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    Friday, December 20, 2019

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] My girlfriend made this photo album for me.

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] My girlfriend made this photo album for me.

    [NO SPOILERS] My girlfriend made this photo album for me.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 03:45 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] I made myself a Rachel Amber earring from a couple of earrings I found on sale.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 10:44 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] sean eduardo diaz! took me about 2-5 hours

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 09:14 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] /// Wolf Brother ��

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 07:49 AM PST

    [No spoilers] I saw someone’s recent Sims post and thought you guys might like to see my version ��❤️

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 01:16 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Time to change time by Busy-Matches

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 07:07 PM PST

    [S1] I have learnt Obstacles by Syd Matters i will be posting a tutorial shortly on reddit so you can learn this heartwarming breath taking masterpiece! xD

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 12:33 PM PST

    [S1] Here is what yoy were waiting for my tutorial for obstacles!+ i had to cut out my intro becuase the file was 1GB ffs xD anyways without further a do enjoy... Amazeballs!

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 01:31 PM PST

    [BTS] Returning to BTS after playing LiS 2, I noticed somthing...

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 01:29 PM PST

    I noticed the drastic difference in graphics. It's not just the overall detail in textures, but in design, too. All the objects are bulkier, less defined. Simpler, I suppose you'd call it. Chloe's hands hardly have any definition to them at all or fingernails for that matter. I'm not upset by this at all. I understand that this game has a different aesthetic to its design and I respect that, but the differences are there. At first I thought that the game's graphics were just reduced on my PC, but they actually were at their highest setting. The reduction in polygon usage is clear. Thought what the game lacks in graphical detail, it makes up in story. Before the Storm is still one of my favorite games. The whole franchise is, to be honest, including The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit. I guess I'm just writing to explain what a surprise it was. That's all. What are your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/AsperDaxis
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    [ALL] I just finished LiS1......

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 02:10 AM PST

    I made a post earlier in this reddit that I actually started with LiS2, so I kinda missed out on the many references (if it had a lot?) to the first game. I had no idea who David was, and also had to miss out on the game asking me if I had played the first game because I'm assuming it affected the game in some ways (?). So after enjoying LiS2 so much and finishing it, I decided to buy LiS1 and see how it was.

    When I first started playing, I obviously had a biased mindset that it wouldn't reach the emotional impact LiS2 did to me, especially when I got the "Lone Wolf" ending, where Daniel was by himself, but holy crap was I wrong.

    I actually teared up at LiS1. Since I chose to sacrifice Chloe, I had the ending where Chloe's friends and family attend her funeral. The music, the scenery, everything about that scene just choked me up. I was not expecting LiS1 to make me feel this emotional and so invested in these characters, but honestly I shouldn't even be surprised.

    Overall, I liked both games equally. WOAH, crazy for a LiS fan to say that huh? I really do. Of course both games were better than the other in certain aspects, but their strong points were just as equal. I can't really understand why fans of either LiS1 or LiS2 are so angry at each other all the time (especially in this reddit). You'd think the series would dissuade these kinds of attitudes but I guess not lmao. Like I get liking one over the other, but to badmouth one and go in with a permanent mindset of "Oh, this game won't be as good as the other, EVER", is just plain ridiculous. I'm just glad I was able to enjoy both LiS1 and LiS2. They both have made a pretty big impact on me.

    I love this series of LiS, and I really do hope the series continues with new and interesting characters for us to learn more about. LiS series is so damn powerful and I can't help but think about both games everyday.

    submitted by /u/lukeedookee
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    [All] Question: Have you ever...

