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    Wednesday, January 8, 2020

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] The butterfly effect by GLPing

    Life Is Strange | [NO SPOILERS] The butterfly effect by GLPing

    [NO SPOILERS] The butterfly effect by GLPing

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 11:39 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] LiS2 art I drew almost a year ago now, but never posted here

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:48 AM PST

    [no spoilers] I drew the wolf brothers in Krita (my second drawing in Krita, criticism welcome)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:36 PM PST

    [No Spoilers] Got these today - hella excited to read them! :D

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:07 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] Got a tattoo for Life is Strange 2! Wolf Brothers forever!

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:46 PM PST

    [ALL] An interesting note about Chloe and Rachel's relationship

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:49 PM PST

    One thing I've always heard about Chloe and Rachel's relationship is how mutual they are with each other. But... I don't understand that in the slightest. One thing to note before I continue, and that's the fact that I believe that Rachel is a very interesting and complex character. That doesn't mean I think she's a good person, nor a good person in Chloe's life. This is assuming things that happened in Before the Storm, minus the plot holes in relation to Life is Strange, relate to Life is Strange. Let's talk about how I personally view their relationship: Chloe's incredibly strong one-sided feelings for Rachel and Rachel taking advantage of Chloe to further her own personal goals.

    Rachel seems to be a character that people either love or hate. For me I love her character, but I hate everything she does. A lot of people excuse what she does to Chloe in Before the Storm because "She's a teenager." But I don't like that argument in the slightest. First off, you can still be fully abusive and be in abusive relationships (friendship or romantic) as a teenager. We can see that clearly between Chloe and Eliot, with the latter often asserting that he deserves and own Chloe. The second thing is that the people who tend to say this also demonize Max, a thirteen year old child, for leaving because of her parents. So no, you cannot say Rachel isn't responsible for her actions in BtS when you're also demonizing Max all the time for what she did, and she's technically younger.

    Chloe and Rachel together are NOT a good pairing at all. Together they form an extremely toxic relationship based on their needs. Chloe needs someone to love and care about her and Rachel needs validation in her hatred for Arcadia Bay and wanting to leave. Chloe's off handed remarks about Arcadia Bay drive Rachel to believe Chloe is the one she needs to leave. However, Chloe reveals herself not to be this badass punk who hates the Bay and everyone in it. Rather she's this scared mentally ill and abused girl who just wants someone to see her. And whenever Rachel sees this? She gets angry and guilts Chloe into doing what she wants. She forces and manipulates Chloe into acting a certain way. And if Chloe fails to meet those expectations, she'll "leave" in order to MAKE Chloe come back and apologize for being herself. She hates it. She hates it so much when Chloe is the scared hurt girl who just needs love. She wants the Chloe she saw in episode one. So much so that she CONVINCES Chloe that she truly knows who Chloe is and not Chloe herself. As a result Chloe has identity crises. Whatever was left of the old Chloe is gone after Rachel appears. Why? Because Chloe tries to conform herself to Rachel's wishes. Rachel claims Chloe is one way, so Chloe tries to convince herself that she is who Rachel tells her she is. Why? Because Rachel is showing Chloe the immediate kind of love and attention she craves. She doesn't realize it's all fake though.

    It's also interesting to note that a majority of the bad things that ever happen to Chloe after William's death are related to Rachel's wishes. Even in LiS, everything that happens to Chloe is leftovers from Rachel.

    • Chloe getting expelled from Blackwell? To appease Rachel so she doesn't get kicked out of the play. Note that Rachel doesn't even TRY to stop Chloe from doing this.
    • Chloe getting confronted by Eliot after breaking into the Amber household? To get evidence FOR Rachel.
    • Chloe nearly getting murdered by Damon? To help Rachel.
    • Chloe going thousands of dollars into debt to Frank? To fix her truck so she could get Rachel out of Arcadia Bay, while Rachel was coincidentally fucking Frank, the guy threatening Chloe for his money.
    • Chloe going to a bar and trying to get money off of Nathan to pay off her debts? Related to the previous point, it's because Rachel never told Chloe about her relationship with Frank.
    • Chloe's eventual death and demise? A fully realized result of the abuse Rachel threw at Chloe. Chloe needed the money so in case Rachel ever came back, they could leave together. So Chloe wants the money from the horrible monster that drugged and kidnapped her and then dies. All for Rachel.

