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    Thursday, December 26, 2019

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] When Chloe grabs the camera by YoungEchoSugar

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] When Chloe grabs the camera by YoungEchoSugar

    [NO SPOILERS] When Chloe grabs the camera by YoungEchoSugar

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:08 AM PST

    [ALL] Life is Strange Character Analysis: Max Caulfield

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 05:53 AM PST



    So I've been thinking about what I want to kind of write about since I wanna get more involved with Life is Strange again, and kind of dissect my own critical thoughts about the main casts to these games. I love the characters to these games, for the most part. Regardless of whether or not I hate said character as a person, I can appreciate and like the character as they are presented. So using Nathan as an example, I think he's not a good person in the slightest, but I think he's a very good character for the antagonistic role he plays. One of the biggest things to note before I continue is that good character does not equal good person. So I decided I'd test the field out with a character analysis of Max Caulfield, our photo taking main protagonist. If you enjoy this, let me know, and I hope we can get a discussion going about our own thoughts and experiences with these characters. I am trying to move away from some of my more abrasive approaches, so I'm going to try to do this with more tact going forward. So I just hope we don't ever devolve into toxic angry arguments, because going forward that's the last thing I want. You don't have to agree with my thoughts here, but I ask that we stay respectful in our discussion of these characters, because the characters of the world of Life is Strange is very much what makes it real. Now, let's begin.

    I'll start with this. Max is one of my favorite playable characters in a video game in the past decade or so. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that Max herself is incredibly relatable to us. A lot of video games present us with player characters that it can be hard to relate to. Her goal is something very grounded, something we don't see a lot in video games. Sure the game's main mechanic is time travel and being able to rewind time at will, but that is definitely besides the point. Even in games that I do love, such as Bioshock Infinite, the main protagonist is very well written and has his own character but he's also very not relatable simply based on things such as the time period he's in or the overall situation. Now other games, like Oxenfree or Firewatch, similarly have relatable protagonists but Life is Strange was different in the fact that it came first. Now I know games like Telltale's The Walking Dead has Lee and Clem, but even they are a bit harder to relate to simply based on the fact of their characters.

    Max is an eighteen year old girl in high school. She has telltale signs of severe anxiety, loves photography, and wants to be able to share her art with the world despite the fact her anxiety and self-doubt prevent her from believing she has any talent in the face of her peers. I think that's something a lot of us can relate to, and is important when crafting a very character driven story in a mostly vanilla modern world. There aren't zombies or ghosts or anything like that. If we ignore the time travel aspect of the game, Max is someone a lot of young people can relate to, especially of us who are more into making art. Max has talent. We all see that. Jefferson constantly compliments her photos, while someone like Victoria often belittles and berates Max out of jealousy for her talent in framing her photos. Not to mention, Max manages to do this with one shot. She doesn't have an incredibly expensive digital camera that you can take many photographic attempts with. She doesn't have a high quality lens or the most expensive gear. She has talent. She practices with her shots and expertly frames what she wants. But because of her anxiety and her own doubts about her talents due to the constantly belittling she faces by her photographic peers, she doesn't actually believe in herself in the slightest.

    We can tell Max has problems immediately starting the game off. She falls asleep in class and has trouble with actual schoolwork, such as knowing certain things right off the top of her head. She has the skill, but has problems with actual learning. Whether this be due to a learning or attention disability, we don't know. We do know, however, due to her file in episode three that she is on a specialized school schedule designed to maximize what she's able to learn. Giving Max these traits makes her relatable to a much wider audience and makes her deeply human and deeply sympathetic. We can identify with Max, regardless of if we have these certain problems or not. A player does not need to relate to every single part of a character for that character to be relatable, and that's something important to note.

    Max is mostly seen as an introvert. A lot of media tend to portray introversion as something to be "healed" and to make someone extroverted. Something a lot of people tell Max is that she needs to get out and do more, like go partying and stuff. But for Max, this is something she isn't interested in. She would rather be out in the quiet, taking photographs because it's something she truly enjoys and something that makes her happy. And if something like that makes her happy, we come to understand our own introversion is not wrong in the slightest.

    One thing I love is Max's relationships to other characters. As a person with anxiety, she finds it very hard to interact with people of her own volition. We see in her texts she only really replies to her parents and Kate. It's easy for her to communicate with her parents as they are people she's known her entire life. With Kate, it has to do with Max's own compassion and relation to Kate. She can see herself in Kate, as Kate's depression and anxieties are worsened by the bullying she receives. She relates to Kate and tries to be a really good friend... good friend, huh?

