Where does this episode stand for you guys in the entire season? Lastly, how do you guys rank this season to the first, which I know has a special place for a lot of people.

    submitted by /u/Wicked-Death
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    [S2 E1] "Home Alone Pasta Delight"

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:47 AM PST

    [ALL] An idea for a direct sequel to LiS1

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:12 AM PST

    So since the rumored announcement of D9 handling the LiS franchise from now on... I tried thinking of a possible storyline for a sequel to LiS1. Not concrete of course. This was literally just made up on the spot so please excuse the several plot holes lmao

    The game starts in 2021 with Max being let's say, 26, 8 years after the storm. But here's the twist. We're not going to be playing as Max. We're going to be playing as an agnostic 18 y/o girl and as Rachel's ghost (I'm gonna name her Michelle lmao but Mitch for short) from LA who has been jumping from foster home to foster home and after OD'ing one night, wakes up to find Rachel Amber's ghost with her. So just as Max and Daniel's powers were awakened by a traumatic event, Mitch's powers of seeing spirits was awakened by her personal trauma of dying. Like Max, Mitch's powers have variations:

    1. The ability to see and communicate with spirits (no direct effect).

    2. She can have a vision of a person's death and feel it if she touches them or their burial (no direct effect).

    3. She can let another person see the supernatural if she maintains physical contact with them.

    4. Her body can act as a host which means a spirit will be able to possess her while she 'switches' places with them. eg; Mitch will 'become' Rachel if Rachel possesses her.

    5. She can essentially become a 'ghost' herself.

    However, the consequences of overusing her powers risks prolonging her stay in the other world which essentially means her soul being permanently dead while her body's left in a coma so from time to time she'll suddenly be dissociating from doing 3, 4 and 5 which usually lands them in a lot of trouble.

    The game will basically cover Mitch and Rachel's relationship and trying to figure out why Rachel's in the world of the living and specifically why only Mitch can see her. Turns out, Mitch's current foster family bought the Ambers' property in Long Beach when they left for Arcadia Bay so since Rachel has a personal connection to their home, Mitch acted as some sort of bridge when she stepped into the 'other' world for a bit which somehow brought Rachel back into the world of the living. They eventually come to a realization that Rachel must be back because she has unfinished business, hence why she can't rest in peace. Despite both not being religious, they come to terms that it must be the reason why, so they make it their mission for Rachel to find peace— which means looking for the ones Rachel wanted to see the most, Sera and Chloe. Eventually they discover that Mitch's birth mother is Sera Gearhardt, making her Rachel's younger half sister which creates a stronger bond between them and gives their connection more sense. Throughout we'll also see Mitch's relationships with other people and her sexuality will be explored. Of course, that means a lot of teasing from Rachel as well. And naturally since Rachel's here and the player gets to play her as well, she will reminisce when she was alive and her relationships in LiS1 will be explored. Also Mitch will have a few mental breakdowns along the way because of the trauma as well as the fact that she literally can see and hear dead people.

    Along the way, they'll get into their own set of trouble because even though Rachel can't be seen by anyone else, she can move through walls and touch objects so that's where the player's choices matter. Through Rachel, Mitch can essentially cheat on her tests/exam, steal, play harmless pranks, probably commit some felonies there and there and Rachel will be on board with most of them since it does seem harmless and it's not as if a ghost can get caught (but she will still have a choice to say no if the player chooses to). However, this actually affects Mitch's morality (like Daniel and Sean) and the more times Rachel and Mitch argue, the less trust Mitch will have for Rachel, the weaker their connection becomes which the player will find out is actually integral to Rachel's existence.

    The game mechanism for this will basically include a sort of maze/investigation clues kinda thing because they need to track down Max and Chloe (who've gone under the radar since 2018 for some reason). And on their journey to Arcadia Bay, they will meet the other lost souls in the world just wandering around, theorized to be a consequence of Max continuing to change Chloe's fate (in the Bae ending) or the ones who died in the storm. Damon Merrick and Jefferson (because David either killed him or he died in prison because yes :)) will also make appearance and torture the girls.

    At some point towards the end of the game, Mitch will be hospitalized in Arcadia Bay and be under a coma as a consequence of her powers and from a kidnapping or something. Max/and Chloe would be directly involved probably towards the end of EP 4 and help in saving Mitch without knowing who she is.

    The main plot points of the sequel would basically be: Mitch's OD > Discover the truth about Mitch's origins > Find Sera > Journey to Arcadia Bay > Big fight between Mitch and Rachel > kidnapping?? occurs > Ending.

    And just like the end of all the games of the LiS franchise, there'll be 2 choices for the player (Rachel) to make, knowing she's going to disappear soon because Mitch is no longer there to 'hold' her existence: Find Chloe or Stay with Mitch.

    The sequel would have 4 MAIN endings (Meet Chloe or No), while the details are determined by Mitch and Rachel's relationship and the choices the player makes (including Chloe and Max's relationship from LiS1).

    Sacrificed Arcadia Bay

    • Best Ending: Rachel meets Chloe and is able to say her final goodbye before finally resting in peace. Mitch remembers Rachel and visits her grave and she befriends Max and Chloe and is basically adopted into their group and they become her mentors. Mitch reconciles with her foster family and stays in contact with them.

