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    Friday, January 31, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Blue butterfly by EvaKosmos

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] Blue butterfly by EvaKosmos

    [NO SPOILERS] Blue butterfly by EvaKosmos

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:30 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] wolf bois and wolf gals by me!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 04:28 AM PST

    [NO SPOILER] Happy fifth anniversary Life is Stange ��

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:21 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Got bored in class today

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:34 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] did a painting of Max's Everyday Heros polaroid in celebration of this amazing game's 5th anniversary!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 10:28 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Everyday heroes by SketchingSands

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 03:02 PM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] does anyone know who drew this amazing art let me know their @

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:05 PM PST

    [S1] [OC] [WIP] another update on my drawing: in total spent around ~30min on the Two Whales, ~10min on the rest of Arcadia Bay, and ~20min on the landscape + lighthouse, it still looks terrible and I have no clue why I put a Tesco in America

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:16 PM PST

    [S2 E3] What

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:11 AM PST


    I'm in the weed farm area, gonna rob Merril, and Sean just started fucking making out with Finn. what. what. what the everloving holy hell spawn FUCK just happened.

    submitted by /u/iRepliToU
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    [ALL] In the Snow by Raidesart

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:32 PM PST

    [S1] [BtS] Thoughts about Rachel Amber

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:19 AM PST

    When I first played life is strange, I started with Life is Strange 1 and honestly at that point I was very turned off by Rachel Amber due to the fact that she cheated etc.

    But after I played Before the Storm, I was so taken by her that I completely forgotten of the fact mentioned above. She's charismatic, charming, funny, and even though she has issues still can't help but to be taken by her. Her character is honestly very lovable.

    I am so confused over how to feel about her and man, that's how you know the game is good when it makes you start questioning yourself.

    I guess ultimately my post doesn't really have a point but I just needed to share it due to the conflicts of how I'm feeling :/

    submitted by /u/crystal_xc
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    [S1 E3] Come watch

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:48 AM PST

    Doing a blind Playthrough on my twitch come join and follow if you enjoy! The first two episodes up on my youtube https://twitch.tv/robbie_hall

    submitted by /u/Robbie457
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    [NO SPOILERS] Why is there a “community event” for Chloe’s birthday but not Max’s?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:06 AM PST

    Why is there a "community event" for Chloe's birthday but not Max's?

    submitted by /u/_EllieLOL_
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    [S1] How come so many of you dislike warren?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:41 PM PST

    He's such a sweet character and genuinely cares for Max. My first play through I had him as the love interest but the second time I had Chloe. He was kind in both play throughs and was never rude if you decided not to go out with him. I read some post about how he seems creepy but I don't see that at all? He's just a nerdy guy who's in love with his friend. I love him and max together but I also love max and Chloe.

    submitted by /u/egghead1995
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    [No Spoilers] LIS Train Quotes

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:21 PM PST

    So I'm playing Before the Storm and have gotten to the point where I'm on the train with Rachel, and have to say. Little disappointed LIS 2 didn't use any of the quotes printed on the walls. Woulda been a nice nod to the reoccurring train references

    submitted by /u/LGuest_2001
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    [S1] The "Bad Choices" Playthrough…

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 04:09 PM PST

    With my anniversary of starting my first playthrough, and the 5th anniversary of S1E1 upon us, I thought I'd take a moment to write down some thoughts. Particularly, of a certain phenomenon I see on Twitch. Some players like to do what they call a "Bad Choices" playthrough, which, as the name implies, the player makes what they consider to be "bad" choices. I've thought about what choices I would make in such a playthrough. For this post, with few exceptions, I'll only list story-altering choices. Many of these are not objectively "good" or "bad," but are listed here because they change the story a certain way… or seem out-of-character for Max… or make someone mad.

    Episode 1

    • HIDE THE TRUTH. Both options have their pros and cons, but I feel it would go against Max's character to choose this option.
    • Talk with Daniel DaCosta, then DECLINE to let him sketch Max. This is one of those choices where the game gives you an opportunity to do X, but you choose to do Y. This is different from not talking with Daniel at all because with that, you're never given said opportunity.
    • Talk with Ms. Grant, then DON'T SIGN the petition. Same reasoning as above.
    • MAKE FUN OF VICTORIA. I'm sure many players feel that Victoria deserves it for the way she treated Max earlier, and the way she and Taylor are treating Kate, but I feel that this also goes against Max's character. It also sets up more hardship for Max.
    • DON'T WATER THE PLANT. Obviously.
    • REARRANGE THE PHOTOS in Victoria's room.
    • GRAB DANA'S PREGNANCY TEST, then DON'T REWIND. The pregnancy test is there to get more info about Dana by using the game's rewind mechanic, but when you don't, it just makes her mad.
    • DON'T HELP ALYSSA. Just leave her crying after Zachary throws a football and it hits her head.
    • TAKE A PHOTO of the interaction between Kate and David. This option just makes Kate mad.
    • LEAVE EVIDENCE. Max goes through David's files, don't undo it.
    • DON'T SAVE THE BLUE JAY. Something, something… bird flying into a window…
    • DON'T HIDE and then BLAME CHLOE. This is the worst outcome of this scene.

