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    Tuesday, December 24, 2019

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] diy chloe’s bullet necklace by using paracord and bullet keychains from the army surplus store :-)

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] diy chloe’s bullet necklace by using paracord and bullet keychains from the army surplus store :-)

    [NO SPOILERS] diy chloe’s bullet necklace by using paracord and bullet keychains from the army surplus store :-)

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 06:37 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Merry Xmas to you all!. - Fanart by Leopold.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 08:53 AM PST

    [ALL] Life is Strange, thank you for everything

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 03:32 AM PST

    Since I discovered Life is Strange in 2015, my life has changed a lot. I just kinda wanted to thank this game for existing and especially for Dontnod for bringing it to life. Since 2020 is coming very soon, I just kinda wanted to talk about it I guess. This game means a lot to me, and it easily became not only my game of the decade but my favorite game of all time thanks to simply how it affected me as a person. I've made some posts that people don't like here, as I focused on things I don't like, but here I wanted to talk about the positives. The positive impact this game had on me as a whole.

    Life is Strange came to me during a very hard time. I was doing extremely badly at the end of 2015. I had failed one of my finals, bombed it, and I absolutely hated the major I was in during college. I was miserable. With myself. With what I was studying. And where I'd end up having to go. The beginning of college really affected me as a whole, and it probably was a catalyst for the worsening symptoms of my mental illnesses. But at the time, I really didn't want to admit I was mentally ill. My family is like a perfect cookie cutter nuclear family on the outside, but on the inside not so much. A passive father, an alcoholic emotionally manipulative/abusive mother, and an over achieving perfect religious sister. But mental illness, or talking about it, was always a no-no in our house. Toward the end of high school and heading to college, my dad noticed a change in my mental state, but didn't really try to help when my mom was around. My mom pretty much rules the roost. Anything she wants, she gets. After I finished the semester, having failed one of my finals and learning I'd have to re-take the class for my major, I was extremely depressed. The friendships I tried cultivating went nowhere, so I was pretty isolated from everyone. I poured my winter break into video games, finishing with season two of Telltale's The Walking Dead. I felt empty after I finished it. There was no conclusion to what I just played. So I honestly googled games that were like Telltale's The Walking Dead. It was 2015. So the first game that popped up was an episodic game that just released its final episode a little over a month ago. A game called Life is Strange.

    I downloaded it to see what it was about. I literally went in blind, I knew nothing about this game in the slightest and that was honestly the best thing I could have done. While I did miss out a lot on the theory crafting and wondering what would happen in between releases, I didn't actually know anything that was going to happen. I played that first episode, and I just kind of thought it was alright. I liked the rewind mechanic and I liked Max, but it was nothing too ground breaking. And then we met Chloe for real out in her truck. I felt drawn to this character and the way she acted. Ashly captured the voice of Chloe brilliantly, and even if I disagree with her opinions on the game, no one could have voiced Chloe like Ashly just like no one could voice Max like Hannah. As the first episode progressed and I learned more about Chloe, I felt so much connection to her. Abandonment by people she cared about? Check. Obvious mental illnesses going untreated resulting in brash and rude behavior? Check. Emotionally abusive parent? Check. Passive parent? Check. For me it was like seeing myself in a few ways. Chloe had weed for dealing with her problems. And for me I guess I had less than stellar ways of coping with my problems. In any case, we were both self destructive. And I saw myself in her. Especially in the way she acted. The episodes actually caught me and I couldn't put the game down. I played the first three episodes in a row and had to stop myself because it was getting way too late to keep playing. But I was hooked. I was invested. It was a game dealing about mental illness and doing so in a very blunt fashion. Here's Kate, for example. A girl who is being bullied for no real reason, to the point where she wants to jump off the roof and end her own life. As someone who had attempted to end their own life before, this scene hit me hard. I knew what it was like to be there. At your absolute lowest. I still know that feeling.

    Eventually I did finish Life is Strange, and of course I would choose the sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending. I just couldn't, myself, believe that I nor Max would go through all of that just to throw Chloe away. I would go on to see people compare this ending to the trolley problem, but in the end both of these issues would boil down to just horrible endings. This ending didn't sit well with me. I eventually saw the other ending and it kinda made me furious. Even though the Sacrifice Chloe ending is depressing as hell, and I'd never choose it... There was just more substance to it. You had all these scenes that happened in that ending, and it felt like the game stabbed me in the back for wanting to choose Chloe. To let Chloe live. To let someone whose life was poured in absolute shit, but found happiness in Max, live. To let a mentally ill character live. To let someone who did nothing wrong live. The game makes us perceive that Chloe is at fault for living, when she isn't. It hurt to see that a majority of people would let Chloe... let someone like me die a horrible, cold, lonely death knowing that nobody loved or cared about her. Yes, as the player we know Max cared about Chloe, but in the moment of Chloe's death she would never know that anyone gave a shit about her. She died alone on a cold bathroom floor. And that depressed me. It still depresses me. I relate to Chloe so much, that seeing hate on her makes me feel like it's a personal attack. Seeing that she basically suffers from borderline personality disorder actually made me aware of what bpd was, and I would eventually be diagnosed with it along with some other stuff. I had seen characters like that in the past. People like that in the past. Media always presenting someone like this as a villain to defeat. And in a lot of ways we still see this. Someone like Catra from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is presented, for the most part, as a villain. We know she's more complex than just "a villain" but she's presented as wanting to fill her void with harming others. She is, for the better part of the show, the main villain. And it hurts to see people coded as borderline as villains.

