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    Thursday, March 4, 2021

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Chloe Price by me.

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Chloe Price by me.

    [NO SPOILERS] Chloe Price by me.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 06:03 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] how long does each episode take to complete?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 12:31 PM PST

    hi! today i've started to play the first life is strange, and i was wondering how many hours on average it takes to complete each episode? thanks!

    submitted by /u/toastiegate
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    [NO SPOILERS] A poster I made for Life Is Strange Episode 1: Chrysalis

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 04:18 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Sounds about right....

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 01:46 PM PST

    [S2] Sean Diaz’s VA, Gonzalo Martin, got his own Wolf tattoo today!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 08:59 PM PST

    [S2] A love letter to Sean Diaz, the most BADASS hero in gaming history.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 03:52 AM PST

    Playing Life is Strange 2 was one of the most thrilling, suspenseful, emotionally intense experiences that I had while playing a videogame.

    Yet, as I finished it, I was left very, very disappointed. Depressed. Even hurt.

    Why? Well, the reason I found LIS2 so intense, and the reason I was left so disappointed at the end, has to do with one character, one name, one badass motherfucker: Sean Diaz, the Brave.

    You know how in the woods Sean and Daniel can pretend they're in Lord of The Rings, and how Daniel makes him play the role of Samwise Gamgee?

    Sean Diaz IS Sam. AND Aragorn. AND Frodo. AND Boromir. AND he's also a little bit of Gandalf. Sean Diaz is pretty much half of the Fellowship of The Ring in one character. Like Frodo, he has a terrible burden thrust upon him: cast the One Ring into the fires of Mount Do- uh, I mean, become a father figure to Daniel, protect him at all costs and make them reach Puerto Lobos safely.

    Like the hobbits, Sean and Daniel live a relatively peaceful (minus an asshole neighbor), mundane life, until events beyond their control and understanding deeply change their lives. They are just kids. Daniel is a normal, adorable, even if bratty at times, 9 year old. Sean is just a normal teen who likes to hang out with friends, draw and smoke weed. Kinda shy, but not so much that he stays in a shell. Not your most-likely-to-become-a-hero kind of guy. But then, everything changes. He is changed. And he has to deal with it. And he does. In LOTR, Frodo says: "I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish that none of this had happened". Gandalf replies: "So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us".

    Sean is Frodo AND he is also Gandalf. He quickly comes to the conclusion that the best they can do is to accept the situation they're in, and to make the best of it. Sure, running away might not be the best option, but what is it, then? Staying and accepting to be judged under an outrageously unfair justice system? He might be just a naive kid who knows nothing of the world, but he knows enough to tell how things would most likely go, if he stays. So he goes. He probably made the right call. And he made it while under the horrible shock of just having lost his father to a trigger-happy cop.

    But Sean is also like Aragorn. He is brave, strong, and honorable. Sure, my Sean wasn't an angel. He couldn't forgive Finn for trying to use his little brother in a heist. Initially, he was very bitter at Karen, and wouldn't open up easily. He got angry, he held grudges. But he could also let go. He could be the better man, and stop himself and his brother from needlessly hurting others. Like Aragorn, stopping Théoden from taking revenge on Wormtongue for manipulating him, he would intervene when Daniel wanted to take revenge on a hungry puma. He would be the better man when faced with all sorts of racists and pricks. He would put himself in other people's shoes, ask how they're doing, listen and empathize with them, do what was within his reach to help them. Sure, Sean has the potential to be kind of a dick sometimes, but he also has a light within himself that allows him to be brave in the face of danger, stoic in the face of loss, loving and caring in the face of hurt, if only he taps into it. And, if he does, you will have a hard time finding a better role model. He's a great kid with a golden heart, and a great example of healthy masculinity.

    Of course, like Boromir, he's only human. He isn't perfect, he has his flaws, but he is also able to overcome them, accept his mistakes, take ownership and do the best he can with what he's got. He isn't shy in putting himself in harm's way to defend others.