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 09:11 AM PST

    ...reached out to Square Enix, DontNod and/or Deck Nine? And if so, what was the contact info you used? Also: How did it go?


    submitted by /u/LostBard72
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    [NO SPOILERS]what i think of the life is strange games

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 06:54 AM PST

    i played life is strange 1, life is strange before the storm and i just completed playing life is strange 2

    i absolutely loved the story of life is strange 1 and before the storm. it was beautifully made and it's full of plot twists and shocking events. the story of life is strange 2 is also beautifully made but i felt that it was a bit straightforward and simple and it didn't have the suspense and intrigue that the other 2 games have. also the game concepts are different. in life is strange 1 and before the storm the focus was on girl on girl romance and getting the 2 girls to kiss. in life is strange 2 the focus was on the relationship between the two brothers. there are people who say that life is strange 2 is not nice because max and chloe are not in it. i disagree with that

    overall life is strange 2 was a nice game and i enjoyed playing it

    submitted by /u/cns000
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    [ALL] Honest question but why do people like Warren?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 10:30 PM PST

    I never quite understood the weird amount of love for Warren. Like he comes off as an increasingly creepy stalker who doesn't want to take no for an answer. Yet, there are people who mark him up as a suitable romantic partner for Max despite being overly creepy and being a less overt creep like Eliot in Before the Storm. Because the two have a lot of similarities and where people don't like Eliot because of these things, Warren gets a pass. Why? In some ways, Warren can be even worse because he's not overtly creepy. He has this aura of someone who wants Max and will not take no for an answer. From having a folder of picture of Max on his flash drive to photoshopping himself into a picture with Max that he hangs in his gym locker to stalking Max and waiting out for her when she's barely even woken up, peering up into her bedroom as she looks out, to things like physically stopping Max because he feels entitled to a date with her because he took a punch to the eye from Nathan to the scene where he beats Nathan to a bloody pulp. While Nathan deserved it, it's horrifying to see that if no one intervened, he might have beaten Nathan to death.

    When he stops Max from going to the Two Whales in episode two, he is very forceful about Max going with him to the drive in. And if you refuse his advances he gets angry and says like "Fine! I'll go ape myself!" And of course that term has certain connotations when you connect it to his first mention of the drive-in in episode one where he says "Sensitive usually means won't be getting sex." Basically implying he wants to have sex with Max at the drive-in. And this all pays off during Max's nightmare where in his nightmare locker there's a bunch of barely dressed women with Max's face put on top of all of them while you hear Warren continuously yelling about how he wants to go ape with Max. It's creepy and disturbing and puts a lot of context into how Max feels by the end of Life is Strange about Warren. Which makes it all the more weird that simply making one positive interaction with him gives you the option to kiss him, when his "romance" is essentially one conversation. You either say yes or no to going to the drive-in and that's it. There's really no impact on the game itself and that's always made me think about what the point of Warren actually is.

    It almost, to me, seems like a parody of the nerdy male love interest. The game is explicitly clear about what it is about. It's about Max and Chloe's relationship with each other. Even if you choose every non-romance choice against Chloe, Max's journal still reads like a closeted bi or lesbian girl talking about how in-love she is with her crush while not actually saying its romantic, even though it clearly is. With Warren everything seems incredibly superficial. His entire character arc reads more like an anti-character arc. Instead of improving, we slowly see him devolve and show his true colors. An angry teenage boy who wants Max to have sex with him and will get violent with her if she says no to him. All of this is intentional. He's not the cute nice guy who does things out of the goodness of his heart, he's someone who does things to get what he wants. He doesn't just tackle Nathan because Nathan is beginning to grab Max by the neck, because in the next episode he makes it explicitly clear he wants Max to go to the drive-in with him because he deserves it. He deserves the girl, the reward, for playing the hero. And if you say no, he gets all pissy about it since he believes it's his reward for stopping Nathan. I've seen people talk about how deep Warren's romance with Max is and how it's comparable to her relationship with Chloe, and I do not get how people come to that conclusion. Warren's romance, as I've said, is exclusive to that drive-in conversation. It begins and ends in like a three minute conversation. Simply being nice to Warren give you the option to kiss him. As if Dontnod purposefully did this to see how many people would ignore what Warren was doing in favor of choosing the straight romance option even though it's about as cliched and surface level as possible.

    This is just my opinion, but I'd love to hear some reasons why people actually like him. Even the romance options in Life is Strange 2's episode three had more of an impact on the story than Warren did, and they only show up for basically one episode. So yeah those are my thoughts on Warren and I'd love to hear what others think!

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [no spoilers] TV and video game cosplay

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 08:34 PM PST

    [ALL] Ideas for if they did a live action show

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 02:23 AM PST

    If they made a show, it shouldn't be based on any previous season

    There's no point in redoing the games but in live action. They'd just feel watered down versions of stories we already knew. A entirely new cast of characters and setting would be perfect.