    This game helped me accept two things about myself. One, it was okay to be mentally ill. Being mentally ill did not instantly make you a horrible monster. But rather how we coped with our illnesses or disorders. Chloe's coping was not healthy. But her coping made her self-destructive and placed the blame internally on herself for the most part. Mental illness plays a major role in Life is Strange. We see someone who suffers from severe depression like Kate, hurt herself as opposed to others. While someone like Nathan copes by hurting others. But committing crimes and kidnapping, drugging, and even killing people. And not only that but photographing what he has done as if its a prize. Being mentally ill does not make you bad. How you react and cope to dealing with them makes you who you are. To see Chloe's growth and healing meant the world to me. The second thing it helped me accept was that it was okay to be LGBT. I was pretty much in the closet until I played this game. I refused to accept this part of me, because I was raised to believe it was bad. To see Chloe and Max's relationship just put on as the main relationship in this game made me happy. It made my heart melt. I was able to forget about my problems for a while. It was... something that changed my life. I am not the person I was four years ago. Sure I'm still depressed. Sure I'm still suffering from problems that are hard to change. But Life is Strange taught me how to give a damn about myself. Yes, I believe the overall fandom at large has problems, something I can't really ignore whenever I go into an LiS tag on Tumblr and it's someone throwing things into a certain tag to get a rise out of people. But that doesn't affect the game for me. I have my problems with this game's fandom yeah. But I think a lot of people who stuck around for the life cycle of this series see that too. Going forward, I wish we could all just enjoy these games together, while acknowledging everyone has faults. The reason why LiS is so engrossing is because all these characters, for the most part, seem like real people. Everyone is complex. Everyone has their pros and their faults. But I wish we could all see both halves of these characters.

    There is nothing more annoying than seeing a post saying Chloe or Max are horrible, without really explaining why other than they prefer this character. The big part used to be Amberprice fans versus Pricefield fans, but the gear is now shifting. Now it's people fighting about Life is Strange versus Life is Strange 2. Life is Strange 2 sucks because it's not about Max and Chloe. Life is Strange is horrible because I hate Chloe and Max. These are the things I see now on places like Tumblr, where I'm most active. This blind hatred hurts. I feel there needs to be discussion as for why we see things the way we see them instead of just saying "I like this" or "I don't like this." Things are more nuanced and Life is Strange is all about that. We see David in one light, but over time we see him in a different one. I love Life is Strange and that includes Life is Strange 2. There are characters I don't like in these games. Characters that I feel we need to talk about are not people we should be looking up to as "good people." Media has an effect on people, whether you accept that or not. Life is Strange had a profound effect on me. The goods and the bads. We have to accept that some people presented in these games are not good people. Someone like Jefferson or Nathan or Damon Merrick of the racist vigilantes at the end of the second game... They aren't good people. The real world is like that too. People are nuanced, sure, but some people are just plainly not good. People who go out of their way to make other people's lives miserable for no real reason. I hope, going forward into 2020, we can change for a bit better. I wanna get better too. Life is Strange is a series about understanding. A series about giving a voice to the voiceless. Whether it be for the mentally ill in the first game or for the discriminated minorities in Trump's America, it sets out to bring people to understand the hardships that the common masses don't want to think about. They don't want to think about the discrimination others receive. And well, I hope going forward Dontnod continues to make games like this and give voices to the voiceless on a major scale. It's what we need. It's what the world needs. I'd love to hear how Life is Strange or any of the other games impacted you.

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [No Spoilers] It finally came!!

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 11:35 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Snowball fight by The-Arcadian-0125

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 01:11 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Life is Strange 2: The Beginning. Art by me!

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 01:45 PM PST

    [ALL] Guys, what do you think about the new project from Deck Nine Games?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 11:07 AM PST

    I love BTS very much (much more than S1 + S2) and i also very much expect a new project from D9. Everything we know about this project:

    UE4 Engine

    AAA storytelling game for Square Enix.

    The style of the game is a realistic drama told in a highly cinematic way, with meaningful choices that the player makes throughout.

    Source 1

    Source 2

    What do you think about all this and do you expect their project?

