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    Saturday, December 28, 2019

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] We'll always be together (art by Death58)

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] We'll always be together (art by Death58)

    [NO SPOILERS] We'll always be together (art by Death58)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:56 AM PST

    [S2 E5] Cosplay

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:45 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] to everyone who say that we don't need another Max and Chloe Story

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:19 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] A Disney style sketch of max I did.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 06:48 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Bought Life is Strange (the original) and got the prequel by mistake.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 09:45 AM PST

    So I bought Life is Strange for the PS4 last month for myself for Christmas and wrapped it up and waited to open it (my husband and I did this with the presents we got ourselves). I don't know why I did not open the case. I think I just assumed that because GameStop is so strict about everything these days and mostly knows what they're doing, they put the right disc in. Plus I've never had this problem before.

    Well it's finally Christmas and I play the game and I get through episode one of Life is Strange the original and it said I had to buy the rest. I was so furious because it was beyond the return deadline and why would I spend $15 on a game demo. But then my husband was like wait a second.. and figured out for me that the guy put the wrong disc in the case and gave me the prequel. I thought maybe I had the original with a demo of the prequel but it didn't even exist then so how could that have happened, lol.

    Just sharing my experience. I've played through the original before on my iPad and watched a play through on YouTube. I just wanted to play it again on the tv because I love it! It's a win lose because I was planning to get the prequel later on but instead I got it now for a couple dollars less. But I really wanted the original! I'll just have to buy that next lol.

    submitted by /u/yamyamyam69
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    [NO SPOILERS] Finn/Sean winter smooches by rainbowd00dles

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 09:09 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Ansel Free Camera Mod

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 09:25 AM PST

    The photo mode in LiS2 is great but there are some annoying limitations like the limited movement range of the camera and the complete lack of movement options during cutscenes. I made a little mod that removes those limitations and let's you explore the world freely, inside and outside of cutscenes.

    Some examples: (Contains footage from the first few minutes of LiS 2 only)

    You can find the CE script here: Download. Open it in Cheat engine, attach CE to the game exe, check the box next to "Unlock Ansel Camera" and you should be good to go.

    submitted by /u/PascalTheAnalyst
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    [ALL] LiS 1 and LiS 2: Commentary vs. Monologue

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:43 AM PST

    I wanted to write this after finishing LiS 2 and playing LiS 1 over again, as during my replay of LiS 1 I noticed a staggering difference between the two games.

    Since the first episode of LiS 2 and every episode since, I always finished each episode at best underwhelmed and at worst feeling like the game was insulting my intelligence. I always had an idea of why this was, but the game wasn't finished yet and I didn't want to set my feelings in stone.

    Now that Episode 5 has been out for a while and I've had time to replay the first game, I've pinpointed exactly what made me dislike the second game as much as I did.

    The biggest (of many) shortcomings in LiS 2 is one key difference between it and the first game: commentary vs. monologue. The first game is filled with social commentary and while at a glance LiS 2 is as well, what it actually ends up being is a social monologue.

    The first game did something special with its commentary. It made the player think about a subject and decide for themselves. The best example I can give is deciding whether or not to give Chloe an overdose in Episode 4.

    That section is undeniably a commentary on assisted suicide. But what makes it such a special scene that has stuck with so many people is the way it says so much without saying anything.

    That scene is presented as a set of facts surrounding the medical condition of a loved one. It tells you what is happening, and then tells you how the aforementioned loved one feels about the situation, and then it gives you a choice.

    What makes this choice so thought provoking is that it never once tells you how to feel. It never hints that there might be a right answer. It never tells you that you were right or wrong for what you chose. You have to sit there -- knowing the facts of the situation that you know -- and you have to decide whether you're okay with pulling the plug. You have to really think and decide what you believe to be right. And then you have to live with your decision.

    Did any choice stick with you like that in LiS 2? Did any choice make you sit there and think about what's right and wrong? I can't name any.

    Because there is not a scenario presented where you have to sit there and think about what you believe. Every piece of commentary in the game is not commentary, it is a monologue. The game presents every situation with a good guy and a bad guy. Right and wrong.

    The game is talking at you, telling you how to feel. It's saying what it wants to say and leaving no room for the player to provide input. It presents situations so absurdly black and white that the only way to disagree with the game's monologue is to side with racists, homophobes, violent criminals, or religious zealots. It feels like the game is saying "if you don't agree, you're an asshole." Like we as players aren't smart enough to decide for ourselves, that the game has to explain to us how we should feel lest we feel incorrectly.

    There were quite a few choices and events in LiS 1 that still stick with me four years later. That immediately come to mind when I discuss great moments in video games. The only moment that sticks with me in a good way in LiS 2 is seeing David again. The rest all stick with me because of how insulted they made me feel.

    And this is coming from someone who for the most part agrees with the sides the game is taking.

    As a final note, I don't know if there were different writers or directors for the second game, but overall I feel that it was disappointing and didn't do justice to the first game. The first game was and is very important to me, and I sincerely hope that if there is a third game Dontnod takes time to reflect on what made the first such a universally praised game.

    submitted by /u/ProPandaBear
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    [NO SPOILERS] like my wallpaper

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 02:56 PM PST

    [S2] Time to say goodbye to the wolf brothers

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 02:46 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I just want to share my feelings with the community. This game means so much to me. It still feels fresh because I just finished it right now, so I might make an edit of this post with a more game dev focused opinion later, or just post again.