    The game does not portray Max as a perfect human being. Max's greatest regret was not keeping in touch with her best friend, Chloe Price, after Chloe's father died. The most important relationship in Life is Strange is the relationship between Max and Chloe to the point where the game's main theme and ending credits song is the scored piece, Max and Chloe. Max feels guilt over this. Even though it was not her fault to leave, it is her fault for not keeping in touch with Chloe with Chloe needed her the most. If there is a main antagonist to this game, it is mental illness. It is a driving force that causes all of the problems for these characters. Max's anxiety over the death of William kept her from keeping in touch. What could Max say? What could Max possibly do to help? She was so far away from Chloe now... Max felt guilt over leaving Chloe, even though that was not her fault. This is compounded by Max's guilt over not keeping in touch. William's death affected Max just as it did Chloe. As a result, Max became very shut-in over this time period. And by the time Max might have recovered to talk again to Chloe, she couldn't. What could she possibly say? Too much time had passed. Chloe surely hated her. Despite this, Max carried that picture of her and Chloe dressed as pirates around everywhere. No matter what, Chloe was an extremely important part of her. Max is so broken up about this and she still can't bring herself to see Chloe again because of how much time passes.

    Max's rewind ability is definitely 100% related to the fact that Max wishes she could go back and have a do-over. She wants to go back and be there for Chloe, but she can't. But then fate hits. She sees a random girl get shot in the bathroom, and she suddenly wakes up back in the classroom from like ten minutes prior. This girl, brought by fate, was Chloe. Something she doesn't realize as she gets assaulted by Nathan in the parking lot, and then there she is. Saved by Chloe. Just like how she unknowingly just saved Chloe in the bathroom. Max and Chloe's relationship seems very much like just a normal friendship. But seeing how fate plays a role in this is important to how we see Max and Chloe. Max and Chloe's relationship goes beyond friendship, beyond romance, beyond anything we can really think about. They are, as I see it, literal soulmates. And this is an integral part in Max's development as a character.

    All of Max's development as a character is kickstarted by reuniting with Chloe. This is something neither of them would have initiated on their own. Chloe from her own perception of Max to Max's anxiety preventing her from doing it. Max would have remained a very introverted self hating girl who wouldn't be able to do anything with her photography, but it is through this fated meeting with Chloe that she begins to change for both of them. Their relationship with each other is integral to them healing and moving forward. Here I'll mostly focus on Max's side of growth and in my next post, if I make it, will be about Chloe. Despite being gone for five years, and despite Chloe's constant self-rants about how she hates and feel betrayed by Max, here they are. Max and Chloe simply together in her bedroom as if no time had passed. Chloe has some resentment still there, but we can see her brighten up when she sees Max. And similarly, Max does as well. They are, despite the time has passed, are still Max and Chloe. They are completely comfortable around each other. The choices you, the player, are able to make for Max show this. When David shows up and begins to berate Chloe, Max can come out immediately to defend and take the blame for her. If you don't do this, Chloe gets physically abused by David.

    When Max and Chloe are at the lighthouse, Chloe melts into the sunlight. Beauty and love are often symbolized in this game by the golden hour. The first time we get a good silent look at Chloe, it's Max looking at Chloe in her truck as the setting sun shines through onto Chloe. A mark of beauty that Max immediately attempts to capture with her camera, before realizing it broke. As I said, Chloe melts into the sunlight at the lighthouse. Even though five years have gone by, she tells Max that she was drugged and kidnapped by Nathan. She tells Max that she feels as though David is spying on her, which he is with his camera. All of these deep personal thoughts just spill out of her to Max, because she feels so comfortable around her. And Max too as well. Max has a tornado nightmare sequence and collapses, while Chloe worries for her. Max immediately tells her she can rewind time and that it was through this that she was able to save Chloe from Nathan in the bathroom. The snowfall in October convinces Chloe that Max is telling the truth.

    Every episode going forward continues this trend. It's hard not to just critically analyze the entire game, because the entire game is based around this idea of Max and Chloe's relationship and how that relationship grows and affects their own personal changes in the way they act. It's hard not to just go through every episode scene-by-scene which is something I wouldn't mind doing. I could say more, but I won't simply based on the fact that I don't know if I should continue this in an episode-by-episode analysis of the game, at least in the scope that Max and Chloe are soulmates and they are the reason for each other's positive growths. I hope you enjoyed this weird analysis, and I hope we can get some discussion going. Should I do this for the episodes? Or should I just stick to characters?

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [NO SPOILERS] We Wish You a Hella Christmas! by Ezekh

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:14 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Is Life is Strange 2 good?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:48 AM PST

    I just finished Life is Strange, and it was one of the best games I've ever played. I'm concidering buying Life is Strange 2. Is Life is Strange 2 good?

    submitted by /u/r_facepalm
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    [NO SPOILERS] Brother Wolf by ShivaWalker

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:29 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] merry chrysler y'all

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:32 PM PST

    [ALL] Feels amazing to get these xD

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:03 PM PST

    [ALL] Feels amazing to get these xD

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:02 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] S2-E5 'Remorseful' Achievement

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:15 AM PST

    Playing on Xbox One and have decided to go back and pick up two collectables from the final episode. Once I located collectable #4 that unlocks the Remorseful achievement I've added it to my bag per usual yet the achievement still remains locked.

    The really strange thing is when I located collectible #6 I was given this achievement and also unlocked Specks of Dust and All Roads Travelled as recognition of finding all collectables in episode and 5 and for all of Life is Strange 2.