    I've never interpreted what they had as romance. Never. And even now I don't consider what they have even friendship. It was an abusive relationship where Rachel controlled and molded Chloe to fit what she wanted, and once she realized Chloe could not longer give her what she wanted, she moved on to Frank to try and get it from him. And once Frank couldn't give it to her? She moved on to Jefferson. For her, she was never in it for friendship or romance. She was in it for the fact she wanted to use humans as stepping stones for her escape to California. And Jefferson ended up being her big break to escape. She could have made up for it a little by sending her letter, but in the end it was easier not to. It would be admitting what she did was horrible and wrong by continuously lying to Chloe despite knowing Chloe was head over heels for her. And it's especially ironic when you realize Rachel herself in Before the Storm always put truth as high for herself, even if it destroyed or killed her. She needed to know the truth even if it ruined everything for her. But in the end, she couldn't do the same for Chloe. It wasn't out of the need that it might hurt Chloe, but the blowback Chloe might incur upon her. If Chloe realized their entire friendship was a lie, then Chloe might blow back everything bad Rachel has ever done to her in retaliation. And that is something Rachel does not want to deal with because in the end, Rachel views herself as number one. And what she wants goes above other people's feelings.

    We ourselves are presented in BtS to love Rachel the same way Chloe does, because we view the game through Chloe's eyes. Chloe idolizes Rachel and loves everything she does. Who are we supposed to hate in BtS? Eliot. The creepy stalker nice guy who demands that he owns Chloe and she belongs to him. But the interesting thing is, besides William's cryptic dream messages to Chloe, he is the only character in the game who points out Rachel is using Chloe for her own ends. And as the player, we are expected NOT to believe him because he is a horrible person. Chloe doesn't believe him because he's a horrible person We hate Eliot because of the outright horrible things he does and thinks about Chloe. But in this one moment when he outright confronts Chloe about Rachel's behavior, he is totally right. He is right that Chloe is being used by Rachel, but it doesn't come out of kindness to inform Chloe, but rather in his attempts to lure her back to him.

    As a result, when a player comes to the same conclusion about Rachel, we don't want to accept it about her. Why? Because Eliot thought that about her. And we hate Eliot. Therefore, we do not think Rachel is a bad person or using Chloe because Eliot came to that conclusion first. This is not a defense of Eliot in the slightest, he's still gross and horrible. I just thought it was interesting that Deck Nine did this. And it makes sense. Eliot is a gross manipulator who knows all the tricks in the book. Doesn't it make sense he would immediately see through Rachel's act?

    At her core, Rachel is an actress. And what we see in BtS is that acting is her greatest talent. And even though Chloe says Rachel is such a great actress, she never realizes that no matter if she's on stage or not, Rachel is playing a character. For Chloe. For her friends. For her parents. For Frank. All of them are being played by Rachel so she can achieve her goals of leaving the Bay. Rachel knew that Chloe loved her above all else. But she decided to never let Chloe down about it. She let Chloe live in her fantasy world, while Rachel gallivanted off with Frank and Jefferson. Even in the end, she was kinder to Frank than Chloe. She left a note for Frank indicating that their relationship was over. Never did that for Chloe. Because Frank would never confront her about it. But knowing of Chloe's mental illnesses and past of being abused... well... she couldn't risk any sign of feeling guilty about what she did. And that is why I don't think Rachel was ever good for Chloe. She put herself BEFORE Chloe when Chloe needed her the most.

    When Max arrives in Life is Strange... She puts Chloe before herself. Always. She always thinks of Chloe first and how she can help Chloe in some fashion. And that's why their relationship blossoms perfectly. Max helps Chloe build her true self up, while Rachel tears her down in favor of making a new Chloe. A Chloe that Chloe herself hates.

    submitted by /u/BeMoreChillFan
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    [S2] [Spoilers] So something about LiS2 that I think dose not get enough attention or credit.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:01 AM PST

    And that is the fact that Sean was 16. I mean I feel this gets glossed over as he is older than Daniel and Daniel act like a brat so you kind of just forget that Sean is just a kid too.

    I mean Sean just lost his Dad and everything he has ever know. He now not only has to keep himself alive but his little brother as well. Just the enormity of what was dropped on his shoulders is staggering. And I feel that all of us kind of just forget that fact sometimes as we play and discuss the game. While Daniel is the little brother foil Sean is still so young as well...

    submitted by /u/ILikeToDanceAndPogo
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    [S2] Just finished season 2 felt like talking.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:54 PM PST

    So first off, I finished LIS earlier this year. Was told by this wonderful community to wait and buy them all together, which is what I did.

    Was a little wary going into it knowing that there wasn't going to be any Max or Chloe, but wow. They did a fantastic job.

    I really liked how it handled transient lifestyles and the reality a lot of people live with. From tramps to traveling journalists, people on the run, or people with no safe place to call home.

    They all run away for different reasons and it's hard for many to find peace or acceptance. Safety for that matter. I've had friends in places similar to Away. It's a real part of America, and one that is often romanticized or ostracized.

    I think that there were a lot of great moments throughout the season, but I really enjoyed the conversation with Karen outside the motel. One of my favorite moments in the game. Especially if you choose to smoke a cigarette with her. Penny talking about Jinx was also a very real moment. Too many people go under the radar with too few people to care.

    Sean and Daniel were extremely endearing to me, I wish I could have given them a happier ending. But I loved them for the journey they took. Wolf Brothers forever!

