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    Thursday, December 19, 2019

    Life Is Strange | [No Spoilers] christmas time in the sims 🎄🦋

    Life Is Strange | [No Spoilers] christmas time in the sims ����

    [No Spoilers] christmas time in the sims ����

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 09:20 AM PST

    [No Spoilers] My attempt at a Max Caulfield Nendoroid

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:55 PM PST

    [S2] [Spoilers] So why can’t a guy and girl just be friends?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 03:57 AM PST

    So yes I am talking about Sean and Lyla. The game goes out of its way to show how they are best friends. Lyla is helping Sean with his love life that is never hinted in any way to involve Lyla. And still half the fandom seems to want to ship them as a couple.

    As a guy who has been best friends with a girl my whole adult life it kind of bugs me when people just assume a girl and guy can't be close without it being romantic.

    submitted by /u/ILikeToDanceAndPogo
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    [S2] Does this game gets better after episode 2?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 11:14 AM PST

    Hello, recently after being a big fan of both LiS and BtS I picked up season 2 and well right now I'm wondering if I should continue to play it.

    By far I finished episodes 1 and 2 and to be honest finishing ep.2 already felt like a chore - I just don't feel the magic that instantly make me love previous games. To be completly frank I just don't seem to completly like any aspect of the game despite maybe it audiovisual side - the main character duo seem annoying to me and hard to immerse into, side characters has to little screentime to fully create bond with them, overall plot seem less interesting then in previous games and gameplay by far remind me more of a Telltale game then LiS (and this is not a good sign). So is there any chance that next episodes will change my mind about it, or is it the case where if I'm not hooked into it by now there is small chance that anything will change in the future? Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Napeti
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    [S2 E5] Sean and Lyla. - Fanart by banyabell.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:27 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Pirates forever by ClayCr4ne

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:18 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Sunset Kiss by Gilvort

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:02 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Will Lis S1 or bts ever be on the nintendo switch?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 01:30 PM PST

    [No Spoilers] The Life is Strange Franchise and DONTNOD

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:16 PM PST

    Why do SOME people act like it's uncommon for video game franchises to have different protagonists in their stream of games? There are so many out there that have done the same and have still gathered so much love (GTA, FALLOUT, FUCK EVEN POKEMON, ETC. THIS TREND AINT NEW PEOPLE), LiS 2 still gathered a lot of love but this is by far one of the only fandoms that I've seen having so much love as well as hate .. Not even just for LiS 2 but for LiS in general, people hating Warren, Rachel, basically other people who've made different decisions, etc. SOME PEOPLE EVEN BASHED MAX BACK THEN LMAO WTF. Seriously, if I can get a dollar for everytime I saw people bash someone who chose to save Arcadia, welp 🤡. Seriously. What's the point with all this war? Why can't we just let people like what they like, do whoever they wanna do, decide whatever they decide? There's seriously no fucking need to compare two different things and say one is superior than the other, jeez it's like this franchise was already very political before season 2 even came to exist.

    Like damn I also feel so bad for DONTNOD because they literally made these games that lets us decide what path we want for our protagonists but it seems like now the "fans" also want to decide what path they want for DONTNOD. They put so much passion and very great attention to detail to their games (they even sent so much notes to Deck Nine for BtS, and yes there were mistakes but at least Deck Nine tried to make up for it and fix it). But those details and that passion is ignored and instead some people focus on what they see as the "negative aspects" of their decisions. Tf? Do these people just hate everything? The comics? The shipping wars? The different decisions? The Developers' decisions???? Damn, news flash people, but there truly are different values, different people, different upbringings, different everything. DIFFERENT. IS. NOT. BAD. LEARN TO ACCEPT PEOPLE'S DIFFERENCES, YOU DONT HAVE TO LIKE IT BUT AT LEAST JUST ACCEPT IT. TOLERATE AND REALIZE THAT NO ONE HAS TO BE LIKE ANYONE ELSE. LET YOURSELF BE YOU AND LET OTHERS TOO. ONCE AGAIN, JUST BECAUSE IT'S DIFFERENT, IT DOESN'T MEAN ITS BAD. MY GRANDPARENTS : "I don't like your sexuality, therefore you're a bad person. You don't believe in our God, you're going to HELL." <~~ some people on here are almost comparable to them.

    And those SOME people also have seriously got to realize that Chloe and Max weren't abandoned. The writers felt their story was maybe over now, or that maybe they just wanted something different and new, but it doesn't mean they stopped giving a flying fuck about the first season. If they didn't have passion to continue their story anymore, you can't just force it out of them. If you just force something like that, I'm sure people are going to complain that their continuation had no soul and the bashing will endlessly continue. (Oh wait BtS existed.. but ofc DONTNOD wasn't behind it, but what still happened? HATE HATE HATE HATE.) They just got a new story, they loved their new story and was obviously their new found passion. Who are we to destroy someone's passion? Idk about yall but I think that it's a little fucked up to just go up to some painter and say "hey this is just criticism but your 2nd painting is bad because it's completely different from your first." Who are you to do that? Is that what a fan is? You like a singer, then what.. you compare his/her two completely different songs? Then you bash the singer for it and say, "omfg the singer doesn't give a shit about the fans!"