    My achievements list now sits at 46/47 which has really bugged me. I've tried playing again in collectible mode and standard mode but neither has seemed to work.

    Has anybody experienced anything similar? Would there be a recommended contact to report this bug?... I need my 15G.

    Cheers :D

    submitted by /u/CawsMan
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    [ALL] I don't understand one thing about Lis 2

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:00 AM PST

    I'll keep it short and to the point, but what was the point of the two random people that shot Daniel? Why would the FBI or police involve themselves with people who have no business with this. It makes no sense as the FBI has enough resources to capture Daniel and Sean without their help. I found it to be very stupid and another way to force racism into the plot.

    submitted by /u/MasterHavik
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    [ALL] I've made a small BTS music video, i hope it's not that terrible >.<

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:26 PM PST

    [S2] Question about the ending...

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:56 PM PST

    How didn't Daniel get taken by the government for his power?

    They think two kids blowing away an entire police force is normal?

    Or was Max there to reverse time after he used his power and then a third person from LIS3 with a portal ability showed up conviently?

    That or Daniel knows how to play the race card extremely well huh ( ͡° ͜Ê– ͡°)

    submitted by /u/lefthandl
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    [NO SPOILERS] Does Lis2 really needs Mac OS 10.15.?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:11 AM PST

    I was a little taken aback when I read this. This is the newest Mac OS which was released 2 or 3 month ago, right?

    I really don't want to upgrade my macbook just to be able to play a game - especially since many apps stop working with the new upgrade. Is it confirmed that it will not run on Mac Os Mojave 10.14?

    Still hoping this might be a mistake in the article ..

    submitted by /u/maxlifeisstrange
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    [ALL] Summary after playing BtS, LiS, LiS 2

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:01 PM PST

    In the last couple of weekends I played the 3 Titles and the Captain spirit demo, I will summaries my experience in this post, it just reflects my opinion and you're more than welcome to argue against it.

    • First I started with Before the Storm, The Story was okay about how the relationship between Rachel and Chloe started, I thought the relationship was genuine, the Choices were straight forward, no major choices or consequences that matter to the main story, I don't think it deserves to be a Standalone game, The game ended in a mystery for me as the missed phone calls left the door open for many guesses for me as I started playing the games without even watching the trailers.

    • LiS was a good journey Indeed, The story also was straight forward with 1 major choice that had an impact which is the Ending choice, the rest of the story was narrow for a choice game, was more of a story being told than a game of choices and consequences, I understand this as it is the first game in the series, non the less it told a great story, Rachel missing was a surprise for me but as the episodes went on and more of the mysteries about her and her relationships unveiled I started to care less about the character and view her as a Manipulative and opportunist character, Dated whoever will get her closer to her dream, started with a troubled kid like Chloe then jumped to Frank and Jefferson who had more potential, I have nothing on the Story, what I would criticize would be other gameplay issues, but it is excused since it is only the 2nd game for the developer. I chose Save Chloe ending since the characters introduced in the game didn't really make an impact even Joyce, the characters lacked character or were introduced as douche bags for me to care about saving the bay.

    • LiS 2 and Captain Spirit (Did 2 playthroughs to unlock all the endings), I wouldn't lie I expected much more of this game, The game was also a Story being told more than a game of choices, many Major events like mushroom dying, Sean losing his eye could've been left to choices instead of being forced, the story was a bit weak compared to first game, the kids leaving the scene didn't make sense, even Karen reason for leaving and resorting to ghosting immediately after mentioning to Esteban that she needs a break doesn't even make sense, Daniels power developed from getting shot at 2 incidents to being suddenly able to repel shots from a small army at one of the endings, compared to Detroit become Human the gameplay was weak, every choice that didn't include morality didn't matter for the game ending and of course the major choice at the end either to surrender or keep going that didn't have real build up through the game. the 2nd playthrough was literally a pain, not being able to skip scenes, I hope things will be more smooth in their upcoming games. Episode 3 specially didn't make sense, the sudden fallout in the brothers relationship, it introduced Finn and Cassidy which is nice that they got included in one ending, but not giving the player a choice in a Major event which is the Heist which led to Sean losing his eye would make me give this episode a low rating. since they decided to mention Blackwell and Arcadia bay and decided that the timeline that the game will take place in is the same timeline that you chose to end LiS on, I wish they included more hints and papers like the pictures in David's trailer and Victoria's letter, such hints can be in newspapers scattered around, a missing picture of Rachel in the Camp would've made sense, since she liked to train hop as shown in BtS.

    in the End, I really like the series and hope it improves in the upcoming games, also please Introduce more Critical paths that will intersect throughout the game, LiS 2 was a disappointment because of that as Morality was the only Critical path that impacted the ending, their was no choices that impacted the brothers either surrendering or going to Puerto Lobos other than the choice at the ending mixed with the morality, the games were really straight forward and Forced.

    Thanks all for reading.

    submitted by /u/mynewRaccount
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