    But, above all, Sean is Sam. Daniel got that absolutely right. And Sam is probably the most heroic, brave, determined, caring, absolute BADASS in book or movie history. Sam is the light in the darkness and the true hero of Lord of the Rings. He doesn't falter, he doesn't look back, he is loyal until the end to his best friend Frodo, he would move the mountains and the seas just so he could fulfill his mission and bring him hope in a grim world. Sean is the light in Daniel's world, even if he doesn't always recognize or appreciate it. Indeed, Sean's dedication to his little brother often goes unnoticed. But even when Daniel rejects him and says he'd rather stay with Lisbeth, even when he's threatened and hit by Nicholas, he doesn't falter. His love for his little brother is so big he is willing to be destroyed so that Daniel could live a free, happy life.

    Indeed, that's what happened in my playthrough. I got the Redemption ending. And I couldn't face the way Sean was reduced to a mere husk. That was so incredibly unfair. It broke me. I looked up the other endings. Parting Ways seemed to be the best, but all of them are so grim that you can't help but to feel heartbroken. My wolf brothers, my dear wolf brothers, deserve nothing less than a long, free, happy life. Both of them. Alas, Sean's fate was a tragedy. It was the ultimate sacrifice. Sean was a martyr, a forgotten hero that didn't need to be. A victim of circumstance.

    What is the lesson that Life is Strange 2 ultimately teaches? Well, first of all, it teaches that we should all be more like Sean. Indeed, we are already like him, whether we know it or not. We all have the ability to do terrible or great things. To sacrifice, or to be selfish. To be ever hopeful in a world that drives you to dispair, or to give in. To love, deeply and without expecting anything back, or to close your heart to others.

    We don't need to be super heroes. We don't need to have been born with any sort of special ability. In fact, this games lies to you when it says that Daniel is the one with a superpower. It isn't a superpower, it's a curse. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for Daniel's power. We are driven to rely on Daniel's power to make our way through every situation, to fix every trouble, without noticing that it's his power that causes them. In the end, we might even think that we couldn't have possibly have gone so far without the help of Daniel's power. But what we might miss is that Daniel would NEVER have gone so far without Sean. Not without Sean's love. Not without Sean's sheer determination. Not without Sean's will to sacrifice and to put others before himself. Not without his resolve, his wit, his courage and his heart. Sean is the ultimate everyday hero.

    Daniel has a superpower.

    But Sean IS a superpower.

    And for that, I hereby declare Sean to be the badass of the badasses, one of the best, most profound, most captivating characters in gaming history, the soul of this game and, so far, of this franchise. A true role model of healthy masculinity, and a champion of true love. Now I grieve, because I know that it will be a long time until a character like Sean Diaz shows up again, but I smile, because I have had the great fortune of knowing him intimately, and he brightned up my days. I feel for him as I would feel for any living person, because, to me, he is real. More real, in fact, than many of the shallow, superficial, fake people that you meet in your everyday life. He is real, because he made me feel so many things that only a real person would make me feel. He is real, because he sets an example for what real is. Real friendship, real love, real pain. He is real because I know that, somewhere, there exists a Sean Diaz, a true person that might be just like him. Maybe that person is you, or someone you know. I think we might all know a Sean Diaz, even if we don't notice it. Take good care of them. God knows we all need one in our lives.

    Thank you for reading this long, long love letter to my new favorite hero.

    submitted by /u/Agrolzur
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    [ALL] About Rachel and Chloe, and... Eliot?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 12:54 PM PST

    I've been seeing people say that there are discrepancies between LiS and BtS in regards to Rachel and Chloe's relationship. In LiS, we don't know a lot about them. It is fairly safe to assume that they either were very good friends or in a relationship for a period of time but it is not known. We do know that at some point, Rachel moved on to Frank and then Jefferson. We know that Rachel was afraid to tell Chloe about Frank or Jefferson because of how she would react. At this point, Chloe has either been in the "friend zone" for years, or they have been broken up but Chloe still loves her, either way there is unrequited love from Chloe as it is clear she still has feelings for Rachel, which Rachel knew, otherwise she would tell her about Frank. I figure Chloe at this point would react in a way such as Eliot reacted to Chloe in BtS, perhaps not to the same extent but she would certainly go off on Rachel over it. We also know that Rachel was going places without Chloe, sending postcards and such.

