• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 29, 2019

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Made the iconic railway scene in Blender (again).

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Made the iconic railway scene in Blender (again).

    [NO SPOILERS] Made the iconic railway scene in Blender (again).

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:08 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] LiS2 actually helped to get a better connection to my Brother

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 12:28 PM PST

    I don't know if any of the LiS Developers will see this, but if they do, i just want to thank them for their game, because it actually helped me to relate better to my brother.

    I'm 16 and my Brother is 9 (like sean and daniel), so when i started a game, that was a nice suprise, but i didn't really care. But the more i played it, the more i got annoyed from Daniel and he started reminding me of my real brother. I didn't really do much with him until then and everything he did just annoyed me or i didn't really care. But the more i played the more i understood how valuable a good connection between brothers are and i really feel better now. I finally understand, that some (annoying) things my brother does are normal for a 9 years old and i should just be a bit more relaxed about those. I'm also hanging out more with my brother as a "side effect" and we're really doing more stuff together.

    I know that this isn't a great or long or whatever story, but i just wanted to post it here, because i just finished the game and felt like sharing this.

    submitted by /u/KayDelta
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    [NO SPOILERS] Here's a jumper I made poorly while I was bored today haha I hope it's not too harsh on your eyes. Kinda can't wait for the winter to come so I can wear it though :)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:18 AM PST

    [ALL] A Festive Pricefield by mholicdc

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 01:06 PM PST

    [S2 E5] In case anyone needs them; 4K screenshots of the gorgeous canyon scene with the brothers

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 12:20 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Here's hoping for LIS3

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 05:56 AM PST

    I only discovered Life is Strange in April of last year, but fell in love with it immediately - since then, I've watched many playthroughs over and over again and explored this community. I fell in love with Before the Storm and grown to love it the most out of the LIS games so far, and (luckily) I had a little less time to wait before LIS2 was released than a lot of you here.

    And, yes, sometimes LIS2 was frustrating and a bit dull and I missed the feel of Arcadia Bay with Daughter's music in the background, but other times that classic LIS feeling came back and pulled at my heartstrings. So I really do hope there will be a new LIS game in the future, and I hope the devs take in some of the critique of S2 and correct those things, but I do definitely want to see a new set of characters, a new power, and a new story. Max and Chloe will always have a special place in this community and in my memories, but I feel like coming back to them constantly isn't the best solution (if anything, I'd rather see more of Rachel and Chloe's time together).

    But all in all, here's hoping for a new LIS game to emotionally wreck us again, and to everyone a wonderful 2020 filled with more new amazing games, journeys, people and experiences!

    submitted by /u/wanderingsoul28
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    [NO SPOILERS] Max in winter by QTori

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:24 PM PST

    [all] Back again looking for even more Pricefield fanfics. (Mainly those where the other Blackwell characters are around)

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:37 AM PST

    Hey there. Looking for some more guidance on some Pricefield fanfics. Been liking the last few I've read (so far gone, life has no meaning without you, a new beginning) where it's been Max and Chloe getting together and relationship developing in Blackwell and after (aka hospital ending, AU, 5 years erased or canon divergence). So that's what I'm mainly looking for, Blackwell fluff, but I'm always down for a badass Max/Chloe Pricefield story, or just a good Pricefield story in general as well.

    So far I've read and liked:

    -Skate series

    -Better than

    -All that remains

    -All the scars you cannot see

    -One way trip (waiting for the sequel to finish before I start that)


    -all wound

    -life has no meaning without you

    -playing for keeps

    -teenage dirtbag trilogy

    -a new beginning

    -so far gone

    -small things/it takes two


    -two hearts one soul

    -I know life is strange

    -blue moon series

    -the everyday hero

    -take it all back

    -no grave can hold my body down

    I may be missing a few since I've been an addict for LiS Pricefield fanfic the past month.

    submitted by /u/zombiejeesus
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    [BtS] Chloe's Truck

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 02:03 AM PST

    Does she still use that screwdriver to get it started all the way until Season 1? Not really sure if this is a spoiler, but I'll play it safe.

    submitted by /u/Sir-Mister
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    [S1] Question?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 11:39 AM PST

    In I believe episode 3 or 4 you're at Chloe's house eating breakfast and David comes in. Anyways when Chloe and him start arguing you can side with either one. When I side with David it seems like there is no way to continue. Is there or do I have to side with Chloe?

    submitted by /u/LPKKiller
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    [ALL] How did Juliet locked Dana in Dana's room? Also, why was Max suddenly in her classroom when she first used her powers?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:20 PM PST

    Okay so I have two questions.

    First, how did Juliet locked Dana in Dana's room? Shouldn't Dana be able to unlock it inside?

    Second, why was Max suddenly in her classroom when she first used her powers? I mean... when she use it she usually stays in her current location.

    I'm sorry if this has been asked already. I can't find other posts regarding this.

    submitted by /u/StupidUselessHuman
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    [S1 E2] me and my friends (u/oggdoboggdo19) recently played through this game and this still breaks my heart

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:35 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Does LIS2 read LIS or Captain Spirit save files?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 09:44 PM PST

    Do any decisions made in these previous games affect the LIS2 plot? I played the first two on PS4, but want to play LIS2 on Xbox because it's on Game Pass.

    submitted by /u/Caniac24
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    [all] call lyla???

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:48 PM PST

    Ok so i just let Daniel play the game in the woods and now my phone is dead can I still call lyla or did I fuck it up? It's my first play through but I saw a video were Sean called lyla so I was wondering if I still can?

    submitted by /u/Richard-Patterson
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