    • Bad Ending: Rachel disappears before she can see Chloe and Mitch cries when she realizes her sister is gone. She goes to the cemetery to pay her respects but soon forgets why she's there in the first place and who Rachel Amber is. Mitch finds a letter accompanied with a mix tape and opens both of them. Although she does not recognize the voice or the writing, she cries upon finishing them and follows Rachel's advice on not using anymore. In the next scene we see Chloe finding a heartwarming complete letter from Rachel. It ends with Chloe sobbing and Max comforting her in her arms.

    • Worst Ending: Rachel disappears before she can see Chloe and Mitch forgets Rachel when she wakes up. Mitch finds a letter and a mixtape from someone called Rachel but thinks it's just some joke so she trashes it before she finishes listening to the tape and goes back to using drugs, leaving her fate unknown to the players. In the next scene we see Chloe finding a heartwarming letter from Rachel and it ends with a fading I love y- because Rachel disappears before she can complete the sentence. It ends with Chloe sobbing and Max comforting her in her arms.

    Sacrificed Chloe

    • Good Ending: Rachel meets Chloe in Arcadia Bay as a ghost and they both finally Rest In Peace after Max visits Arcadia Bay for Chloe's (and Rachel's) death anniversary. Mitch remembers Rachel when she wakes up and sees Max in the cemetery when she visits Chloe and Rachel. Max takes Mitch under her wing and becomes her mentor. The game ends with two blue butterflies floating past Max and Mitch.

    • Bad Ending: Rachel disappears before finding Chloe's ghost. When Mitch wakes up, Rachel is gone and she goes to the cemetery to pay her respects. Shortly after, she loses her memories of Rachel and doesn't know Rachel Amber is, and meets Frank at the cemetery whose come to visit Rachel's grave. Max visits the cemetery for Chloe and Rachel and sees Mitch, remembering her as the girl she saved but doesn't talk to her because she thinks Mitch doesn't remember her (which she rlly doesn't). Ghost Chloe sadly watches over them. Mitch finds a letter and a mixtape from someone called Rachel in her bag but thinks it's just some joke so she trashes it (determinant) before she finishes listening to the tape and calls up Frank (implying she's going to continue her addiction).

    Just like the original, the game will span for 5 episodes except there'll be some time skips of days to weeks so the story will flow more coherently and allow them to travel from LA to Arcadia Bay (like how TV show episodes usually go). The sequel would possibly deal with themes of grief, addiction, sexual assault, domestic abuse, abandonment, depression...

    As a story it's basically about family and acceptance. Or something. Idk. You can tell I just got lazy to think towards the middle and so the endings don't make sense either :D

    submitted by /u/Zeroprofessional
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    [NO SPOILERS] Man, this really hurts.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:25 PM PST

    [ALL] The final part of Jump Dash Roll's interviews with LIS fans, 6 years after the first episode released

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 08:15 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] What new FanFiction that made notice do you prefer?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:34 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Just choose my dude, choose

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:24 AM PST

    I always hear good arguments about which one is better, but I never got to know what the most part of the community ships, so tcharam:

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/JazzlikeAd7086
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    [S1] Something About Kate...

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:05 AM PST

    [SPOILERS] About Kate...

    Do you guys think Kate survived the storm? It would make sense if she did, cause then saving her from jumping would have been for nothing, and the aspect of the game where "your actions have consequences" wouldn't be true. It makes sense that if you let Chloe die then Kate would live which gives players who failed to save Kate another chance to save her. But I think it would truly be against the point of the game if she died in the storm.

    submitted by /u/Super_Waxy
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    [NO SPOILERS] Where can I purchase the Life Is Strange Original Score?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 12:58 PM PST

    I've looked everywhere. I've got most of the songs by various artists already, but I'm looking for the actual background score of the game.

    I know theres an official soundtrack with a mixture of stuff, but I can't find it for less than 25 bucks.

    submitted by /u/HotDogManRidesAgain
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    [S1] How Would You Make A Life Is Strange TV Series?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 07:09 PM PST

    What actors would cast? How many episodes would there be? How would you format them? What original plotlines/characters would you add or change?

    submitted by /u/Acrobatic_Resolve_96
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    [NO SPOILERS] Is there any truth to rumors saying Dontnod is finished with LiS?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 02:13 PM PST

    Insiders are saying Dontnod is done making LiS games, and that Deck Nine are going to be making all future LiS games, is this actually true or is it made up? This news is coming from insider Emily Rogers, her twitter is @ArcadeGirl64 and I heard it from Podcast Now on YouTube, does anyone have any confirmation on this, because I can't find any confirmation on Dontnod's end?

    submitted by /u/Gregodale
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    [ALL] Could Frank have powers?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 06:32 PM PST

    On Frank's laptop in BTS he searches "what was the biggest cloud ever" and he says that he had a dream about a massive cloud swallowing Arcadia bay kind of like Max, also he got injured and managed to harm someone in that state, this could be nothing or it could just be the seed of a theory, but hey it might spark a cool conversation or other theories in the comments

    submitted by /u/AnimeFanXP
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