    Now, in BtS.. Rachel and Chloe quickly become a thing, even leading to making out if you choose to do so. Whether they did end up in a relationship, or just as friends, we don't really know. People have said that the discrepancy is that Rachel and Chloe are close, and they kiss, and all that but in LiS it seems like a one sided deal. In real life, people meet, people get close, people date, people have relationships, they break up, they move on, sometimes they remain friends. In the three year span from BtS to LiS, clearly Rachel and Chloe went from becoming friends, or more than friends to having a bit of a falling out, or a breaking up, but staying friends until Rachel was killed. I personally don't care for Rachel, in both LiS and BtS I saw her as fake, manipulative, selfish, caring more about herself than Chloe and being preoccupied with getting out of Arcadia Bay with whoever will get her out, be it Chloe, Frank, Jefferson, or the truck driver.

    The best thing about Rachel was that she gave Chloe "a reason to live". She gave her something to keep her going and not kill herself until Max came back into her life. She helped Chloe in ways to come more out of the shell she withdrew into after William died and Max left. Rachel was both a bad and good influence on Chloe in ways. Rachel obviously influenced her style and personality, and helped her discover her sexuality but also got her into dangerous situations and destructive habits, and heartache. Like William says, fire blinds with beauty (Rachel) but sometimes there is a greater beauty yet to come (Max) and I like to think that Rachel helped Chloe realize that when Max made her return.

    submitted by /u/ChloePrice4Life
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    [ALL] Experiencing a Journal Glitch any way to fix it?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 04:04 AM PST

    [ALL] Experiencing a Journal Glitch any way to fix it?

    I've been experiencing this weird Journal Glitch.

    Basically, just finished my Perfect Pricefield playthrough. In it, of course I make Max shoot Frank..

    Anyway here's the issue.

    Page 51 from Episode 3.

    There's an entry that got added after the nightmare scene in Episode 5 that is not supposed to be in the journal. What's weird is this glitch has happened other times I've played, where it has shown up on page 51 in episode 4, not five and only happens when I have Max 'shoot' Frank. Once it appears you can't get rid of the entry, though it doesn't show up in the Play Episodes section until the Cliff this time, but trying to restart on another file makes it so the glitched entry always appears.

    I found Chloe's gun (or should I say David's gun?) and reluctantly gave it back to her. I honestly don't feel that she's any safer with it, especially considering how stupid she acts with it. But I definitely don't want Frank coming after Chloe with her own weapon.

    This is of course a glitch, since Chloe never lost her gun and thus Max never had to give it back.

    How Journal Should Look and did look for ages until the glitch entry magically appeared later:


    How Glitched Entry Looks (that can get added in episode 4 or 5 even though the entry was written in episode 3. In this playthrough I did the entry only appears at the final scene BUT if you try and restart from another point the entire journal will have the glitched entry)


    I know maybe it's silly, but I hate how when I go to the last moment of the game and go through the whole journal everything is perfect but that ONE entry. My theory is maybe it appears because there's a lot of blank space in that area and the game probably is trying to fill it. But I've never heard of this happening before to anyone. I have heard people's journals have had glitches. This is the only glitch in the journal.

    My first theory was I caused it because I did to many restarts the first time I played and I thought the game got confused. But I ended up downloading the game, instead of using the disc and did no restarts or anything that should have messed with it.

    Is there any patch or any support you can contact? Cause I'd love a simple patch or something to remove the glitch. If that's even possible to have support too. Is there anyone you can contact? I just want the perfect Pricefield Journal!

    submitted by /u/moonsofcloud
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    [NO SPOILERS] What popular or beloved FanFiction you happened to dislike and why?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 01:36 PM PST

    Would be interested to see what you are thinking.

    What's your reasons to dislike some of the most popular/loved LIS FanFictions?

    submitted by /u/Terrible_Vermicelli3
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    [ALL] Any fanfictions where Max and/or Chloe has a successful career?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 09:59 PM PST

    Would love to read a fanfiction where Max is a successful photographer or something and/or Chloe is successful at art/something else she decides to take up as a career; maybe max and chloe are in a popular band or they start their own business or something! AU is completely fine. Thanks in advance guys, finished the game a few weeks back and getting into reading fanfiction now :D

    submitted by /u/iChronicdemonic
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