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    Monday, October 28, 2019

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Mine!

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Mine!

    [NO SPOILERS] Mine!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:41 AM PDT

    [ALL] So I finally played Before The Storm...

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:01 AM PDT

    After playing the original LiS I was devastated. I felt emotions almost as strongly as when I lost my father to suicide. I didn't regret playing the game, but no amount of reading theories and fanfic cured the emptiness I felt and eventually I just had to move on and replace it via other forms of entertainment.

    I bought Before The Storm when it first came out but never played it because I wasn't sure if I wanted to revisit that. I finally played it today, in one sitting. It was pretty emotional to me but not in the sad way. I somehow managed to get the "best" ending where Amber meets her mom right before the credits roll. I was happy and they were happy. Then the credits rolled and that mere 5 second scene afterwards left me devastated all over again.

    As much as these games have touched me, I could never and will never replay them. Knowing in the end that any choices I make I'll still be left with murder and sadness is too much. After everything, I want to believe at least Max and Chloe are off happy together. As much as I now want to replay LiS now... I just can't.

    submitted by /u/sabogusi
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    [NO SPOILERS] Did LiS motivate me to lose 105 pounds and change my life around..?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:23 AM PDT

    I was 30 years old when I first played LiS. I had never cried in my adult life, I was overweight, and really didn't care about myself or anyone else. After playing LiS I suffered from random crying, depression, and other things that were completely new to me. I had a connection to others that I had never experienced before and it left me very empty. After a month of emptiness, my depression from the game finally faded after forcing myself to move on to other things.

    Over the last 2 years or so I lost 105 pounds, changed my life goals, and how I treat others. I didn't know why, something inside of me just changed overnight and I stuck with it. No one knew why. My family/friends claim I am an entirely different person compared to 2 years ago. I get asked all the time "What changed?" and I never have an answer.

    I played BtS for the first time yesterday and once again was brought to tears. Afterwards, I launched LiS and immediately fell into tears again hearing the menu music. Then I noticed the date of my cloud saves. I immediately made the connection and went into my fitness app to confirm when I started my "eat better, do better, and be better" lifestyle. It was 1 months after beating LiS, right after my post depression faded.

    Maybe it's just all pure dumb coincidence. Could a game possibly have affected my life in such a major way? Did the game affect anyone else's real life in a drastic way?

    submitted by /u/sabogusi
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    [All] Fanfic discussion/recommendations, with a slight twist

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:40 AM PDT

    Trying to start a conversation here -- but also looking for fanfic recommendations ;)

    Which fanfic portrayals of the different characters are your favorites? As in: perhaps you like how Max is written in one fic and prefer the way Chloe is written in another. You can have more than one, of course, as LiS fanfic is pretty darn AWESOME, so it's probably hard to pick just one, right? Also, doesn't have to be Max, Chloe or Rachel -- if you have a story that just NAILS those Homeless Lady mannerisms, please share! (Or Victoria, Kate and the rest, if you must... ;)

    Talk about why you like them, compare, contrast, have fun! Looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks!

    submitted by /u/LostBard72
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    [all] by chloe’s pirate booty tumblr...if you are easily offended, don’t watch, but if you’re into (perfect) dark humor, enjoy!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    [NO SPOILERS] How many times is too many times to replay LIS?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:31 AM PDT

    I've played LIS 1 and BTS about 5 times each at this point and there's probably no other alternate convos and stuff I can experiment with. I feel like if I replay them anymore it would indicate that I have a bit of a problem lol

    YT, Tumblr, Deviantart and AO3 have somewhat been filling the void but not enough lol

    And come on, LIS2 just isn't amberpricefield. Plus we still have to wait till Dec for the last Epi anyway ... :(

    submitted by /u/LadySparta729
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    [S1] [BtS] Storm and time power theory

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:26 PM PDT

    So a half baked -what if- theory that I got the other day and wanted to share...

    Is the Storm in LiS necessarily linked to Max's powers, or could it be linked to Chole and her rage? The reason for this question, is the way BtS hints the forest fire is linked to Rachels rage, like when she get's stabbed, the forest fire just goes out, which is revealed through the chat between the firefighters at the hospital.
    It struck me as a bit interesting, that the tornado lives and dies with Chole, regardless of what Max does with her time power. Max changes the past by letting William live, the storm doesn't hit earlier as some think it ought to, but still hits around the same time... presumably in that timeline.
    Now I know, Jefferson kills Chloe and that should prevent the storm, one explanation for why it doesn't, could be that Chloe's "rage" has already gathered too much momentum for it to stop or rather it's already been released earlier.