    P.S. Zak Garris, i really love you :)

    submitted by /u/Naratzull
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    [NO SPOILERS] Where can i find one like that ?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 04:44 AM PST

    [S1] Save chloe ending comic (waves) left me confused

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 10:45 AM PST

    I've read dust and now i finished waves but the ending feels open ended. So max is in this world with chloe and rachel living as a couple in LA, theres the whole thing with tristan helping max escape in the end, max wants to talk to rachel and chloe when they get home which is 99% sure about the whole time travel and alternate dimension travel but is that how it ends?

    submitted by /u/CaKeWeed
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    [No Spoilers] I need help with Life Is Strange 1!

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 06:07 AM PST

    Hey guys! So I decided to get the game as well as BTS (have not tried it out yet) today on Steam as it was on sale and was highly rated online (a bit late I know) and I installed it and was extremely disappointed to see that I wasn't able to launch the game at all. Checking online, they said that I had to find the commonredist folder on the game files and repair them but I can't find it at all no matter what I did. I'm not a very technically savvy person, so I have no idea how to fix it at all, all I found online was that it probably had to do with the Windows 10 OS.

    I'm hoping some of y'all could help me with this! Was genuinely excited to play the game, hope that I could get it fixed! :(

    Thanks in advance! :)

    submitted by /u/fedorapup
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    [No spoilers] this song gives me heavy Before the Storm / Chloe vibes, I might have to make a shitty fan-trailer using it lol

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 06:27 AM PST

    [ALL] Episodes for side characters?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 10:39 AM PST

    So I recently finished LiS and am playing BtS and had a thought and wanted to share it with you guys and see what you think about it.

    What if deck9 or dontnod (but probably deck9) put out a smaller LiS game (like BtS) with each episode being about a character from season 1 for example frank or nathan or victoria etc... They could either be storys of their lifes before the storm or maybe (but that might be too much) after the storm or chloes death.

    A example could be 4 episodes in total 2 being about characters after the storm (if you chose sacrafice Arcadia bay) and 2 after chloes death (if you sacraficed chloe) idk which characters would work best or if this kind of thing would even make sense but I thought it would be a interesting idea.

    Tell me what you think and sorry if I made any typos or if this idea in general is just too stupid that it wasnt worth your time, either way have a great day (or night)! Oh and happy christmas!

    submitted by /u/Bagueteboy69
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    [No Spoilers] Just a brain fart

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 08:55 PM PST

    But can u imagine a VR version of LiS? I think it'd be pretty cool though the story telling might suffer a bit since cut scenes would be tricky. But imagine holding out your hand and the world around you rewinds!

    submitted by /u/lazydoodlelol
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    [S1 E4] When the Chapter was called the Dark ro

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 06:00 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Hawt Dawg Man Is Coming To Town parody song by Campusanis

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 04:21 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] So I’m almost done with life is strange 2! What games would you suggest that gave you the same feel as the life is strange series?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:33 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Can't find Captain Spirit on the PS4 Playstation Store

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:32 PM PST

    So, I'm kinda late to the party but I bought Life is Strange Season One on a whim due to the end-of-year sale the PS store had and enjoyed it so much I marathoned the whole season and even bought BTS as well as Season 2. However, I can't seem to find The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit on the store which is a shame as I find that story to be really compelling and relatable. I know I can just get it for my PC but I would like to have my actions in the demo affect the full version of S2. Don't see it included on the LiS2 bundle either. I live in Vietnam but am currently connected to the US PSN as far as I know.

    Anyone have a solution?

    submitted by /u/mr__outside
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    [All] Should the time period around BtS episode “Farewell” be expanded into a game/comic series?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:10 PM PST

    I personally wouldn't mind a game or comic series set around this time, but I'd rather have a game in between BtS and LiS or an After the Storm game after the comic ends. If this were to be a game, it should be handled by Deck Nine, and I think it might work best as a 3 episode game or 3 volume comic. Really the thing that makes me want this is I liked the distinct feel of "Farewell", and I love the musical score of that episode.

    submitted by /u/MetaMysterio
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    [NO SPOILERS] Should I play Life is Strange one or two first?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:46 PM PST

    Does it even matter which I play first? I was also curious as to which would you say is better? Do I need to know about one in order to play two?

    submitted by /u/Ayethatsdre
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    [S2] Daniel is really strange.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 10:34 AM PST

    I mean just think about it.

    In Rules, he just knew Chris for one single day and then he mention him in the next episodes like they were life long friends.

    In Wastelands, he is very close to Finn and he get in destruction mod if he dies, but he never mention or think again on him after.

    His power fried his brain cells or what the fuck is wrong with him. Strangest kid in the world. lol

    Sorry for the shitpost, but I needed to get this off my chest.

    submitted by /u/AshamedPhoto56
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