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    Tuesday, December 10, 2019

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Is it wrong that I have a crush on her ?

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Is it wrong that I have a crush on her ?

    [NO SPOILERS] Is it wrong that I have a crush on her ?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:19 AM PST

    [S2 E5] Always wondered what this place would look like in the ______

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 04:29 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] This just arrived, so hyped!!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:32 AM PST

    [S2 E5] Main menu after completing the game

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 09:57 AM PST

    After completing the game and watching all the endings, I think what really got me was them adding Sean, Daniel, and Esteban to the main menu after completing the game. It was a sad reminder that before all this happened, they were a normal relatively happy family, and just one moment completely changed their entire world and flipped it upside down.

    submitted by /u/AllPoints4ChargeNova
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    [S2] [Spoilers] So the moral ending...

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:57 AM PST

    So at the end of the together moral ending when Sean and Daniel drive away from each other. Is Sean driving the car that his dad was fixing up for him in the first episode? I think he was. Nice little touch.

    submitted by /u/ILikeToDanceAndPogo
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    [S2 E5] The endings - best to worst?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:21 AM PST

    1. Parting Ways (Cross the Border / High Morality)
    I know there's a vibe of Daniel abandoning Sean in this one, but overall it felt right that he should stay behind and have a normal childhood with his grandparents (and Karen?), whilst Sean goes on alone - and even potentially hooks up with Cassidy/Finn - not having to be Daniel's keeper anymore. The downside of this one is Sean is absent from it so we can't know what his life is really like, but he seems happy in the polaroid, so I'll pretend his life is like that. (It helps when you get the variations with Cass/Finn.)

    2. Blood Brothers (Cross the Border / Low Morality)
    This is the one I got, and it seems to be the most popular one. The off-putting thing is the melancholy air it has, particularly around Daniel and the way he gazes out at the sea at the end. He got to stay with Sean, but you get the feeling he was robbed of his childhood. He doesn't seem happy, and life looks rough despite the idyllic setting.

    3. Redemption (Surrender / High Morality)
    Good LORD was I tempted to put this nasty thing last. Lone Wolf is the bleakest ending, but this is the most punishing and upsetting to sit through. Sean does the right thing, Daniel gets to have a happy remainder of his childhood. The result is that Daniel is a normal, well-adjusted adult, and Sean is a complete broken shell after 15 years in prison. Watching him all disengaged and then crying on Daniel's shoulder, then the two of them saying goodbye and driving in opposite directions - it doesn't seem like they can ever have the same relationship, they've had such different lives, and grown too different to relate to each other... Ugly. UGLY.

    4. Lone Wolf (Surrender / Low Morality)
    Nothing good about this one. You have to watch Sean die, Daniel's alone, is a hardened criminal, bleaches his hair (badly) - there's nothing to like. Life Is Miserable.

    Overall I'm struck by how there really is no good outcome for BOTH brothers, save perhaps the first one (which is why I rate it highest). One or the other of them is miserable (or dead) in 3 out of 4 and you don't really see anything but a photograph of Sean in Parting Ways. We really didn't get our "driving into the sunset" ending this time...

    What does everyone else think?

    submitted by /u/shiver7
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    [S2] In regards to the "good ending"

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:49 AM PST

    If they got in the same car together or just drove off in the same direction I would be ok with this ending. But Sean being a broken mess and they still go their separate ways just breaks my heart, especially with Daniel howling alone. So much time has passed, they both want to be there for each other but yet they part ways.

    I don't know if I'm reading to much into this but this ending gives me the sense that Sean is alone and wants to be the brother Daniel remembers but can't due to how closed off and reserved prison made him and Daniel wants to be there for him but despite his best efforts things aren't like they use to be. It feels like neither of them are happy with how things turned out. It's the ending were both brothers feel like they failed the other.

    submitted by /u/upguildnowhere
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    [NO SPOILERS] How has Life is Strange inspired you?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:52 PM PST

    I finished up Life is Strange 2 last week. My husband just started episode 2.

    I have been struggling to create anything artistic for the past year or so but after playing this game, I took inspiration from it and started my own art journal. I even decided to start sketching my surroundings like Sean does.

    My husband, immediately after playing episode 1, called his brother and made plans to see him for Christmas.