    So here we are. The end. Not what I expected. But the devs really gave us a lot. Beautiful scenery, meaningful conversations, a lot to think about regarding the state of the world. It feels big, meaningful. It makes me think about my family and cry. My little brother and I have the same age difference as Sean and Daniel. I miss him, I miss not being around while he's growing up. I saw that parallel between my life and the Sean/Daniel relationship since the first episode, and it's funny because now I'm also leaving in a different country and keeping in touch clumsily. I am living in a different country for very different reasons, though.

    I have to say, it felt like everything happened at the end but Daniel did feel more fleshed out s a character which I liked. If you read the journal, it shows his struggle after New Haven which I hoped they could have put forward more.

    David was such a surprise that it took me him using "step douche" to realize! I don't feel like he was shoehorned in. It's nice to see how Max and Chloé are doing 😊. I stood by during the phone call, too.

    It's a shame that it didn't give us as much material about the secondary characters as it did in previous episodes.

    What a journey, and I grew along those episodes, from a scared, closeted bi dropout to an out-and-proud living in a new country and doing a job they love.

    submitted by /u/SpOKi_rEN
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    [S2 E1] Doris, the Gas Station Lady...Can Be Nice ��

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 06:24 PM PST

    I saw some posts about Doris from about a year ago and saw that some people had nice dialogue with her. So I went on a mission and figured it out! Took me three tries but here it is:

    PREREQUISITE: Must look at the Tacoma Rock campground sign outside the gas station

    Must wash up in the bathroom outside the store

    It actually doesn't matter if you beg from the family outside!

    DIALOGUE OPTIONS: 1. Went camping 2. With Dad 3. Waiting in car

    YOU'LL KNOW IT WORKED WHEN: She says "Didn't mean to grill you" and "Have a nice day". Now go look at the puppy with Daniel and marvel in this annoying lady's niceness. She even calls Daniel "honey".

    IF IT DOESN'T WORK: -- Daniel also got the Power Bear from the machine, and she commented it has been a long time someone has gotten the Power Bear (she sounded impressed) after Daniel showed it to her.

    -- I didn't talk to Brody but let Daniel talk with him w/o interrupting.

    Let me know what you think! I'm pretty proud I figured this out 😅 I'm sure someone else did too, but I hadn't seen a post with this set of dialogue options.

    submitted by /u/Faelenne
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    [ALL] What if everything that happened to Chloe happened to Max and vice versa?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 04:11 PM PST

    I'm sorry, this post is quite long (but kind of interesting though.)

    Pretty much everything. Both keep the same parents and such, but in this case, Max father died in a car crash, and Chloe had to move to Seattle the day of his funeral.

    Chloe ignores Max letters and texts, and they completely lose touch.

    Max mother remarries to David Madsen, and meets Rachel Amber 2 years after her dad died.

    To be honest i think Max story would end up very dark and depressing, but mostly just very dark. She doesn't have as much guts as Chloe has. Max isn't as rough around the edges as Chloe is, so i think Max does become a angrier, more punk version of herself, but no where as bad as Chloe. She will not skip school and as such she will stay on Blackwell. But... and here comes the darkest part, Max probably doesn't have the mental strength to cope with all this, even less than Chloe has, and probably wind up in a rehab centre/suicide watch thingy for her suicidal tendencies. And 3 years later she gets shot by Nathan, only to be saved by Chloe's rewind powers.

    Or would she? Let's talk about chloe. Her dad never died. We saw what happened: paralysed after a car crash. Lets just scrap that. She goes to Jefferson's class and saves Max from getting shot, ultimately discovering her rewind powers. Chloe isn't as punk or bitchy as the original, but i think that Chloe would fool around with her power way too much, causing a greater tornado than just Arcadia Bay. Mabey she has so much fun that she becomes some sort of addict that almost makes her a villain to the whole story.

    But that's how far my ideas go. What do you think would happen to the both of them? Please let me know. :) (no emoji lol)

    submitted by /u/MisterMeoww
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    [S1 E2] Question in comments to avoid spoilers :)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 03:45 PM PST

    Did anyone else at the beginning of the game immediately know that there was something definitely wrong with kate?

    Like I talked to her right after victoria bullied her and she looked hella depressed, not just sad. I know from personal experience.

    submitted by /u/Morgan_Yu
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    [NO SPOILERS] Trying to find Max and Chloe in the Akinator

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 04:09 PM PST

    I don't know why but I wanted to see if the Akinator really knows the person I'm thinking about by trying to know by asking questions the people i was thinking about was Max and Chloe, I tried Max first and he guessed her but, when I tried to let him guess Chloe he couldn't find her and I tried a few times,I thought that everybody loved both Max and Chloe but can tell me why he couldn't guess Chloe.

    PS: this is my first post in this subreddit so please no bullying

    PSS: Which ending do you guys think is more priceless

    submitted by /u/Mannihilator1024
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    [ALL] Trees, a Festive Marshfield Fic from Thanks_for_the_letters.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 02:28 PM PST

    Hey all! On behalf of Letters, I'm going to drop in here with a link to their fic, Trees. It could use some love, so feel free to send it far and wide! Thanks, Adder.


    submitted by /u/Blackadder261
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