    In other words, making the case for Chloe AND Rachel having a sort of "uncontrolable passive power", where Max has a "managable active power". In this theory, Max is not causing the Storm by her power, it's been set in motion by Chloe, but Max having the active power, can chose to do something about it as she learns it's connection to Chloe.

    What do you guys and gals think?

    submitted by /u/moxeus
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    [S2] The problem with Daniel (as a sympathetic character)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:21 PM PDT

    Regardless of your choices, Daniel:

    • Kills a Cop
    • Steals a puppy
    • Trashes a motel room
    • Tricks a kid into thinking he can fly
    • Gets you fired
    • Tries to rob a drug dealer
    • Blinds you in one eye
    • Joins a cult
    • Throws you into furniture after waking up from a coma
    • Watches a guy beat you half to death with a gun
    • Expects you to take the blame for all of this

    Sure, he's 10 years old. But at some point, you have to wonder why you didn't talk to the FBI.

    submitted by /u/Lord_Exabyte
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    [ALL] this tumblr posts a ton of LiS 2 content. Eat your heart out ��

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:42 PM PDT

    [All] LiS is one of the best adventure games I've ever played, BtS is one of the best GAMES I've ever played. Period.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    I played LiS (Life is Strange) all the way back in 2015 as each episode released and I already had it in my mind after beating episode 1 that it was one of the best adventure games up to that point. Then the end of episode 3 happened and then the end of episode 5. Truly a magical game that comes once every generation. It is one of the most intelligent, well-written, loveable, heartbreaking, memorable adventure games ever...

    But then I beat BtS (Before the Storm) today for the first time... oh boy...

    Without exaggeration, one of the best video games I've ever played in my 23 years of playing games, across thousands of games I own. I like that this prequel did away with the time travelling and Max and focused heavily on Rachel, from Chloe's perspective. The plot twists are still crazy, the characters are still loveable, the music/voice acting are just PERFECT, the writing is phenomenal, the world feels more believable now that it's more personal drama than dealing with the supernatural but most of all I can totally relate to this game on a personal level moreso than the original LiS.

    Anyway, not gonna go into specific spoilers or anything but I wanted to get this off my chest... these 2 games are MASTERPIECES of storytelling, I love them so much. Easily the best "teen lesbian angst" I've ever seen and it absolutely helps making the main characters feel human. Tbh, both these LiS games have a bit of everything: action, romance, adventure, puzzles, erotica, choice & consequence but most importantly great storytelling that rarely, if at all, feels forced for the sake of it. Everybody needs to play these games immediately.

    I don't plan to play LiS2 as the characters don't look interesting, the premise of some road trip as opposed to Arcadia Bay isn't appealing but above all the teen lesbian angst just isn't there from what I've seen. I'm hoping the developers can return to the original setting again...

    submitted by /u/emmathepony
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    [BtS] Appreciation post after finish.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:12 PM PDT

    First things first - I'm a HUGE fan of LIS1, it is a game that changed me in many ways. When they announced BtS I was not happy, it seemed to me as a cash grab so I avoided that game for too long. Latest sale on PS4 and the lack of something to play made me buy it, but I still started it with no expectations. And that was it. That simple menu with amazing music right away. I was hooked.

    Today I finished the game and I'm speechless. I was so wrong about this game.
    Not only awesome music, where LiS1 have great songs and bits is sometimes even better, but also it shows how Chloe and Rachel was close, now LiS1 make even more sense to me.

    Hats down to developers, they did great.

    ---- phone ringing scene is one of the worst ----

    submitted by /u/mmm273
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    [No Spoilers] Is anyone watching Looking for Alaska?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 02:11 PM PDT

    The first episode opens up with José González's Crosses, tripped me out for a second.. The soundtrack in general is very reminiscent of LiS so far (I've only seen the first ep). But if it's anything like the book, it should by right up you guys' alley! Defo recommend you check it out

    submitted by /u/scarwiz
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    [All] Can’t play Before the Storm weeks after season 1

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:21 PM PDT

    Saw that Before the storm was on sale on psn and I went to go buy it. Before I could buy it I watched the trailer, and a flood of emotions from the end of season 1 hit me. I decided not to get it. Life is Strange is in my top 5 and bottom 5 games because of this haha

    submitted by /u/GOBen57
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