    Episode 2

    • Again, DON'T HELP ALYSSA. You're going to be not helping Alyssa in every episode.
    • Tell Kate to LOOK FOR PROOF. Even though the stats show that more players pick this option, it actually makes Kate's situation seem more hopeless.
    • DON'T REWIND after talking with Taylor… if you talk with Taylor.
    • ACCEPT Warren's invitation. Now I know putting this in a "Bad Choices" list may seem controversial, but Max actually sees Warren more as a cool geek brother than a potential romantic interest.
    • DON'T ANSWER KATE'S PHONE CALL. Just making Kate's situation worse, aren't you? Well, they don't call this a "Bad choices" run for nothing!
    • DON'T SHOOT FRANK. This one might also be a bit controversial. Even though Max has a strong dislike of guns, I feel that the true Max would do anything to help a friend. Also, Frank takes the gun if you select this option, letting Chloe down once again…
    • DAMAGE THE TRAIN TRACKS. Don't bother cutting the red wire; just roll that huge cable reel down the hill.
    • Tell Courtney, "I DON'T."
    • Tell Warren, "LOTS OF POTASSIUM." Give him a face full of powder.
    • DON'T tell Jefferson about David.
    • FAIL TO SAVE KATE. If you've done everything else on this list, you would only need to make the first two choices. Don't pick any of the good answers. I'd suggest "I had no idea" and "My phone died."
    • BLAME DAVID. Most people hate on Nathan at this point and blame him. Most people who already know the story would likely blame Jefferson. If you took the photo of David and Kate in episode 1, you can use it here to bust David.

    Episode 3

    • DON'T CHANGE THE GRADE on Warren's paper.
    • STEAL THE MONEY. Stealing is bad, mmmkay?
    • DON'T KISS CHLOE. Yes. I said it. And it's definitely the worse of the two options.
    • SIDE WITH DAVID. Sabotaging your relationship with Chloe is the other theme of this playthrough, isn't it?
    • DON'T HELP ALYSSA. AGAIN. This time, she's "drowning in puddle scum."
    • THROW IN PARKING LOT. Okay, this is technically the better of the two options since Pompidou is not hurt, but it sets up an even worse outcome later in the story.
    • If you find David's gun in Frank's RV, DON'T GIVE IT TO CHLOE. There is another point later where Chloe can get a gun.

    Episode 4

    • REFUSE Chloe's request. Making Chloe mad in two timelines. Nice.
    • DON'T TALK with Daniel.
    • STAY OUT OF IT. Letting Warren eat up Martha beat up Nathan ensures that Chloe has at least one gun in her possession, setting up…
    • Let Chloe KILL FRANK AND POMPIDOU, then LEAVE. This is the worst outcome of the scene at the beach. This requires Chloe having a gun and not hurting Pompidou previously.
    • DON'T HELP ALYSSA. This would be the fourth time.
    • Conversation with Victoria: Go full "Mean Girl" on Victoria during this conversation. Select these options: Blame, You suck, No need.
    • DON'T WARN VICTORIA. At this point, all lines of thinking appear to connect Nathan to the activities in the Dark Room, so warning Victoria is, in Max's opinion, the better option. DON'T DO IT!

    Episode 5

    • TELL THE TRUTH. This option, like telling or hiding the truth at the very beginning of episode 1 has its pros and cons. Pro: Jefferson won't hurt anyone again. Con: David is upset because he knows Chloe is dead. Jefferson is also dead. Though that fact's position as a pro or con depends on your opinion of him.
    • MAKE ALYSSA FALL. Initiate a conversation with Alyssa. She will step back and fall through a hole in the floor behind her.
    • DON'T HELP ANYONE ELSE. Leave the trucker to fend for himself and leave Evan and the fisherman as they are.
    • LEAVE. When it comes to the choice between this option, or hugging or kissing Warren, just leave him hanging.
    • SACRIFICE CHLOE. That's right, go ahead and undo everything you've done in this game. Enjoy listening to Spanish Sahara. You deserve it. You don't even get to kiss Chloe this time.
    submitted by /u/Redbird9346
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