    You know what? Everytime people in my family gave me shit and criticized my art, I just listened. I listened and listened to their unsupportive bullshit but didn't follow them. Instead I still chose to follow my own heart, my own path— until I got to where I wanted. I'm so fucking happy with the results- with what I wanted to offer to the world. So were a lot of the people that truly stood by me and supported me. and that's all that matters, and when my family came to see the achievements I've made then they say that their criticism shaped me to become better. I just smiled but didn't nod. They're not what kept me going. The real people who supported me in my journey were. If I only listened to what my family had to say, I wouldn't feel like I'm being me. I'd be the me that they want. Not the real me. I'm glad DONTNOD is basically doing the same, they listen to some but disregard the unnecessary bullshit that comes their way. They focus on the impact they've made, the positive shit. Like true artists. And like true fans, those fans stood by and supported them through thick and thin, whether they tolerated or loved the game. Thank you real down to earth people, continue being yourselves and don't let others shape you to become something you're certainly not. Society doesn't have to become like the vortex club, if it did- it'll just crash and burn in the end.

    These true artists gave a voice to so many different people at this point- ever since their first game in this franchise. Whether you're a totally shy hipster school girl, a punk rock girl, a bullied person, a role model, a learner, a person of color facing real hate crimes, etc. And yo, if you don't like what the second voice has to say, well no one's forcing you to listen. Get a fucking refund. And if there are fans who also say the second season is superior, you can say they improve the graphics, the controls, but PLEASE do not even try to compare two different stories, themes, sets of characters, etc. Do not say one story is better than the other because both are the best in their own amazingly strange way. Even the fucking powers shouldn't be argued about, we can go on and on about how more powerful one is compared to the other but does that really matter? IMO the story and the impact is what mattered in all the games, the powers were great but I'm glad they weren't the primary focus.

    Rethink all the quotes from the first game, heck even what Samuel said at some point. Nothing is just one thing. Someone or something can be many things or something like that bullshit.

    I commend this franchise, and I've seen many different appreciation posts on different platforms about the issues they've brought light upon and thankfully, people actually see that shit. Because this franchise actually speaks out about issues that are actually TAKING LIVES. THERE ARE STILL PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO THINK MENTAL HEALTH IS BULLSHIT. PEOPLE WHO DON'T BELIEVE HATE CRIMES (IN RACE, SEXUALITY, RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, ETC) THAT EVEN LEAD TO SO MANY DEATHS EXIST, AND YES EVEN TO KIDS. GENTRIFICATION, NATURE, ABUSE, EVERYTHING. This franchise speaks out to victims of all sorts of issues, and there are people here who think some of these are unrealistic????? HA. Count yourself grateful that the most you can do is research rather than witness or experience that shit. Don't you dare belittle those people because you know you would not want to be in their shoes.

    Of course, I apologize that I forget we live in a world that might never find peace and only focus on like-minded individuals who only change their perspective or beliefs when shit that they didn't think was real finally happens to them. People fucking care when it's too late. Sorry for this, man I used to not rly give a shit abt what SOME people here said but damn I need my voice out like this because SOME boundaries were crossed.

    submitted by /u/idontknowmyself83
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    [ALL] Ep 5 is available in Game Pass now

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 05:42 PM PST

    [S2] Making of - Life is Strange 2 [Behind the Scenes]

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:30 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Ideas for Life is Strange 3

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:43 PM PST

    I've been thinking about this after finishing the second game, and let's say a Life is Strange 3 does end up being made; what I would like is that we (the player) get to be the wielder of the power again, like Max in the first one. As much as I like the time powers, I doubt that they'll let us use them again. What comes to mind for what new power I'd like is two ideas.

    1. A mix of Pyrokinesis (the ability to create and control fire) and Cryokinesis (the ability to create and control ice).
    2. The ability to control and manipulate shadows (from yourself, other people and inanimate objects) with the darkness being your ally.

    As for the setting, maybe one similar to the first one? By that I mean being a student in a public school and being able to take advantage of the power in it. The main protagonist being female, high school junior, an experienced fighter and keeps a scrapbook and plays guitar as hobbies. And this time, some time later after a stressful event will it trigger the main character's power and unleashes it while venting. On several occasions, has to decide to hide or show off power (On the player's own terms). For example, in a scenario of choosing to step in and stand up against a bully, a fight will occur. It'd be possible to win without the power, but if you take too much damage and are in trouble, at that point you can unleash it in desperation to win or conceal the power and risk losing the fight. Or can even just use the power right off the bat, showing you not to be underestimated. Depending on how you use the power and who you trust with it will affect the story. Also include features from the previous games, such as choosing what outfit to wear and customize your backpack.

    Not sure what the main conflict would be. But what would be interesting is if we were to go up against an antagonist who also has powers as a first in the series; a battle of whose power comes out on top.

    And also give easter eggs from both the first and second games depending on the endings we got.

    submitted by /u/Detective-Forrester
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    [S2] I made this epic video that focuses on the endings

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:32 PM PST

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