    I'm curious to know how many other people have been inspired by these games.

    submitted by /u/dreamboydeluxe
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    [ALL] Just finished LiS and BTS. Now what?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:32 AM PST

    I can't stop thinking about it. I listen to the songs, I scroll through reddit posts. I don't want Max and Chloe's adventure to end. I know I'm late to the party, but how did you guys manage to get past this wonderful game? I'm so emotionally invested, it's crazy. I started LiS2 (just started) but I miss the girls... Anything helpful?

    P.S. I chose Bay over Bae, but playing BTS broke my heart about my choice. I cried like a little bitch.

    submitted by /u/Blackmercy9
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    [S2 E1] Was the cop racist? Open to thoughts

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:55 AM PST

    My friend pointed something out to me during the beginning of the game that he didn't get the feeling the cop was racist. He argued he seemed very scared and not prepared to handle the situation and made a bad choice. How does everyone feel about this? I'm a little on the fence since I didn't see any obvious signs of racism and LiS is not really subtle when it comes to those themes. Feel free to share how you interpreted the scene, please

    submitted by /u/AshtonWarrens
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    [S2 E5] They lookin bad ����

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:50 PM PST

    [S2] My final thoughts on LiS 2.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:21 PM PST

    Episode 1 was a strong start, I think, but still didn't have me fully invested. The beginning scenes with Lyla, up until Esteban was killed were all very strong in my opinion. And again after the encounter with Hank was also very strong. The part in the middle, whilst very necessary to the game, were slightly slow. I enjoyed it enough to continue playing the game. 7/10.

    Episode 2 was... not very good. I mean, there were parts I liked, and I enjoyed seeing Chris again. But for the most part I did find this episode very dull. Now that the whole season has come out, looking back I can see how it's very necessary and not as bad as it was first time round. But it's still by far my least favourite episode of the season. 4/10.

    Episode 3 is when I fully became invested in the game and it was the first episode I genuinely enjoyed the entire time I was playing. I love the drifter group and the setting for the episode. The ending had be on the edge of my seat and I don't think I have any complaint for this episode. This, along with Episode 5 of LiS 1, is my favourite episode from all 3 games. 10/10.

    Episode 4 felt most out of place in the game, but I still enjoyed it a lot. I liked the hospital setting of the first half, and talking with Lisbeth. Meeting Karen and talking to her was a highlight and so was snooping around Lisbeth's house with Jacob. Also, the song at the end of the episode? Perfection. 8/10.

    Episode 5 was probably my second favourite. I loved how the first half felt more like the begging of the season and we had a few moment of calm and a genuine community. The cinematography, especially around the canyon, was stellar. The characters served their purpose here, and they served it well. And then the latter half of the episode is spectacularly well done. 9/10.

    One of my favourite parts of this season was not being the person with the power. If Sean had the power, and so we also did as the played, the game would've definitely gone very differently. If it me putting myself on the line through the use of powers, and me doing some less than great stuff with the powers, then I would've done a lot of choice differently as I wouldn't have had to worry about the effect they would have on Daniel. That said, I would've liked if Sean ended up with a power- but one that was more passive and less of something that could've been used as protection, or in an aggressive manner. But that wasn't anything massive for me.

    Another thing I liked was that each episode was very separate, whilst having an ending that led on well to the next episode as well as the overrunning (overarching?) plot of trying to get to Puerto Lobos. That said, something else that branched the episodes together would've been good. The time jumps didn't really bother me whilst playing, but it would've been nice to have something extra leading from one to the other.

    I know a big criticism is that the side characters are pretty much secluded to one episode each. This didn't bother me at all, in fact I preferred the side characters of LiS 2 over LiS 1 and BTS, but I still didn't find myself longing to have them in more episodes. Another long-term addition to the boy's road trip wouldn't have worked at all, in my opinion, and would instantly make it less of a story about brotherhood. Same goes for the changing of locations. It didn't bother me at all and I enjoyed the fleeting feeling of each place and character.

    I loved that it was focused around a sibling relationship, especially one with the age gap they did. There was lots of similarities between Sean and Daniel and me and my younger sister and it made me feel very connected to the game.

    I think in some places the pacing could he improved- especially in episode 1 and 2 hut at the same time I feel that's more of a personal request than one that would suit the game DONTNOD have made.

    The choice system has definitely been improved upon and I liked that they did more endings and little branches this time around. The little things that lead to Daniel having high/low morality must be very intricate, as I had a low morality Daniel at the end of episode 3 but by the end of episode 4 he had high morality. So I really appreciate that dialogue must play a part. I like that DONTNOD have done morality as more as a what would society expect vs what would you do for your brother? I also enjoyed the actual choices in each episode, though I do think more would've have been a bad thing.