    They caught me way off guard with Mr. Madsen, but wow, it was so awesome to hear about the girls and to see their picture.

    I still got a lot of thought rumbling around my head but all of them are in appreciation for the work the studio did.

    P.S. so cool that they gave Sean an eyepatch, who doesn't like a pirate?

    submitted by /u/Griffin_is_my_name
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    [S2 E5] Just started episode 5 and I cant wait to see what comes

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 02:57 PM PST

    I literally just started it and had to share. Did it make anyone else just super happy to see the wolf brothers reunited. That and Sean also adopted a bandana to wear around his neck like Daniel. Being an older and younger sibling, through a lot of this game I've tried to make it personal and it just seemed like a very good moment.

    I'm glad the church burned and the next time I play I'm gonna play on a war path and kill that bitch Lisbeth and Nicolas if I can. Been awhile since I've had so much anger towards fictional characters.

    Side note, any one here have brothers that just made the game more personal? When I think of Daniel and Sean, I of think of me and my youngest brother who shares a similar age gap. Also, how would.my older brothers be in this games situation. I dont know if I'd be able to do any of what Sean has done, but god dammit I'd go to the end of the earth for all my siblings and this game made me feel that a lot.

    I didnt think I would like LiS 2 so much at the start but as the story went it has sucked me in.

    submitted by /u/Spac3_Bandit0
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    [NO SPOILERS] Max Caulfield - leader of 3rd Street Saints

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:20 PM PST

    [S2 E3] I’m unable to progress in the game due to a glitch

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 11:18 AM PST

    So I was playing episode 3 last night and I decided to save and quit at the moment where Sean and Cassidy are sneaking into Big Joe's yard to steal a vehicle. Then today, I load back up the game to continue and I'm back at the camp, sneaking around (like I was doing at Big Joe's) and I'm unable to leave the camp to an invisible wall. The game has somehow transported me back to the camp when I'm supposed to be with Cassidy in Joe's yard.

    I've tried reloading the last checkpoint, it did nothing.

    Edit: I only had one save, so I loaded it in the menu, clicked Play Episode, went to 3, and then chose the most recent chapter I was supposed to be in and everything is working normally now, thankfully.

    submitted by /u/Zeuxon
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    [NO SPOILERS] Jesse's brother from Infinity Train Book 2 looks an awful lot like a certain Diaz brother

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:19 AM PST

    [NO SPOILERS] drew Max ��

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:31 PM PST

    [All] I just finished Life is Strange 2 yesterday and here are all my feels

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:25 PM PST

    I just finished the game last night and I got the ending where they crossed the border and made a car repair shop in Puerto Lobos. I was amazed how the wolf brothers looked so badass in my ending.

    I will explore different endings later, I hope I get an ending where they back at Away with Karen and the other. They seem so great.

    Also, one of my favorite part was exploring David's house.. So full of memories. I also listened to his phone call with Chloe (I assume). They got along after the storm and seem so close.

    submitted by /u/tanduayece
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    [All] Did any body choose ... in Farwell?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:07 PM PST

    Did anybody choose not to tell chloe you were moving. I chose to tell her as I think most people probably did. This seemed a lot more obvious of a choice then the ending of S1 and BtS.

    The only way I think someone might choose to keep it a secret is I think it fits the narrative better... but with that said I think sacrificing Chloe fit the narrative better too and I didn't pick that either.

    It is also pretty sad to think that if you do decide to sacrifice Chloe, the last time she ever heard Max's voice was on the tape recorder. Even though I saved her, that still makes me a little sad considering at least in my opinion, sacrificing Chloe seems like it would be the most likely cannon.

    submitted by /u/GOBen57
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    [S2 E5] Blond Sean

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 08:48 AM PST

    [S2 E5] A different kind of ending.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:48 PM PST

    Probable spoilers for Beyond Two Souls

    So what if the ending of LiS 2 is similar to Beyond Two Souls; the brothers are acquitted of their crimes and now have to choose where they want to live (and to some extent, be with):

    1. Go back to Seattle and rebuild your home (Choose Lyla)

    2. Their Grandparents in Beaver Creek (Choose Chris)

    3. Find the drifters and join them (Choose Finn or Cassidy)

    4. Stay with Karen in Away (Choose their Mother)

    5. Go to Puerto Lobos (Choose each other)

    Which would you pick? Personally I'd pick number 1. They deserve a normal life after everything.

    submitted by /u/DongLongQua_
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    [NO SPOILERS] Missing audio/subtitles on PS4

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:05 PM PST

    Playing BtS Ep 3 when suddenly, in the cutscenes, all audio and subtitles have disappeared. I heard this was a problem on Pc, but haven't been able to find much about problems for PS4. After rebooting the PS4 it seems to have sorted out the problem, for now. It could well happen again though. Has anyone experienced this?

    submitted by /u/MonklyStitch
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    [NO SPOILERS] If I were Daniel, I'd be wishing for the same thing!

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 03:26 PM PST

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