    It should also be

    -Less than ten episodes. TV shows can have more episodes than a game, but many series have shown to be better when they aren't stretched too thin over twenty-thirty episodes a season.

    -Not try to mimic shows like Riverdale or be edgy and hip with the kids. Stranger Things is relatable and has adult moments, but doesn't do so to seem hip with it. It feels very genuine.

    -No contrived drama. Of course the show will have scripted drama but have it feel genuine. No love triangles, misunderstandings because a character won't listen, and no pointless eye candy scenes.

    -Have a MA rating but use it when needed. Samurai Jack got to do more when it was on Adult Swim but it never went overboard. It's good not to be restricted by a younger age rating, but don't abuse it just to seem edgier.

    -Maybe it could be set in Paris? Think about it, it'd be interesting to see a story closer to where DOTNOD is located. It'd be nicer in live action as Paris is a beautiful setting. In a game it'd be limited by budget.

    -Have characters make big choices but no outside influence. LiS pleasantly surprised us because we didn't know what to expect. It's good when show writers listen to feedback, but not let themselves be dictated by it.

    -And finally, write it as it's own thing. Easter eggs are fine but LiS is a great series to be adapted to live action. Only trying to hard to give fan service will hurt the show.

    Oh and good music. Like Alvvays for example.

    submitted by /u/alexmason32
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    [S1] Is Life is Strange 2 scary?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 12:00 PM PST

    I loved Life is Strange 1 all the way up through the end of Episode 4. The supernatural elements were neat, but most of all, I enjoyed playing through a narrative adventure centered around emotional social interactions between characters.

    Then the end of Episode 4 hit, and the game took a sudden, dark tonal turn. There had been hints and foreshadowing of something sinister in Arcadia Bay, of course, but now the game and its conclusion felt like psychological horror about surviving a serial killer rather than something more akin to an episode of This American Life.

    My question is - does Life is Strange 2 tread the same ground? It's on sale now, and I was thinking about picking it up based on positive buzz, but I don't want to be let down again - I really can't stomach horror.

    submitted by /u/realmwrighter
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    [ALL] Which game did you like more? Lis or Lis 2?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 05:54 PM PST

    Personally I liked the first game more, but from the third episode onwards in lis 2 I did enjoy it a lot.

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    [NO SPOILERS] The steam pricing on the winter sale feels predatory.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 10:27 PM PST

    Having it come up "Life is strange 2" $2.99. Only for it to become apparent that not only is that only 1/5 of the game the rest is normal price feels like anti-consumer behaviour.

    What it should say is either "Life is strange 2: Episode 1 $x or, just say Life is strange 2 $50. (excuse the rounding).

    It should be immediately clear to the consumer what they are clicking on.

    It annoys me that instead of feeling "Oh, there's a $29 bundle, awesome" I'm feeling "well, screw you too".

    submitted by /u/Mike_Kermin
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    [All] Life Is Strange 2 | Lone Wolf

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 06:53 PM PST

    [ALL] i have some qualms with the first episode of Life is strange 2.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 10:05 PM PST

    Basically I got through the first episode today. There's a couple things that kinda bother me right from the get go.

    The way they set up certain scenarios, like the food mart place. It escalated in such a un-realistic fashion even if you didn't steal an item from the store and he got rather racist real quick shortly after. I'm hispanic and from this area. oregon/washington. we are overall a pretty liberal part of the country, sure there pockets of racism throughout the states, but generally speaking I guess it depends on how you speak and dress. i guess the kids just didn't fall under those categories for this type of hostility to me. just felt really forced is all. i don't mind for this issue to be tackled, but it's just odd with the set up in place. and for that cop to freak out on you in seattle lol. i dunno lol. again i don't mind this matter being tackled it's just weird.

    submitted by /u/Thuumbs
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    [ALL] What would happen if Disney bought Life is Strange?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 04:59 PM PST

    Random thought of the day.

    I know most of the people hate Disney nowadays, but I don't think anything bad could happen.

    submitted by /u/LeonEncisoXD
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