    Another thing to add is the music- episode 2 probably had the best music, followed closely by episode 3. If there's one thing DONTNOD can do it's to pick good tracks. And obviously the original score is also VERY good.

    And obviously the last thing to say is my opinion on Sean and Daniel. I love them both. Having to look after Daniel and have an influence on him was something that you don't see too often in a game and I really enjoyed it. Sean is probably one of my favourite video game characters and it felt nice to play as someone who was so... normal but at the time same time someone who wasn't boring to play as. Daniel and Sean are probably a big reason that episode 2 wasn't even worse than it was.

    Obviously LiS 2 and LiS 1 are both very different games, which are two very different styles and so I think its hard to compare them both, but I enjoyed playing them both (even if neither are perfect). I feel like the different styles is also a big reason as to why some people only like one of the games and not the other.

    For me, personally, I think LiS 2 probably has the edge as the better game for me (even if Chloe is probably my favourite character out of both games. Sean's VERY close to her though). I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts!

    submitted by /u/freyaw100
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    [S2] BTS-style prequel for LiS 2.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:56 AM PST

    If you enjoyed playing LiS 2 would you be interested in seeing a prequel for LiS 2 like we did for LiS 1? Not another 5 episode game but a shorter one around BTS' length.

    My friend and I were discussing the possible scenarios that could be included in a game like this and whilst we have no solid plan for one, we both think seeing more of Sean and Lyla together would make a good game. Their relationship is one we don't see too much of during the actual game and I think it being expanded on and the main focus during a game would be a very good thing. Seeing more of Esteban and Daniel in their day-to-day life should (obviously) be included too.

    Another thing I'd like would be for some of the texts (that you can read on Sean's phone during episode 1) to be included as actual scenes.

    Does anyone else have any other ideas for one? I've seen a couple ideas floating around but I'd love to hear more!

    submitted by /u/freyaw100
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    [NO SPOILERS] Seattle

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:31 AM PST

    I'm guessing something definitely happened in Seattle that somehow gave Daniel and Max their powers. And it seems like both their powers only got activated when they're extremely distressed or firsthand experiencing some trauma

    submitted by /u/Tarpole948
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    [ALL] Max somehow winded up in the wrong game

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:10 PM PST

    [ALL] Fireworks/4th of July

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:01 PM PST

    After the final episode, I came to think of the reoccurring fireworks across all S2 episodes as well as in Captain Spirit.

    Chris can blow up the snowman in Captain Spirit, and if you did that, you can overhear Claire complain about Charles letting him play with firecrackers again (after the conversation at the dinner table).

    In episode 1, you can look at the fire extinguisher in the garage, and Sean comments "No more 4th of July fireworks after last year…"

    In episode 2, behind the woman's stall at the christmas market, there's a box with what looks very much like fireworks.

    In episode 4, when Sean drives away from the racist pricks in the desert, he's walking toward a billboard to find shade. Right behind him is a billboard for a store selling fireworks.

    In episode 5, when the boys leave Away and head for the border, you pass yet another billboard advertising fireworks, and Daniel mentions it's their first 4th of July without their dad. Also, Arthur and Stanley has a box of fireworks outside their home.

    I think Daniel also mentions or talks about firecrackers somewhere (or even has firecrackers at some point?), but I might be mistaken.

    Do you think it's just a coincidence (although I really doubt it, since it's Dontnod after all)? Is it some kind of message about the boys constantly being told that it's "not their country"? Or am I just overthinking this? :) I dunno, just thought I'd share!

    submitted by /u/pestbarn
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    [ALL] Chloe price sexual orientation?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:34 PM PST

    Is she bisexual? Pansexual? Bisexual homoromantic? Lesbian?

    submitted by /u/icepopdaddy
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    [ALL] All Life Is Strange 2 Endings

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:51 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] I finished Life is Strange 1. Should I play Life is strange 2 or Before the storm? I liked the superpower mechanism of 1 which makes interesting interaction but which one have more component like that?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:24 PM PST

    [S2 E5] Katy Bentz's Full Interview with Gonzalo Martin aka Sean Diaz!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:38 PM PST

    [S2 E5] The T-Shirt. Space mission to...

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:50 PM PST

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